T—r 'C t 1 1 HERE AT LAST DR W II HURLEY DENTRISTY AND X-RAY Office over Haltom’s Store Vernonia, - - Oregon C hinese N oodles , T omales , C hila , F resh O ysters , S andwiches , L unches . Evenings by Appointment. THE WHITE LUNCH DR. M. D. COLIC DENTiST G ravel Vernante, Oregon. Phone 134 Muckles Bldg. St. Helens, Oregon. Delivered any place in town any time. Good screened and crush­ ed Gravel for all purposes. Pit at Al Parkers Place RAY REASONER, VERNONIA COLUMBIA COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY NO. 2146 VERNONIA Population, 2000. High School and Standard Grade School. Pay Roll City—Mills, Logging. Farming, Dairying, Fruit, Vegetables P. A. & P. Ry. Town growing fast. On Inland Loop Highway Between Portland and Astoria. A Large Territory to Draw From. 49 Miles From Portland, 35 Miles From Forest Grove, 27 Miles From St. Helens. Many Opportunities in Veiyionla. Best Hunting, Trapping and Fishing in the Northwest. An Industrial Center. Vernonia Mercantile Co IN Good Goods- CURLEY’S TRANSFER COMPANY LOCAL HAULING <43trvic« That. Means Satisfaation” OREGON Any Kind of Team Work SPECIAL CARE WITH every Second Classified Advertising end WANTS and FOR SALK Fourth Thursday nights. All ads. under this head are cash with copy. Rates, one cent a woad; initials and figures count as words. Minimum, 25 cents an issue. Visitors Welcome FURNITURE MOVING Office at Kavaugh Land Company G. F. VIA Office Phone Physician A Surgeon P. Dist. Surgeon S. P. R. R. and S. Residence Phone 653. I. O.O.F.—V krnonia I. odgk , N o . 246, & S. R. R. nigh __ ___ meets every j Tuesday night at 8:00 o’clock, in Sesseman Hal), opposite Office, Forest Grove, Oregon Depot. Office Hours, 2-4 R. C. S tanton , Noble Grand. Any girl in trouble may com­ hirst National Bunk Bldg. E.F. M esisng , Secretary. Tel. 922 municate with Ensign Lee of the Salvation Army at the White Shield Home. 565 Mayfair Ave., Portland Oregon. horse, Gasoline Engine, two for sale at Eagle. ---------------- ,--------- FOR SALc—Quantity of stale bread suitable for chicken or heg feed only. Eighty cents per sack. Vernonia Bakery. Knights D. C. and R. Watts, Proprietor Anna Simpson NatufOpathy Office on Second St be Office Hours—9-12 1-5 tween Bridge and Maple Evenings by appointment Phone 472—Res. North Rose PRINGLE BUILDING Ave. Phone 654 C. Visitors Welcome L. R. Gilchrest, Pres. Lester Sheeley Sec. Good Front Office room for rent. it. If you don’t like the town, you In fireproof building. Call Hoffman will probably find that the town Hardware Co. doesn’t like you. But if you have the right attitude, then you will find Sale or Trade—160 acres, 45 in the community friendly. It is a mir­ cutlivation, 7 room house, large bam, ror in which you will find a reflec­ out buildings, 3 springs, lots of out­ tion of your own disposition. side range, in Clear Water Valley, Idaho. What h«jve you to trade? BE USEFUL C. N. Brown, Rose Ave. There is but one straight road to LOSA—Log Chain on Rose Ave. success, adn that is merit. Teh man or Bridge St. Finder get reward who is successful is the man who from Thos Schock. is useful. Capacity never lacks op­ portunity. It can not remain undis­ A MIRROR covered, because it is sought by too Vernonia is just what you make many anxious to use it. TOWN LOTS FOR SALE of Pythias. - Unimproved town lots in block 24, H arding L odge , 116, near city pumping plant. Good title Vernonia, Or.—Meets and terms. Address, owner, J. G. every Monday night in EUGENE E. MARSH tf. Grange Hall. All visit­ Watts, Scappoose, Ore. Attorney-at-Law ing brothers cordially invited. WOOD—You need it. I have it to NEHALEM HOTEL Notary Public A. Burt, C. C. sell. Thos. Schock, a r Vernonia Oregon Opposite Gilby Motor Co. on Bridge J. B. Wilkerson, K. of R. S. Phone 533 Street and Grant Avenue. Strayed to my place three miles Newly Furnished Throughout The Vernonia Grange meets east of Vernonia, one Jersey Heifer, on the second Ssturday of every Modern and Convenient Owner come and pay for this ad and month at 7. 