NOTICE OF COLLECTION OF ASSESSMENT NOT1SE IS HEREBY GIVEN,that assessments have been levied for the construction of street and storm sewer improvements in Improvement District No. Three (3) of the City of Vernonia, Columbia county, Ore­ gon and that same were entered in the docket of City Liens on the 5th, day of December, 1925, the number. Housework Woi |900 a Y^| or letter of each lot, part of lot, or parcel of land assessed and the number or letter of the Block in which the same is situated, the name of the owners thereof and the sums assessed upon such lota, parts of lots or parcels of land be­ ing as follows: Nine hundred dollaro the a versa ASSESSMENT ROLL Improvement District Number Three, Vernonia, Ore. Including 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sts. Owner of Record American Laundry, Eva A C. H. Twineham, W. C., J. E. A R. M. Repass, W. C., J. E. A R. M. Repass, William Pringle, Lot Addition Block 1 2 3 4 5 1 1 1 1 1 Vernonia Vernonia Vernonir Vernonia Vernonia 1 Vernonia N1k-2 Vernonia Stk-2 Vernonia 3 Vernonia 4 fraction Vernonia 4 Vernonia E^k-5 Vernonia W*4-5 Vernonia E.38 ft. lot 6 Vernonia E.38 ft. lot 7 Vernonia C.38 ft. lot 6 Vernonia C.38 ft. lot 7 Vernonia W.39 ft. lot 6 Vernonia W.39 ft. lot 7 Vernonia Lot 8 Vernonia 9 Vernonia 10 Vernonia 201.29 100.65 100.65 201.29 176.15 25.18 139.00 62.27 22.76 22.76 38.62 38.62 70.32 70.32 152.65 243.14 243.14 Walter Coyle, J. W.Beall,Jr, S. E. 18ftx75ft E. F. Messing, remainder E. F. Messing, T. A. White, T. A. White, C. W. Reithner, C. W. Reithner, J.W.&D.Baldwin,E14 of WH, J. W.&D. Baldwin,E Vi of WW, 1 2 2 3 E-W4 E^k-5 W',»-4 W14-5 4 5 201.2 J 58.93 142.3.» 201.29 90.97 90 97 14.5-1 14.51 26.21 26.24 Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia W.45 ft.l Center 40 ft. 1 Vernonia 40 ft.x30 ft. 2 Vernonia East 30 ft. 1 Vernonia Remainedr 2 Vernonia Vernonia Lot 3 Vernonia 4 Vernonia 5 29.93 42.42 25.44 611.27 145.15 223.11 244.92 244.92 177.59 23.89 201.29 223.78 246.27 246.27 244.92 244.92 223.Ì1 138.02 138.02 38.71 38.71 24.57 24.57 E. J. Kingsley, C.R.&W.J. Coyle, W. A. Harris, L.B.&B.B. Stuart, T. M. Crawford, T. M. Crawford, M. Lynch, S. S. Conklin, D. & G. McDonald, Mary S. McGee, Mary S. McGee, C.R.& Jessie Coyle, C.R.& Jessie Coyle, H. T. Ames, H. T. Ames, 7 7 1 Vernonia E.85 ft. 1 Vernonia W.30 ft. Vernonia 2 Vernonia 3 Vernonia 4 Vernonia 5 Vernonia 6 Vernonia 7 Vernonia 8 Vernonia Wtt-9 Vernonia W^-10 Central 27ft. 9 Vernonia Central 27 ft. 10 Vernonia East 30.5 :ft. 9 Vernonia East 30.5 ft. 10 Vernonia Nan Hall, Nan Hall, Lewis Brown, Lewis Brown, Delta Land A Timber Co, Delta Land & Timber Co, Maude W’ebster, Maude Webster, Delta Land & Timber Co., J. W. Brown & N. Gillette, Nellie Gillette, Brewer & Visnaw, B. J. Cline, L.B.&B.B. Stuart, L.B.&B.B. Stuart, 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 S 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 West 30.5 West 30.5 Central 27 Central 27 East ft-1 East H-2 3 4 5 6 7 S-%-8 NH-8 9 10 J. H. Bush, Delta Land & Timber Go. Angelina Lester, Clarence Coyle, C.W.&M. Mellinger, 9 9 9 9 9 1 2 3 ft 4 7 7 7 7 ft • 4 4 7 7 •7 7 7 ■ ft. 1 Vernonia ft. 2 Vernonia ft. 1 Vernonia ft. 2 Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia 24.57 24.57 38.71 38.71 138.02 138.02 220.44 239.68 239.68 246.27 246.27 123.19 100.70 201.29 201.29 5 Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia 190.89 193.34 210.02 225.66 228.83 4 C.W.&M. Mellinger, C.W.&M. Mellinger, C.W.