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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1926)
___ _____ VERNONIA EAGLE Dairy Center —-------------------- -0 file with the Vernonia Eagle, Ver nonia, Oregon, and G. G. Hull, County Roadmaster, St. Helens, Ore gon SUMMONS and may be examined in the office of the County Clerk. ♦««♦♦•♦•M il H l In the Circuit Court of the State ot Each bidder shall deposit, with his Oregon for Columbia County Brief Summary of New* Notes Chronicled of Doings bid, a certified check for an amount TONEY COREY, Plaintiff, vs. of at least five (5) per cent of his BERNICE COREY, Defendant. Vernonia Lodge, No. 184 A. DR. ELLA WIGHT of County Gathered Especially for To Bernice Corey, the above bid, payable to the County Clerk, DR. C. J. WIGHT F. A A. M., meets at Grange Eagle Readers named defendant: In the name of the which shall be forfeited to the Coun CHIROPRACTORS State of Oregon, you are hereby re ty in case the awards is made to hiir, Hall every Second and Rheumatism Neuritis Ie e eI♦♦♦>* quired to appear and an wer tho and he shall neglect, fail or refuse, I Stomach, Liver and Intestinal Fourth Thursday nights. complaint filed against you in the Chicken Pus Mak** Scare- Rehearing Denied— for a period of five days after such Troubles. above entitled suit on or before the W. H. HURLEY, Master. Delayed Menstruation Chicken pox has made its appear A petition of the S. P. & S. rail expiration of six weeks from the award is made, to enter into a con Wm. PRINGLE, Secretary ance in the Bachelor Flat school. road for a rehearing on application date of the first publication of this tract and file the required bond. Visitors Welcome The right is reserved to reject any of the Columbia county court for a summons, which said first publica Make* Improvement*— grade crossing at Warren has been tion is made and dated April 23rd, and all bids. 1926, that being the time prescribed c T .V. Holstein of Yankton has denied by the public service commis by the Court in an order for publi JOHN PHILIP, County Judge. DR. H. H. HURLEY made several improvements to his sion. J. N. MILLER, Commissioner. cation of this summons; and if you Dentistry and X-Ray PACIFIC WOODMEN LIFE store building. fail so to appear and answer the T. B. MILLS, Commissioner. ASSOCIATION CAMP Resign* Position— complaint, the plaintiff will apply to u. G. HALL, Roadmaster Evenings by Appointment initiât a Members— Meets 1st & 3rd Thursday nights O. A. Anderson, county school the Court for the relief demanded J. W. HUNT, County Clerk. in the complaint, to wit, for a ue- at Sessmans hall. All visiting bro Warren grange initiated six mem superintendent has tendered his resig cree of absolute divorce dissolving Office ever Halton’s Store 402 thers welcome. Emil Messing,C.C Vernonia, Oregon bers into their order at Warren nation to take effect August 16. the bonds of matrimony exiting be ---------- *---------- O. T. Bateman, Clerk Don’t try to set up your own with the help of the Warren staff. Miss Elizabeth Murray of Clatskanie tween plaintiff anj defendant, and has been appointed by the court as for such other relief as to the Court standards of right and wrong and ex may seem proper. Get New Road— pect everybody to conform to it. the new superintendent. This summons is published by --------- ♦--------- J. J. Oester of Warren is rejoicing order of the Honorable John Philip Thousands of school graduate« over the fact that the county court Ha* Large B*rry Patch—■ Judge of the County Court of thi M. D. COLE Teddy Berg of Warren now has 18 State of Oregon for Columbia Coun will be abroad in the land within a has granted him a road to his place. I, O.O.F.—V ernonia I. odge , N o . 246, acres planted in strawberries besides ty, duly made, dated and entered couple of weeks. meets every Tuesday night at 8:00 DENTIST Lodge Reorganised— a number of acres planted in rasp April 22, 1926. “That’s an old gag,” said the o’clock, in Grange Hall LESTER SHEELEY, The United Artisans held a reor berries and several other varieties Attorney for Plaintiff 387 cashier as the bandit stopped up his Vernonia, Oregon | G. B. SMITH, N. G. ganization meeting at St. Helens last of the berry family. Residence and post office address, mouth. I week. Vernonia, Oregon. EMIL MESSING, Secretary Fourth Celebration— NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS | The Artisan lodge of Scappoose Tseekers Re-elected— LOWEST PRICES FOR INSIDE PAINTING The staff of teachers at the Yank will sponsor a Fourth of July cele Knights of Pythias. - r St. Helens, Oregon, May 7, 1926 Before the busy outside point ton school have been re-elected for' bration this year, according to a vote H arding L odge , 116, ing season starts I can quote SEALED PROPOSALS, addressed taken at the last meeting. This will Vernonia, Or.