VERNONIA riE ... Mac Says VERNONIA UNION EAGLE HIGH A New Hom« « Buy -□r those who parade the streets in punc- tuated bathing attire should be cen­ sored. SCHOOL NO. 1 ---------- ------------- Candidate pictures in the daily papers arc numerous. We noticed a picture of .i woman and read down quite at ;. s of her qualifications be fore we <1. ..verej we were reading a Lydia E. Pinkham advertisement --------- *--------- If you wish you were a rock CARD OF THANKS A sittin’ on a hill, We wish to thank the many friends and neighbors for their sympathy and beautiful floral offerings nt the deat hof our beloved mother and sister. Mr. M. R. Kerns, Mrs. Lewis Snider, Mr. C. II. Tucker, Mi. V. S. Tucker, Mrs. Walter Parker, Mr. E. L. Tucker, Mrs. T. F. Keasey --------- *---------- A doin' nothing a1! day long But just a sitting still, Wouldn’t sleep; wouldn’t eat, f CHURCH NOTICES *j’ ----------------------------- © Wouldn’t even wash, CHRISTIAN CHURCH Oliver L. Curtis, Pastor You want to sit still a thous and years And rest yourself by gosh. Get a bottle of A.D.S. Sai saparilla— Fine for spring fever We have it. In Vernonia, it’s MAC’S PHARMACY VERNONIA HIGH CLOSES YEAR i (Continued From Page 1) and worked with the printers on the ®--------------------------------------------- -Ä corrections Friday. The finished an-1 I Legal*—Summons and PUBLICATIONS nuals are expected on Thursday afternoon. ®----------------------------------------------- $ NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT PROGRAM In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia County. the stage1 The class-day program was given before the student body Thursday afternoon. The program was: “March of the ’26,” composed and played by Louise Malmsten. Presidents address, Charles Hoff-' I i man. Comic class history, Lou Lester. Instrumental duet, Lois and Louise Malmsten. Class prophecy, Lawrence Dick­ son. Reading “A Song of Sherwood,” I Margaret Smith. Valedictorian address, Jessie George. Xylophone solo, Charles Hoffman Presentation of the key of knowledge to Juniors. Class song. on the opposite side “Seniors coral was printed in .silver “Juniors.” On one end was the fig­ ure “’26” also in the seniors colors and on the other end “’27” in the juniors colors .In one of the gym a booth trimmed in the seniors colors held the punch and oh! what good punch .The “Revelers’ played such music that even those who did not dance couldn’t prevent themselves from enjoying the pleasure of the others. Refreshments were serve(| in the latter part of the evening and were they good? You bet! Mr. and Mrs. .1. Lindley ami Mr and Mrs. A. J. Hughes acted as patrons. Everyone left the school building realizing this was the best prom and the best social event ever put over, in V. H. S.. The success of the proin was due to the sincere and honest cooperation of the prom committee. people out of mental and spiritual darkness? These seldom get great rewards in money. Are they failures? Which is the greatest success, the poet or the surgeon? The bridge builder or the preacher? The violin­ ist or the financier? How do you know? And if we cannot tell whether this man’s work or anothers will have greater worth at the final accounting, hi w do we qualify as judges of any man's success when we don’t even know what his ambi­ tions are? --------- +--------- wear a swimming costume in the! streets unless it is covered with an outer garment. The aidermen reasoned that there were too many bathing beauties and “asphalt arabs” who disported them selves, in and out of season, without suffici r.t covering. No bathing suit, no mi ter how abbreviated, is Im-* moral when worn at the beach in bathin ; season, it was argued. But splendid attendance at the Bibb i-kool last Sunday, but we ure going u look for a better one next sunday. At both the Bible school nd the . hurch services. The message in the evening will be given to the “Odd Follows.” There will be a large attendance at this service and the Odd Fellow’s will have a place re­ served as tehy will come in a body Sunday, May 30 there will be union service and address for Memorial day in the Christian church. --------- ♦--------- SEE ANDREW PARKER for all Real sale kinds of land and lots, agent. Let me show you what I can sell you. I feel sure I can please you to the letter. 