rieace i our < ar Classified Advertising BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ? 7 DR. W H HURLEY Emmott & Culver DENTRISTY AND X-RAY Office ovrr Haltom's Store Vernonia, • • Oregon Evenings by Appointment DR. M. D. COK THE WHITE LUNCH TOWN LOTS FOR SALE Vernonia, Oregon. Gravel T Phone 134 St. Helens, Oregon. Delivered any place in town any time. Good screened and crush­ ed Gravel for all purposes. Pit at Al Parkers Place RAY REASONER, VERNONIA COLUMBIA COUNTY ABSTRACT NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION MRMBERSHIB NO 2146 Unimproved town lots in Mock 24, near city pumping plant. Good tiUe VERNONIA and terms. Address, owner, J. G. Population, 2000. t&, High School and Standard Grade Watts, Scappoose, Ore. School. WOOD—You need it. I have it to Pay Roll City—Mills, Logging. Farming, Dairying, Fruit, Vegetables sell. Thos. Schock, **e a r P. A. A P. Ry. Town growing fast. Phone 533 On Inland Loop Highway Between Portland and Asteria. Strayed to my place three miles A Large Territory to Draw From. 49 Miles From Portland, 35 Miles east of Vernonia, one Jersey Heifer, From Forest Gn.''e, 27 Miles Owner come and pay for this ad and From St. Helens. feed can have same. Jay Burtrwa. 4t Many Opportunities in Veipionia. Best Hunting, Trapping and Fishing in the Northwest. For Sale— 16X21 ten ounce bent An Industrial Center. with four foot walls and floor, match ed lumber. Cheap. Ready to move into. See A. O. Hanson by new school house. 2t. Vernonia Lodge, No. 184 A. COMPANY George II. Shinn, President Hall LOCAL HAULING OREGON ST. HELENS F. A A. M., meets at Grange CURLEY'S TRANSFER COMPANY every Second Fourth Thursday nights. Any Kind of Team Work Good Front Office room for rent. and In fireproof building. Call Hoffman Hardware Co. / Visitors Welcome SPECIAL CARE WITH FURNITURE MOVING Lost: Yellow hound dog about a year old, about the 26th of December at Joe Hinkle Burn. Notify Alfred Parkinen, Mist, Oregon. 2t. Office at Kavaufh Land Company G. F. VIA Office Phone Physician A Surgeon Dtet. Surgeon S. P. R. R. and S. P. Residence Phone 653. L O. O. F«—V ernonia L odge , N o . 246, A S. R. R. meets every Tuesday night at 8:00 Office, Forest Grove, Oregon o'clock, in Grange Hail. Office Hours, 2-4 T. C. Johns Noble Grand First National Bank Bldg. Any girl in trouble may com- P. O. Mellinger Secretary Tel. 922 Oiunicate with Enai^n Lee of the Salvation Army at the White Shield Home. 565 Mayfair Ave. Portland Oregon. EUGENE E. MARSH Attorney-at-Law Notary Public Vernonia Oregon LESTER SHEELEY ATTORR1Y-AT-LAW LUNCHEON City Delivery of Each Month AT GAYOSA CAFE r All Member» Turn Out Visitors Welcome L. R. Gilchrest, Pres. Lester Sheeley Sec. Job printing can be done in Ver­ nonia as good as any place in the state at right prices. Let the Eagrfe print your business circulars, invita­ tions, cards, blotters, bills, letter heads, time slips, envelopes, state­ ments, programs, menus, letters, tick­ ets, etc. Work guaranteed. Chickrns, Bees, Fruit, Dairying— Vernonia country is the one place best I adapted. Here is that opportunity to start in any of the above mentioned enterprises. Here is a home market, the climate and soil. & Transfer Freight, Baggage and Express Moving a Speciality Every First and Third Monday Noon r PHOTOS PHOTOS I am prepared to do Portrait work Baby» Portraits a specialty. We also do kodak work. Quick service. Brown house south of the Moonlight Ap- partments. W. G. Alexander. FOR SALE—Snap for >600. 2 small houses on one lot, woodshed Vernonis, Or. —Meets and partly fenced. Lot 2, block 1, 2 every Monday night in blocks back of Square Deal Garage. Grange Hall All visit­ Inquire Owner, A. Tessier. ing Mothers cordially invited. NEHALEM HOTEL Mellinger, C. C. Cash paid for false teeth, dental J. B. Wilkerson, K. of R. S. gold, platinum and discarded jewel­ Opposite Gilby Motor Co. on Bridge ry. Hoke Smelting & Refining Co., 1 —ra»r w- . Street and Grant Avenue. Otsego, Michigan. The Vernonia Grange meets Newly Furnished Throughout on the second Saturday of every FOR SALE—Rag Carpet Loom, month at 7. 30. P. M. Any mem­ One Anlerson Vulzanizer. See Mr. Catering to the traveling public. You bers of the Grange living in or Clark at Kavenaugh Land Co. will be well cared for at the Nehalem near Vernonia or visiting in the FOR RENT ‘Meals Served Family Style” community are cordially invited i 5-room modern house for >35.00 to attend. Mrs. S..V. Malmsten. i 4-room furnished for >20.00 Wm. PRINGLE, Prop. Sec. tf. G. B. Richmond. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE C. R. Watts, Proprietor Knights of Pythias. - H asding L odge , 116, Wo a'm to maintain a Market the city can be proud of. CHOICE SELECTIONS LUNCH MEATS From 20c to 60c per Pound Specials For Saturday Choice Roasts 14c-15c lb. Boiling Beef ............ 10c-12ftc Fresh Beef Hamburger ...... 15c Fresh Pork Hamburger......20c Pork Link Sausages .......... 25c Steaks...................................... 23c Dried Beef .......................... 60c Pure Open Kettle Rendered Lard, 5s .......................... 95c 10s ................................ >1.85 Bulk .............................. 2Oc lb Bacon Back ....................... 20c Dry Salt Pork ............ 18c-22c 0 Sugar Cured Bacon 20c-25c Ik Weiners and Bologna ___ .. 18c Minced Ham ................ 20c Fresh Whipping Cream daily at..................................35c pint We carry a full line of fancy Cheese. All kinds of fresh Fish on Thur­ sday, Friday and Saturday. IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO SELL, RENT OR TRADE AND WANT QUICK RESULTS, PLACE AN AD IN OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS (fi BLOOMERS KICKERNICK WILL OUT WEAR ALL Age 6.......................................... 50c Age 8 .................................................................. 55c Ages 14 to 18....................................................... 75c Buster Brown Childrens Stockings by size 25c to 30c Glove Silk Vests, Flesh Color .................... $2.25 Lustex Fiber Silk Step-in Flesh color......... $1.49 Satin Silk Camisoles, Navy Color .............. $1.49 Glove Silk Bloomers, Flesh Color................. $3.75 Extra Glove Silk Bloomers, Flesh Color .... $4.15 Womens Kickemick Bloomers Warp Satin, Asst. Colors ................................................................. $2.50 VERNONIA VARIETY STORE New Winter 4 FOR SALE Judson Weed Camp No. 12 D?vision of Large, fine Lot near high school Oregon, Sons of Veterans, U. S. A. >315.00. meets at Seasman's Hall the first Sat­ G. B. Richmond. urday of each month at • p. m. R. L. Spencer, Commander FOR RENT—Two room furnished A. W. John, Sec.-Troas. apartmtnt, lights and water in house Enquire of Mrs. M. B. Hatton. Anna Simpson D. C. and Natufbpathy Office on Second St be tween Bridge arid Maple Phone 472—Res. North Rose Ave. Phone 654 Office Hours—9-12 1-5 Evenings by appointment PR1NBLE BUILDING MONUMENTS -k Lteton from now on yon can purchase Monument» and Marker» General Contracting in both W. J. KELLY Marble and Granit Team Work of All Kindj for a | great reductipn Fn price, a aav- ig to the pi purchaser of from ing Vernonia, Oregon 10 to 25 per cent. Come and be convinced. Corner 4th and Main streets The Chinese always square up all Hillsboro, Oregon debts at New Years. But then, the M. N. LEWIS A CO. Chinese don’t give Christmas pres­ ents. WHATS THE USE FRESH COLUMBIA RIVER SMELT horse, FOR SALc—Quantity of stale bread suitable for chicken or hog feed only. Eighty cents per sack. Vernonia Bakery. DENT ST Muckles Bldg. two C hinese N oodles , T omales , C hila , F resh O ysters , S andwiches , L unches . NEXT IKJOR EAST OF OLD MILI. POOL HALL EDWIN ROSS, M. D. Gasoline Engine, for sale at Eagle. I VERNONIA MEAT MARKET AU ads. under this head sre cash with eopy. Rates, one cent a wood, initiate and figures count as words. Minimum, 25 cents an issue. AFTER THE SHOW Any Time • : Day Or Night r. li WANT* sad IO* BALE LODGE NOTICES Everybody R< I For Sale—Seven room modern residence, sewer, plumbing, electirc lights. Right in the heart of Ver­ nonia. See Repass Bros. FOR SALE—Will sacrifice my team gray perchons age 7 and 8 weight 3000. Inquire C. R. John Phone 7F562 M. J. John FOR SALE—4-Room Shack, 2 rooms beaver boarded, in heart of town for only >125.00. Box 269, Vernonia. LOST—White Female Hound Pup­ py, large black ring around eye. Re­ ward for recovery. V. L. Powell. 2t unir motor never overquidu ft does now Tied flTbuyi snappy winter starting and pwirrìn heapii^ measure. on. COMPANY The best buy inTown Are you attending the Bibln lec­ tures at the Rose Theatre on Sunday afternoons. The audiences are in­ creasing numbers and interest. Some thing special next Sunday. Services begin and end promptly on time. And What She’ll il