&M. Mellinger, W. A. Harris, W. A. Harris, 10 10 10 10 10 1 2 3 4 5 Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia 135.45 135.45 120.67 105.88 105.88 Delta Land & Timber Co., Delta Land & Timber Co., Delta Land & Timber Co., D. M. O’Donnell, Ida M. Harris, Mary Roberts, Naomi Imbeck, Alma Urie, Maria Mummult, Maria Mummult, 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia 180.83 180.83 162.10 143.38 143.38 181.68 181.68 181.82 181.96 181.9e W. T. Hatton, M. B. Hatton, M. B. Hatton, L.B.&B.B. Stuart, L.B.&B.B. Stuart, Thos. H. Blanchard, John Stuart, H.B.&L.A. Oatman, E. S. Cleveland, W. T. Hatton, 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia 181.96 181.96 181.82 181.68 181.68 181.70 181.60 182.05 182.42 182.42 Albert Albert Albert Albert Albert 13 13 13 13 13 1 2 3 Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia 123.19 182.42 182.05 181.70 181.70 Charles D. White Charles D. White Oscar Esholm, 16 16 16 1 2 3 Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia 181.70 181.70 162.54 Ida M. Harris, Ida M. Harris, John & David Stuart. John & David Stuart. Pete Matiaco, Pete Matiaco, 17 17 17 17 17 17 1 2 3 10 9 8 Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia 181.68 181.68 162.55 181.70 181.70 162.54 Rose Murray, L.B.&B.B.Stuart, Columbia Co. Fire Patrol, 18 18 18 1 2 3 Vernonia Vernonia Vernonia 181.68 181.68 162.53 Wood, Wood, Wood, Wood, Wood, 4 5 H. E. & Lena McGraw, Deed Book 30. Pg. 606, 60 ft x 115 ft. tract in S.W.% of N W.H sec. 4, T4N.R. 4 W W.M.201.38 • H. D. VanBlaricom, Deed Book 9, g. 22 tract in S.W. U of N.W.14, aec. 4, 14 N-R4W. 1 W. M. 132.21 The foregoing asseMmenta are now due and payable, and if not paid within ten days from the last publi­ cation of thia notice will become de­ linquent. Property owners who desire to avail themselves, of the privilege of paying their assessments in install­ ments under the provisions of Sec­ tions 3788 to 3796, Oregon Laws, commonly refered to as the "Band­ ia' $201.29 201.29 201.29 201.29 101.29 B. F. & M. A. Lane, 2 B. F. A M. A. Lane, 2 George Burdick, 2 George Burdick, 2 B. F. A M. A. Lane, 2 Mary S. McGee, S. W. 18ftx6sft 2 Mary S. McGee, 2 Alex Sword, • 2 C. S. Hoffman, 2 C. S. Hoffman, C. A. VanAlstine, C. A. VanAlstine, Edith Early, Edith Early, Edith Early, Claude O. Thomas, Claude O. Thomas, 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Kolumbia Kounty Kommunity Co6 6 Wallace Brothers, e Wallace Brothers, 6 Bank of Vernonia, 6 Bank of Vernonia, 6 J. W. Brown, 6 A. L. Fenner, 6 George Bryant, Le­ Amount of Assessment croft Bonding Act,” may do so by filing their application therefor with­ in ten (10) days from the date here­ of, the same being the date of the first publication of this notice. Applications for such purpose may be procured from the Recorder. Dated this 11th day of December, 1925. D. B. REASONER, (Seal) City Recorder A. W. PETERSEN FURNISHINGS FOR MEN —PETERSEN’S POPULAR PRICES— Taffeta and Woolen Plaid» Enliven the Tailored Mode Will Coach Navy Crew Zez Confrey Mixes Salads and Songs Zes Confrey, famous composer of the musical classic. “The Kitten on the Keys.” 1« hailed by hl< friends as the most versatile <>. America's pope lar song com powers. Those w|o. know him say h • cHn mix a salad or a song < m 1 i 1I tv with equal iu<- cess, which is saying conaidei able since h • portrayal of tlin Zez Confrey. delightful prank « of a certain youi feline frisking over the Ivories bus been recognized ns tb.i model of American nyncoputl'>n. But Mr. Confrey has other "nrsts’ In his renertolre, his acquaintance i declare. Country bred, he Is a Juda of horse flesh, and also knows u goo.! cigar. The