VERNflNlA EAGLE Give Your Wife the Comfort of Modern Cooking Methods J • It is economy in the long n - and all the way, cleanliness- com­ fort, . and conveniences—which mean happiness to every woman. I LODGE NOTICES •• WANTS and FOR SAIZ All ada. under thia head -re cash with copy. Kates. one cent a word*; initials and figures count aa worda. Minimum, 25 cents an issue. ♦ • yWMtl I S. WELLS I : MERCHANT TAILOR Cleaning and Pressing Repairing and Alterations i : : : I : : We Call for and Deliver Within City Limits : Bridge Street MAIN 891 DR. ELLA WIGHT DR. C. J. WIGHT CHIROPRACTORS Rheumatish Neuritis , Stomach, Liver and Intestinal Troubles. Delayed Menstruation r Dentistry and X-Ray i Vernonia, Oregon p owei JJ ompanv In Vernonia Electric Ranges, Sweepers, Sewing Machines, Toasters, other appliances, Electrical Wiring. N DR. H. H. HURLEY Evenings by Appointment Office ever Halton’s Store Vernonia, Oregon Vernonia Lodge, No. 184 A. F. A A. M., meets at Grange Hall every Second —___________________________________ J and r 'S Fourth Thursday nights. FOR SALE—Winchester carbine 25 -20, shot a few times, shells and Wm. Folger. Master. case, $20.00. See Fletcher at Old O. F. TIPTON, Sec., Mill Pool Room. 5-lt Visitors Welcome ELECTRIC RANGES &, Professional 5 Business Directory FOR SALE—One acre in young fruit and berries, new 5 room cot­ tage, good well, wood shed, gar age, 2 new hen houses and park.-: all fer.cel,' fine chicken ranch some furniture. Near school. Mill Price right if taken soon, cash or terms. Near mile bridge, east of Halls, also 2 doz R. I. R. hens, one rooster, one year old. Mrs. D. M. Williams, Box 229, Vernonia, Ore 5-lt The resulting economies in fuel,in food saving and absence of food shrinkage makes an investment in a modem electric range well worth while. Men who know and appre­ ciate the value and importance of work-saving devices in the shop and office—are usually most en­ thusiastic in introducing similar work-saving conveniences in the home—for their wives to enjoy and benefit by. I iRht f FOR SALE Modem Electric Cookery is free from dirt, soot, ashes, fumes,grease and drudgery. Every woman— your wife, too—deserves and can now easily enjoy its many bene­ fits. emonia Classified Advertising M. D. COLE DENTIST Vernonia Oregon FOR SALE One team, three years old, bridle broke. Will weigh 26 -------------- / to 28 hundred. Price $200.00 Call at A. B. Counts place, 2 miles L O.O.F.—V ernonia L odge , N o . 246, from Vernonia on Rock Creek. meets every Tuesday night at 8:00 Eugene E. Marsh 5-3t o’clock, in Grange Hall Attorney-at-Law M. L. GAINES, Noble Grand CANARY BIRDS FOR SALE—21 Notary Public P. O. Mellinger Secretary to chose from, good singers, en­ Vernonia, Oregon quire block north of Washington Knights of Pythias. - grade school. Mrs. Krimick 5-21 _____________ ______ _______________________ J H arding I xjdge , 116, Vernonia, Or. —Meets FOR SALE—RESIDENCE, THREE every Monday night in r rooms and bath and 50x100 Grange H«ll. All visit­ ing brothers cordially Lester Sheeley Terms, Located in Riverview invited. dition. Will sell furniture Chas. Mellinger, C. C. Attorney-at-Law house. E. E. Mills. 5-2t J. B. Wilkerson, K. of R. S. Vernonia, Oregon FOR SALE—Lots 1 and 2 in blk 1, Corey addition. Write owner, J. V VERNONIA GRANGE y A. Rivest, 179 Cudahy St., Wal­ The Vernonia Grange meets on th nut Park, Los Angeles, California. second Saturday of every month at 'X 4-3t 7:30 P. M. Any members of th r GEORGE H. SHINN Grange living in or near Vernonia, President FOR SALE—Two Jersey cowu, or visiting in the community, are heavy milkers, t. b. tested, also cordially invited to attend. Columbia Co. Abstract small team. Reasonable. Write H. F. E. MALMSTEN, Sec' Company A. Tays, Vernonia. 