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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1926)
VER NONIA COLWTT NEWS NOTES FOR EAGLE READERS Classified Advertising WANTS and FOR SALE ♦♦»»»»♦»»♦♦♦♦♦*♦»♦♦♦***♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦*I****«****♦« Brief Summary of New» Note» Chronicled of Doings of County Gathered Especially for Eagle Readers +****+*♦»* All ads. under this head re cash with copy. Rates, one cent a word; initials and figures count as words. Minimum, 25 cents an issue. FOR SALE EAGER ja The Eagle covers the Vernonia V-* trading zone adequately because it reaches the home of persons who have money to buy commodities. These people watch the advs. for special offerings. That’s the reason it pays to advertise in the Eagle. Professional £ Business Directory LODGE NO I ICES ------ «------- Gladys says she knows a girl who thinks that a board directors is Vernonia Lodge, No. 184 A. DR. ELLA WIGHT a crossroads signpost. DR. C. J. WIGHT F. & A. M., meets at Grange In the Boston Museum of Fine CHIROPRACTORS Arts, there is an Egyptian Wooden Hall every Second and coffin 3,900 years old. The drawing Rheumatism Neuritis and painting on it are in a wonder I Stomach, Liver and Intestinal Fourth Thursday nights. ful state of preservation. It is said Troubles. to be the most important sarcopha W. H. HURLEY, Master. Delayed Menstruation Wm. PRINGLE, Secretary gus yet found. Visitors Welcome The descendant? of Confucius are well known in China today. BARGAIN — FOR SALE —FIVE EXTRA SCHOOL ROOM—Ar. ex-1 following: “A.J.25-D-395 D.” room, modern bungalow, lights I tra room will be added to the Wil-1 water, bath; two lots, 100x100 ft LAUNDRY IS SOLD—The St. Hel ark school this summer and an ex-1 of land, *2250 cash and payment tra teacher, which is needed, as en ens Steam laundry has been sold by plan. Located east side residenti rollment from the last term was from ' E. L. Van Gilder, who has owned section of Vernonia. Inquire at and operated it for the past 12 years twenty-eight to thirty children. to J. B. Duncan, Scappoose and his the Eagle office. Its a bargain42tf PASSES HIGH TEST—J. E. Eil.r sons, A. R. Duncan, of St. Helens son, former county roadmaster, but and R. E. Duncan of Hoquiam, Wn. FOR SALE—FORDSON TRACTOR now doing private practice, was one The consideration was in the neigh with hyster attachment; Fordson out of two who passed the examina borhood of *20,000 and the new fresno scrapper. J. E. Tapp, at tion for civil engineer, recently owners took possession June 1. The Vernonia Trading Co. 424 Furniture and Piano Moving given in Portland, out of a class of Van Gilders will take an extended 21 candidates. He is located at St. trip to Europe at once and on re FOR SALE—TWO YEAR OLD HOL. a Specialty turn Will make their home in St. Helens. stein bull, registered. See E. R. Helens. Treharne. - .08 HOSPITAL INCORPORATES — Local and Long Distance HAS NARROW ESCAPE — Earl The St. Helens General Hospital at FOR SALE—NINE ACRES OF BOT- Moving Bauserman, 6, son of Mr. and Mrs.I St. Helens has been incorporated for tom land, on main Nehalem high *10,000 by articles filed with the Roy A. Bauserman of Rainier was way, one and a half miles from state corporation commissioner at playing on a plank in the river j town. See E. R. Treharre. 4O.