9 VtXNONlÄ ÊAGLt Professional s Business Directory i =------ W A - LODGE NOTICES -,------- ■■■■.= | Vernonia Lodge, No. 184 A. F. i A. M., meets at Grange ^KQ\-Htill every Second Fourth Thursday nights. Wm. Folger. Master. • 0. F. TIPTON, See, Visitors Welcome DR. H. H. HURLEY Dentistry and X-Ray Evenings by Appointment Office ever Halton’s Store Vernonia, Oregon M. D. COLE DENTIST L 0.0. F.-V kknonia L oogi , No. 246, meets every Tuesday night at 8:00 o'clock, in Grange Hal) M. L. GAINES, Noble Grand P. O. Mellinger Secretary Lester Sheeiey Knights of Pythias. - H arding I- odgk , 116, Attorney-at-Law Vernonia, Or.—Meets jJTlrf every Mondsy night In Vernonia, Oregon Mg* Grange Hall. All visit- ing brothers cordislly invited. L J. W. BROWN. C. C. JACK NANCE. K, R A S. '■ - J - VERNONIA GRANGE The Vernonia Grange meets on th second Saturday of every month a 7:30 P. M. Any members of th Grange living in or near Vernonia or visiting In the community, ar cordially invited to attend. F. E. MALMSTEN, Sec -, GEORGE H. SHINN President Columbia Co. Abstract Company St. Helens, r k. Oregon a ......... . - s “MARK. EVERY GRAVE” You will find at our shop the finest granite. "Rock of Ages,* "St. Cloud,” "Ashland,” and various other granites and marbles. Vernonia, Oregon Look! Listan I NEHALEM HOTEL Opp. Gilby Motor Co. on Bridge street and Grant Ave. Catering to the traveling public. You will ba eared for at the Nehalem Hotel Boy Scouts me, every Frl. nlghtat Legion ha M. E. CARKIN, Com. EUGENE SHIPLEY, Adi. T. J. EDWARDS (Insured Carrier) Portland * Vernonia Truck Line I Wm. Pringle, Prop. Vernonia CURLEY’S TRANSFER COMPANY Local Hauling and all kinds of team work Office at Kavanaugh Land Co. SPECIAL CARE WITH FURNITURE HAUUNG See O. Dauat about building a good home. J. M. Clark reports the following real estate deals: Three lots in Evergreen addition to E. A. Stacy. Two lots to Mr. Reasoner. One acre tract in Evergreen to Denis Davis. Rinehart Johnson. One Sunrise to Mr. Sipe One Cyrel John. One One baugh. Four lots in Block 12, East side ad­ dition to Walter Kent. One lot in Park addition to Clara Cleveland. One lot in Evergreen to Lee Davis T CHURCH NOTICES | ♦--------------------------------- ♦ FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Another good day last Sunday and we hope you all enjoyed the program last Wednesday. I am glad you are planning to enter the Bible school of the Christian church. Next Sunday the pastor will bring you a message in keeping with New Year's and gla<] to invite you out for the evening service. Special music. You are cordially invited. L w m HA\— GRAIN FEED POTATOES- WOOD­ COAL— BRICKETS— SAND­ GRAVEL— UM»— We make fresh chocolates every day. Come in and *«* u* make it Lincoln’s Candy Kitchen 174 In the matter of the estate of IDA M. ALLEN, deceased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,that the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the estate of Ila M. Allen, deceased, by Hon. John Phillip, Judge of the County Conirt of the State of Oregon, for the Coun­ ty of Columbia, and has qualified. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as by law required, to the under­ signed at the law office of Lester Sheeiey, in the City of Vernonia Oregon, within six months from date hereof. HARRY N. ALLEN, Administrator Lester Sheeiey, attorney for admini­ strator. Dated and first published, Decern her 11th, 1925. Last publication, January 8th 1926. Father S PORTLAND OFFICE Ante Freight Terminal E. Water and Yamhill Sts. East 8226 ------- Office No. 11 Portland Resident—Walnut 2888 RAY REASONER PHONE 70S Residence 1100 Rose Avenue Vernonia, Oregot Great chefs are Rarely if eter do heights In their profeasitmby dint of perseverance. In Europe and the East • chef with the true gastronomic In­ stinct is treas­ ured jealously. He expects and obtains the treat­ ment of an am­ bassador. His dishes are the pride of his H. Qedojlan. master, to be boasted of to friends la the cafes and bazuars. Such a chef la Haroutoun Gedojiiin, sometime