fi A» along lines of what schools really are for. Everybody, I more or less, believe like Prof. Campbell,, but no one be­ fore has possessed sufficient amount of nerve to declare, facts.The interview with President Campbell,as reported by the Associated Press is . o good we republish it from last Sunday’s Oregonian: “President Campbell today pledged himself to do all that he could to ‘prevent the University of California from Issued Every Friday -:- $2 per year in Advance becoming a prep school for professional football.’ “President Campbell's statement said thf acts of Ernie Entered as Second Class Matter, August 4, 1922 at the Nevers and Red Grange in turning professional would Post Office at Vernonia, Oregon, under the have an indirect consequence on college football ‘that will Act of March 8, 1879 be extremely serious.’ VERNONIA BOOK 8 ART STORE “The University head cri icised ‘American newspapers J. Merle and A. Kemper Paul Robinson, Editor and Ownei which have had four weeks to discuss professional foot- i balP’since the Grange conti act was signed. Everything in Magazines, Stationery,Pictures and “My reading on this subject has been limited,’ said Books—School and Office Supplies President Campbell, ‘but essentially all the writeups have Art and Novelty Goods been in justification of Mr. Grange and Mr. Nevers, though I have seen no reasc n given except that the jump­ We do Picture Framing of All Kinds ing at the chance to make their fortunes in a hurry. The same get-rich-quick philosophy could be offered in sup­ port of many get-rich-quick activities’ •r—— “Pointing out that hereaiter, ‘from the first days of high school and possibly earlier a g’eat number of boys will be planning to go to college with the idea of becom­ ing football stars of sufficient magnitude to command salaries in accordance with their dreams of sudden wealth President Campbell added: ‘Football was made for un­ iversities; universities* were not made for football. NO COLLECTION----- NO CHARGE VERNONIA EAGLE COLLECTIONS KNIGHT ADJUSTMENT CO Good morning. Was your stocking full this morning. -------- o--------- Christmas Cheer in liquid form is much in evidence. -------- □--------- May we all be better citizens during-1926. -------- o--------- Pretty nice Christmas weather, when one thinks of tf*e “Cold Spells” back east. Portland McMinnville 502 Bourd of Trude Bldg. S» I.' ¡I Blacksmithing and Horsei shoeing You Know My Wo I am located across the street South of the Craw ­ ford Garage My entraucp ---------------- (---------------- is on Maple street. Vy The old-fashioned girl w io used to bring in the milk work g guaranteed. Inviting I In addition to it bottles w’hen she woke up now brings them in w’hen she i is going to retire.—Providence Tribune. . 1 all my old, as w7ell as new, customers. I being a- custom -------- o--------- There are so many societies,' organizations and what W. T. HATTON not, that some day people \ ho don’t belong to anything Hatton’s Blacksmith and at this time of the at all may organize on that account.—Detroit Free Press Horseshoeing Shop -------- o--------- 174 * ♦ vearforeveiyone If the american people allows the insanity defense to I /■ ~ i -—~~~~~ 1 2 continue to free people, it L insane itself.—Chicago Tri­ ~~ to wish everyone else bune a Merry Christmas, we o ¡** McNary and Stanfield, both U. S. Senators from Orc-.* consider it a privilege gon, don’t seem to be quite as devoted to each other a» ♦ Folks do not as a to wish our friends and the Gold Dust Twins, the Watson sisters, Damon and Py- If rule go where thias or two peas in a pod. ' I? they’re not customers a Merry invited. A Portland paper insinuates that there is a possibility f Christmas. We hope NEWSPAPER of Mayor Baker having his eye on the governorship job. ♦ advertising is the J* that w7e may see you Well, it is doubtful; but suppose he had. Many men would I recognized form Xf in person to extend our be less proficient. * i of inviting folks to -------------- Q-------------- ti best wishes to you, but your place of We must inculcate into our people the homely virtues business. if not, please consider on which civilization rests. We must teach and learn that *•[ this message as direct a virtuous people pos.*essed of aggressive honesty and pa­ _ + from our hearts. tient endeavor need few laws—and that law forced frc m without can never take the place of character Teaching the saxophone by ..ia/ Strong as this government is, it is not strong enough toi -should either im. rov< the execution1 or hasten it. last unless the American citizen is taught—if needs be, of players --------- *--------- made—to respect authority and revere the law.—Senator The id-year-old child is 11 when Goff buying a railrual ticket and 1C ivher. Candies Vernonia will, some day, have another railroad to As­ toria. It might be a transcontinental line, it might be the Milwaukee. They could build down from Riderwoodi through Longview, across the river to Rainier and I through Vernonia to the sea at Astoria, thence down the! coast to San Francisco. Had any of this ever occured to I you? Had you ever asked what railroad it was now 'at Longview? Have you asked yourself what roadbed iti is at Pittsberg now I ------ +------ BOX CANDY—ALL HOME MADE, PURE, HOLESOME, GOOD G/ ndieS STATE LAUNDRY CO For Good Laundry Work We call and deliver TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS. Leave orders at the Columbia Barber Shop. . The small advs. get results. I Last year we had the largest display Vernonia ever saw and this year we have a larger assort­ ment. Í Vern jn ta Eagle driving a car. * for Xmas ♦ ■ » ■ > • « 1 ■ I 's. z? 3JSB CRCWW CRAWFORD MOTOR CO. LINCOLN—FORD—FORDSON You can now buy your Ford on the 18 months The new winter “Red Crow n” is w ild to go— crowded w ith milcage! ------------ O------- :---- WHAT IS A “CHEAP ROAD LAIN dirt roads cost the least money. But they fail in On sale at all “Red Crown” pumps. stormy weather. A graded dirt road, rocked P and wet then or coated with some form or asphaltic wearing sur­ face, is lasting and easily repairable when necessary This type of construction provides for expansion and con­ traction under every possible weather condition. It cush­ ions the impact of traffic, thus saving the road base. From the standpoint of economy and service such i ', k s are winning widespread approval of taxpayers. , , -------- o-------- Tillamook Business! So live that it won’t make any difference whether the whale swallowed Jonah or Jonah swallowed the whale. —Toledo Blade. ------------ G------------ Hillsboro STANDARD Oil. COMPANT (California) I payment plan Payments as low as $21.88 a month * O—O o Gasoline, Oil, Storage, Tires and Accessori« o—o—o Battery Service Ambulance for Towing í Phone 612 YOU >111b CAN o—o—o AFFORD FORD St RADIO, VAST SOCIAL INFLUENCE HE radio is now7 recognized as one of the potent in­ fluences in strengthening the tie that binds the Am­ erican people closer to the home Now there is developing the social lure