4-2t St. Helens, Oregon •s <----------------------------------------------- / FOR SALE—Piano must be sold r Will sacrifice high-grade piano in —Day and N ght— r storage near here for immediate always open sale. Will give terms to established Chamber of Commerce THE WHITE LUNCH home. For full particulars and where it may be seen, address New Location —LUNCHEON— Portland Music Co., 227-6th St, New Equipment First and third Wednesday noon Portland, Oregon. 2-11 On corner opposite Vernonia Drug of each month at Company FOR SALE—Choice corner on HORSESHOE CAFE Bridge street, some terms. E. S. We carry a complete line of Vernonia Bakery goods Cleveland 45-tf All members turn out Visitors welcome —EAT HERE— FOR RENT The White Lunch j WANTED j ■•X WANTED— Old cotton rags at the Eagle office, must be clean, cash paid. 40-tf 1 ®-ookl TRANSFER and CITY DELIVERY J. M. CLARK Real Estate Broker Vernonia, Oregon — Listes! NEHALEM HOTEL C. R. WATTS, Prop. Second St. bet. Bridge and Maple Opp. Gilby Motor Co. on Bridge street and Grant Ave. Newly Furnishel Throughout Modern and Convenient Freight, Baggage and Express moving a specialty Phone 472 Res. Phone 654 Residence North Rose St. Office at the G-yosa Cafe. Catering to the traveling public. You will be cared for at the Nehalem Hotel Wm. Pringle, Prop. Vernonia > V 's c G RAVEL NOTICE OF MEETING OF BOARD OF EQUALIZATION Lester Sheeley Secretary >--------------------------------------------------- --- -------------------------- r I handle all kinds of Real Estate and Rentals. I spe­ cialize in town lots and acreage. Good homes on easy terms. Houses to rer.t L. R. Gilchrest President Delivered any place in town any time. Good screened and crushed gravel for all purposes. r CURLEY’S TRANSFER COMPANY Local Hauling and all kinds of team work Office at Kavanaugh Land Co. Notice is hereby given that on the second Monday in (September SPECIAL CARE WITH ___ Pit at Al Parkers Place , FURNITURE HAUUÑG 14th,1925) the Board of Eqvaliza- tion will attend at the Courthouse in Columbia County, Oregon, and Phone 563 Res. Phone 653 RAY REASONER publicly examine the assessment Vernonia, Oregon Vernonia, Oregon rolls for the year 1925, and correct V y all errors in valuation, descriptions s. or qualities of land, lots or other r property assessments by the assess­ r-------------------------------- - shall be the duty of per­ Job printing can be done in Ver­ or, an<] SEE THE sons interested to appear at the time nonia as good as any place in the state, at right prices. Let the I and place appointed. The Board of Equalixr.i’on win continue its meetings from lay to Job Printery: -z day, until such examination is com pleted but will not be in session for print your circulars, invitations, cards, blotters, bills, letter heads, for a longer period than one month. time slips, envelopes, statements, W. S. Roberts, County Assessor. programs, menus, letters, tickets, . 4t etc., etc. Work guaranteed. • Dupont Explosives and Vernonia Eagle HUNTERS Play safe. Before starting eut, see the local agent about a MUTUAL BENEFIT HEALTH AND ACCI­ DENT POLICY. Pays AU Ways— Always It’s the best policy •ver written. G. C. Olsen, Vernonia Real- 4-tf ty, local agent. -------- ♦-------- "Well, my boy, I have raised a mustache since I saw you last. Waddy’a think of it?” “It’s the cat’s adenoils." “Whaddy’a mean, cat’s alenoidsT’ “Should be removed.” .......................... VERNONIA TRAOING COMPANY Blasting Accessories “MARK EVERY GRAVE” Lime, Brick, Plaster, Cammil You will find at our shop the finest granite. “Rock of Ages,” “St. Cloud,’’ “Ashland.” and granites and various other marbles. Reduction !■ Pric«» —Fee Sixty Days— BRICQUETTES — Best heat, no ashes, lasting. Just the thing for Incubator heating. A Co. Hillsboro ______ > Feed, Grain and Hay