Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, February 13, 1925, Image 8

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    Largest Mil! in the West
Embroider your spring dresses in!
Wednesday’s freight train left 41
lovely colors. You will find beauti­ empty freight cars in Vernonia
ful design and color suggestions in accomodate Vernonia shippers,
T he Stuudurd-Designer Needlework are informed that they will
Book for spring. Now on sale at about three days.
our Standard-Designer department.
At last the school teacher gets
the boy up at six o’clock in the
Hemstitching, cotton, six cents
FOR SALE—White Rotary, drop yard.
mornings who cheerfully runs a
Stamping of all kinda to
mile or two before breakfast. It is head, six drawer, new sewing ma- order, and other needle work.
different if he was asked to get up chine, half price.
and spade an hour or pile wood for
Bridge street one block up from
Alexander Appts.
an hour before breakfast,
It is
Rose Avenue.
ever the way with boys and men.
Mr. and Mrs. Chet Alexander were
Many a man plays golf for two
hours whose dignity would be hurt called to Hillsboro Thursday of last
week on account of the death of their
by digging potatoes an hour.
little niece.
Our efficient new City Council
Mr. T. J. Brewsr attended the
has appointed as city over-seer or
manager, Mr. Boyd—same superior Annual Trails Club Banquet at the
authority on municipal affairs that Y. W. C. A. in Portland Saturday
The American Legion danco will
the old council employed. And the night.
be Vernonia’s bit of entertainment
new Council has employed Mr. Hall
Mrs. Close returned home Satur­ for tomorrow.
as Engineer—same highly experienc­
Mr. Graham heads the decorating
ed engineer the old council employ­ day. Jan 31, after spending some
ed. This speaks well of the judgement time visiting relatives in Portland. committe which is working a few
hours each night. Carkin, McGraw
either of the new council or the old
Mrs. Walter Repass has returned and Folger will be the floor manage-
council, we don’t know which.
from a few weeks stay in Garibaldi ers. Mr. Shipman retains his place
at the ticket window. Brewer and
E. T. Hayes, of Vancouver, Wash., with a sister who was quite sick.
Smith will take tickets at the door,
visited this week at the C. S. Hoff­
Born—Jan. 30, to Mr. and Mrs. while Hobson and Whitaker will run
man home. Mr. Hayes is a bridge
the lunch counter.
contractor and among large jobs to J. C. Little, a baby girl.
Lee Schaub will bring in dancers
his credit is the Vancouver bridge at
Prof. Wilkersen and Ed. Tap are from two or three of the camps, us­
St. Johns. He isa brother of Mrs.
Hoffman, mother of C. S., who is each riding in new 1925 Chev. cars. ing a speeder loaned by the S.P.&S.
R.R. Co.
also visiting here from Dakota.
W. J. McDonald spent the week-
Mr. Beall will be in the balcoi^1
with a set of dimers and a colored
J. H. Donahoo, of Longview, end in Portland.
spot light.
spent the first of the week among
F. Barcus is in Seattle this week.
All in all the affair promises to be
friends in Vernonia, Mr. Donahoo
a little more the ordinary dance,
hasn't been over to see us since
Mr. anl Mrs. Will went to Port- a large crowd will dance to
last summer and says he notices
many changes and improvements in land Friday of last week to see Mr. strains of a special orchestra.
Will’s mother who was very ill.
our city.
LADIES—Remember the Spring
E. E. Hayes was in Portland dur­ opening of the Model Millinery on
Mr. and Mrs. Al Repass have re­
turned from an extended stay in ing the week.
Saturday, Feb. 21.
Southern California. Mr. Repass for
guarantee all cleaning and pressing
J. E. Cropper was a Portland vis­ work, Our greatest endeavor is to
some time having a good position in
itor last week.
Long Beach.
please, in every respect. We are
located next door to the Home
Ingersol watches from $1.50 to Bakery.
