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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1926)
tt-KrtONIA On inland Highway THE VERHIAN No. 40 FRIDAY MAY, 14, 192« VOL 1. 'the students who ride on the Published Every Week By Mist jitney stopped at the Big Eddy Vernonia High School on their way home Wednesday af Editor .....„.................. Margaret Smith ternoon. From somewhere sand . Ill ... — II ■ I!————————— W wiches, salads, hot dogs, cakes and The district track meet held at Sea ice cream appeared mysteriously. It aide, Saturday, May 8, waa won by vanished, however, almost as myster Astoria. The teams entered were: St j iously. The students played games Helens, Astoria, Rainier, Vernonia ! and swam until 7 o’clock before they Seaside, Clatskanie, Warrenton and. started for home. Westport. Vernonia’s team did not i The juniors have sent out their show up very well owing to the j strain of the long trip down to theI invitations to the prom which will meet. Men winning points for Ver-; be given in the high school gym this non is, were: Mills, second in the 440 Saturday night. yard dash; Bennett, second in thej The senior’s announcements and high jump: Hawkins, third in the 220' They are ot yard dash; Burt, third in the javelin cards arrived Friday, white “ quartered oak ’ ’ paper and ere throw; Olsen, third in the 880 yard J dash. Vernonia will enter a few men | monogramed with our class ring de sign in silver against a brush painted in the northwest interschoolastic meet in Forest Grove next Saturday background of orchid. and expect to make a good showing. The seniors left us sooner than we expected. School opened Thursday Wednesday afternoon after the morning and not a senior was there. school dismissed, Miss Goodin, the Miss Bell had no english class that girls basketball club coach enter- j morning and Miss Goodin spent thi tained them with a weinie roast. The second period in peace. It was girls all dresej for hiking left about i whispered that the seinors, taking ad 4 o’clock and walked down to the vantage of the old phiviledge had Pringle bend where they spent the "skipped.” How, when or where w< evening swimming, eating and just didn't know until Friday morning having a good time. The girls re when they were all back in their turned about 8 o’clock that evening I places—not exactly as if nothing had tired but freely expressing their op happened, however, for a delightful inions of the roast as the best they secret fairly buzzed in the senior had been on for many a moonlight room. Snatches,such as “three o’clock night. in the morning” "wonderful morn ing rides," “Battle Ground lake,” The baccalaureate sermon will be “swimming,” “eats,” “more fun” and delivered by Rev. Rademacher in the "midnight ride home,” reached the Evangelical church Sunday evening ears of the students and the secret was out. at 8 o’clock. Classified Advertising WANTS and FOR SALK All ads. under this head »re cash with copy. Rates, one cent a word; initials and figures count as words. Minimum, 25 cents an iasue. FOR SALE PIANO MUST BE SOLD Will sacrifice high grade piano in storage near here for immediate sale. Will give easy terms to an established home. For full partic ulars and where it may be seen address Portland Music Co., 227 th St., Portland, Ore. 383 FOR SALE—INTER N A TI O N A L one ton truck, 1922. Tom Johnson Berkenfield, Ore,364 FOR SALE—ONE FOUR ROOM house and one five room house. Good terms. C. Meyer and Bank of Vernonia. 402 FOR SALE—TWO COMING FRESH cows. Jersey and Red Pole, com ing fresh in June. Mrs. A. Seward. 403 FOR SALE—TWO YEAR OLD HOL- stein bull, registered. Trehame. See E. R. 408 FOR SALE—NINE ACRES OF BOT- tom land, on main Nehalem high way, one and a half miles from town. See E. R. Trehame. 408 FOR SALE—HAMMERLESS DOUB le barrel shot gun, new; sporting rifle, thirty-forty, new; shells and cleaners, with both below cah. J. E. Cropper. 403 LOST AND FOUND LOST—SAMPLE CASE BETWEEN Vernonia and Mist. Contains samples and a silk dress. Please return to Eagle office. 40t LOST—BETWEEN KEASEY AND Many Opportunities Here Rainier, 2 days, attendance ........ 50 everybody enjoyed a splendid time. The great general strike in all Prescott, % day, attendance ....... 