F-y THE PACIFIC EMPIRE "Fir the purpose of launching such an Exposition the convention here assembled has been specially * called today. | "»"■c nzrr.o c * the propcigHl Ex?o- I u.t.un u of vital impurtnac«. It should be brief and meaningful. I have sug­ gested a name that has met with the general approval of others enlisted in the Exposition cause. If a more appropriate name can be proposed it should be adopted. I suggest as a fit­ ting title for our great enterprise: COULD ENTERTAIN THE Financing tbe Exposition “We are assured that there v. WORLD, AND BENEFIT no serious difficulty in financing this or.' t up to $5,000,000, if the nub- ■ :<> tv. -raj..- ‘ ■ . -l! 3 guU. " ■ ■ 1 ’• County r^ldonL; usd squarely behind it, as thousands have it agrees with 90 per cent of the Ver­ signified their willingness o do. Great nonia people and it agrees with the financiers will bond the enterprise V ernonia f hamber of Commerce and when those vitally interested have it agrees with 2000 of our readers— subscribed a million dollars. The mat­ when it ¡M'iees that the Pacific North­ ter of raising the necessary funds by west is now amply capable of enter­ taxation is unthinkable, however, taining the world with a “World’s just such a scheme might seem to Fail by any name pleasing to the THE PACIFIC EMPIRE many. Every structure of the propos­ i.injority. Oregon needs this exposi­ EXPOSITION ed Exposition should be built of con­ tion. Oregon needs 500,000 more peo­ “This will include the Ten Pacific crete and other durable material to ple in Eastern Oregon. An exposition Coast States. Westward the Star of guarantee the highest percentage of it. mentioned, would result in locat­ Empire has taken its way until there salvage. ing these people, who in turn would is no further West. The broad Pacific Only Vision and Faith Necessary I elp meet our taxes, produce from lies beyond. Here the Star of Empire “The Pacific Empire Exposition now vacant lands, and bring prosper­ is poised above the last great scene can be made the glorious reality pic­ ity to not only themselves, but to all of American civilization. Hence-I feel tured if you so will it. If you have Oregon. A world’s fair for the near the appropriateness of the christen­ vision you can see the golden eagle future should bo financed by sub­ ing, The Pacific Empire Exposition. rolling to your keep; if you have vis­ scription or stock sales, and none of The Expostion Organisation ion you can see the millions of tour­ the expense by taxation. But, to tell “Great care should be exercised in ists and homeseekers hitting the Old the story at this early stage of de- selecting the controlling board for Oregon Trail for the land of golden velopmont. we quote from an address the Exposition. It should be given to glory where our pleasant dreams by Mr. George L. Hutchin, which not the Governors of the Ten Pacific come true; if you have vision you only tells of the priposed fair, but States the privilege and pleasure of can see the most wonderful progress tells of our wonderful wonderland appointing as a high commissioner and devedopment through the aid of worth exhibiting: the foremost citizen of his state to The Pacific Empire Exposition, and “The Pacific Empire Exposition In serve upon the Exposition board, if you have faith God will grant it. it«-- the world to t^is vast, region of each and every county in Oregon Shall We Have It? »developed resources, and scenic should be represented by a delegate “Under the inspiration of Citizen wonders, to participate in a Galaxy upon the board to assist in gaining F. E. Beach the Lewis and Clark Ex­ of Historical anniversariei The every vantage for his locality. All the position was conceived and carried birth of our flag, admission of Ore- participants in the undertaking to successful denoument. The Hydro- 1 on to statehood, National liberty, should join in the act of incorpora­ Electric League, under the guidance and world pence. , tion and select the funtioning offici­ of President F. E. Beach, inaugurat­ ed the Exposition idea for 1925. For At a preliminary meeting held rc- als. two years The Knights of Electra • to in 1928, or ns soon after as of the hour will come forth, an in­ poose. spired Commander to point the way. may seem expedient. In the second half the Vernonia boys played a wonderful game and prevented Scappoose from making a single field goal. At one time Vernon­ ia was several points ahead of Scap­ poose but by good luck Scappoose sue ceeded in making its free shots. The game ended with the score of 15 to 14 in favor of Scappoose. The only thing that caused Vernon ia to lose the game was the inability of the boys to make goals when a free trial was