368 --------- ♦---------- The girls may catch men by the use of face powder, but it will take baking powder to hold ’em. 7r. NOTICE OF CANOIDACY I wish to hereby announce my candidacy for the Republican nomin- .i.iion as Commissioner of Columbia County at the May primaries. If nominated and elected I will do my best to further the best ir. terests of the county as a whole, at I have tried to do in the past. J. N. MILLER 39tf --------- ♦--------- Has your subscription expired. WHITE FRONT CANDY K ITCHEN West Bridge Strut Coolest Place in Town ESKIMO PIE DIXIES, CONES, BULK ICE CREAM COLD DRINKS BRICK ICE CREAM In the matter of the estate of DAISY B. DOBBS, Deceased. Notice is hereby given, that the un dersigned, as administrator of the estate of Daisy B. Dobbs, deceased I, has filed his Final Account in the County Court of the State of Ore­ VALEDICTORIAN ADDRESS gon, for Columbia county, and that Monday the 14th day of June, 1926 TAKE HOME A BRICK The Pathway to Success BATHING SUITS TABOO at the hour of one o’clock in the (Jessie George) Stop for a Cold Drink EXCEPT AT BEACH afternoon of said day, at the Court What is success? Mr. Keller Wants To See You Room of said Court in the Court Success is a prosperous termina­ Los Angeles, May 10—The bathing House in the City of St. Helens in tion of anything attempted. It is suit, like the pajama should be worn THE WHITE FRONT West Bridge Street said County anj State has been ap­ a desire to succeed, which is com­ at certain times and in specific III pointed the time and place for th. hearing of objections to said Final Come in and see us mon to man. The greatest desire that places only. This is the gist of an II Account and the settlement thereof most of us want “is not only to be ordinance by the Los Angeles city III D. A. Dobbs, Administrator. good ,but to be good for something council, making it a misdemeanor to X; W. A. Harris, Attorney. Success is the goal toward which .’ill Dated and first published May 14, HONOR PUPILS men are pushing; we can’t ineasur° 1926. The honor pupils this year truly a man’s success until we know bis Date of last publication, June 11. deserve the name for nothing below goal. 1926. --------- ♦--------- a “B” was accepted. Students with Bill and Tom were twin brothers NOTICE TO CREDITORS only one “C” were barred. The equal in stature, equal in ability, ten who were namej as honor pupils “Bill” set out fro mhome with a de­ In the County Court of the State of were :Julia George and Lois Malm termination to accumulate a million Oregon, for Columbia County. sten, seniors; Ralph Reithner, Anna dollars. Tom was quite as deter­ Rea Webster and Louis Schmidlin mined to marry the girl who lived In the matter of the estate of juniors; Russel Peck and John across the street and become an ef­ T. M. TUCKER, Deceased. Wardle, sopohomores; Ethel Tousley ficient plumber. Both succeeded. Bill the Notice is hereby given that Thelma Spencer and Frances Lappe got his million before he die 1 and ad ­ undersigned has been appointed Tom got the girl and supported her ministrator of the estate of T. ii. freshmen. Tucker, deceased, by the County by wiping joints and fitting pipes Court of the State of Oregon, for When the two men were dea 1 the Columbia County, and has duly people who had known them said qualified. All persons having claims against Ninth Annua! Commence­ to one another: “Bill was uncom- monty succossful, but his brother Baid Estate are hereby notified to never amounted to much, ah, well: present the same, duly verified us by ment, Union High School law required to the undersigned at there’s usually one failure in a fnmi- No. I of Vernonia, Ore. his residence near Vernonia, Oregon, ly.” May 21, 1926 within six months from the date We have the tires and the tubes that are delivering thousands of extra miles— But Tom wasn’t a failure. He was( hereof. a complete success. He did precisely Processional, Mrs. Alden John WALTER PARKER, Invocation, Rev. W. F. Rade­ what he set out to do, and he was Administrator of the Estate of T content. If he ha,| devoted himself M. Tucker, Deceased. macher. Every fiber of every cord is saturated and insulated with rubber. I 405 W. A. Harris, Attorney. Piano solo, “Hungarian Rapsodie” to the business of making money he Used by the operators of the biggest taxicab, motorbus and truck fleets. These Dated and first published, May Mignonne-Carl Koelling, Miss Louise high have matched Bill's millions. 