chef to the family royal of the khedlve of Egypt, now the owner of a bizarre gold coast restaurant In Chicago. In bls forty-three years as a chef extraordinaire. Haroutoun’s word has been law in the cuisines of three Egyptian princes and one princess, the mother of the khedlve. When Lord Kitchener was sirdar of Egypt, before the trouble In the Soudan. Haroutoun cooked for him. One of Kitchener’s favorite dishes, according to Haroutoun, was schisch- kabb, a dish made from milk fed baby lamb? Prince Jamiel, another of his masters, was particularly fond of dried cream and honey, a preparation which Is one of Haroutoun’s zealously guarded secrets. Prince Saad Pasha, was a keen admirer of a confection Haroutoun makes entirely out »of flour, butter and nuts. In many of his admirable < dishes, Haroutoun uses evaporated milk, which Is simply fresh cow’s i milk sterilized in cans and with sixty per cent of the water removed. Because of a homogenizing process through which evaporated milk is put. the fat globules In the milk ar^ broken up Into microscopic pnrtlcles and dis­ tributed throughout the milk, where they remain in homogeneous suspen­ sion. This breaking of the fat globules dves 4» distinct buttery flavor to every Phone Job printing ean be done in Vei nonia as good as any plane in II state, at right prices. Let <>■ Vernonia Eagle ..-j ob Printefy= print your circulars, invitations, cards, blotters, bills, letter heads, time slips, envelopea, statements, programs, menus, letters, tickets, etc., etc. Work guariinteed. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Oregon Vernonia, NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT In the matter of the estate of PETE SAARI, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the urideroigned. as administrator of the estate of Pete Saari, deceased, has filed his final account in the Coun­ ty Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Columbia, and tliat Monday, the 28th day of December, 1925, at the hour of 10:00 o’clock in the forenoon of said day, and the courtroom of said court in the Court House of Columbia county, in St. Helens, Oregon, has been ap­ pointed by said court as the time and place for the hearing of objections thereto, and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published, Novem­ ber 27th, 1925 Date of last publication, Decem­ ber, 25th, 1925. C. L. BATEMAN, Administrator. Lester Sheeiey, Vernonia, Oregon. Attorney for Administrator. 165 and PACIFIC WOODMEN LIFE ASSOCIATION LODGE Meets every Friday night st Sess- mans Hall. All visiting Brothers welcome. Emil Messing, C. C. O. L. Bateman, Clerk LEGAL NOTICES PUBLICATIONS PLASTER­ CEMENT— SULPHUR- LAND PLASTER­ DRAIN TILE— DuPONT POWDER­ BLASTING ACCESSORIES— STORAGE— MERRY CHRISTMAS HAPPY NEW YEAR A LONG LIFE PROSPERITY GOOD HEALTH Is my ’sincere wish for my friends, and this means everybody E. E. HAYES, the SQUARESHOOTER, With the Oldest, Biggest and Best, The New York Life Insurance Company tion Without Wagt. 7^ Cash jHoney saving Alliyiï'il NITED STOR Wfo stores iaw qf economics hat only those en­ which r mder the greatest The Origin and Oper terprises service can hope to survive and the alian of Skaggs Stores old must give way to the new in exact priportion to the greater ser- vice which tho new can render. Therefore, to continue to exist the new must const: ntly strive to ex­ cel, else it, too, v. ill fall by the way­ side. For in tte last analysis the public is a mercess julge and will be served. , In the mass effort, represented by such organizatiqn.i as Skaggs stores guided by sound and constructive policies, lies the greatest opportuni­ ty for genuine service and individual accomplishment. Motivated by the righ timpulses anl destined for a definite gord—tke goal of the maximu niin service and efficiency —-there is apparently no limit to the spienlil results which h> within their power to produce. And these results neej not all be material—although we have found that the public is gen­ erous, even liberal, in rewarding its The elephant is a mammoth beast, ‘real servants—they can be and are equally capable of much good or deeply gratifying to the soul as well. In the earlier articles of this much harm—according to the man­ ner of his handling. In him is latent series we have een how Skaggs almost unlimited power for s'^wice stores originated from the efforts of one man to find the solution for or for destruction cr.d / e channels what, t him, constituted a problem into which hi-' * •-♦’»r-’th 'maF coity ~?rvice. We Lo juide ¿.