-> F. M. LOCKWOOD, Prop. Salem. Incorporators are Levi G. when it slipped out from in under Ross .Alice Carey, Joseph Ross and him and he fell into the river. His i Phone Main 923 cries for help was heard by Fred FOUND — BILL FOLD CONTAIN Adin Ross. Hartwick, who dragged the _ little ; ing money on Bridge Street. fellow out. He had swallowed con Owner may have same by indin- Headquarters at Waffle LUMBER INJURES WORKMAN water but was none tile tification. Square Deal Garage. —Frank LaMonte, St. Helens, while- siderable worse from the experience. House on Bridge St. 434 engaged in loading a steamer there had the misfortune to have a pi’e BASEBALL SCHEDULE RAIN DOES DAMAGE — The of lumber topple onto him. In the farmers of Scappoose section declare FOR REST OF SEASON LOWEST PRICES FOR mishap he suffered a double frac that they have had enough rain for ture of the right leg immediately awhile. Several of them lost fine INSIDE PAINTING June 13—Camas at Ryderwood, above the ankle. Before the busy outside paint fields of hay and the rain has Clatskanie at St. Hrl< Klamn at ing season starts I can quote cracked the Bing and Royal Anne Vancouver, Vernon, i . VVashoug.d you lowest pricee on all in MINT CROP IS GOOD—Prospects cherries. In Apple valley the cher side painting and varnish June 20—Ryder,v > 1 at Camas, for the mint crop on Puget Island ries were not so well developed and ing, walls, woodwork, floors, . Vancouver and the Dibblee bottoms on the Co the rain did not damage them. Many St. Helens at CL. I etc. Only the best, at Klama, Washougal at Vernonia. in that section have lost currants lumbia highway below Rainier are PAINTERS’ Paints, Var and gooseberries because there is a good. The mint which has already June 27—Camas at Clatskanie, Ry nishes and Enamels used fly that stings them and makes them on all jobs propogated in making rapid growth, derwood at St. Helens, K ama a. especially that upon higher eleva wormy. I GUARAKrrEE Washougal, Vancouver at Vernonia tion, while some of the new set crop satisfaction July 11 — St. Helens at Camas, was damaged by the heating of the PERFECT SCHOOL ATTEND Clatskanie at Ryderwood, Vernonia YCu, will save roots before planting. money by aiking ANCE—A family of six St. Helens at Kalama, Washougal at Vancouver for a quotation on school children established a record your work now. July 18—Vancouver at Camas, “COOTIE” RAGE STARTS — for the city schools and probably Clatskanie matrons have started a for the state in school attendance. Kalama at St. Helens, Vernonia at new rage in that section of the They are the children of Mr. and Clatskanie, Washougal at Rj derwood county with “cootie” parties. It is Mrs. Clyde Urie, three of them high July 25—Camas at Washougal, claimed that Quite an art gallery has school students, Eva, Hazel and St. Helens at Vancouver, Ciatskanie been started by the parties, what Alma, and three, Ruth, Ray and masterpieces have been painted, the Dorothy, in the McBride school. Dur at Klama, Ryderwood at Vernonia August 1—Vernonia at Camas, Chief refuses to discuss. ing the school year none were ab- sent nor tardy. Another family o if Washougal at St. Helens, V mcouver WORKMAN SUFFERS INJURY three children, Margaret, Anna and at Clatskanie, Kalama at Ryderwood —A near tragedy was averted by I Florence Negro, made a perfect rec- August 8—Camas at Kalama. St the rare presence of mind of fellow ord. F. R. ENOS Helens at Vernonia, ClaMkatiie at workmen when a gas line exploded Washougal, Ryderwood at Vancou- Vernonia, Phone 193 near Clatskanie last week, covering HOME BURNS—The home of Patrick Davis with fire and throwing Mr. and Mrs. Willis Burchett, one him 20 feet into a gravel pit. Work mile west of the Cloverdale road men threw sand upon him immed i near Rainier was totally destroyed fa iately, extinguishing the blaze, but by fire when an overheated kitchen he was painfully burned. stove caused the wall to take fire. Fire was first discovered about 10 FUNERAL HOME TO RISE—T. o’clock and Mrs. Burchett took her S. White, undertaker and county small son to the home of her sister A Vernonia Institution in Vernonia coroner of St. Helens will erect a j as the boy is just recovering from --PROMPT SERVICE— *16,000 funeral home on Willamette typhoid fever and haj to cared for! Btreet west of the new Methodist first. The fire was put out and while i We call for and deliver church. The building will consist of