■MBMN mhmi Everybody Rea ® ’ ó ' Classified F. .v'. Emmett & Culver VERNONIA MEAT MARKET FRESH COLUMBIA RIVER SMELT We aim to maintain a Market the city can be proud of. AFTER THE SHOW Any Time * : Day Or Night DR W H HURLEY DENTR1STY AND X-RAY Office over Haltom’e Store Vernonia, - • Oregon Gasolina Engine, for sale at Eagle. C hinese N oodles , T omales , C hila , F resh O ysters , S andwiches . L unches . Evenings by Appointment. OR. M. 0. COLI NKXT DOCK KAMT OV OLD MILL POOL HALL DENTIST Vernante, OregoK. EDWIN ROSS, M. D. Phone 134 81. Helena, Oregon. COLUMBIA COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY George H. Shinn, President ST. HELENS - - - OREGON G. F. VIA Physician & Surgeon Dist. Surgeon 3. P. R. R. and 3. P. A 3. R. R. Office, Forest Grove, Oregon Office Hours, 2-4 First National Bank Bldg. Tel. 022 ’ « EUGENE E. MARSH i Attomey-at-Law Notary Public Vernania Oregon Modern and Convenient LESTER SHEELEY Catering to the traveling public. You will be well cared for at the Nehalem “Meals Served Family Stylo” Oregon. i ■ Wm. PRINGLE, Prop. - —»* CHAMBER OF COMMERCE City Delivery of Each Month Visitors Welcome Gilchrest, Pres. Lester Sheeley Sec. Job printing can be done in Ver­ nonia as good as any place in the state at right prices. Let the Eagle print your business circulars, invita­ tions, cards, blotters, bills, letter heads, time slips, envelopes, state­ ments, programe, menus, letters, tick­ ets, etc. Work guaranteed. B & For Sale—Seven room modern residence, sewer, plumbing, electirc lights. Right in the heart of Ver­ nonia. See Repass Bros. Dupont tipto­ es and Biastint Accessories FOR SALE—Will sacrifice my team gray perchons age 7 and 8 weight 3000. Inquire C. R. John Phone 7F652 M. J. John Transfer Lime, Brick, Plaster, Cement I Freight, Baggage and Express Moving a Speciality Every First and Third Monday Noon All Members Turn Out SEE THE VERNONIA TRADING CO FOR SB LUNCHEON AT CAYOSA CAFE From 20c to 60c per Pound Specials For Saturday «■MWMMMMMMRMNMMIMKMM a Newly furnished Throughout Vernonia, TOWN LOTS FOR SALE LUNCH MEATS Unimproved town lots in block 24, Choice Roasts 14c-15c lb. Bacon Back .. ■J'1 near city pumping plant. Good title Boiling Beef ............ 10c-12Mc Dry Salt Pork ............. 18c-22c VERNONIA and terms. Address, owner, J. G. Population, 2000. Fresh Beef Hamburger ...... 15c Sugar Cured Bacon 20c-25c lb tlj High School and Standard Grade Watte, Scappoose, Ore. Fresh Pork Hamburger . 20c Weiners and Bologna ........ 18c School. Pork Link Sausages .......... 25e Minced Ham Pay Roll City—Mills, lagging. ....... 20c WOOD—You need it. I have it to Steaks..................................... 23c Fresh Whipping Cream .. daily Farming, Dairying, Fruit, Vegetables sell. Thos. Schock, Dried Beef ....................... 60c P. A. A P. Ry. Town growing fast. at................................ 35c pint On Inland Loop Highway Between Phone 533 Pure Open Kettle Rendered Delivered any place in town i Portland and Asteria. We carry a full line of fancy Lard, 5s .......................... 95c Cheese. A Large Territory to Draw From. any time. Good Front Office room for rent. 10s 8185 All kinds of fresh Fish on Thur­ From Portland, 35 Miles In fireproof building. Call Hoffman Good screened and crush­ 49 Miles Bulk 20c lb sday, Friday and Saturday. From Forest Grove, 27 Miles Hardware Co. From St Helens. ed Gravel for all purooses. Many Opportunities in Vernonia. Pit at Al Parkers Place Best Lost: Yellow hound dog about a Hunting, Trapping and Fishing in the Northwest. RAY REASONER, year old, about the 26th of December V f ~ ___ at Joe Hinkle Burn. Notify Alfred anee to the county will be presented VERNONIA An Industrial Center. three years went by like a dream. Parkinen, Mist, Oregon. e- 2t. at this time. It seems but yesterday when side­ Maud J. Mills, Secretary. walks were unknown, when it was so PHOTOS PHOTOS Vernonia Lodge, No. 184 A. A Bungalow, 82500, Half Cash, dark everyone carried flash-lights, I am prepared to do Portrait work F. & A. M„ meets at Grange Balance 825. per month and interest. Babys Portraits a specialty. We also when the cows parked on Bridge Hall every Second and do kodak work. Quick service. Brown Present income 859 month. Enquire street, when we drank from wells CURLEY'S TRANSFER COMPANY Hotel Vista. tf. house south of the Moonlight Ap- Fourth Thursday nights. overflowing with surface water, LOCAL HAULING partments. when the post office was a goods box Visitors Welcome Any Kind of Team Work W. G. Alexander. IT SURE FLIES when brick or cement was consider­ ed impossible. Yes, time flies. Ver­ SPECIAL CARE WITH FOR SALE—Snap for |600. 2 Old Father Time awaits no one. nonia’s growth and progress has been FURNITURE MOVING small houses on one lot, woodshed He surely flies. In Vernonia, the past marvelous. and partly fenced. Lot 2, block 1, 2 Office at Kavaugk Land Company blocks back of Square Deal Garage. IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO SELL, RENT OR Office Phone Inquire Owner, A. Tessier. L O. O.F.