given. Scappoose made 11 fouls and three of their men had three fouls each when the game end-' ed. Vernonia only made five fouls. The boys game was not the only interesting event inasmuch as the team played the Scappoose girls Every member of every family is .e score being 21 to 5 in favor of interested in the news of the day. ¿ernonia. This was one of the best girls games played here for some No items are read with keener relish time. NEW THINGS ARE “NEWS” than the announcement of new things to eat, to wear, or to enjoy in the home. Business men, merchants and pro­ fessional men have goods or service and the desire to sell them. The read­ ers of the Eagle need the goods and services and have the desire to buy. The connecting link is advertising. Tell the people the good eewe of new things at advantageous prices They Ivok to you for this “Business News”, and will respond to your mes­ sage. Let ns show you that AN ADVERTISEMENT IS AN INVITA- TION. Vernonia Eagle A largt crowd witnessed the games and seemed to enjoy them. The next two games will be played out of town at Rainier and St. Helens On Wednesday, Jan. 28, Clatskanie will play the boys on the home floor and we would like to see a large crowd out. The lineup of the boys team is as Position Points follows. Mills c. 4 Roberts, L. F. 7 Roberts, T. F. Ellis, L. F. Smith G. 3 Hawkins G. Girls ilnaup wm : Gibson, Lena J. C. Rays, Theresa C. Keasey, Julia F. Bergerson, Mildred F. Akerstedt, Doris G. Condit, Lillian Subs: Oriene Counts, Mildred Cates and Amy Hughes. The Junior class furnished the re­ freshments for the visiting basket­ ball teams and for the local players Friday night. The refreshments serv­ ed were: sandwiches, pickles, cake and chocolate. o. Why Worry Or fuss or bother about baking that Pie or Cake when we are here to do it for you? We use only quality ingredients in our pastries; we have the facilities for doing it right and the finished product has quality and lots of it and real ■ r f v individuality. r I** . ££ Our Pies for instance—they are so good and so nearly like the home-made variety that it is difficulty to detect the difference. Try our Cream Pies or our two crust Pies and see how really good they are. And our cakes are just as good. If th ey were not we could not sell them to a discriminating jublic but our sales reflect that they ARE GOOD and all that we claim for them. Come in and look over our line of bakery goods and see the many good things we make. And if you are not now using our braad today and enjoy a really good bread. “MOTHER’S BREAD”—start SPECIAL: Every Saturday Cream Puff* filled with real whipped cream. $ VERNONIA BAKERY Brewer and Visnaw, Props. On 2nd. St. a few doors South of Bridge St. Mrs. Cole is having a busy week because she has just moved into her have an average of 90 per cent or more will be exempted from theex- new home. aminations and their names placed on the honor roll. The semester examinations are scheduled for Thursday and Friday Margaret Smith is back in school and the students will be glad when this ordeal i sover. The students who after a slight illness. The students in the chemeatry lab­ oratory enjoy filling the school house with the fumes of various sulphur compounds. Edna Strong and Opal Coyle have joined the freshman class. Skaggs United Stores No. 225 VERNONIA, OREGON It is noticeable even to the uninterested that Vernonia people patronize Skaggs’ Stores in ever increasing numbers—this fact is significant—and con- sidering that this class is composed of independent, well posted, and withall. very competent food buyers, one would naturally conclude that SKAGGS’ STORES are different from the ordinary. They are! Our prices lead GROCERY DEPARTMENT Large package of white Naptha Soap Chips with one package of Swn- brite free, for........................ 30c Milk, 11 tins for.... Per case (48 tins) $1.00 $4.29 Del Monte Peas, medium size, per tin............................................. 15c “Castlehaven” Sifted Peas, 2 tins 25c Per case (24 tins).................. $2.95 “American Beauty” Schrimps, 2 tins for............................................. 35c Butter, per pound .. 50c “Nucoa” per pound 30c “Table Queen” Squash, per pound 5c MEAT DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT INSPECTED MEATS OF QUALITY AT VERY REASON ABLE PRICES Loin Steak, pound SATURDAY FEATURES 20c Fancy Sugar cured Bacon, lb..... 30c f-Bone Steak, pound 24c Choice Pot Roast, pound.... 12%c-15c fender Boiling Beef, pound 10c Pork Roast, pound 17c Hamburger, 2 pounds 25c All Pork Sausage, 2 pounds 36c Fancy Sugar cured Ham, pound 25c Picnic Hams, pound 16c Pure Open Kettle Rendered Lard 3 pounds for High Grade Shortening, 3 lbs .... 49c