I she was visiting her sister about I Finish ------------------- Rough Dry two stories with basement and will ten minutes after this the home be of stucco finish. Mr. White and again caught fire but had such a WHEN IN A HURRY CALL his family will live in the second start that it was impossible to save -MAIN 711 story, the lower one being used fo> it. the funeral home. KILLS SKUNK) GTT’S HIT IN MAY INCORPORATE WARREN THE EYE—John McAdams of the —A movement is on foot to incor Dowling district near Clatskanie met' porate the town of Warren by some with an accident, when with his of the active residents. They claim grandson, Alvin, having killed a that the electricity question would civit cat and hearing Alfred Buck- , be settled quickly if an incorpora i ley coming, decided to give him a tion existed as the company could scare by hiding in the brush and not charge any overhead, being de making believe there was a skunk nied that pull by the state ruling hid. Alfred, after smelling the ani-| A canvaB will be made shortly to de mal and hearing a noise in the: brush, threw rocks thinking to vise a way towards that end. scare the cat out, but instead Me-' We call and deliver TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS. FIRST CAUCUS WINS—The first Adams received one of them in the I caucus nominees won out by a large eye. He was taken to a Portland | majority over the second caucus tick specialist for medical treatment The Leave orders with S. Wells, tailor, Phone Main 891 et in the Columbia City eection for skunk, oh, yes, Gladys, he’s a mole-' their new city officials. Newly elec skin coat now. ted officials are: W. P. Maclay, ma TAKES EXCEPTION — Captain yor; Vonnie Cody, recorder; W. Griffith, marshal; E. McVey, trea Orin Shepard of the steamer Taho surer; W. D. Cody, S. J. Eulrich, H. ma characterizes the remonstrance E. Freeland, E. C. Miller, O Henry against Japanese fishing of* their Olsen and A. J. Rambalski, council vessel while docked at the St. Hel ens warf as "small town stuff.” men. These remarks were inducted by SUE MeCORMICK LINE—Tw Capt. Shepard after an article pub Lincoln—FORD—Fordson damage suits for *66,000 in all, have lished in the Sentinel, in which it been filed against the McCormick stated that City Recorder Beeler in Steamship company by Rainier long-i formed angling Japs that there was WE CAN NOW SELL FORDS ’/«DOWN PAY shoremen for damages resulting a penalty attached to the amusement MENT while working on vessels at Long such as they were engaged in. "If view. C. Yeager asks *30,000, nam the Japs were fishing for salmon or BALANCE 12 EQUAL PAYMENTS ing the Columbia River Stevedoring trout or any other members of the -.„J Carl E.lfin"y tribe that amounts to some- company as codefendants. C Sandquist"asks" *25,ooo'for injuries thing there might be grounds fnr ex GENUINE FORD bub * chubs The suits were filed in Portland einption, ~ ’•"*■* and ‘ carp are practically good for nothing and the 13 plate batteries, $15.00 courts. more of them the Japs catch the BATTERY SERVICE JAIL NOT NEEDED—The fewest better the river is rid of the pests.” number of prisoners ever recorded; Master Fish Warden Ballagh ex during his term of office is now re-1 presses the opinoin that in so do i Phone 612 ported by Sheriff Wellington, who ing they are acting within their, rights. Japanese have alwrys been , has only two boarders. Four other prisoners, however, sentenced from1 allowed to fish for the named fish at: Columbia county are confined in the, all times while in ports of the' Multnomah county jail in Port’i-nd i river for their own consumption off being removed there when the cinir-' their own vessels and for their own ty bastile was filled to capacity. The pan. Ss. jail has accomodations for only nine inmates. All of the bunks were oc DRESSMAKING cupied throughout the winter. PRICES REASONABLE J. Merle