The railroad will put in a new
fifty-car storage side track at Ver­ $12.00. Guaranteed at Kullander’s
nonia; work to begiff at once, we Jewelry Store.
Mrs. Perry Mellinger is reported
among the sick this week.
Mrs. P. J. Smith slipped on a
The new freight service beginning board at her home and broke her
Feb. 9. All freight tended for ship­ left arm.
Mrs. H. G. Herrmann was visited
ment up to :30 P.M. at Portland will
Mr. and Mrs. Kullander are riding
by forty ladies—friends, neighbors
be ready for delivery following in a handsome new Hubmobile.
and church workers—who enjoyed
morning in Vernonia.
J. H. Bush came home from the the afternoon immensely in party
Mr. P. J. Smith is in town looking ; Auto Show with a handsome new termed a “stork shower.” It was
on Wednesday afternoon.
after business interests.
Hupmobile 8.
Y om can make them even if you
hare never made a dress before!
You’ll find the answer on our bargain
tables. You can compare the merchan-
dise you see there with those of our regu­
lar stock selling at regular prices. You
will find them the same in everything but
style or size. We have found it hard to
get a buyer for them, and we can’t wait
any longer. We’ve got to do something
to make the right person want them, ao
we put this merchandise out in plain view,
and murk them at a price that in itself
will attrnct attention—and then some
body comes along who can use them—
“and that’s a barguin.”
Regular quality at un unusual price be­
cause it happens to be unusuully hard
to see.
Put it Up to Us
"DOUND buttonholes or a braid«
tri mined yoke are easy to
make when you follow the Bel-
robe, the wonderful dressmaking
Alwayt Buy
guide included with Standard-
STANDARD- Designer Patterns. It shows you
how to make tach dress from
to finish. Buy your pattern
at our Pattern Department and
then visit our piece-goods counter
where you will find all the e ponu-
lar materials in the new shades.
You may be the hardest man in the woruld
to fit properly, comfortably and fashiona­
bly with a Suit—but experience tells us
we can do the job in a satisfactory man­
ner. In fact we’ll guarantee your satis­
150 Clothcraft Ready Made Suits to
select from. If we cannot suit you in a
ready made suit, we will measure you up
and have it made to order. We are offi­
cial merchants for International Tailoring
Company and the M. Born & Co. Tailored
to Measure Suits. Both sample line here
for your inspection.
the Market Roads Bill.
' POMONA GRANGE MEET 4. We are opposed to appropriations
for armories as introduced in the
legislature and we nlso recom­
mend that the state cease to
The regular session of Columbia
guarantee interest on bonds for
County Pomona Grange was held in
irrigation and drainage projects.
Beaver Valley Grange Hall Satur­ 5. We are most emphatically op­
day, February 7, 1925. Al the sub-
posed to H. B. No. 102 known as
ordinate granges of the county had i
the Mills Pre-Primary Conven­
delegations present, there were also
tion Bill.
present several visiting granges 6. We are also opposed to the clause
from other counties, and the day
pertaining to the voting places
was well filled withboth business
in H. B. No. 387, which provides
and pleasure.
that the directors if each union
All subordinate granges reported
high school district are to be
as being busy, houlding regular
elected at the places where said
meetings, increasing their member-
union high school is conducted,
ship and several granges reported as
and we favor amending same so
having definite community projects
that« every school district in the
as well as their regular grange work.
union high school district may
Our newly organized subordinate
vote in it’s own precinct.
grange, the eleventh one in the 7. We favor the passage of H. B.
county was reported as having re­
No. 334 which provides for a
ceived their charter and elected offi­
specialist in Agriculture.
cers but owing to the great amount 8. We are more emphatically op­
of sickness in the neighborhood and
posed to the abolishing or to the
because of many homes being quar­
consolidating of the State Mar­
antined no regular meetings have
ket Agent’s office.
yet been held.
