Bart Weekly Ad Medium FORDS FORDS W? t Your Confidence Brief Resume of Happenings of CRAWFORD MOTOR CO the Week Collected for LINCOLN—FORD—FORDSON Our Readers. Ask us about the Ford Weekly Purchase Plan Get in Just Right for Next Spring Delivery Gasoline, Oil, Storage, Tires and Accessories Battery Service Ambulance for .Towing PHONE 612 FORDS FORDS OREGON NEWS ITEMS CF SPECIAL INTEREST The Brownsville woolen mill Is now employing several shifts of men and the machines are running day and night. Portland-Vernonia- Astoria BOOST IT A special meeting of Oregon dairy­ men and representatives of allied In­ dustries called to consider proposed kgislatlon was postponed to Monday, I January 19. When you see a car with a Gates, ask the owner how he likes his tire. VERNONIA BRAZING & MACHINE WORKS winter poultry show at the state fair grounds. In event the show is author ized it probably would be held In January, starting In 1926. Murdered in hla cabin home behind a church in Bend, the charred body of Aleck Roucbek, a citizen of Poland, was found by firemen. After killing A total of 481,127 tons were handled Rouchek, who waa etruck on the head in the port terminals of Astoria dur­ with an ax as he entered his home, ing the last year, according to data the slayer fired the bouse. prepared by port authorities. It Is believed that the board of en­ The Northwestern Society of High­ way Engineers held its annual meeting In Portland Saturday, with more than 200 members of the organization in attendance. Where the most wear comes, that’s where you will find the heaviest and sturdest construction in a Gates Tire. To prove to your own satisfaction that our claims of longer service is true, try a Gates Tire on your own car. Two hundred and fifty employes of the city water bureau of Portland will have to pay $50,000 in back taxes to ’ the government because of a decision that employes of a publie utility, city owned, must pay taxes as employes of every other utility. With the warrants all paid and mon­ ey left In practically every fund of the county, Linn county closed 1924 with a balance of $149,761.18. Steps have been taken for the crea- tlon of a new school district with Westfir, the new sawmill town two mile) east of Oakridge, as the center. Extra Heavy Construction the caik_d prize Chandler’s Hcrefcrda won all other prizes in the Hereford ClftM. Although light snows continue to fall throughout the Haines valley and George M. Oeisendorfer has been foofthlll district adjoining, there is recommended by Representative Haw­ not sufficient mow to assure crop« In ley for appointment as postmaster at the irrigated sections, where snows Cascadia. are depended upon for water through- About 210 men are employed on the out the growing season. government dam under construction The state fair board, at its annual on McKay creek, seven miles south of meeting in Salem Monday, consider­ Pendleton. ed the advisability of holding a mid­ Purchase of a hook-and-ladder truck for the McMinnville fire department has been put In the hands of a com ml ttee for action. INLAND HIGHWAY Herbert Chandler <'* T-’-'r "-n prize on a . ford range bulls at the Ogden livestock I show at Ogden. Utah. In addition to 1 gineers will soon make a favorable re­ port on the project to improve Tilla­ mook bay. The report has been ap­ proved by the board of engineers and is now in the hands of the chief of engineers for bls judgment. Homer C. Parrett of Newberg, son of Bam L. Parrett, president of the United States National bank of New­ berg, waa appointed county treaaurer by the Yamhill county court. C. E. Dukenfield, elected in November over Mrs. Nellie Dodson, resigned. No other tire ever won favor so quickly! VIT TIRES and TUBES COLUMBIA TIRE CORPORATION, PORTLAND, OREGON Gilby Motor Co FUNERAL MARCH PLEASE The rivers and harbors bill as re­ There was a man in our town, ported to the house carries provision Nearly 1000 more homes were erect­ And he was a speedy guy. ed In Portland in 1924 than In 1923 for surveys of both Coos bay and the He turned the corners on two wheels and the value was $4,094,125 greater Umpqua river with a view to their Crossed crossings on the fly, than the year before, Homes erected further improvement. The Coos bay Bu yesterday, the Extras say, project calle for a 25-foot channel and numbered 3997. Thia wise man saw the light. the Umpqua for a 22-foot channel. His fliver stalled on the railroad The compilation of groaa poetai re- The curve in the Eugene-Coburg Track— celpta of the Medford postofflce, $55,- highway where Charles Adler, Port­ Toot, toot! Ding, dong! Good 501.20 for the year, shows an Increase of more than 9 per cent over groas land traveling salesman, was drowned Night! a short time ago when he drove his receipts in 1923. automobile into overflow waters of The condition of W. J. Kerr, preai- the Willamette river, is being straight­ “I’VE a little plant in the country dent of Oregon Agricultural college. close by a purling stream, where ened to eliminate danger of similar who has been seriously ill for some the pressman never wrangle, nor accidents in the future. time. Is reported by attending physi­ the walls bear scrawls obscene— Approximately 40,000 sheep, moatly cians to be improved. and it’s there your little booklet or ewes and feeder lamba. are being fat­ I letterhead, won’t fail ti make a hit i Richard H. Thornton, 79. one of the tened and wintered on hay grown in state’s ablest lawyers and founder and for style and wit, or to bring back the Deschutes country, In former first dean of the University of Ore­ —the kale. years not more than a few thousand gon law school, died at Good Samari­ WHY give your best to a mad house, head were wintered in this section. A tan hospital in Portland. where price and rush prevail? Why considerable number of the sheep were Dr. W. J. Spillman, chief of the bu­ brought from Lake county. burden a thoughtless printer, when reau of farm management, federal de­ a thoughtful one’s for sale? By the The Hood River county court having partment of agriculture, is