A New Home * Day ! Byer and Seller, Beer E. ALLEN Coats, Dresses and Hats DIRECT FROM WHOLESALERS AT THIS STORE Friday and Saturday April 16th -• 17th UNQUESTIONABLY SMART STYLE S AT DECIDEDLY LESS THAN CITY PRICES. ' ? I? THIS SERVICE IS PROVING AN IM MENSE SUCCESS IN EIGHTY PAC­ IFIC COAST STORES AS THE SMALLER TOWN DEALER HAS LOWER RENTS, SMALLER SELLING EXPENSES, NO HIGH PRICED STORE FIXTURES AND NO LOSS AT END OF THE SEASON. HUNDREDS OF SMART NEW COATS AND DRESSES TO CHOOSE FROM I $1075 $12.75 Dresses priced up from Coats priced up from Come in and see these wonderful new styles and and astonishing values Í The Peoples Store Vernonia, Oregon Special and Regular Prices! THAT WILL ATTRACT EVERY HOUSFW’FE----- IT’S P. . ~ OF THE PEOPLE’S STORE POLICY IN THEIR PROGRAM OF SERVICE □ VER- NONIA PEOPLE. Specials for Saturday Big Red Winesap Apples, for $1.79 Alvarado Sugar Peas, sell reg. at 20c, now 2 cans for................... 25c Borden and Oregon miik, can Stork brand Com, can 10c 10c Butter, Cresta Creamery in cubes— pound ..................................... 45c Bacon Backs and Bacon,-lb....... "9c Lighthouse Cleanser, 3 cans for ¿3c Sugar, 100-lbs. of pure cane sugar— for $5.19, with a purchase of $5. worth of merchandise Lard, Swift’s Silverleaf, 4-lb. pails ................... 95c 8 pound pails........................... $1.85 Shortening- Swifts jewell, 4-lb.— can, 83c; 8 pound can .... $1.70 Cheese, Brookfield .pound ....... 33c Cigarettes, Camels, Lucky Strike or Chesterfield, a carton for.......$1.23 We handle all brands of Monopole goods I Dry Goods, Shoes, Ladies Wear MONOPOLE BRAND: CORN, BEANS, HOMINY, PEACHES, PINEAPPLE, PUMPKIN, GRAPE FRUIT, BEETS PICKLES, ETC, ETC, ETC. COME TASTE IT, COMPARE IT WITH ANY BRAND ON THE MARKET. FREE----------BUY ONE DOZEN OF MONOPOLE GOODS, AND GET A PRETTY IMPORTED JAPANESE VASE FREE. Peoples Store M. MURRAY MANAGER* A- NEXT DOOR TO BAKERY Bock,, Mr. Gordon, of the Gordon Furni Lathe and Tub, Lock and Key, Cain ture Company, is elated over the and Abel, Night and Moon, Heaven improvement of business and is and Hell. Several Does but John authority for the statement that Doe, as usual is “missing.” Among : “Business is Good.” names signifying edibles found are --- «--- Bacon, Hamm, Eggs, Butter. Berry. WORTH ALL IT COSTS After morning services the family Citron, Pancake, Fish, Pepper, Dill Pickle and there are Coffe.Ale-wine dined, and churches and their pro­ Beer and Water. There are names of cedure came in for criticism, Father criticized the sermon. most leading nations and enough animals to stock a zoo. Sun, Moon, Mother disliked the blunders of the Starr, Heavens and Morning Star organist. The eldest daughter thought! are among the poetical cognomens, the choir"s singing atrocious. But the subject had to be dropped while Drumm and Doll are side by side with names representing virtu­ when the small boy of the family, ally all the trades, including the with the schoolboy’s love of fair play Boss. These are all taken from the chipped in with the remark: “Dad, I think it was a jolly good show for new city directory. a penny.” The small advs. get results. Read the advs. carefully. Featuring I and For State Representative, on Re­ publican Ticket for Columbia county. Mr. Allen lives in Rainier where he is in the cannery business both there and at Clatskanie. His campaign slo­ gan is; “Development of Columbia county.” and his actions are proving his sincerety, --------- NATAL J Evening callers at the Osburn home last Monday week were Mr and Mrs. Ira Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Holding and children and Mr. Grover Devine. Mr. and Mrs. Estus and their two sons called on their daughter and sister Mrs. McMullen Sunday. We are glad to know Mrs. Estus is feel­ ing a little better and hope she will keep getting stronger. Mr. and Mrs. Holding, Grover De­ vine, Fred and Floyd Linberg, were Clatskanie visitors Wednesday. Mrs. Smith was an early Mist visit- tor lsat Wednesday morning. Grover Devine returned tp his home at Yoncolla, Oregon this week for a short stay. Natal grange met Sunday at their hall and held their regular meeting There were three visitors present from Clatskanie, Yankton and the Warren granges. Visitors are always welcome. John McMullen was a Mist shop­ per Sunday morning. Miss Millie McMullen stayed all of last week with her grandmother, who has been quite sick. Mr. and Mrs. Holding were Ver­ nonia shoppers Friday. Mr. Neurt was in Vernonia drivin up in his nice new car they recently purchased. The cook house and camp of the Ef rkenfield Logging company looks .;.:her deserted since the finished working here. The Natal gas filling station is now ready to fill orders. Harry McMullen was on the sick list last week with tonsilitis. Reed Holding is keeping the El­ dred horses for a short time. Ole Estus is staying at hi3 sisters now. +------- ------------------------------------& KIST-TIMBER NOTES ------------------------------------ Mr. Roy Towsen of the Sunset Logging company, employed as en­ gineer was serriously hurt with the haul back line Sunday and was taken to the Portland hospital in a serious condition. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Ornduff have been quite sick the past week with flu and grippe but at this writing are much improved. Jess Ornduff is a proud owner of a new radio set in his home. Mrs. Sybal Miller called on home folks Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Bergerson were host at a party at their home Saturday with a goodly number pres­ ent and everyone having a splendiJ time. Eila McKinster drove down from Corvallis to spend the week end with her parents and little daughter Lot­ tie and Mr .and Mrs. Ornduff. Mrs. Bill Hagerman was a caller on Mrs. Ornduff Saturday evening. Mr. J. A. McGown is a proud owner of a new Buick car. Mr. A. F. Ornduff is busy getting out poles at the Sunset camp and be will also build a new railroad. They will have a new dance hall an