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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1926)
11 crn onia ________ Eetered a» »««ong-cla,. matter Auguit 4,_1»22, at the poat office at Varaoaia, Oregon, under the Acte of March 3, 187». VERNPNIA, OREGON, FRIDAY JUNE 4, 1926 DUCKS WIN TWO GAMES MEMORIAL DAY WAS PERFECT DAY HERE In every detail, exactly as pub lished in last week’s Eagle, the day’s program for Memorial day was carried to a finish last Monday. The day waa a perfect one for the beautiful and solemn ceremonies for such occassions and those expected to participate were not tardy in ap pearing for action. The W. R. C. and the American Legion were in charge of the day and program and they were ably assisted by the Boy Scouts, Spanish and Civil War Vets, school children and citizens, some of all classes tak ing part in the parade at 10 o’clock. The Memorial day services were held at the church in the afternoon and a large crowd attended. The days services at the church were as advertised previously and the hon ored guests—Justin Weed and J. B. Stevens, both had parts on the well arranged and splendid program of talking and singing. Many people were out of the city both Sunday and Monday, but those who remained and attended the var ious events of the day were glad that they did so. The buildings were beautifully decorated Monday, al though on Sunday very few flags were noticed. Volume 4 Number 43 TkiE ¿RIDGE OF PROGRESS Paul Robinson, Editor and Owner BOLD ROBBERY ON MAIN STREETOF CITY WORKERS ARE BUSYFORARMY Early after three o’clock Friday morning of last week, some one en tered the “Home Bakery” and helped themselves to the cash reg ister where a portion of the days re Envoy Lillian Gray, of Sal* Sunday and Memorial Day ceipts were left for change the fol Games Prove Victory lowing day. There was some silver vation Army Is Working and some substantial checks as well at Grounds in Vernonia. .. as currency. The sneak thief evi dently cared for nothing but bills .is that is the only kind of money he carried away with him The bills totaled about sixty dollars, enougn for a couple good stacks of chips in Kalama and East Portland Teams Home Work of Army Proovei Blue the average Vernonia poker gam-. Meet Waterloo; Next Game ing for Unfortunates in Oregon; The work end of the bakery is op at Vancouver Barracks Is Only Accredited Solicitor erated all night and as the electric Sunday in State mixer was operating, the noise of the machine made it possible for the Envoy Lillian A. Gray, represent rounders to enter the front door SUNDAYS HERO help themselves and make their get ing the divisional headquarters of | The king of heroes is now | the Salvation Army, is here putting away. | with us and if any one has any Although Vernonia is a tame city on a campaign for that work. The | medals they wish to decorate ) we have as other places have, sev envoy was here last year in Novem | just pin them on the manly eral who have been here for some ber and gained many friends for the | chest of Chief Norwest. This is I She is the only authorized time with no visable means of sup army. | the proper place for them, and port, although some of them wer.r solicitor for the state of Oregon and | if you saw chief giving those good clothes, smoke regular, e.-.t puts these campaigns on all over the | Kalama boys a lesson in how I regular and exist in their chosen so state. She has one assistant, Envoy | to play baseball you will agree I ciety at the expense of some hone t Rynbergen. She is a public speaker | that he should have all the man or taxpayer Every worker con as well as a campaign worker often | darn medals in captavity. If tributes to the loafer and profes iddressing clubs and preaching la | you could figure a man’s wealth sional gambler whether we realize it the churches where her work calls | by the way he plays ball, ---------- ♦---------- or not. See that your doors are her. | chief .would be nothing less CHURCH WORKERS STAGE The Salvation Army, so states locked. Theives we will always have A town’s success depends mainly upon the number of successful people | than a billionaire. Norwest was SUCCESSFUL OPERETTA with us, although the enforcement Envoy Gray, have a new club, the in it, and since material success is usually measured in terms of dollars and | scooping up those hot ground- I Boys Red Shield cub and have at of the vag law might help. this feature of local enterprise cannot be overlooked. | ers and covering so much | Sixty Young People of Church Take cents, this writing 340 boys who take ad Probably many are tired of hearing it preached that saving is the --------- ♦---------- Part in Operetta. | ground that even a big leaguer vantage of the wonderful privileges surest road to financial