—’e úUkCten * >r the d< ter-i lie* k C seen them r.iow irom a tiny, minatlon cf the man or men into one-man undertaking to an enter­ prise of vast proportions with more whose keeping he is given. Likewise, than 300 stores and 1500 widt the great Mailtt type of locomotive awake, loyal, earnest and enthusi­ —roaring down the track with its astic young men and women en­ We have string of cars flashing after it like gaged in their opt ration. the tail to a comet—is a potent fac­ seen inaugurated a profit-sharing tor for destruction unless the man plan that is uniqte in its scope and at the throttle is cool-headed, equfity to all concerned, including steady nerved and of unswerving the ultimate consumer. It has been righteousness of purpose. But, un­ made' clear how it is possible some­ less the engineer shall have sudden­ times to make a liberal profit out of ly gone mad, he will be true to his what otners waste and still renter trust and guide his train and his the public a genuine "service of sav­ passengers through to safety if fort ing.” no other reason than because he If this series of articles shall have realizes that to do otherwise means his own destruction as well as the revealed and made understandable lestruction of the mighty power ti the reader the marvelous spirit, the courageous heart and the sin­ which he controls. cere purpose of every member of It is true that great organizations this great body, of men and women such as Skaggs stores, represent a who are striving—cheerfully and mighty power and much has been contentedly—towarl the ultimate said—by those who lacked informa­ goal of “Distribution without waste” tion, or who had given the matter —if they shall have made you regard but slight thought ir who were in­ us as simply “one of the iommunity spired by a misconreption of their in spirit and endeavor”—to know own self-interest—about the poten­ that Skaggs stores, like most other tial menace which this power consti­ stores, are owned exclusively by the tuted. To realize the fallacy of this men woh actually operate them and argument it is only necessary to re­ that these men are your friends and flect for a moment upon the self- neighbors—then all of the effort of evident fact that the man or men their preparation and publication capable of building these great or­ will be more than justified. ganizations must be posseaed of at least a normal, amount of common sense. And, beiiiig -’osaesed of/ordin­ ■ We began this series of articles ary common sense they have nly to with a statement concerning Rev- look back over history to realize that' erend S. M. Skaggs, the founder of the slightset abuse of the power Skaggs stores. We want to close which they control will inevitably re­ its in the same way by saying that sult in the ultimate destruction of the altruism and high purpose of that power and themselves with it. the man found its only material re­ Thus, Ht is again seen that the ward in the way he would have it element u»f self -interest aside from —the achievement of his life’s ambi­ any hiflb motives, automatically tion—‘‘to be able to preach the Gos­ acts as a safety-valve and a very pel without charge wherever the effective check upon the actions of need and to the limit) of is capacity” those to, whom the public has seen anl the funds to make this possiole fit to entrust the guidance of the regularly find their way to him from policies of great institutions. Fur­ the profits of the institution he thermore. it is an incontrovertible founded. ,