on a trip country stream, we will plan your authorized the expenditure of approxi­ through the Pacific northwest visiting dream, for a salesman or the mail. mately $35,000 In the purchase of a the agricultural colleges. suitable tract of land for a permanent All travel over the Columbia high­ experimental tract, the Oregon legis­ way between Hood River and The lature will be aaked to make appropri­ Dalles was blocked by a 150-foot rock ation for maintenance of the Hood slide which occurred at the tunnel River branch experiment station. about a mile west of Mosier. Because of unaatiafactory conditions C. S. Fletcher, who for five yean said to exist in the wheat-growing dis­ has been county agricultural agent at tricts of eastern Oregon, Governor Moscow, Idaho, has been appointed to Pierce may go before the legislature a similar position in Lane county and and urge an appropriation with which will assume his duties February 1. to purchase seed for those farmers J. M. Devers, attorney for the state whose crops have been destroyed as a highway department, has been re­ result of the late intenae cold weather. quested to prepare a bill for presenta­ A new railroad story comes from tion to the legislature providing for a Curry county to the effect that the tax on cigarettes sold In this state. Chicago. Milwaukee A St. Paul rail Enjoy an hour at the new O. K. CARD ROOM SO send us your little order, be it large, or fine, or small—and if you want to see me, I’ll be very glad to call, but the plant is out here wait­ ing, waiting to serve you well, so the sooner we get together, th« sooner your goods will SELL!’’ SEE US FOR COMMERCIAL PRINTING WèV / > » SEE THE VERNONIA TRADING CO FOR Dupont Explosiv­ es and Blasting Accessories Lime, Brick, Plaster, Cement FEED, GRAIN AND HAY BRIQUETTES— Best heat. next Horseshoe Restaurant No ashes, lasting. Just the thing for Incubator Heating. S. C. SALE, Prop. At the Warehouse South of the Depot VERNONIA TRADING CO Everything New A Man’s Resort Wholesale and Retail “Pop” will be Manager Rolo Drain died at the Eugene hos- pl tai as a result of burns suffered when a davenport upon which ha waa ■leeping several weeks ago caught fire. He was badly burned on his arms and body. road proposes to build down the Or» gon coast from Seaside to California and thence on to Ban Francisco, prob­ ably to attach to the Northwestern Pa ciflc at Ito northarn terminus at Eu­ reka. George Hinkle and Clinton Bramber rf utherlla are in tko Roseburg ho» Vital suffering from injuries sustained I I when a tree fall across their car while they were driving on the Catapoola road east of Sutherlin. t Consolidation of >2 individual road districts in Wasco county Into five large districts for the purpose of mak­ T-9 ing more money available for general road purposes, was announced by County Judge Adkisson. J. E. CuHiaon and R. F. Edgar of Portland have received a contract from the Klamath county court to cruise 76,000 acres of white pine tlm- her land In Klamath county. They will receive 20 cento per acre. Mias Kathleen Milla, defeated can­ didate for the office of county treas­ urer of Tillamook county nt the fall election, succeeded herself as the re­ sult of refusal of County Treasurer- elect Bryan to accept the office. Lake county is clearing the tax rolls of delinquent taxpayers by a foreclos­ ure suit Involving more than 4000 de­ fendants, representing property own­ ers of the county whose taxes have been unpaid for the last two years. The resideaoe of W. A. Umbanhowor on Grand Island, about tan miles south of Dayton, upset and caused damage estimated at between $$80 and $300. The house was built on piles about six foot in the air to put ft above high water danger. The accident was thought to hare been caused by a set­ tlement of the underpinning oa one •Me following the recoat heavy tosena. One hundred and nineteen mills r» portlng to the West Coast Lumber­ men's association for the week ending January 3, manufactured 56.968,412 feet of lumber; sold 60.150,664 feet; and shipped 77.44», 182 feet. New busi­ ness waa • per cent above production. Shipments were 2» per cent above new business. COPELANDS BOOK * ART STORE Wishes the People of Vernonia and Vicinity A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A BRIGHT AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Welcome Strangers, Vernonia Greets You, Glad to Meet You Local and Long Distance Hauling DAILY TRIPS TO PORTLAND Phone 283—Vernonia Portland phone Broadway 0401 Portland office 200 Oak St. A Home industry—Patronize Home P. D. SMITH A è > William P. Downing, a pro figure In the dsvelopmsat st Bend tor the past >3 yean, and the owner of a hotel there, was shot through the head in the room of Mrs. Ethel Nor­ ton, an ex-employe. Death waa the result of a bullet find by Downing*» own hand, according to the story told by Mrs. Norton. At a meeting of the raw products committee of the Rossburg chamber of commerce, steps wore taken to deter­ mine the amount of damage done to the broccoli crop by the roeeat extreme cold weather. The crop waa badly hurt, according to ail Indlcationa, aad the chamber of nimmirn is taking up with agricultural experts the matter of starting crops that will take the piece of broccoli. Neither the »smi t ary of state aay other official has any right to •et aside or extend the time tor en­ forcement of the laws in thia state. This was announced by Sam A. Koaar, secretary of state, following receipt of reports that in some parts of Oregon motor vehicle owners apparently were of the opinion that they were exempt from placing 1»36 license platen oa their oars aatil February L 4 STATE LAUNDRY CO ALL KINDS OF LAUNDRY WORK Washable rugs Blankets Lace curtains Feather pillows Wagon Comes to Vernonia Daily Sox Darned Free “QUALITY AND SERVICE” Vernonia Agents Are: VERNONIA CLEANERS COLUMBIA BARBER SHOP VERNONIA STEAM LAUNDRY QUALITY WORK GUARANTEED A Vernonia Institution, Modem in Every Respect WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER Quick Service—Watch for Our Car t