-V krnonia L odgb , N o . 246, Residence Phone 653. meets every Tuesday night at 8:00 TRADE AND WANT QUICK RESULTS, PLACE AN o'clock, in Grange Hall. Cash paid for false teeth, dental AD IN OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS T. C. Johns Noble Grand gold, platinum and discarded jewel­ P. O. Mellinger Secretary ry. Hoke Smelting A Refining Co., Otsego, Michigan. Any Rirl in trouble may com­ municate with Ensign Lee of the Knights of Pythiaa. - FOR RENT H akding L odgk , 116, Salvation Army at the White i 5-room modern house for 836.00 Vernonia, Or.— Meets Shield Home. 565 Mayfair Ave 1 4-room furnished for 820.00 every Monday night in Portland Oregon. Grange Hall. All visit­ G. B. Richmond. ing kfroti>ere cordially invited. FOR SALE Chas. Mellinger, C. C. Large, fine Lot near high school J. B. Wilkerson, K. of R. S. 8315.00. NEHALEM HOTEL G. B. Richmond. Opposite Gilby Motor Co. on Bridge Street and Grant Avenue. ATTOINKY-AT-LAW nkwmpapkr association mrmbkrbhib no . 2146 CHOICE SELECTIONS Gravel TÜ Muckles Bldg. horse, FOR SALc—Quantity of «tale bread suitable for chieken or hog feed only. Eighty cents per aack. Vernonia Bakery. I THE WHITE LUNCH two C. R. Watte, Proprietor FEED, GRAIN AND HAY BRIQUETTES— Best heat. No ashes, lasting. Just the thing for Incubator Heating. At the Warehouse South of Office on Second St be the Depot tween Bridge and Maple VERNONIA TRADING CO Phone 472—Res. North Rose Wholesale and Retail Ave. Phone 654 The Vernonia Grange meets on the second Saturday of every month at 7. 30. P M. Any mem­ bers of the Grange living in or near Vernonia or visiting in the community are cordially invited to attend. Mrs. S.|V. Malmsten. Sec. tf. Judson Weed Camp No. 12 Division of Oregon, Sons of Veterans, U. S. A. meets st Seasman's Hall the flrat Sat­ urday of each month at * p. m. R. L. Spencer, Commander A. W. John, Sec.-Trees. Anna Simpaop D. C. and Natufbpathy Office Hours—9-12 1-5 Evenings by appointment PRINGLE BUILDING Chickens, Bees, Fruit, Dairying— Vernonia country is the one place best adapted. Here is that opportunity to start in any of the above mentioned enterprises. Here is a home market, the climate and soil. I kwwp r / x A ibmr W. Mrrmf meo; ( They fatiiht nw AU 1 Kntw)f Their n«m>a ere WHA T and WHY and HOW and WHBHK and WHO" mecine WHAT was the Declaration oiLondoal WMV doee the date for Baater eery I WHEN waa the greet pyramid ef Clieope built 1 HOW cen you dl.tingul.h a melerM moaquito t WHKMK la Canberra? TtabtaasaF WHO wee the Millboy of the Slaeheef Are theee “eta men" serving you too? Give them an oeport unity by plarlag W ebster ' s N ew I hterxatkmai DicnoNAinr in your home, acbool, office, dub, library. This“Supremo Authority" in ell knowkdgo offer» »arvica, immcdi-ito, conitent, lasting, truet- worthy. Answers all kinds of qua*, lions. A century oí developing, enlarging, and perfecting under as­ ee ting care and highvat bcbolarebip Insures accuracy, completeness, compactness, authority. W»lti tar a aampl. peg. ef lb. Wfoda ■n of Krvular .ni Indi. Papw., ate. (•wt.l Map. G. * C. MERRIAM CO. gfteW. Maae- U. 4. A. Cat. lUt LOST—White Female Hound Pup­ py, large black ring around eye. Re­ ward for recovery. V. L. Powell. 2t Are you attending the Bible lec­ tures at the Rose Theatre on Sunday afternoons. The sudiences are in­ creasing numbers snd interest. Some thing special next Sunday. Services begin apd end promptly on time. Sale or Trade—160 acres, 45 in cultivation, 7 room house, large barn, out buildings, 3 springs, lots of out­ side range, in Clear Water Valley, Idaho. What have you to trade? C. H. Brown, Rose Ave. FOR SALE—4 Room House with bath, garage on Rose Ave. C. H. Brown. “Where’s my whisk broom, Nora”, asked the professor. “You ate it for breakfast, sir. The breakfsst food was all gone.” Keep your pantry shelves well stocked with groceries fro Vornonia Mercantile Company Lady with girl • desires position cooking for one or more men on a ranch or in city. Mrs. Lula Bagley, 924 Jackeon, Portland, Oregon. POMONA GRANGE The regular meeting of Columbia County Pomona will bo held at Bea­ ver Valley Grange Hall Saturday, Fob. 7, beginning at 10:80 a. m. Every Grange should be represent- ed as several things of groat import- Valentine’s Day is Business Stationery Every business man should have letterheads and envelopes printed especially for him. And it is a matter that he should not economize on by buying the cheapest he can get. Good stationery pays big dividends. Let us show you samples. Vernonia Eagle ¿¡caUvation^nZiT pc IT'S a buy The new wimerfcd Crown fr a buy-ft snaps your orerquidva; crintuffic.* where you power to spmf You'll something new in & jn the new winter Bed _ -4n flwy mw /he taf hgi m u® The best buy inlöwn