independence, but from a community standpoint PYTHIANS AND KNIGHTS J could not have done better. the wisdom of this advice cannot be urged too strongly. Unless the idea offered them as the club. This takes ATTEND FESTIVAL A Christian church benefit in the of properly investing time and money is accepted, progress will be cur in the undernourished and under- By EAGLE SPORT EDITOR way of an operetta entitled “The tailed. About 120 members of the St. priviliged boy. Thej are taught by a A bank account, systematically maintained, will prove to be a bridge Escallier layed down an easy Snowqueen” was given last Tuesday conpetent teacher from the Poli- grounder to Hornsby and was safe night to a crowded audience. About over obstacles which now block the way to home ownership or the realiza Helens Knights of Pythias and Py tecnic school of Portland who gives tion of some other aim in life. We can live in comfort, spend wisely and thian Sisters and thirty from Ver at first. Morgan sacrificied, advanc sixty young people were holding save at the same time on a modest income. The important thing in saving ing Escallier to second, Norwest parts in the song-fieet that was in Is the regularity with which we lay aside a certain amount at stated in nonia, with the 26 piece band of the ENVOY L. A. GRAY St. Helens lodge attended the annual the mohamed of biff, banged out a deed ably given and joyfully re tervals. double, scoring Escallier, Chief ceived. Vernonia talent along music Men and women who follow this practice are a decided asset to Ver strawberry festival given last T1 ir scored on Nances single, giving the lines is beginning to be known out nonia. They are the real boosters of the town and more should be en day by the Lake River lodge No. 124 of Ridgefield, Washington. The ducks two runs of the four they got side of our own boundaries and such couraged to follow their example. lodges represented in the big crowd Out of four trips to the plate chief entertainments as given last Tues VERNONIA MASONS WILL RE filled two -oats and a barge for the slammed out two doubles and two day night are beneficial as well as DRY KILN FIRE AT CEIVE TRAVELING TROWEL Journey to Ridgefield. BIG SHINGLE MILL The hall al singles. entertaining. Each participant Ridgefield was packed full by th? Su«>day’s Game handled their respective part in a The traveling trowel of the Ma crowd—and strawberries. RHE splendid, almost perfect manner. If It was last Saturday that thej The festival is an annual event at Vernonia ...................................... 4 9 1 you missed the operetta, you missed shingles in the 'c dry kiln at the sonic lodge which will be brought to Kalama .......................................1 6 6 a good entertainment. Johnson-McGraw ’’..ingle mill was re-' the St. Helens lodge some time in which Ridgefield lodge entertain? Batteries: Davis and Hudson: ported on fire. Investigation disclosed July and which is an exact replica Avon Lodge No. 62 'of St. Helens. ---------- ♦---------- Roalsen, Kuss and Jocoberger. that the shingles inside were burningj of the one used bv George Wasb’n'*- Each fall the St. Heens lodge is host CHERRY FRUIT FLY IS Two base hits: Norwest, two REPORTED ON WING The kiln is provided with a sprinkling j ton, was to have been presented to to Ridgefield at a clam chowder feed ----------♦---------- Sacrifice: Morgan, Manning. Struck system that was put into use and all i the St. Helens lodge June 3 bv the out by Davis five; walker four. By Entomologiit of Oregon Agricultural done that was possible to extinguish) Clatskanie lodge. Under the change OVER HUNDRED ATTEND MASONIC LODGE HERE Roalsen one in three innings. Kuss College Adviioa County Agent the blaze. Shingle dry kiln fires are) of plans announced the trowel will three, walked one in six innings. to put Spray on for Pelt. very hard to handle and the damage go from Clatskanie to the Rainier Wild pitch, Kuss, two, Roalsen one. done to the shingles will reach $3,- lodge and from Rainier to Portland About twenty-two members of the The cherry fruit fly has been re 000. Insurance was carried, which Portland will take it to the Vernon Masonic lodge of St. Helens attend- Losing pitcher Kuss. Umpires, Nance ported on the wing by Professor Don will help in replacing the time and ia lodge and a delegation from Ver ded the meeting held here Thursday and Barton. nonia will bring it to St. Helens at of all the Masonic lodges in Colum C. Mote, entomologist at the Oregon work of the big loss. Monday’s Game a date to be determined later. ----------♦---------- bia county. Every lodge was represen RHE Agricultural college, and he advised --------- +--------- ted at the joint meeting with a total Vernonia ................................. 