—Meets next term. Lester Sheeley you lowest prices on all in every Monday night it make three cities in the county who to the County Court of Columbia side pointing and varnish Grange Hall. All visit County, Oregon, a' :'t. lens, Ore will celebrate the Independence ing, walls, woodwork, floors, Attorney-at-Law Snatate* Seriou* Injury— ing brothers cordially etc. Only the best, gon, and endorsed “In. pi..,al for Do invited. Elmer Waisanen of Clatskanie sus Vernonia, PAINTERS ’ Paints, Var Oregon ing ^he Following 'V. n Columbia May Be on Air Map— nishes and Enamels used L R. G11LCHRIEST, C. tained a serious injury at a cam,' County, to-wit: JACK NANCE. K, R & S. on all jobs The fact that St. Helens is in line near there when a log rolled on him. 1.08 miles of - clearing, grubbing to get on the map ds an aviation I GUARA^TE SATISFACTION field for army planes, may also lead anj grading and the construction of Steal* Chicken*— VERNONIA TEMPLE No. 61 the necessary culverts on the Isreal Vs- will save to the field as a feeder for the Los r Mrs. Geo. Bowen of Rainier lost PYTHIAN SISTERS money by asking Spencer Road, in section 27 and 281 Angeles-Puget Sound airmail service GEORGE H. SHINN for a quotation on 62 young chickens last week when Meet 2nd and 4th Friday of each T. 5 N. R. 4 W. of W. M. states Dr. J. H. Flynn, St. Helens. President your work now. someone helped themselves. .month at the Grange Hall. All visit will be received by said County Court ing Sisters an(] Brothers welcome. Columbia Co. Abstract until 10:00 o ’ clock A. M., May 24th, Sawmill Workar Injured— MARJORIE COLE, M. E. ('. Building New Dock— 1926, and not thereafter, and at that Company M. Lipporst, sawmill worker at the PEARL WILKERSON, K.ofR.C Work of driving piling for th«1 plant of the Beaver Lumber company time will be publicly opened and St. Helens, Oregon new dock 50x50 has begun at West at Prescott, had a leg crushed to the read. ________________________________ ! Rainier. The dock will extend 400 All proposals must be made upon knee when his foot caught in the VERNONIA GRANGE feet into the river at the point. transfer chain and the leg drawn blank forms, to be obtained from the Roadmaster, at his office in "St. The Vernonia Grange meets on th into the gear. Gave Play— Helens, Oregon. Must give prices second Saturday of every month a The Beaver Valley grange gave a Will Teach in Eastern Oregon— proposed, both in writing and in fig 7:30 P. M. Any members of th S. WELLS F. R. ENOS verjf interesting program at their ures and must be signed by the bid MERCHANT TAILOR Grange living in or near Vernonia : Mr. and Mrs. Mather, who have Vernonia, Phone 193 or visiting in the community, ar hall last Saturday night. Two plays der, with his address. Cleaning and Pressing --------- *---------- been employed as teachers at Scap were on the program . Plans and Specifications are on cordirlly invited to attend. Repairing and Alterations Try the want ads for results poose will leave at the end of the F. E. MALMSTEN, Sec school year for Prarie city, where We Call for and Deliver Within Work on Park— Mr. Mather will continue in the City Limits The committee on construction on i school work. the first unit of the city park ut : Bridge Street I Scappoose has been appointed by the AMERICAN LE-"^ i MAIN 891 : Japanese Arrested— = mayor and work haB started. GION POST NO S. Nakano, Japanese, employed 119 meets 2nd & Vernonia, Oregon Í at Westport, paid $50 for reckless 4th Tues. Nites. I Receives Equipment— driving and $10 for driving an auto Wm. Flognr.Com Company K, 186th Infantry, St NO COLLECTION mobile without first having secured Tom Graham.Adj NO CHARGE Helens has received 1600 pounds of * * * new equipment for that company a license, in justice court in Clats Boy Scouts meet kanie. from San Francisco. | every Friday night at Legion hall ART STORE H. E. McGRAW, Master, Still Oil Drilling— M. E. CARKIN, Ass’t Mastei Porti . d McMinnville Find* Clay Suitable— HEMSTITCHING Hillsboro Tillamook The work of drilling for oil at 502 Hoard of Ti...le Bldg. The Pacific Stoneware Co.’, finds FLOWER STORE clay near Downing of excellent South Scappoose continue with us-! TA quality for its purpose, and is min ual enthuiasm, but without any new Mrs. Pearl Ryan developments. If oil is found in this MOUNTAIN HEART ing it there in great quantities. vicinity the geological survey will REBECCA LODGE No. 243, I.O.O.F Next door to Central Gro. have to take to the tall timber and Will Print Ballot*— Meets every Second and Fourth Wed The St. Helens Sentinel will