Ilern onia Entered as second-class matter August 4, 1922, at the post office at Vernonia, Oregon, aader tha Aeta of March 3, 1579.______________ ___________ _________ _— VERNONIA, OREGON, FRIDAY JUNE 11, 1926 Volume 4 ____ Paul Robinson, Editor and Owner Number 44 —W VERNiiNIA VICTOR OVER VANCOUVER I THE BIG DUCK TODAY j ; : | ; ; : ; | I i j ! f : i ■ i Is Chief Gunner Davis, who shoots the slants down to Hud- dy. Smiling Davis, as he is known, always thinks before he speaks and seldom speaks. Any way, from the time he arrived in Vancouver until he left, there was no comfort for the barracks ball team. He had those Vancouverites moaning so loud that even Seattle com- plained of the noise. It was a lovely day for surprises and the Lower Columbia league sure got one, when the news spread that the mighty Davis had given Vancouver a ten to three mauling. I Score R H Vernonia ............................... 10 11 Seventh Infantry ................ 374 Batteries: Davis and Hudson; Mor­ ris, McDermott and Quinn, Grant. Flying in a “V” shape the Ver nonia Ducks journeyed to Vancou ver last Sunday. They arrived a Kellies field on time and in the besl of condition. Every one in town wa- there to greet them, including tb< general and chief of police. Fot Borne unknown reason every one fell Borry for the Ducks, they had traveled a long ways and were to face the best team in the league There was one that never felt that way and that was Hudson, our new manager. He listened to their boast and praise about their wonderfu1 team, grined and walked away. Hud dy knows this ball business so well that it will take a far better team than Vancouver to beat them. The Ducks just swam all around Voncou ver, iti was easy pickings for them and towai d evening they flew home with a 10 to 3 victory When Morgan quit the team last week it was feared that a new short stop woulj be hard to find, but by Hudson’s witl, Norwest was shif­ ted to short and Nance to second and both shine up like a million dol­ lars. The fans are going to go wild over thè way Rotula plays third base His work has been wonderful and everyone hopes that he will remain on that position. Our outfield, Welsh and Escallier is a combination that can’t be beat. Escallier stole so many bases last Sunday that he was al­ most given a court martial. Next Sunday Washougal and the Ducks will have it out at Washougal. ---------- 4------ — BANQUET AND TALKFEAST HELD BY VERNONIA C. of C. Last Friday the Vernonia Cham­ ber of Commerce held a dinner ami social meet at the Grange hall. President. Davis in the chair and about twenty members present. The eats were immense ami the talks at the table interesting, important ami sound. Many subjects were discussed that will receive immediate attention by the board of directors. The sub­ ject of a Princess from Vernonia to attend the big ceremonies at As­ toria July 21, 22 and 23 was talked over and several thought it would be a good publicity stunt for the city. aB many thousands of visitors will be in Astoria those days. A popular voting contest would be the proper way to select the lady and each lodge and order in the city should bring out a contest. It was decided to join the Lower Columbia association of commercial clubs. The subject of gravel for the last mile on the Kea- sey road was brought up again and discussion failed to finish the road, but it is believed that the work will now be completed soon, as will also some work on Bridge street from the Vernonia hotel to the foot of the O.-A. hill. Noon luncheons will mark every meeting. The chamber can ac­ complish much for the town and val­ ley if we will all take an interest and attend regularly. The dues are on“ dollar a month. 35,000 FISH IN VERNONIA WATERS Game Warden Wm. Brown was in Vernonia Thursday supervising the planting of SO cans, or about 35,- 000 new fish in the Rock Creek, in the Vernonia city limits, near where the creek flows into the Ne- hale mriver. The new fish is Cut Throat trout, six inches long and they come from the Necanicum hatchery near Seaside. ----- *----- Dora Sexton, president of the Re­ bekah Assembly of Oregon will pay her official visit to Mountain Heart Rebekah Lodge No. 243 of Vernonia on June 11, 1926 at 8 o'clock. All Rebekah's please come. Lumber Mill Inspected GIVE 'EM A PLACE TO PLAY FOREST FIRE CAUSES LITTLE UNEMPLOYMENT IS P. S. WOODIN IS REELECTED LOSS OF $25,000 FOUND ON WEST COAST HEAD OF MINING BUREAU This is the slogan adopted at the VERNONIA PLANT VIEWED BY meeting of the Ladies Athletic club Mining Bureau Annual Meeting Held B«rry Pickers in Demand-Building Connacher Logging Co., Operating Near Vernonia, Suffers Heavily Construction Active—More High RAIL HEAD AND PARTY. when they decided on Saturday the in Riverside Park Last Saturday From Blaze; 4 Million Feet of 12, all day, as a tag day for the way Work Started—Log­ has Enthusiastic Attendance. benefit of the Vernonia play ground Timber Burned Over. ging Slower. W. F. Turner, President of Spok­ or city park. Never has the city The following are some of the ane, Portland A Seattle Lin®, needed anything so badly as it needs gathered at the offices of Portland, June 7,— (Special),— The Connacher Logging company this park. The land has been paid statistics Heads Visitors, for and much work has been done, thje Southewestem Oregon Mining Berry pickers are in heavy demand operating about five miles southeast such as blasting and burning stumps Now it must be graded and a band stand, benches, swings must be built where our band can play and public speakers may hold forth, where our visitors and hotel people, our mothers and their children may hav a place to sit and enjoy a park, right in the heart of our city and on tne banks of Rock Creek, all this would be worth many thousands to many cities to have such wonderful trees and such a pretty stream of water to beautify their park. The American Legion has started work on the big cedar tree, that will make on of the largest flag poles any park could ever have. Let every citizen, both man, woman and child, give their little might to this wonderful park and let Vernonia go on the map as having put over the biggest tag day in history It is the boys ana girls of today to whom we must look for­ ward too, as good citizens, to take up the affairs, not only of our city but of our nation. Ne; i every city of any size throughout t .e great U. S. has a city park o lay ground. The spirit shown by • i athletic club of ladies and mothers, representing all sections of the city and their unity and understanding of the things that go to make Vernonia a good commercial city and that we must all help to make this city In­ viting to investors, tourists, citizens an