VERNONIA EAGLE A-fvvrtMi’Y Rate« Seta per incK We eoUaet tue orfvertMiag the ftrwt of every month. PAUL S- ROBINSON. E ditor and O wner . Issued Every Friday. Î2 00 Per Year. and a lot of other truck for the toothsome “hot dog” here comes a doctor to declare that “they are ruining the stomachs and digestive organs of the American public.” That’s afine indictment to return against our new national dish, the nearest thing to a square meal that a dime will purchase. And just at a time when the joys of driving along a nice smooth pike lay in the fact that it was dot­ ted every mile or so with a “hot dog” stand. But such is life. The things we learn to like most are sooner or later marked “poison” and put on a top shelf where we can’t reach them. And all because we haven’t yet learned that about nine times out of ten the fellow who want to make us believe that something isn’t good for us is only try­ ing to boost aomething else that ^e can get a profit out of. M. A. W. W. ESSELSTYN VERNONIA BOOK « AR I STORE Everything in Magazines Stationeiy, Pictures and Books—School and Office Supplies Art and Novelty Goods We do Picture Framing of All Kinds THE WORD “DADDY” Several more murders the past week. One down by Independance when a garage man was murdered because the murdered wanted the owners Ford. He will probably turn out to be crazy. -------- o-------- IS THIS FACT APPRECIATED T means money for you and a good boost for Vernonia. The Vernonia Eagle has added 600 subscribers during the past three weeks; that is going some. 3000 eyes now- see your advertisement in the Eagle. Keep your name be­ fore them each week—make it a household’ word I Ad­ vertising is talking to your customers and inviting new customers. Advertising rates in the Eagle are 25 cents per inch, single column measure each week. -------- o-------- SILVER ADVANCE MEANS EMPLOYEMENT wonder if the average Vernonia man or woman know what the word “Daddy” means to a child W i 4, really 5 or 6 years old? To the boy. Daddy is an ideal, a man so skilful! that he can set the pace in any impossible game; so wise that he can build boats and slingshots and kites that soar high; so heroric that he can go out each morn­ ing into the big world and come back each evening with­ out a scratch. To the girl daddy i§ the source of candy and dolls and nice dresses; the teller of stories that delight her; the big, strong man who catches her in his arms and squeezes her “most to death.” He is her ideal, too- of man­ hood. All around us as we go and come- we see these little manife