Fashing and Hunting VERNONIA EAGLE Municipal Water System SBÄSraeSMBHHB! NOTICE OF RESALE OF REAL file and may be examined by prospec­ quired to appear in the above entitl­ at public auction for cash, on Friday PROPERTY BID IN BY COLUMBIA tive purchaseH in the office of the ed court, and answer the complaint the 30th. day of January, 1926, at 2 COUNTY AT TAX SALES County Clerk of said Columbia Coun­ filed against you in the above entitl­ o'clock P. M. in front of the Nehalem Notice in hereby given that the un­ dersigned Sheriff and Tax Collector of Columbia County, Oregon, by au­ thority of an Order made and entered by the County Court of Columbia County, Oregin, aitting for the trans­ action of County busincHH on the 17th 1.00 ............... 18c Delicious Yellow Corn .. 23c 43c Peaches, large can ....... 25c Fresh Grits Red Ribbon Crab Here you pay less than elsewhere, get better quality, with personel service QUALITY—SERVICE—PRICE FREE GROCERY DELIVERY KINGSLEY’S OWNED BY PEOPLE WHO "" LIVE IN VERNONIA ................. Too many men try to run some­ thing they know little about. The housewife will show better executive ability than the man, if given a chance. —■ ■ ---------------------------- Enjoy an hour at the new O. K. CARD ROOM next Horseshoe Restaurant The “Lincoln School” is the new school in east part of Vernonia, and the building in the west part of Bridge street s the “Washington” school, if one wants to know them as such. S. C. SALE, Prop. Everything New A Man’s Resort FORDS FORDS We Merit Your Confidence CRAWFORD MOTOR CO. LINCOLN—FORD—FORDSON Ask us about the Ford Weekly Purchase Plan Get in Just Right for Next Spring Delivery Gasoline, Oil, Storage, Tires and Accessories Battery Service FORDS Ambulance for Towing PHONE 612 FORDS