Professional » Business Give \oitr Wife tlie Comfort of Modern Cooking Methods lodge notices X S. WELLS merchant tailor Cleanin« and Preeolng Repairing »M Alteration* I We Cali far and Lieliver Within City Limita Bridge Street MAIN EVI Vernonia, Oregon Vernonia Lodge. No. IM A. P. A A. M„ meeta et Grange V I i ~ every Second and r Fourth Theraday nlghta. M. D COLB Folger Marter O f. TIPTON. See, Viwtor» Welcome dentist L O.O.F.- VaaNONialxMXiB. No. UA, n*eU e.ery Tuewtay night al »» P. a B-* *•* i-Ä a'ctecR. » Grause Hail. T. C Johne Noble Grand P. O. Mellinger Secretary Attcroey-at-La Notary Public Oregon Vernonia. h» _________________________ f I Co- r?TA«h SC. 2-*t ELECTRIC RANGES VERNONIA V emonia omparn Fó* REXT Elt-’crk Rar re?. Swerpees. Sewing Maehiscs. 1 cascers. cAher RDpíLRsees. r_ectrxx. Wiring. GRANGE TW Veraeaia Grange meeta ua th »w» nay —- --------------------------------------------------------------------s CURLEY’S TRANSFER COMPANY Local Haahng and aB ktada W Bawar^h Land Ce. NOTICE OF »A't REASONER lOtKISWt tW ia Ver- I ia the Vernonia Eagle Job Printer? Lr.d at BBS THB RWOHU TUOINS