print reconstruct its findings says me Sen-, nesday in Grange Hall—Vernonia 747 Bridge Street the ballots for the coming primary tinel. Visitors always welcome I election, having received the con- MRS. MAY MELLINGER, N. G. See the pretty new arrivals Takes Filipinos— tract for the lowest bid. MRS. IRENE SPENCER, Sec’y. When the steamer North King de parted on its annual voyage to Steien Tiru* Recovered— t-------- ■------- - -------------------------------- , The entire loot of automobile Alaska she took with her an even tires stolen from a St. Helens garage two hundred Filipinos, the greater We call and deliver TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS. MARK EVERY GRAVE CURLEY’S TRANSFER he* been h«*n recovered rernverarf by hv the sheriff sheriff, number of whom were from Ver Memorials in Granite and Marble A has Leave orders with S. Wells, tailor, Phone Main 891 at reduced prices COMPANY nonia where they had been employed] who discovered the tires under a Write for Literature in the lumber mill. house in St. Helens. Local Hauling and ail kinds MRS. M. N .LEWIS A CO. I of team work Fourth and Main Sts. Hillsboro Poo* Aro Affected^ Office at Kavanaugh Land Co. Many at Tax Rush— _______ _______ ______________ 31tf Some of the heavy acreage of peas At the close of the tax rush in planted by Warren farmers are be St. Helens last Wednesday, >475,000 ft. SPECIAL CARS WITH J. MASON DILLARD FURNITURE HAULING coming affected with aphis which is had been taken in for the first half causing apprehension among the Several checks and currency are in ATTORNEY-AT-LAW growers. which no receipt has been issued as Phone 563 Res. Phone 653 --------- 4--------- Nezt to Carkin Cleaning Works yet. The outstanding big payment | Vernonia, Clregon Lit. coin — FORD — Fords On Eaploaion Ba's* Girl— was made by the Deer Island Logging J Here every Wednesday Miss Helen E. Lander, 17, was company totaling $4,900. badly burned on both arms and legs WE CAN NOW SELL FORDS ‘/«DOWN PAY r Sunday night by a boiler explosion Man Is Creamnted— MENT Portland - Vernonia Truck The charred body of Lloyd Carver j in a bath house at Kerry, Or. Line 20 was found in the embers of his BALANCE 12 EQUAL PAYMENTS Has Birthday- home which burned to the ground , Ready to deliver Grandma Piper of Scappoose was last week at Westport by his wife, 18, GENUINE FORD remembered at her home there by a Mrs. Carver and their year-old son INSURED CARRIER BUILDING MATERIAL 13 plate batteries, $15.00 large number of friends who called had escaped. She ran back into the to help here celebrate her birthday flaming building to awaken her hus-| BATTERY SERVICE SEWER TILE band, who was asleep and then rar VERNONIA OFFICE Leeee Eye la Accident— back to safety, thinking he would I At the Brazing Works on Rose Ave; Phone 612 Fr_~k Uhrine, an employe nt the follow. Either confused or groggy| Phone Main 343 Brick, Sand, lime, Cement i 4 Menefee mill in Rainier lost his left from sleep. Carver could not find| VS Wall Plaster, Gravel | eye when a knot flew from a ma his way out. PORTLAND OFFICE chine hitting the eyeball and cutting ---------- *--------- Auto Freight Terminal the pupil. Tell us a news item. Hand it in. Call at our warehouse on E. Water and Yamhill ,~ta. Read the advs. carefully. East 8226 -------- Office No. 11 railroad track and you will Small Boy Dio*— Deliver to your door find what you are looking James, 5, son of Mrs. Edith Thomp f--------- --------- -s for. sen, St. Helens, died Tuesday Job printing can be done in Vei peritontis, brought about by an at nonia as good a* any place in II J. Merle and A. Kemper tack of the flu. Funeral services state, at right prices. Let Ilf J. M. CLARK were held at Skamokawa, Wash. Every thing in Magazines, Stationery,Pictures and COUNTY "NEWS ' NOTES FOR EAGLE READERS I gal*—Summons and PUBLICATIONS Professional ?, Business Directory ----- « LODGE NOTICES---- ------ «------ | COLLECTIONS KNIGHT ADJUSTMENT CO STATE LAUNDRY CO. For Good Laundry Work CRAWFORD MOTOR CO (I VERNONIA BOOK & ART STORE Island Is Diked— Vernonia Eagle I Sauries Island near St Helens has been diked and is 10 miles long. 26 feet high above low water and pro tects about 1600 acres of the fertile island dairy and farm land. Job Printery print your circulars, invitations, cards, blotters, bills, letter heads, time slips, envelopes, statements, programs, menus, letters, tickets, etc., etc. Work guaranteed. V - Books—School and Office Supplies Art and Novelty Goods We do Picture Framing of All Kinds VERNONIA TRADING COMPANY Real Estate Insurance Notary Public Farm and City property for sale. Liat your property Cass Bergerson,J. E. Tapp with me I get reulta. A - ____________ *