9 Vernonia, 2 days, attendance ....75 England has ended. It was in effect ten days. Five millions of people lost 168 two week’s wages each. Strikes sel *Lptal ............... ........ dom win. In England “common sense’ Aid to County Court investigating cases ..................... 12 won the strike. Other agencies ............................... ... 3 This Saturday night at the Ma NINA H. LITTLE, jestic theatre, Mr. Carter, candidate Red Cross Nurse for governor will make a 15 minute -----------♦----------- speech. Mr. Carter is a splendid talker and many will want to hear CHURCH NOTICES *| him. T ------------------- 0 EVANGELICAL CHURCH “A Hom. Lika Church” With a Message and a Place to serve Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. The morning hour of worship at II. The evening services; Evangelical league of Christian Endeavor at 7 o’clock. The union baccalaureate service at 8 o’clock in honor of the high school graduating class. All the public is invited to attend these services. Wm. F. Rademacher, Pastor Blanks Notes Briefs Labels Checks Posters Notices Folders Leaflets Dodgers Receipts Coupons Placards Circulars Programs Sale Bills Envelopes Pamphlets Price Lists Bill Heads Catalogues Invitations Hand Bills Post Cards Statements Time Cards Note Heads Menu Cards Milk Tickets Meal Tickets Letter Heads Legal Blanks Calling Cards Shipping Tag.; Business Cards Window Cards Announcemei ts Admission Tickets Envelope Inclosures Wedding Stationery Birth Announcements ----------- ♦----------- NO DOUBT ELLINWOOD How much did Philadelphia, Pa? How much does Columbus, O, How many eggs did New Orleans La? What grass did Joplin Mo. We call Minneapolis, Minn: Why not Annapolis Ann? If you can’t tell the reason why, I’ll bet Topeka Kan. —Fellowship Forur. ----------- ♦ .--------- The tonic for the business world —newspaper advertising. , ----------- ♦----------- . ADDITIONAL | LOCALS &----------------------------------------- © The Pythian Sisters dance Wed nesday night was well attended and ANNETTE BEAUTY SHOPPE MARCELLING All lines of Beauty Work Phone 431 Upstairs in Pringle Bldg. , you’ll 1 cure The bunk houses of the Sunset Logging camp was robbed again last Saturday night, the theives getting about $80 in all. bas H muiory (Continued From Page 1) do a good job of it. He is also a good hitter. Jack Nance has two things to do on this team, one is to catch flies and the other is to get on first and he is just the boy to dr these little hinge He is a hard worker and goes into a game with one thought and that is to win. To the City of Vernonia. Manager Brown of the Vernonia baseball team has given to you one of the best clubs that a small town ever hoped to have. Now it is up to you to meet him half way and sup port it. Go out and see these games Take the family. They will enjoy it Fifty cents won’t break ar.y one up If you havn’t the money they will let you see the game anyway. If you don’t care to go then don’t stand on the street and knock to everybody about Vernonin’s ball team. A knocker is the most ignorant kind of a person, and he is always knocking about that which he has not seen or knows. And no one has any time to waste upon him. If you are a ball player don’t stand back and crab about them not giving you n chance just because you are a home boy. Remember that the Turk boys and Jack Nance are all home boys and rank high on this team. Come right out to the ball park and show your stuff. If you can prove that you are better than Tolke, Hudson, Pilette, Kotula, or any of those boys you are just the man Manager Brown is look ing for. The Vernonia Ducks meets Ryder wood next Sunday at Ryderwood. See ya there. ---------- 4---------- INFORMATION WANTED Rockaway. Oregon May 8, 1926 Banks, on Timber road, dark brown traveling bag. Liberal re Vernonia Eagle, ward. Notify address on bag or Dear Editor: John M. Luther, Banka, Oregon, As a subscriber to your paper I Route 3, Box 143.