w Biggest Little City in Oregon u-rr ■'"icv. gggraria, - Chickens, Bees, Fruit, Dairying— Vernonia country is the one place best adapted. Here is that opportunity to start in any of the above mentioned enterprises. Here is a home market, the climate and soil. Classified Adveriisirig * • ELECTRIC SPARKS WANTS and FOR SALE The speed rate and the death rate Any girl in trouble may com­ go hand in hand. municate with Ensign Lee of the The barber shop with must mirPors Salvation Army at the White gets most of the bobbing trade. All ads. under this head re cash with copy. Rates, one cent • word; initials and figures count as words. Minimum, 26 cents an issue. WOOD—You need it. I have it to Shield Home. 566 Mayfair Ave., sell. Thos. Schock, » e Portland Oregon. Phone 533 It pays to be square. Look at the success of the cross-word trade. The great Blackstone said that law is common sense. Then wonder we can’t enforce it. HEMSTITCHING FOR SALE—8 year old Jersey milk cow. Price $50. L. L. GRAVEN, Hemstitching, cotton, six cents per Vernonia Parker Addition, yard, Stamping of all kinda to order, and other needle work. Good used cheese cutter at Smiths MRS. WM. LANWAY, Furniture Co. Price $4.00. Bridge street one block up from Rose Avenue. WANTED—A second hand Reed baby carriage. Enquire Skagg’s Store. PHOTOS PHOTOS Instead of being tried the Kaiser enjoys the distinction of joying his birthday celebrated Berlin with gun play and other riot­ ous demonstrations. A Texas surgeon recently ampu­ tated a leg by the light of his auto­ mobile. Some of the more reckless A strong movement is on to in­ crease wild life in the country. Yes, a good way to start it is to decrease i am prepared to do Portrait work it in the cities. A good Ford Delivery Car for Babys Portraits a specialty. We also sale cheap. J. P. McDonald. “If you save the surface, you save do kodak work. Quick service. Brown house south of the Moonlight Ap- all,’’ that is why so ninny flappers have their faces eaameled these days. FOR RENT — 3-room furnished partments. apartment with bath. Also have a W. G. Alexander. A law is not judged by the number single sleeping room for one or two. it jails, but by the number it keeps C. R. POOL. righteous. At Skaggs' Market. Typewri ters FOR SALE Four good used beds. Enquire of MRS. M. B. HATTON. FOR SALE — A 3-burner Oil! Range. A Wicker baby bugy. A New Home Sewing Machine, cheap. Enquire Mr. Ellis home, corner Rose Ave. and Bridge St. Good Front Office room for rent. In fireproof building. Call Hoffman Hardware Co. FOR SALE—Snap for $600. 2 small houses on one lot, woodshed and partly fenced. Lot 2, block 1, 2 blocks back of Square Deal Garage. Inquire Owner, A. Tessier. ) Late Models For sale on easy terms or for rent. Vernonia Representative Wholesale Typewriter Co. G. C. Olsen Beall Electric Building Enjoy an hour at the new O. K. CARD ROOM next Horseshoe Restaurant S. C. SALE, Prop. Cash paid for false teeth, dental go!’ platinum and discarded jewel­ ry. Hoke Smelting & Refining Co., Otsego, Michigan. FOR SALE—Gurnsey cow com­ ing fresh in April, also two calves —bull and heafer—since last spring. Sam Bjornson, Just above City Pump station. Sale or Trade—160 acres, 45 in cultivation, 7 room house, large bam, out buildings, 3 springs, lots of out­ side range, in Clear Water Valley, Idaho. What have you to trade? C. H. Brown, Rose Ave. FOR SALE—4 Room House with bath, garage on Rose Ave. C. H Brown. LOST—Black Poplin Umbrella in Vernonia. A reward if returned to Square Deal Garage. « FOR RENT—60 acres in Yamhill Valley, 3 miles from town. Stock and equipment included. Box 330 Vernonia. Everything New A Man’s Resort PATENTS Obtained. Send model or sketch and we will promptly send you a report. Our book on Patents and Trade-marks will be sent to you on request. D. SWIFF & CO. ------- PATENT LAWYERS — 305 Seventh St., Washington, 0. C- Over 34 Year»’ Eapri—f A blushing perusal is practically no difference between the “ladies of high degree” of then and the hot mammas” of now. February 28th Styles. them at greatly reduced prices for a week. It is “Shirt Week’’ here. We have more shirts coming and must sell these now. We have all kinds. See windows on the corner. PETERSEN'S POPULAR PRICES fn New Location A. W. PETERSEN EXPENSIVE DRINKING Opposite the Majestic OREGON LEADS WORLD. IN TIMBER WEALTH (’«Morn,« T.>’<<-• Second With Wanh- ■ nifton • Close Third. Three hundred ninety-five billiin, seven hundred seventy ehr million, two hundredand twenty-nine thous- and feet is the estimati» aniiunt of timber that remains uncut in the State of Oregin which is distributed over 19,000,000 acres of forest land in this state. California has 284,505.009, otto feet of timber over a forest area of 16,032,032,000 acres of land. The State of Washington rank- a close third with almost as much standing timber as the two leading states. , The above figures were prepared by the California State Forester M. B. 1’rutt, who stated that this places Caiifornin as having the second luges timber area und resources of nn.v locality in the world with Ore- gon ranking first. If a hundred thousand useless jobs in Washington were abolished, rents would drop but the problem of ig- naling Mars would be solved by the ensuing howl. --zZLi» 'S Modishness and color combinations to appeal to the woman of most discriminating taste. SPARS GOING OUT OF VERNONIA Ever-Ready Hat Shop UAUuU&U&l JWAWUftAL i 'J The Styles Are New The Materials Are Good The Price Is Right I o—o—o HEMSTITCHING Sc, 6c and 8c Pillow cases stamped and hem- stitching 11.19. Lunch cloth 44x44 87c while they last. 3 doors north MRS. RYAN. of poet office. NOTICE We are glad to announce to our customers and friends in Ver­ nonia and Nehalem Valley that we are still doing business in Dry Goods Shoes and Gents Furnishings Visit the home millinery shop and be convinced a Bungalow $2500, half cash, balance $25.00 per month and a interest. Inquire HOTEL VISTA • •••••••• Nevertheless we inten d to sell Come in and see our new Spring FOR SALE 9 Worth More MONEY LADIES Oil stove, 2 burner, good as new several pards linolieum good as new, kitchen table, window shades, rocking chair, kitchen chairs. etc. Enquire Eagle office. FOR SALE That Are SPRING OPENING PIANO LESONS—Latest modern methods for children. Popular ma- - Tsic if desired. MRS. CULVER. Over Emmott & Culver Market. I have 160 acres good rolling prairie land in Alberta—80 miles east of Red Deer. Will consider any trades you have to offer. There are 25 acres in cultivation. All of it is fenced. House, good roads, good county and neighbors. C. TODD. Vernonia, Oregon SHIRTS ; said. testified warned Ryan to go home earlier Tu The City Recorder of our county the evening, but possibly Ryan for­ seat, J. E. Beeler, says the boot­ got the marshal’s instruction, for he logger and drinker are disobeying came back and instead of going Evidently home was put in jail. laws an