Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, January 16, 1925, Image 2

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----- - — VERNONIA EAGI .F
.«veriii’init Rotea Hue's her inch,
le eolumi measure, each we
Wc co.ieci tur euteilia.g the Aral
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.’LfiN'J.iU Li .. E “ sin
E ditor and O wner .
Issued Every liLljy.
ÿ2.UÜ Per Year.
Entered as second-class matter August
4, 1922, at the post office at Ver­
nonia, Oregon, under the Act
Ail Accollate Must Ba Settled la Fail
of March 3. 1879.
Every 30 Days
FT-7- ■---------------------------------- -------------- __
It appears from the St Helens papci
ministration of city affairs th re . uct/ ait
xeai witii any
L*xic ox co—opei
ly love. The paper infers that a severe disagreement has
arisin over the appointment of their City Marshal. The
Eagle is not butting in on the affairs of our County Sea
nor do we intend to publish any articles for either side.
One of the best and most efficient members of any Pres­
ident’s Cabinet is preparing to retire to private life. Sec­
retary of State, Charles Evan Hughes will resign March
4. Our present Ambassador to London, Frank B. Kellogg,
will assume the great and responsible duties of Mr.
Women Like to Come to This Bank
The “Columbian”, a paper formerly published at St.
Helens has ceased to exist. We have no desire to start a
second paper in St. Helens at this time. One good paper
It is well that sond minded, broad minded, substantial in that splendid little city is a plenty, as towns of St. Hel­
people disregard gossip, and see the “Why”, and consider ens’ size and Vernonia’s size, both about the same, seldom
the source, of the various “home kicks” and slurs often give one paper any more than it deserves.
broadcasted by peaved individuals who imagine they are
The Governor of Kansas seems to be in bad—alleged
being abused. We know that practically every city has
in receiving, through his son, money for pardoning
factious and disagreements, but we keep on striving for
fro mthe Pen. Don’t know whether the Kansas
harmony and advocating better things and improvements
is guilty or not; don’t know as any Governors
for our city. It is hard some times, when one gets so little
guilty, but every body knows that lots of par­
appreciation from his fellow townsmen. Your home paper
—too many.
has strived hard, day and night, to help build a clean,
busy city and to give it’s readers a good weekly paper. A
Just a word to Miss Julia Groo, young, pretty and pop­
man told us today that he was disgusted at one place in
Keep away from the stage and Hollywood and your
town hearing them give the Eagle h------ . Sure, that’s ex­
will be as happy as your present is exciting.
pected. Outside cities and outside readers tell us the Eagle
is one of the best weeklies in the state in any city double
Everything seems to be moving along as usual; in fact
our size. You know about the “Profit in his own land”—
would hardly know the Legislature was in session.
so why pay attention to knocks?
There isn’t a mail any day, but what the Eagle gets
Some business men travel around so much that when
from one to a dozen letters asking for a copy of the paper they
do eat at home they look for a menu.
and congratulating us for the splendid efforts. Isn’t it
queer—but the truth? How easy to give your paper fits,
to cuss your council; to make strangers think that there
is a hidden cause for any knocker. Now wouldn’t it be
brighter, if all co-operated? If comments are made, have
teh mof the cheerful, optimistic strain. All would feel bet­
ter and progress faster. The Eagle prints from 15 to 20
columns of straight matter eac hissue. What other weekly
does it
Young man, get away from the crowd for a while, and
think. Stand on one side and let the world run by, while
you get acquainted with youiself and see what kind of a
fellow you are. Ask yourself hard questions about your­
self. Find out whether you are drifting aimlessly along
with the stream or striving for a definite object. To
surge along with the crowd requires no effort and will
bring you no reward. Ask yourself if you are making pro­
gress, so that each tomorrow finds you farther than today.
This appiles not only to material things, but to the shap­
ing of your whole character, to your moral, ethical and
intellectual side as well, and they are often found to go
hand in hand.
One sure way of making progress is to start a savings
account which is not only saving money but is also a char­
acter builder and is a sure way of getting out of the rut
of drifting along, having no object in view and getting
Vernonia and the Nehalem Valley have all confidence
in Bert Mills, and the delight over his election as County
Commissioner is general. The entire county appreciates
his knowledge and ability for his position, and the senti­
ment expressed in last week’s St. Helens Mist are endors­
ed by all. The Mist says:
“Columbia County is to be congratulated on hiving Bert
Mills as one of the commissioners. In addition to being a
man whose integrity is not questioned, Mills knows more
about road building than ninety per cent of the people
who reside in the county. For a number of years he was
road supervisor in his (No. 9) district and not being sat­
isfied with being the ordinary road builder, he studied
engineering. The consequence was that when he built a
road, in addition to doing a good job he saw to it that
the road was properly laid out before he began work.
But in addition to his knowledge of roads and road
building, Mills knows the needs of teh county. He is lev­
el-headed and trustworthy and the county’s business is
safe in his hands. He can be depended on.”