simple life is Mr. Confrey's Idea of happiness. Every so often Manliut tan getB too crowded for him and ho boards a train for the country un i the companionship of a certain mur­ muring brook. Inevitably he come i back with one of the merry tunes fo which he Is noted. A bachelor, Zea keep-: open lions for his friends. If be Invites a lew of the boys over for a midnight supper, he does the cooking himself. Invita­ tions to Ills lively little dinners sought after. There are two dishes to which Mr. Confrey is purtlal So are his friend*. His recipes for the two follow: "Bob' Butler, for two years assist- nt to Coach “Ruaty" Callow of ths Now that the cheering influence of Jnlveralty of Washington, who bss 'oine and chopped pimento. Break O,. a and drop Into hot tut. ba­ The way to be happily married is in* caretui to keep egg tn a globular man Just a* soon as they are a gold­ to obey the laws and pay no atten Pop corn that will pop at Lin en brown lift out and drain Place an tion to the in-laws. coin’s Candy Kitchen 17' erg on tack place of tnaat. Allow tw > ---- *---- piece» for each nerving. Pour over all the mushroom uauco and garnlab with parsley. NOTICE OF COLLECTI ON OF ASSESSMENT NOTICE IS HERBY GIVEN,that assessments have been levied for thei construction of street and storm sewer improvements in Improvement District No. Two (2) of the City of Vernonia, Columbia couny, Oregon, and that same were entered in the docket of City Liens on the Sth day of December, 1925, the number or letter of each lot, part of lot, or parcel of land assessed and the num­ ber or letter of the block in which the same is situated, the name of the owners thereof and the Bums assessed upon such lots, part of lots or parcels of land being as follows: ASSESSMENT ROLL Improvement District No. 2 Vernonia, Oregon. Owner of Record Block Lot Amount of Addition Assessment Mrs. Emma Berjcerson 6 4 Eastside $130.60 Mrs. Emma Bergerson 6 5 Eastside 130.60 R. McGillis, 6 Eastside 130.60 « H. C. Watkins, 1 Eastside 116.86 7 A. L. Kullander, Eastside 76.41 7 NH-2 A. L. Kullander, Eastside N’¿-3 7 76.41 J. II. Bush, 7 SH-2 Eastside 40.41 J. II. Bush, EasLside 7 SV4-3 40.41 (Note—The following Deed Book number and page, refer to the deed Recrdf. of Columbia County. Oregon.) Lillian Brown, Deed Book 35. pg. 262, 1 9 Ferndale 130.60 (Unfiled Plat) Issac Jay, deed book 36,) »» 47.)pg 436 1 10 130.60 34.) tt tt Isaac Jay ” ” ff tt 1 • 11 130.60 >» tt tt Isaac Jay ” 1 12 156.63 It 13 Nellie Jay Gillette, ’ ’ 39 ” 275 1 130.60 11 Lillian Brown, Deed ”35 ” 262 1 14 130.60 tt Nellie Jay Gillette, ’ ’ 39 ” 275 1 15 130.60 tt Lillian Brown,Deed ” 35 ” 262 16 1 130.60 tt S. S. Conklin, ” ’’ 35 ” 196 1 17 130.69 tt S. S. Conklin, ” ” 35 ” 196 1 18 130.60 W. C. Repass, ” ” 33 ” 265 1 Broadway 2 116.86 (Unfiled Plat» It Cecil Sawyer, ” 38 ” 420 1 3 116.86 tt M. D. Cle, ” ’’ 37 ” 73 1 116.86 4 99 J.R. & O. V. Cox ” ” 37 ” 393 1 5 116.86 tt Mary Nash, Sr, ” ” 35 ” 510 1 6 116.86 99 V. C. Short, ’’ 38 ” 255 1 7 116,8.1 tt J. R. Mitchell, ” 33 ’’ 265 1 8 140.15 tt N. K. Jensen, ” 37 ” 186 1 9 11 <1.86 It L.C. & R. Lindley, ” ” 37 ” 635 1 10 116.86 tt R. M. Aldrich, ” ” 35 ” 450 1 11 116.86 The foregoing asseMmenta are now croft Bonding Act,” may do so by due and payable and if not paid with" filing their application therefor with­ in ten days from the last publication in ten (10) days from the date here­ of this notice will become delinquent of, the same being the date of the Property owners who desire to first publication of thia notice. ■vail themselves of the privilege