Daniel R,.Anthony, Jr. Classified Advertising Home News Notes WANTS and FOR SALK All ads. under this head »re cash With copy. Rates, one cent a worif: initials and figures count ps words. Minimum, 26 cents an issue. ——1 ■ *■ ------------------- 1 ■ ■ Young people are home from col lege to spend Christmas. - FOR TRADE—1024 ch.vrol.t and Portland lot, for Vernonia Prop erty. Might assume. Geo. T. Hamb lin, 209 C street. Vernonia, 183 FOR SALE OR TRADE—FOREST Grove prerty for Vernonia acreage or town property. P. O. Box 47, Vernonia. Oregon. 10-tf The S, C. H. club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Drorbaugh Wednesday night. 500 was the fea­ ture of the evening. Those present were: Mr. rnd Mrs. C. H. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Eglus, -Mr. and Mrs. Boeck and Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Dissmore, Mrs. Boeck receiving first prize and Mr. Eglus, second. Re­ freshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Asplanj spant NOW IS THE TIME TO Christmas In Portland. OF REORGANIZING THE NON1A CHAMBER OF Mr. Chambers of Houlton, was a; MERCE. recent visitor at the Dent homo. A picture of the big 28 pound tur­ Hoffman spent Friday nip gtown on the Charley Mellinger Robert reurned with place, appeared in last Saturday’s the holidays. , Journal. FOR RENT More Turkeys More Hams T urkey Shoot! Î I’will not be responsible for any debts contracted after this date by Mrs. Troy Smith. Population, 2000. Dated December 22, 1925. 201» TROY SMITH. The new Vernonia Bakery, where “Mother’s Bread” is made, ia the best and neatest bakery many of. us have ever ha,j the pleasure of seeing. Al Repass han been in Portland Mrs. H. H. Hixon was called to this week undergoing medical exam Skamakawa, Washington, last week on account of the illness of her FOR RENT—NEWLY FURNISHED ¡nations and attention. father. office and bed room. Heat, light Mr. William Gillette of and water. Call Hoffman Hard Angeles, is visiting his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Dickens ware Co. 15tf J. W. Brown over Christmas. were Portland visitor« the latter part of laat week. Mrs. Bodell Williams LOST AND FOUND Maurice Richardson of the Eagle was a Sunday guest at LOST — POINTER BIRD DOG, mechanical department spent Christ­ home. color, liver and white, answers to mas day with his parents, Mr. and name Brownie. Reward for return. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Clark spent Mrs. D. W. Richardson in St. Helens F. M. RUHL. 201 Christmas with relatives in Grants Another turkey shoot Sunday. Pass. Last Sunday a good time was repor­ I ’ CHURCH NOTICES * H. M. Gregory and H. Humbyrd ted by those attending, but the rain of Skaggs store spent Xmas in Port­ kept many away. ; EVANGELICAL CHURCH land. „ MA Hom. Like Church” Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Richardson Sunday school at 9:45 a. m., with Earl Dial is on duty again, hav­ left last Sunday morning for Klam­ a class for you and a place for you ing gained his usual strength, since ath Falls, w|iere they will spend the to work. The Evangelical Leugue of holidays with friends. a recent appendicitis operation. Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. The morning hour of worship at 11 O. H. Drorbaugh, father of Dewe.v Charley Hail, who mnny Vernonia o’clock. The evening service at 7:30 Drorbaugh, visited Vernonia last people remember as conductor on a o’clock. The theme for the evening week, and has decided to make his freight run through Vernonia, was service will be, “Looking Back over home here, we hear. killed by a train last week, and the Past.” The evening message will be preceeded by a thirty minute gos­ pel song service. New Years Eve a Fellow-ship supper at the hall, fol­ lowed by the church business meet-' ing, all members are urged to plan to attend this meeting and all friends are invited to be with us. At the close of the business session we will watch the old year out and the new year in. Wm. F. Rademacher, Pastor. PUBLICATIONS HOFFMAN HARDWARE CO, An especially posed and approved portrait of Representative Daniel It. Anthony. Jr. of Kenans, a member ot tbe Important bonne appropriation* committee and one of tbe lending Re- laibllcan members of the lower house Before entering the house, Congress man Anthony wus a lawyer and newspaper man. He Is now serving Ids tenth term. Now comes the time of peace and mirth To gladden and rejoice tbe earth; Kind thoughts to wake, all hearts jR* to fill • POLICE NOTES With memories, wishes and goodwill. Several violators of the curfew, law were up before Judge Reasoner this week. This law will be »trictly enforced and you can not evade it by being out with anyone under 21 years of age. Wish You Both ■assi Peter Maderazo was arrested by Officer Kelly for operating a dance hall without proper license. His trial was set for December 26. Clem Bartley was before the court on u disorderly charge and will have his triul December 26 . D. R. Adams was apprehended by | Officer Kelly on n charge of is­ suing checks with no funds. Verdict of “not guilt’’ was pronounced by the court. See HOFFMAN about it STORES AT NEWBERG "A LEM SHERIDAN VERNONIA CORVALLIS1 HILLSBORO McMINNEVILI.E MONMOUTH Sunday, Dec. 27 Beginning at Man’s inhumanity to man is bc- ginning to develop some good foot­ ball material. At Christmas time, as the broad pathway of the New Year opens wide before us all, our thoughts go out to each of our friends to wish them well in all their endeavors Among our assets we like to count the only one that money cannot buy—your good will And so, not in the sense of custom only, but with a gen­ uine appreciation of our pleasant associations drr?”g the past year, we extend to you our best wishes for an Old Fashioned Merry Christmas and a New Year of health, Happiness and pros­ perity. < We wish to thank everyone in Vernonia and vicinity for the splendid business en­ joyed by the Miller's Store. We thank you for the dependancy put in our merchandise and our system, of business. We have en­ joyed a good business—better than expec­ tations, during the Christmas week, and will strive in the future to so conduct your I big store that we will merit a continuation of your patronage. , e May the blessedness of the Holiday Spirit abide with you and the glorious promise of a bounteous New Year be given unto you. VERNONIA’S LEADING STORE