VERNONIA EAGLE Largest Mill in the W< »t ■;------- «----------- 1--------- ---- lbux - j .-1* he banked a little extra when he got a little raise. A little "Working mod- '1" t> k his little “’eisure" time- he r .u*:hi each utik part of it with patience most sublime. Now it’s a very little wonder that he murmers appointed with a smile ns he clips hi* little cou­ Heal’h off .-er. or City Physicien for pon» “A ei.’t tl,e little thing* worth \ .•noni.'', by the Health Committee whk?” < . I..C City Council. Best make Alarm Clock, guarant­ This month on the 19th is Lee’s eed at Kullander’s Jewelry Store. birthday and the 29th is McKinley’s The school, at Mist, was closed last Day. week on account of the numerous Time to think about painting your cases of small pox in the community. houses. The new Mayor of Rainier gave some good advice in last week’s Re­ Don’t you want some statements printed, Patrons want and expect view’, that can be applied with no ill effect in any city. He said: them monthly. “I hope to have the support of Swiss or American Mode Wrist the people while I am in the office Watches fixed at Kullander’s Jewel- of mayor. Thia, the retiring mayor has not had. and this is one of the ry Store. Work guaranteed. great troubles of the town. One Deal Cantry is back in town feel- should have the support of the entire people. People should look at it in ing fine after his operation. that light. The same can be said of Mr. and Mrs. Chas Justice and the marshal. How many are willing children returned Monday from Buck to report a bootlegging case to the ston where they hove been visiting. marshal? The people must get be­ hind the officers or we will never W. M. Tipton and family left for get anywhere. We should try to make the council a benefit to the their home in Kelso last week. city at large. The first thing to con­ Mrs. Purcell Cline visited Mrs. R. sider is the benefit of the town, We are elected by the people for the F. Nance Thursday. benefit of the town. We should re­ The old Vernonia mill was sawing member that all the brains are not lumber this week. This is the mill on the council, but we should con­ west of the depot, that has been shut sult the people.” Mr. Reid also made down since the career of Mr. Hodges an appeal for the council to protect who formerly conducted affairs there home institutions against the outside We hear that the mill was sawing up dealer and that we should all spend what logs remained in the pond. But our money at home as it would be the whistle sounded good and we a help to those who pay the taxes. hope to soon see it running every day Several small mills make a big one Dr. and Mrs. Cole have moved in­ and we want to see them busy. to their new residence. Mr. Allen, of Vernonia, pled THE MOTHERS of this commun­ guilty to selling cigartttes to min- ity are the buyers of the goods re­ ors and was fined $25 and costs. quired for the home, themselves and the children—and, in large measure, This year, *• far, the girls are champions over the boys when it is for the men as well. These women are the closest read­ playing basketball. Our girls team ers of the local newspaper. A mes­ won from the Scappoose last Friday night 25 to 5, while the Vernonia sage in the Eagle is sure to be read boys team lost to the Iron town by the very people the home merch­ team 14 to 15. Close at that and ant must reach with his “store news” ADVERTISING is the bond of two good games. confidence that ties your store to the homes of the community. The home­ Ingersoll Watches, all models, at makers expect to be invited to your Kullander’s Jewelry Store. store. Are you willing to be shown that AN ADVERTISMENT IS AN He rang in a little sooner than the INVITATIONi fellows in the shop, and he stayed a little longer when the whistle order­ ed “Stop”! He worked a little hard­ er and the talked a little less, he seemed but a little hurried and he showed little stress; for tvery little movement his efficiency express, thus his envelope grew just a little thicker than the rest. He saved a lit­ tle money in a hundred little ways; There will be lots of home