of Applications for such purpose may paying their asseMmenta in install­ be procured from the Recorder. ments under th« provision of Sec­ Dated thia 11th day of December, tions 3788 to 3796, Oregon Laws, 1925. D. B. REASONER, commonly rafered to .as th« “Ban (Seal) City Recorder Pinoappla-Chaaso Salad. It slices pine­ apple 1 cup cream cheese 14 cup chopped nuts 1 tbsp, evaporated milk Crisp lettuce leaves 1 tbsp pineapple Juice 1 tsp. sugar Oreen and rod mangoes Creamy naiad dreaalo* Combine the cheese, nute, evaporated milk, pineapple juice and lusir. and blend Into a smooth mass. Cut pineap­ ple circles In half. Spread cheese mix­ ture on a slice of pineapple and press the other half circle of pineapple on top of cheese as one would a alien of bread In making a sandwich. Cut dli- monda or triangles from green and r.-d mangoes and press Into the edge of the cheese mixture between the pine­ apple Lay !»o of the prepared piece* of pineapple on a crisp lettuce leaf. Serve with creamy salad dressing This serves flve. Promoter of Big Fight wk Leonora Z. Meder. ly of public welfare of C executive, purchasing expert, and producer r The successful home food values. She budget so that the foot have all the necessary qualities. "The woman who wc her food bill will do I her money on milk am blea than on butter, tl one of the beet sour aentlal food element, vl are butter aubatitutei can take the place of tables. “Milk, foot! expert* l nearly perfect food, the problem by Invent milk, which la slinp' milk sterilised In cams per cent of the wate cause evaporated mil! the richncM of ordinal many housewives dllu half with water for « Keeping longer than there Is no waste fron too, ft is cheaper. "Savings also can bs Cheaper portions of cooked are highly nntr better tasting than cost more. The shout stew meat of lamb ars shoulders, feet, tails, and hocks are tn the Calorit yiNvquue Require I of the I ry etitians decia age boy or gir hould receive about pound of body weig average weight of a C Is forty pounds. Th« caloric requirement proximately 1,600 cs merely the name fot ure of heat' derived of food. Necessarily, the ca of the child Is d< temperament, since t hard and long requi merit than one who life. Rate of growth Ing on caloric req child who la growl! he given more food t need* than the bo growth is normal. Mother* know the consist of the rosentl tefn, carbohyratea, f water. The imports!) I to learn the foods I I essentials In a ball Is a well-balanced n Mx years old complli on home economics. ONK DAY’S Ml YKAR-OLD suBroalt • »tewed prunes . H cupful cream of Served with half of tbsp.) and half el milk ........................... 1 slice buttered teas 1 cup cocoa made evaporated milk Luncheon Baked potato and I 14 cupful spinach.. 1 baked apple (1 tb> 14 tbsp, butter).. 1 glass milk............ .. 1 slice bread butter- 14 tbsp, butter .. Afternoon Lune 1 orange ................. Din 1 small pises broils <1M x « H) • K cupful mashed p 1-4 cupful lima bet mads with evapt milk ................... I glass milk, oraag The photograph ghowg Tloyfl Flta- slmrnona, who 1* making strenuous ef­ Total ••••••••• e.j forts to secure a fight between Jack Children often I Dempsey sad Harry Wills at Michigan drinking plain mill City, Ind. with fruit juices la The tonie for the busine** world Following la the rt Ing milk drink: Ml —newspaper advertising. , Juice, K cupful If you have anything to sell or three teaspoon tula want anything. Adverti*» in the Eagle spoonful of lenwn grains of aatt. M m Read the adv*, carefully. jar before asrvtug