Like the swells of a tidal wave, which grows to tremend­
ous magnitude to dash itself to destruction and is lost,
leaving the coast to the mercy of following waves—so
with highly esteemed and financial kings of the money
world. Among the famed of the picture colony now bal­
ancing on the highest round of popularity is Sharlie Chap«
mas. Poor boy, he has made that high round so easily tipp­
ed. His recent marriage to the “Girl Star” was near the
last straw for a critical public—but now, in their anxiety
for publicity they seemingly have gone beyond propriety
in the sight of the millions of peopel who have more or less
good old ohmely ideas. Their latest public announcement
afer six weeks wedded life is immodest and rediculous.
The Oregon Voter, in its January 10 issue of 144 pages,
told you everything you wanted to know about “Who’s
who in 1925 Legislature”. It is a book each voter should
have on file. In this edition are the sixty biographical
sketches, with portraits of each State Representative and
thirty biographical sketches with portraits of each of the
Senators. After reading it you will agree that Oregon has a
,competent Legislature this session. Here’s faith and hope
jwith more or less charity for the outcome.
There’s a spirit of friendliness and cordiality
about this bank that radiates and promotes a Good
Will not found in a bank that is merely a strong­
hold of stone and steel. And that s why women
make this their headquarters for then- financial
dealings. They like the cheerful atmosphere and
the sincere courtesy. You, too, will see the dif­
ference when you come in to get acquainted.
Vernonia, Oregon
‘Don’t go
The main trouble with cutting offi
the expenses of government is that
most of the expense can vote.
If there is one time in a Vernonia
man’s life when he can feel whooly
virtuous it is when he is carrying a
quart bottle of vinegar down the
street and knows it is vinegar.
They’ve done about everything for
filling stations in this country but
call them “Ye Old Gasse Shoppe.”
There is nothing more humiliat­
ing than arguing with a fool. He nev­
er knows which one is the fool.
Why is it that when some Vernon­
ia citizens get a bill bearing the
words "please remit” they act as
though they thought they were being
Just when the world had commenc
ed to get better a New York woman
up and died and left $5,000 to a pet
get cheated
Come in Here”
May be the
slogan of
Some stores
at the
M. & M.
This reducing business is being car
ried too far in this country. Even
the milk is getting thin.
As our customers
always get their
money’s worth ..
The burning question in Vernonia
is not so much the price of fuel as it
is of "who’s going to build the fire”?
Corner Across from Gilby
Motor Co.
Our idea of a foreaighted man is
the fellow who gave his wife a waf­
fle iron for Christmas so she could
furnish him a better breakfast.
The French don’t want to pay us
anything for 10 years. Someone
seems to have told them that Uncle
Sam’s other name is Santa Claus.
They do not consider a meal complete without
Meat—so why not add to its completeness by serv­
ing them the best Meats—the kind you get here?
Poultry, Milk, Eggs, Butter—A new, Up-to-date,
sanitary Market.
The Nehalem Meat Market
"I koop air hone at, oervinj men;
(They taught mo AH I Knewjf
Their name- are WHAT and WHY
and WHEN.
and HOW and WHERE and WHO
At present rate Vernonia may yet
see the day when it will be hard to
find a girl who knows mort about a
knitting stedle than she does about a
curling iron.
If he knows what a pint will do to
him, and what stepping on it will do
the car, why do they call it an acci­
At any rate, the highwaymen of
olden days held you up instead of
running you down.
A speeding automobile in Indiana
turned over twice and then kept on
going. The car proved that its own
tendencies were sound and that the
difficulty lay in convincing the driv­
er that cars run better right side up.
Bl e ssed are the righteous for they
do not litter op the front pages.
Some folks will take anything that
is not nailed down except a hint or
. •
WHAT wiB the Declaration of London?
WHY does tho date for Raster vary?
WHEN wai the grout pyramid of
Cheops built ?
LOW can you dktiuguish a malarial
WHERE in Canberra ? Zee brugge?
WHO was the Miliboy of the Slash««?
* Are these ’’«lx men” serving you too?
Give them an opportunity by placing
W ebster ' s
N ew I n ernational
D ictionary
in your home,
school, office,
club, library.
Authority” in all
Irnowk dge offers uurvico.
Immediate, corutant, loating, trust­
worthy. Answers all kinds of ques­
tions. A century ai developing,
enlarging, and perfecting under ex­
acting caro and highest r.hclarahip
insurer, accuracy, coiuplotunaas,
compactness, authority.
fa» e eampW
ot the Wrw
enertrnen ot lo ^uler end ln<Ha Haeuni. afie
giwfesfUH. M om .. U. 5. A. Cae. EMf
Absolutely Pure Medicated Soap is the ideal Soap
to use for baby. It is entirely free from irritating
agents which cause so much trouble with a baby’s
tender skin. Order by the box so you will always
have it on hand.
All sundries of a first class Drug Store.
Silver Fox Pharmacy
On corner across from Bank of Vernonia