buying and lots of home bu’ldin" ’n Ver nonin thia iumm< i, riu new 1 lust es a.o b-nud to locate ..ere. Vernon­ ia is a good home city with all chances in it’s favor and nothing to loose. Visit some distant towi.s and you Will be convinced. FOR SALE—4 TUBE RADIO Consists of Radio, 4 Tubes, Storage Battery, “B” Battrics Aerial Loud Speaker, Head Phones and Battery Charger. Inquire of Ruy Jaj at this office or see it at resisdence of Isaac Jay east of high school. Clarence Nance is back visiting friendB and relatives here, Says he may locate. Mrs. Rhoda Hall visited the eye specialist Monday, Dr. Luzader. Mrs. Maude Scott and children vis­ ited her mother, Mrs. D. P. Bays Saturday. Rent Ball Park in ibe A 11LE CO llllULdUJlí STORES AT ÎTOHE3 AT ikCCRfonATin > r CURVALUS DAYTON HILLSBORO McMINNEVILLF MONMOUTH NEWBERG SALEM SHERIDAN VERNONIA EVERYTHING TO WEAR OVERALLS FOR THE MILL MEN, THE LOGGER AND FARMER WE SPECIALIZE ON TWO BRANDS. HEADLIGHT AT $1.98 PAIR PAY CAR AT $1.59 PAIR Pay Car Overall* (Our own Special Brand) are made for Hard work—Alway* aatiifactory----Cut full and generou* in aiae. A real hone*t-to-goodne*a Extra Fine Overall. Hradlight Overall* are guaranteed to wear longer than any overall you ever bought. If they don’t we give you another pair FREE or your money back. SATURDAY SPECIALS Mi**r* Union Suit* 1 lot Misses Union Suits, Cos ton Fleeced, sizes 8-10-12-14- 16. Regular price $1.25. Very special at 89c suit Larri* Wai*t* Girls Ferris Wuists, sizes 10 to 14. Special 49c Napkin* Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Cline visited at the home of T. C. Hall over Sunday. Mrs. Hall is on the sick list this week. Mrs. H. M. Condit was in town shopping Thursday afternoon. Roma Howell is working at Hall Bros. Mill. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends their helpfulness and sympathy, tended, at the time of the death of our beloved father. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bachard Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hall Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Hall. Special Weave No higher than ofher makes USED EXCLUSIVELY IN HEADLIGHT -»Overalls OUTWEAR TWO ORDINARY PAIR ing districts. Mr. Bergerson succeeds A. D. Hall. ’Nother good weekly gone wrong The St. Helens Mist has reduced in size to a 4 page and publishes twice a week instead of weekly. The Mist has always been one of the best Always a little greener pasture weeklies in the state. further ahead. Always some other part of the country looks better. But The Odd Fellows have been moved all other places are calling Vernonia and now meet in the Grange Hall. the best bet in Oregon today. We have talked with people from Cres­ Sam Conklin is “out” again, He cent City and other talked of pieces was in with small pox. who say Vernonia has more now than is promised for the other places. PHOTOS PHOTOS I am prepared to do Portrait work Babys Portrait* a specialty. We also do kodak work. Quick service. Brown house south of the Moonlight Ap- partments. W. G. Alexander. FOR RENT 1 5-room modern house for $35.00 1 4-room furnished for $20.00 G. B. Richmond. FOR SALE Large, fine Lot near high school $315.00. 1 Sewing Machine in good condi­ tion $11.00. G. B. Richmond. Mrs. Eva West was a Portland vis­ itor this week. The H. S. Strong family arrived frim Alberta this week to join Mr. Strong here. When they left Alberta it was 66 below zero and the green grass of Oregon certainly looked good. Miss Elizabeth Counts, a graduate of the Vernonia high school and pop­ ular Nehalem valley girl, and Mr. Loe Johnson, of Rainier, were mar­ ried during the Christmas holidays. Mr. Johnson is employed at the Kos­ ter Products Co. plant, and the coup­ le are now at home there. Mrs. E. A. Laird is quite sick at the Vernonia General Hospital. The Natal school resumed studies on Monday after a week’s vacation Voile* 15 pieces Swiss Voiles, new 49c yard Ladie* Ho*a Shoe* and Oxford* 1 lot Lidies Shoes and Oxfords all sities, values up to $7.50 pair. Special at . $1.98 Rag Rug* FOR SALE BY MILLER’S MERCANTILE CO. VERNONIA, f OREGON A