___________ 402 would like to ask a favor. Will you put an article in your paper for me. * KIST-TIMBER NOTES There is a young man around there from Pekin, Illinois. His mother is We are all glad to see the beauti- worried about him; has not heard from him since last summer. He was tiful sunshine again up this wey. Eila McKinstre drove down from working for the Koster Products Corvallis to spend the week end Co., of Vernonia when last heard with her parents, Mr. and Mm. Ora- from. His name is Earl Parks. Any one knowing of him will please write duff and little daughter Lottje. Mr. A. F. Ornduff, Jess Omduff me here and I will let his mother motored to Salem to purchase a know of him. Thanking you to change my paper here, I will close. team Monday . B. D. Neavoll, Our school closes on the 25th of Rockaway, Oregon thia month. --------- ----------- . The new dance hall will soon bo REPORT OF THE RED CROSS finished at Timber. NURSE FOR APRIL. 192« The new garage is now open and Mr. Welter is ready to accomodate Visits to schools ............................. 3 Pupils inspected ............................ 150 his customers. Mrs. Omduff received a truck Home Hygiene classes ................ 1« load of furniture from her daugh Visits to homes................................ 65 ter Mm. Eila McKinster from Cor Pre-school clinics held .................. 4 Clatskanie, 2 days, attendance ..34 vallis Friday. 0--------------------- a EAGLE B awled B acon with C odfish C ream . —A dish to linger over. Frye's "Meat Guide'' will tell you how to prepare it and over one hundred and eighty other dishes as well A copy is ready for you Send 2 cents to F rye 8Co.. S eattle . to cover postage. of its mellow mildness. The sweet delicate flavor of prime young pork, plus the friendly, tangy taste given by clean hard wood smoke. Just enough of that spicy, zippy flavor and pun gent odor to make your break fast bacon perfect and give the city dweller a camp fire appetite. It’s the process does it. Frye's exclusive methods are the result cf expert knowledge in the sci ence of preserving all the original under, juicy flavor nature meant us to enjoy. Frye’s Delicious Brand Is » VOTE FOR ALFRED of E. CLARK Portalnd Candidate for Republican Nomination for United States SENATOR OREGON NEEDS A MAN IN THE UNITED STATES SENATE WHO CAN SECURE Ri.SULTS FOR ITS PEOPLE AT THE NA- TIONAL CAPITAL. It needs a man familiar with its resources agricul tural interests, industries, harbor and reclamation pro jects. It needs a man with the energy, industry and ability to secure governmental recognition and aid for the de velopment of these resources, various interests, indus trial enterprises and projects. IN ALFRED E. CLARK, CANDIDATE FOR THE REPUBLICAN NOMINATION FOR UNITED STATES SENATOR, THE PEOPLE OF OREGON HAVE SUCH A MAN HE HAS THE ENERGY HE HAS THE INDUSTRY HE HAS THE ABILITY Moreover he already has to his credit a record of faithful and efficier t public service. HE HAS COURAGEOUSLY OPPOSED IN THIS CAMPAIGN THOSE WHO WOULD D '.PRIVE THE PEOPLE OF THE RIGHT TO SELECT THEIR OWN CANDIDATES UNDER THE DIRECT PRI- MARY LAW AND WHO NOW SEEK TO DICTATE PARTY NOMIN ATIONS. These factors have made him the leading Republi can candidate for the senatorship and his nomination seems assured. A VOTE FOR ALFRED E. CLARK FOR SENATOR IS A VOTE FOR THE GENERAL WELFARE OF OREGON AND ITS PEOPLE. Paid Adv.—Alfred E. Clark for United State. Senator Campaign Committee. PRINTING Quick, Quality Right Prices Vernonia Eagle I The Slick Guy EARLY eveiy one of us has seen the checkered-suit person with the velvte tongue How smoothly he once told of the merits of this product or that—and raked in perfectly good coin for purchases that were often useless N The “slick guy” is seldom seen today. When the wise person goes to buy, he knows what is good in vaue and fair in price. Simply by glancing over the advertisements in your paper, you can see where to go for the best buys. You can compare values and check up prices without even stirring fro myour easy chair. You know in advance just what you are going to get and how much it will cost. And iou can have the satisfaction that comes from nowing your money is wisely and safely spent. Nowadays no one need be at the mercy of the “slick guy.” There ar estill a few people who fail to read the advertisements—and “take a chance.” Don’t be one of them. ADVERTISED PRODUCTS ARE SAFE BUYS. THEY HAVE MADE GOOD BEFORE THEY ARE ANNOUNCED I