14, 1926. big buyers measure mileage and demand Most Miles Per Dollar. There isn’t any hard and fast Malmsten. ♦ definition to success. To be sure, it Cornet solo “Until the Dawn” -------------------------------- © 0- I consists in arriving; but unless a man Ralph Reithner. K1ST-TIMBER NOTES I elects to take you into his confidence Land, ” Address, “ The Promised Steam-Welding vulcanizes the splice in live steam — a special Firestone process « © There is a nice new residence go Mr. Edwin T. Reed. you can’t tell where his goal lies and —assuring an air-tight tube, so important to the life of your tire. ing up in our neighborhood. Vocal solo, “Sing, Smile, Sbimbei’ if you are ignorant of his goal you You, too, can get the extra mileage, economy and comfort now enjoyed by the Chas. Gounod, Mrs. Glen R. Metsker are not qualified to judge >>f life big transportation leaders and by hundreds of thousands of satisfied motorists, by Mr. and Mrs. Dan Rainwater en- success. Presentation of Diplomas, Prof. J. equipping your car with these wonderful Gum-Dipped Tires and Steam-Welded Tubes. tertained some guests from St. Hel­ A banker isn’t called a failure be­ B. Wilkerson. ens Friday it being Mrs. Rainwatet’s WE TAKE YOUR OLD TIRES IN TRADE and will give liberal allowance for Violin solo, “O Sole Mio”, Mr. F. cause he can’t drive an engine, or is seventy-first birthday. unused mileage. Come and see us. a surgeon called a failure because McBarron. he can ’ t play a violin. There is a Benediction, Mrs. J. A. McDonald Mrs. Vada Rainwater and Mrs. division of gifts or talents and it Mary Anderson spent Sunday with 5 is a far better thing to develop one Let U3 show you why Oldfield Tires and Tubes have made such a good name for their mother, Mrs. Huber at Center­ THE GRADUATES tbsmselves. Compare these tires and tubes with any others on the market. Charles Hoffman, Donald Brady talent anj become useful to society ville. Lou Lester, Lois Malmsten, Louise in one smal lparticular than it is Made in the great Firestone factories by expert Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ohler and Malmsten, Florie Kelso, Lawrence to possess many talents and fail of I tire builders, and carry the standard guarantee the achievement they promise. If a Bergerson, Lena Dickson, Mildred daughter Nita spent the evening HIGH PRESSURE CORDS OVER-SIZE BALLONS Burt, Maragret man’s ambition is to become a jus­ Lygia Saturday at the Ornduff home to Gibson, $10.25 hear some the radiocasting news Smith. Edward Martin. Lillian Ross tice of the peace, and he achieves 4.40 21 (29x4.40) ..... $14.05 30x3 H R»fular Cl Ara Rundell, Helmie Kaupii, Leona I it and administers the law without 30x3 Extra Size Cl... $11.50 4.75 20 (29x4.75) ..... .... 17.50 over the radio. 4.75 21 (30x4.75) ..... 30x3 Extra Size S.S $14.55 Lihel. Eva Crowder, Berner^ Dowl-I bias or offense to justice, he is a 18.20 $18.70 4.95 20 (29x4.95) ..... 31x4 S. S. ........ 20.2S Mr. and Mrs. Ornduff and son ing. Lauritz Aamodt, Lola Nance. i success. If he is a king and his reign ......... 19.95 5.25 21 (31x5.25) ..... ... 22.20 32x4 S. S. Eben brings ill-fortune, misery and want to Jess spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Thor Roberts. Loei Roberts. ................ I I hit people, he is a failure. John. Dorothy Rhyne. Melvin Hove A. J. Winnicke at Strassel In the common definition, success John Laramore and Jessie George. I constitutes getting money. If this A. F. Ornduff shipped out twc. definition is correct how shall we JUNIOR PROM car oads of fir piling Monday. On Saturday, May 15, the Juniors: classify the astronomer who maps Our school closes Monday with a gave a prom in honor of the Seniors I the heavens and discoveres a «tar,the | The gymnasium was beautifully dec . man of medicine who spends his life picnic. ornted in the Senior's colors, silver; among germ cultures and finds a Mr. and Mrs. Ray Townsend spent and orchid, and the juniors colors, cure for some dread disease, the ex-’ Saturday evening at the Ornduff silver and coral. On one side of the plorer who discovers a continent,j gym was printed hi silver and orchid a missionary who lifts a savage! home. .4 ’PROGRAM TI DEALERS Serve You Better and Save You Money Firestone Gum-Dipped Tires Firestone Steam-Welded Tubes Oldfield Tires and Tubes Crawford Motor Co. Vernonia, Ore. Phone 612