10 10 2 County Agent Nelson by wire Wed MEMBERS OF MASONIC ORDER. NEWS ITEMS WANTED attendance of more than one hun East Portland ........................ 5 3 4 nesday that the spray should be put WERE NUMEROUS THURSDAY on at this time for the control of dred. The session was the last of the Batteries: Manning and Hudson: the same. Every lodge, order, society, church Korhomenn and Bholor. Visitors from various surrounding or club in the city is cordially in Masonic county meetings for this see The spray solution Is composed of son. Manager Hudson, who undertook Th« Salvation Army Homa Servieo towns were in Vernonia last Thurs ----------♦---------- the leadership of the Vernonia team one-half pound of arsenate of lead, day night attending the convention vited and earnestly urged to see that Representative for Oregon Who two quarts of syrup and 10 gallons some member send in frequent re Our attention was called to the last Monday, certainly showed the 1» Now Working in Vernonia. held with the Masonic lodge at this fans that he understands the game. of water. This is enough for 80 trees. place, Many cars were parked around ports of their socials and meetings. exceptionally impressive event at With only a few days notice Hudson It is not necessary to spray thor the hall and on the streets as testi These reports cost nothing, are in the bridge on Memorial day. As the two hours one day and from two to deed appreciated by the editor, the parade hesitated for the ceremony, three hours the next day. Here they jumped right in and began the over oughly as the sweet solution serves mony of the large attendance. It hauling of the machinery. Hudson's as bait for the fly. If the first spray was a late hour when the departing public and the orders. Not being a honoring departed sailors and as the are taught music, photography and remarkable work has given Vernori- ing is properly timed, the second and members were expressing themselves member of all the organizations program was finished, a lady dropped how to make radios and the differ ia the only ball team that it has third spraying with same material is with the splendid features introduced makes it impossible for the paper to a beautiful bouquet of flowers in the ent branches of work they are best If it know of the events unless kindly told water, at the time repeating one of fitted for. Every year they are given ever had. Sunday they went right due one and two weeks later. at the meeting, including the session or reported by some member. rains any time between spraying or the beat and most devout prayers an outing at some nice place selec out and handed Kalama, one of the business and the banquet. ---------- ♦---------- ever listened to at a like ceremony. ted by the army. best teams in the league a good within 10 days after the third spray ---------- ♦---------- WILL TEACH AT HOOD RIVER The crowd with uncovered heads Last year it was a great time with whipping. And Monday they walked ing, extra spray is given as soon as LOWER COLUMBIA LEAGUE were in silent attention adding to 120 boys taking advantage of the all over the strong Portland team. the trees are dry. STANDINGS This insect is scattered throughout One With the lineup of the Vernonia W. L. Pct Former Instructor of Engfiih in the beauty of the event. Such impres opportunity afforded them. Local High Will Not Teach sive occurances linger long in the little boy had done something bad Ducks as it is now there is nothing the Willamette valley and is increas Vancouver Barracks ......... .4 1 .800 Here Next Year. and was committed (by the juvinile heart. along the Columbia river including ing. It will continue to be numerous St. Helens ............................ .3 1 .750 unless all cherry growers unite to Ryderwood ............................ .3 1 .750 judge) to the Red Sheild club, saw ----------*------ --- Portland that has even a chance Washougal ............................ .2 2 .500 the captain pray and then heard him It is with deep regret on the part Davis, our new pitcher, who work control the pest. One neglected tree Kalama STRONG COMMENTS ................................ 1 2 :333 explain prayer, went home and ed in the Kalama game Sunday, had will infest a radius of a quarter of a Vernonia ...... ......... ............ .1 2 .333 of many parents and former pupils clear sailing all the way. He just mile. Vernonia basbeall team is certainly when he did not eat, his father Camas .................................... .1 3 .250 in the school that Miss Cecilia Bel) ---------- ♦---------- Clatskanie ........................... 