* VERNONIA BAQLB, Elace ¥our Ad Here Mac Says There are only 27 days left till Xmas, and. right now is the time to start your Xmas Shopping, and that “Shopping” will be a lot easier this year for you can get a Gift for every members of the family at MAC’S PHARMACY * MOVIE NEWS AND COMMENT OF LOCAL FEATURES ♦------ The past week has been an ex ceptional good one at the Majestic theatre. Sunday and Monday nights were probably the most enjoyed if the cri>ds and laughter were any in dication. Harold Lloyd “brought down the ouse.” The coming program according to notices, will be equally enleitair.ing. As an example the coming Saturday night show r - ises to start the weeks prograr. off wilh the best of talent in a produc­ i tion extensively advertised and greatly commented on. It will be House Peters in “The Storm Break­ er” Titanic power and giant Ego is depicted in “Storm Breaker,” and the unusual role of House Peters is an interesting study. If you like the a with its cruelty and beauty, if you wish to get away from the or­ dinary play of society life and the hustle of the cities, if you appre­ ciate great acting and wonderful photography, then. by all means, You will see *Tlie Storm Breaker’ not regret going, for you will see ine of the most forceful and th. ill- ing picture plays of the year. nown nationally. “Milo’s All White- linstrels.” A big, traveling, genuine linstrel show, a two hour show with Light people. It is a change and you will certainly like it. A full house is assured for Monday night. ir I am nni “sour,” friends are few; If If I am friendly, folks are, too. Sometimes I get up in the morn A-wishin’ 1 was never born; I make of cross remarks a few, And then my family whishes, too. That 1 had gone some other place Instead of showing them my face. But let me change my little “tune,” And sing and smile, then pretty soon The folks around me sing and smile; I guess ‘twas catchin’ all the while. Yes, it is a funny thing, but true, That folks you like will sure like you Next Tuesday and Wednesday: j nights the big laugh of the year I Syd Chaplin in “The Man on the Box' Syd is a brother of Charley and many, i say he is as comical. In this play- j the producer says it will get more, I laughs than his last picture “Charley j i Aunt.” A laugh will brace you up ‘ ------- +------- and “The Man on the Box” will get I AUTOMOBILE OVERTURNS! all the laughs you have left. DRIVERS INJURIES FATAL Next Thursday and Friday nights' Clatskanie. — A. C. Robertson, Hoot Gibson is coming in “The Cal­ gary Stampede.” Gibson is at h>s about 54, resident of Oak Point, best in this and the riders are no­ was instantly killed when his car left ted ones the world ovre. The actual the road and overturned at the foot scenes were snapped in Canada and of a long hill on the Mist-Clatskanie whether you attended the “Round-up 'road two miles from Clatskanie near after or not you will be ahead if you see the W. E. Hand place Saturday 1 A the great work in this Calgary noon. He was alone in the ear. Stampede. Sure, it is a western pic- front wheel got off the road and the lure and pronounced by many the car overturned in his attempt to get back. His back and neck were brok­ best of the Hoot Gibson bunch. en. A sister, Mrs. Axel Anundi, lives --------- ♦---------- at Clatskanie. A LOVE STORY --------- ♦---------- Love in the December of life is just as beautiful as it is in May. A Christmas Trees Stolen. white-haired old man and a sweet lit­ The management of the Crosset- tle old lady used to meet in the park Western company has complained to and sit together all the afternoon. the Clatsop county sheriff that This friendship gradually deepened Christmas trees have been cut in into a deeped affection, and friend­ wholesale quantities in the Waum. ships are wont to do, for love is no vicinity. Sheriff Slusher announced respector of persons or of age. that he will patrol the highway the One summer day the old man took next month and start a war against the little lady by the hand. “May I the tree vandals.