few more of those nice Rag Rugs left nt 49c-89c- and $1.49 Our Spring Stock arriving daily We will have something new to show you every time you call. MILLER PLEDGES HIS PAPER TO THE SERVICE OF HIS COMMUNITY Walter B. Sanders, editor of the Munda (N. Y.) News, carries under his masthead, first, this quotation from Lincoln, “Let us have faith that right makes might and in that faith let us to that end dare to do our duty as we see it,” and beneath that, in a box, this pledge to com- munity service: “The News is pledged to the ser- vice of this community and surround ing towns; to present the news every week simply and truthfully, without bias and to comment honestly on public matters. It does not wish or attempt to force its own opinions on its readers, but encourages each one to form his own conclusions. The News has no axe to grind and it dedicates itself anew to its steadfast purpose to be the people’s paper— your paper, devoted to the best inter­ ests of the community, the state and the nation.” That’s our policy. on account of sickness in that com­ Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brown are in munity. Portland today on a business visit. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Allen returned last week from a visit to the Big Bend country of Washington. Outing Flannel 3fl-inch Outing Flannels, light colors only at 25c yard Ladies cotton Hose, all sizes, black and brown. Lot 1 black and brown 15c pr. Lot 2 blank and brown 19c pr. Mrs. Fields, of Portland, is visit­ ing her daughter, Mrs. C. L. Allen. C. S. Rich and E. Abbie returned las week form a tour through Ari­ sons and California. Gingham Effect Print* 1 lot, comfort challies. Regular 20c yard. Special 15c yard Spring colors z Many local members of Harding lodge K. P. were in St. Helens Tues­ day night attending Avon lodge. Grand officers were present and aft- er the meeting a banquet was enjoy- ed. Peter Bergerson has been appoin;- ed patrolman for Districts 9 and 16 which comprise Vernonia and adjein- Indian Hoad Napkins, hemmed. size 18X18. Regulur $1.25 doz. S|.... iul 98c dos. AT A PREMIUM No longer can they poke fun at the small towns of this country for they are coming into their own. Towns like Vernonia can rejoice at every in­ crease in population of the big town, because with each increase comes a pushing out and a growing desire of those who have lived in them for years to get into the rural districts or suburban settlements. The reason is plain. Congested cities are not as desirable for homes as the smaller towns, unless one is able to own a home along millionaire row. Smoke­ stacks and tall buildings make for efficiency, but not for morality and happy living. The day will con|e, in fact it is just about here, when the smaller com­ munity can provide for the need* of citizens as well or better than the great city. Its library, schools, chur­ ches and stores are more accessible and just as efficient, and without the distractiins so common to thickly populated district*. The children are safer, both physically and morally, and from the standpoint of health, there is no comparison. Tlut, great­ er than all these, the smaller towns provide an opportunity for friend­ ship, for knowing and meeting and greeting the other fellow, that al­ ways will remain an unchallenged as­ set over that of the city. There will —■■■ ever be found a spirit of fratehnalism and neighborly solicitude that the large city cannot hope to feel or know. There is no cause these days for poking fun at the small town, and very little of it is being done. Only the densely ignorant are doing so, and their number is fast diminishing. — 1 TRY BEFORE YOU BUY SEWING MACHINES 10 DAYS FREE TRIAL From Our Large Stock of Re­ built Sewing Machines We will send you one on ten days trial ALL MAKES ANY STYLES PICK YOUR FAVORITE Send us your name, address and the names of two references. WE WILL send yon the ma­ chine you want Prices: $15.00 to $50.00 All machines sold under five year guarantee. Write for Particulars White Sewing Machine On. Of Oregnn Two Sfora* 185 Broadway, 340 Yamhill fe. Portlaad,