30. P M. Any mem­ LESTER SHEELEY Catering to the traveling public. You bers of the Grange living in or feed can have same. Jay Burtrwa. 4t will be well cared for at the Nehalem BUY YOUR HOME NOW near Vernonia or visiting in the ATTORNEY-AT-LAW "Mesls Served Family Style” ON TERMS community are cordially invited Payments aa low as 1100, balance to attend. Mrs. S.jV. Malmsten. Wm. PRINGLE, Prop. Oregon. like rent at 6 per cent. Good modern Vernonia, Sec. tf. plastered houses, electric light and water. Will consider trade for bonds or securities. Enquire at Bank of Judson Weed Camp No. 12 Division of CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Vernonia. Sons of Veterans, U. S. A. City Delivery & Transfer Oregon, meets at Seaaman’s Hail the first Sat­ LUNCHEON All Hats one half price, while they urday of each month at 8 p m. remain, at the Ever Ready Hat Shop Freight, Baggage and R. L. Spencer, Commander Every First und Third Monday Noon A. W. John, Sec.-Trass. Express For Sale—Electric Range, six of Each Month plate, good condition. See O.-A. Res­ Moving a Speciality idence 40. W. L. Garner. AT GAYOSA CAFE All Members Turn Out L. R. GILLCHREST I F. & A. M., meets at Grange Hall MILLS BUILDING le Prices-Prompt Deliveries PHONE 462 Vernonia Lodge, No. 184 A. George II. Shinn, President ST. HELENS NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION MEMSERSHIB NEXT DOOR EAST OF OLD MILL POOL HALL EDWIN ROSS, M. D. Genuine Ribbon Cane Syrup 5 Pound tins New Pack New Orleans Okra 2 Pound tins Also, We Still Have Black Eyed Peas 15c Per Pound AFTER THE SHOW Any Time : : Day Or Night £ For Sale—16X21 ten ounce tent with four foot walla and floor, match ed lumber. Cheap. Ready to move into. See A. O. Hanson by new school house. 2t For Sale—Ono German Police Dog (male) Registered Stock. Inquire at this office. Job printing can be done in Ver­ MONUMENTS nonia ns good as any place in the t noli List« « slate at right prices. Let the Eagle from now on you can purchase print your business circulars, invita­ oFr Salo—Two acres partly clear­ Monuments and Markers I tions, cards, blotters, bills, letter ed, two blocks from new school house in both heads, time slips, envelopes, state­ at a sacrifice. Inquire at thia office. I ___________ Marble and Grauit ments, programs, menus, letters, tick­ Piano Tuning, Repairing, Rebuilding for a in price, a anv- All work guaranteed to give satis­ ets, etc. Work guaranteed. ing to the purSaser of from faction or your money back. 10 to 25 per cent. H. R. Brown, General Contracting Come and be convinced. t hickens, Bees. Fruit, Dairying— Piano Tuner Corner 4th and Main streets W. J. KELLY Vernonia country is the one place best Vernonia, Oregon Hillsboro, Oregon adapted. Here is that opportunity to ream Work of All Kinds 1 P. O. Box 11« M. N. LEWIS A CO. start in any of the above mentioned Vernonia, Oregon enterprises. Here is a home market, the climate and soil. NOTICE ByL.F.V WHAT’S THE USE •. 1 Çpp» • -J r- - Used But Not Abused Some Sure Enough Bargains 1924 Willys-Knight Touring, Guaranteed Lots of Extras, A Real Buy at..... $1250.00 1924 Overland Touring, Cord Tires, Spotlite and Bumpers. Be sure and see it.... $425.00 1923 Superior Chevrolet Sport................... $500.00 1922 Ford Coupe...........................................$300,00 1920 Chevrolet Touring................................ $150.00 1917 Ford Touring......................................... $75.00 ALL CARS SOLD ON E. Z. TERMS COME LOOK THEM OVER ilby ood G Motor IT