0 3 .000 will not teach in the local high getting son^p good comments this asked him why he did not eat and stood those boys on their ears. Some St. Helena Couple Married. school next year. For the past three week. We are well pleased with the the lad said: “Daddy, why don’t you Sunday’s Results times he would fill the bags just to • RHE years Miss Bell has had charge of playing and hope all the citizens pray?” His father said “you eat” and A marriage license was issued last let Kalama enjoy themselves, then 4 9 2 the English department in the high Vernonia ......................... the lad said, “I can’t, I want you to he would turn loose and whiff three Tuesday at Chehalis, Wash., to At 1 8 4 school here and has proved of ex give the club more support. A good pray.” This so convicted the father Kalama.............................. ball team is a good asset to a live in a row for a little exercise. Es- Merriman M. Rubens and Edna H. Batteries: Beamis and Hudson ■ Mr. Roanson, ceptional worth. Very few schools town. The success of the team de he went to his room, got the Bible calleir, the new center fielder can Lynch, both of St. Helens. Kuff and Jacoburger. Rubens is well known in Vernonia, R H F in the state have been fortunate pends a great deal on the public down and there on his knees re run farther in less time than any one. Don’t be surprised if you see where for several years he has been At St. Helens ..................... 14 14 5 enough to have as capable and effi support it receives. Attend every newed his forgotten vows anil the The him lay down a bunt and make a employed in the fire patrol with Camas ................................... 7 8 4 cient an instructor. game possible and leave the hammer home become a happy one. Batteries: Brown and Laneheart father secured work and is now a Miss Bell left last week for her at home. home run from it. The ducks are just headquarters here. Cornelson. Jamison and Johnson. vaient worker in his church. This is ------«------ over loaded with all kinds of class RHF home in Pioneer, Or., where she Ths Entertain in St. Halen». Next year and everyone of them are a real ball Mrs. Norris Soden returned home only one of many instances. 2 7 3 will spend the summer. At Clatskanie Mac’s band is preparing to give Ryderwood 4 5 3 she will head the English department recently after a several day stay in White Sheild home for the unfor player and they are going to cause Batteries: Heisman and Sorvers: of the Hood River high school, a Portland, where she had been attend tunate girl is also another phase of lots of moaning wherever they are ■ concert and entertainment in St. Bloomquist and Eubanks. Helens next week. The St. Helens superior position to that she held ing to business matters and visiting the army work. At the last inquiry scheduled to play. rm R: there was 50 girls and 28 babies in Well ladies and gents, the ducks people will not only enjoy the music At Washougal .................... 6 12 6 here. Our rest loss is indeed a gain with friends and relatives. this wonderful home. Ninety-five per for Hood River. • • • attack Uncle Sam at Vancouver bar but will marvel over the fact that Vancouver Barracks 4 9 0 | _NEW ARRIVALS ? cent of these girls make good re Vernonia has such a splendid or racks next Sunday, June 16. Batteries: Hulland and Geary; Bo- Mr. and Mrs. Maurise Richardson citizens and leave the ganization of real musicians. gart and Schmitt. Monday’s Game --------------------------- <*■ spectable observed Memorial day and the week o HEATH ---------- A---------- home wiser, better and nearly all ---------- ♦---------- — Born to Mr. and Mrs. The Ducks done the goose step all Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilson and Ben Connors, who Is employed in end, visiting with relatives in St. He) Arthur Heath, May 26th, a baby girl Christians. They have home coming over East Portland Monday after children spent Sunday visiting with the fire patrol with headquarters in ens. day and these girls can go and find noon. That is they didn’t go to Port friends an<j relatives in St. Helens. Vernonia, spent the week end with --------- - It MOURER-To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph a motherly love awaiting them. land to do it but east Portland came ---------- ♦---------- Mrs. H .H. Hixon and son Boyd Mourer, May 18, a baby boy. relatives and friends in St. Helens might have been yours or mine con out here to get their trouncing. Mrs. J. C. Lincoln and daughter spent a few days in Skamokawa. ---------- ♦---------- cluded Envoy Gray, and we believe Manning served them a ten to five spent a few days last week in Silver- L. R. Gillchrast was a business Washington last week visiting her KNIGHT-To Mr. and Mrs. Elmore the Bible, “Let him without tin cast Coatiaaed Ml gaae S ton visiting friends. visitor in Portland last week. sister, Mrs. H. E. GilL Knight, May 24, a baby girL the first stone.” Weather Exceptional Two Do Vast Work