The following message was or­
The report of the chairman of the dered sent to the Governor: “The
committe on saving some virgin tim­ Columbia County Pomona Grange in
ber in the county, showed that the session assembled at Beaver Valley
committee had been indeed busy and Saturday, February 7, send you
that there was no doubt but that this greetings and wish yousucces* in the
project of the Pomona Grange fight you are are now waging.”
The fifth degree was now exempli­
would be carried out. The work of
the committee was ordered con­ fied for a class of fifteen and a boun­
tiful midnight lunch was served and
After the usual banquet, served enjoyed.
The next meeting of the Pomona
as only these grange women can, the
session reassembled and listened to will be with Cedar Grove Grange the
a most interesting report given by first Saturday in May.
Mr. Orris Kellar of Fern Hill
The Pomona Grange being very
Grange, who is representing the
Farm Bureau and the Granges of anxious that a Patron of Husbandry
the county as a member of the third Rest Room should be arranged for
house at Salem. As a result of this on the new county fair grounds the
report several bills of interest to the following committee was appointed
farmers were discussed and action and given authority to confer with
the county fair board and to raise
taken upon the following:
1. We the Columbia County Grange for raising funds for thia rest room.
Warren M. Young was elected as
favor the adoption of a bill pro­
viding for free text books in the delegate to state grange which meets
in June. Inda Kelty of Clatskanie
public schools of Oregon.
2. Resolved that Columbia County grange as alternate.
In the evening the following pro­
Pomona Grange go on record as
being opposed to H. B. No. 309 gram was rendered under the direc­
which is a bill to repeal the pub­ tion of Mrs. W. Y. Gilbert, lecturer:
lishing of the Voter’s Pamphlet Piano Solo............................ Mrs. Cain
Fern Hill Grange
and to have this bill be published
in the papers of Oregon.
Reading, “Tribulations of Biddy Ma­
3. Columbia County Pomona
lone’’............. Mrs. Pearle Becker-
Grange goes on record as being
opposed to H. B. No. 4 known as Vocal Duet. Mias Frances Bitterling,
M uch
Quick‘-’Abundant Power
The Motor That Cost A Million
The Million Dollar Motor in the New
Star Car a motor that delivers 20%
more power, that peps its way from 5
to 25 miles in
Full Force Feed Lubrication to all bear­
ings and cam shaft. Never a burned*
out bearing in a Star Car. Oil under
pressure is the only safe lubrication
system, is the verdict of automotive
e[See It Today-Drive In It—Compare It]*
Million Dollar
Smooth Disc
Constructive Work
Harrison Kellar,
One Act Play...... “Priscilla’s Room”
Beaver Valley Grange
“The Owl Critic”
Mrs. Rose Daniels, Fern Hill
Fem Hill Grange
"Come Where the Lilys Bloom”
Mrs. Gilbert W. Daniels, Thelma
Harrison Kellar, Pianist
“The Gathering of the Nuts”
Miss Edna Watson and Assistants.
Sing ................... ..................... Comic
Walter Kellar
“An Old Maid’s Experience”
Ray Parcher
Harry Lauder Imitation
Ross Daniels
Solo- -
“Where the Morning Glories Grow
Walter Daniels
Agricultural Economics
Mr. Nelson
Miss Smith.
When you cun buy a lot or acre
tract, A small payment down and
terms. Leo
Oppoait post office.
Mrs. Ixittie Fitzgerald of Van-
couver, Wash., visited this week at
the L. A. Boeck home.
And on Friday afternoon last
several lady friends surprised Mrs.
Joe Tindall with a “Stork shower1
at the home of her mother, Mrs.
A If Becker.
Weaver Clark has been laid up
for several weeks.
N. C. Young is building a large
new dance hall at Trehame.
Mr. Trehame is building a half
dozen new cottages for rent at Tre­
Dr. and Mrs. Hurley ware Port-
■J visitón this weak.
J. P. McDonald, who hi iaa^e<>n
sick and in-doom for a rm
considerable Improved and hopea^to
get out and at his usual ayairs nex|
week. We all hope so.