and A. Kemper Satisfaction Guaranteed FIND DEAD CARRIER PIGEON —A carrier pigeon, apparently 841—1st AVENUE Everything in Magazines, Stationery,Pictures and bearing amessage written in code 432 MRS. MILLER has been found dead in St Helens Books—School and Office Supplies by Von A. Gray, who found the bird near the court house plaza. A rub ANNETTE BEAUTY SHOPPE . Art and Novelty Goods ber band on one of the pigeon’s legs MARCELLING had the letter and number L-202 on All lines of Beauty Work We do Picture Framing of All Kinds the outside of the bend and inside | Phone 431 ware the numerals 638. On the Upstairs in Pringle Bldg. 39ti other leg was a rubber band and the ERICAN LAUNDRY STATE LAUNDRY CO For Good Laundry Work CHAWFORD MOTOR CO DR. H. H. HURLEY Dentistry PACIF1C WOODMEN LIFE ASSOCIATION CAMP Meets 1st & 3rd Thursday nights at Sessmans hall. All visiting bro thers welcome. Emil Messing.C.C O. T. Bateman, Clerk and •> X-Ray Evenings by Appointment Office e'er. Halton’s Store emonia, Oregon I. O.O.F.—V ernonia L odge , No. 246 meets every Tuesday night at 8:0< o’clock, in Grange Hall G. B. SMITH, N. G. EMIL MESSING, Secretai DENTIST Vernonia, Oregon i _________ r Knights of Pythias. H arding L odge , 116 Vernonia, Or—Meet, Lester Sheeley every Monday night i> Grange Hall. All visit Attorney-at-Law ing brothers cordiallj invited. Vernonia, Oregon L R. Gil LCHRIEST, C. JACK NANCE. K, R 4 S. 'S VERNONIA TEMPLE No. G1 r PYTHIAN SISTERS GEORGE H. SHINN Meets every Wednesday night on th President lower floor of the Grange Hall. Al’ visiting Sisters and Brothers wel Columbia Co. Abstract come. Company MARJORIE COLE, M. E. C. PEARL WILKERSON, K.ofR.C St. Helens, Oregon <___________ ________ y VERNONIA GRANGE The Vernonia Grange meets on th second Saturday of every month a 7:30 P. M. Any members of th Grange living in or near Vernonia or visitine in the community, ar cordially invited to attend. F. E. MALMSTEN, Sec ,n Sjfc AMERICAN LE-" GION POST NO 119 meets 2nd & 4th Tues. Nites. Wm. Flogec.Cum . Tom Graham.Ad.i I I : s : : : i : : : : I We Call for and Deliver Within City Limits s : : Vernonia, Oregon ART STORE every Friday night at Legion hali H. E. McGRAW, Master, M. E. CARKIN, Ass’t Mastei HEMSTITCHING FLOWER STORE ____________________________ / REBECCA LODGE No. 243, I.O.O.F Meets every Second and Fourth Wed nesday in Grange Hall—Vernonia Visitors always welcome MRS. MAY MELLINGER, N. G. MRS. IRENE SPENCER. Sec’y. i : Cleaning and Pressing Repairing and Alterations Bridge Street MAIN 891 * • * Boy Scouts meet MOUNTAIN HEART ! S. WELLS MERCHANT TAILOR Mrs. Pearl Ryan Next door to Central Gro. 747 Bridge Street See the pretty new arrivals •------- :—---------------- > MARK EVERY GRAVE Memorials in Granite and Marble at. reduced prices / Write for Literature MRS. M. N LEWIS A CO. Fourth and Main Sts. Hillsboro 31tf CURLEY’S TRANSFER COMPANY Local Hauling and all kind* of team work Office at Kavanaugh Land Co. SPECIAL CARE WITH FURNITURE HAULING J. MASON DILLARD ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Phone 663 Res. Phone 663 Vernonia, Oregon Next to Carkin Cleaning Works y Here every Wednesday Í Portland - Vernonia Truck Line INSURED CARRIER VERNONIA OFFICE At the Brazing Works on Rose Ave; Phone Main 343 PORTLAND OFFICE Auto Freight Terminal E. Water ar d Yamhill Stx East 822«------- Office No. 11 Deliver to your door VERNONIA TRADING CO BUILDING MATERIAL SEWER TILE Brick, Sand, lime, Cempnt Wall Plaster. Gravel SPRAYS PARIS GREEN, BLACK LEAF j ........ 40, MAGGOTT BAIT ....... J CARLOAD ROLLED OATS Delivered in Vernonia, *38 a ton VERNONIA BOOK & ART STORE J. M. CLARK Real Estate Insurance Notary Public VERNONIA TRADING COMPANY Farm and City property for Cass Bergerson,J. E. 'Bapp «ale. List your property One Block from Depot on Rail- road Track . with me I get reults. A. A. A. A. A. A. A AAAAAAA.A.. ;