—Chief. tell you the old, old story?” he asked --------- ♦---------- his voice trembling. CALL FOR WARRANTS She bushed as only old-fashioned I have money on hand to pay the people can, and nodded assent. following endorsed county road war­ So he told her for the 28th time rants. how he won the battle of Gettsyburg. Road Dist. No. 5. End. —Tej Osborne, in Life. eluding July 29, 1925 ------- *------- Road Dist. No. 6, End Here is what a Chrysler Four done in 110 hours. Covered 2.755 eluding Aug. 12, 1925. Road Dist, No. 8, End, miles on 85 gallons of gas, 32.4 miles per gallon. Oil 11 quarts and eluding Oct 10, 1925 , 5 quarts of water. Your Vernonia Road Dist. No. 10, End Chrysler dealer wants to demon- eluding Nov. 6, 1925. strate the Chrysler. Stop in the Road Dist. No. 12, End. Monkey Wrench Garage.—Adv 164 eluding Nov. 12, 1925. --------- ♦---------- I i Road Dist. No. 16, End FOLKS AND ME. eluding Aug. 14, 1925. It is a funny thing, but true, Rainier-Apiary Market, End, That folks you don’t like don’t like you. I and including Nov. 14, 1925. Interest ceases, Nov. 20, 1925. I don’t know why this should be so, But just the same I always know BESSIE H. GOBA, Co. Treas. On Sunday night, beautiful Doris Kenyon, supported by five stars you rank as the best will appear in "If 1 Marry Again.”’ List to the me - sage of a wordly wise widow.. Her story of married life will amaze you; her experience will startle you; her discoveries are the most remarkablj that woman ever made. She knows men as only a woman who has been wooed and won and then disillusioned can know them. Wives, husband1, sweethearts will have much to thinl. about after seeing it. And on next Monday night is a noted change in everything, with no pictures whatsoever, but the well J. M. CLARK Real Estate Insurance Notary Public Farm and City property for sale. List your property with me I get reults. ONE push oa tha »tarter—and WHBR! — the new winter “Red Crown” is off like a shot! “Wild to to” —crowded with mileage!— the achievement of our 47-y ears of gasoline-making ex­ perience! Fill at the “Red Crown” pump and see! STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Calibrala) NEW -WINTER 'RED CROWN Petersens Petersens Every thing in this Men’s Store is Absolutely NEW! We invite vour inspection of the new- KNIT BOTTOM BLAZIER SWEATERS HARDEMAN HATS—World Known FLORSHEIM SHOE—none made better HIGH TOPS------ TIES, SHIRTS, UNDERWEAR, WET WEATHER GOODS— ACROSS FROM THEATRE Petersens Popular Prices = BINGO! the standard question: “Any insani­ CLEAN JOURNALISM Dr. Anderson in examining a cor* ty in the family?” And said American journalism shows a con­ stantly increasing tendency to cas*. tain Rotary Ann, who was applying sweetly, “No—only my husband im­ off sensationalism and morbidness for an insurance policy, asked hei agines he is hoad of the house in favor of higher deals and clean morals. William McAndrews, superinten dent of schools in Chicago, under the caption, “Can Morality Be Taught Directly?” urged that “when we see the opposite of morality di­ rectly taught by nasty dramas, sal­ acious literature, disorderly moving pictures, daily details of crime and lawlessness, • • * there comes to every man and woman in this edu­ cation business the dreadful realiza- t on that vice is teachable. If the world’s miral progress ie « to keep up with its progress along lines of material advancement, a decided and world-wide change <*f Let your wife be the business head of your front must be obtained as a result of journalistic efforts. home. You have plenty of other worries --------- ♦--------- without having to spend time checking over Try an Eagel Want Ad. the trades’ bills and making out checks Open a Checking account for your wife when necessary. A Checking Account in your wife’s name will enable her to do this work for you, and at the same time give her an accurate record o her expenditures. Just Opening Annette Beauty Parlor Up stairs in Pringle Building Vernonia BANK OF VERNONIA Marcelling, Manicuring, and Facial Vernonia, Oregon Anna M. Allen iWWlWW» m ÆKÏI Stoney saviruf NITED STORE The Origin and Oper­ ation of Skaggs Stores Uncle Eben, mythical darky phil­ osopher, is quoter as having arid “When a man says he ain’t got no enemies he’s either an awful liar or else he ain’t never done nothin’ wuth noticin’." On another occasion the same ebony sage is supposed to have remarked that “Any time yo sticks yo haid above de tall gras» s- body’s gwine bounce a rock often it Both of which observat: