Ueraomu VKRNONIA, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 16 1925 MOUTHPIECE of the NEHALEM VALLEY WHAT A BUDGET SYSTEM MEANS One Must Keep Track of Dis bursements to Get Ahead Financially. By Œ. C. SAMMONS, Chairman liudgut Department Oregon National Thrift Committee How to get ahead financially, yet live decently and well. Is doubtless the most absorbing and Important mat­ ter confronting the average person or the average family, and that Is the subject wo wish to discuss and en­ deavor to assist In solving. No discussion of the subject can be- gin or ond without mention of the moaning of "Thrift.” Thrift means good manag>-ment, vigorous growth; it moans spending less than you earn; it means saving systematically. It does not mean that one should stop spending; on the contrary, it means spending, but spending wisely and thoughtfully Instead of carelojsly. There is but one real wuy to dis cuss the question of Thrift and that is: What will Thrift do for me? The personal equation is all there is to Thrift—decide what you want and if you want It badly enough and are will­ ing to pay the price you probably can have it. What are your wants? Do you want a home and peace and content­ ment, a few flowers, a bit of green lawn, perhaps some fruit and vege­ tables. the dancing fire light from the glowing embers of the fireplace? Do yen want the thrill of cutting bond coupons; do you desire to cash Interest or dividend checks, or do you prefer to spend as you earn, jazzing along life’n highway? The decision must bo made. The Thrift wny, you say? Very well then, let us give heed to a few simple worth while suggestions. The first of these Is to keep track of all disbursements, In other words, follow a budget plan. Through that find out if you are wasting money; if so, stop the leak. The concluding thought I wish to leave is that Thrift is not easy. It is hard work to save unless you have a regular systematic savings plan. If you would get ahead, decide upon the amount to be saved, then bank it every payday, just the same as though it were any other bill which must be paid. Following this plan for a few months will so fix the habit that the plan may be made effective without Inconvenience and with splendid re­ sults. Thrift moons frugality, econ­ omy. To be thrifty one must be will­ ing to "pay the price” by practicing frugality and economy, and reaping the rewards of saving and investing. WEDDED We are enformed, this week, of the marriage of Miss Mary Mae Ak­ ers to Clarence Hunt of Astoria, Ore. some time ngo. The marriage was a surprise to their friends in Vernon­ ia. A number of young people sur­ prised them by walking in on them last Saturday night and congratulat­ ing them and sUying until late, when they were served with ice cream and refreshments at the home of the bride's paernts, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Akers. The young couple will make their home in Astoria. RED CROSS MEETING The annual meeting of A. R. C. will be held in the court house at St. Helens Monday evening, Jan. 26th for the purpose of electing the new officers for this next pear’s work. A report on the past year’s activities will be discussed. Every person who has paid the membership dues of SI during the Roll Call is entitled to a vote and should attend if possible. Columbia county has accomplished much thia past year, has put on as ambitious a program as any county in the state and it is hoped an even better yenr is ahead of the chapter. It is hoped people will keep up their interest and turn out well the 26th. “LETTER FOLLOWS !” The editor of a nearby paper once received a very fine chicken, which he supposing to be a tonen of appre­ ciation from a discriminating reader, took home and enjoyed for dinner. The following day he received thia letter: “Dear Editor: Yesterday I pent you a chicken in order to settle l> dispute which had risen here. Can you tell what the chicken died ofi” Many new people arriving in Ver- nonia every week. The adding of a night shift at the big mill brought jnany new families. I Volume 3, Number 23 COLUMBIA COUNTY TTP Paul Robinson, Editor and Owner Advertising Medium of a Big Pay Roll Community STIFF JOLT GIVEN COLUMBIA COUNTY BANKERS HILL ACADEMY TO BIG MILL AT VERNONIA NOW RUNNING NIGHT SHIFT MEET AND EAT IN RAINIER DRY LAW BREAKER PLAY IN COLUMBIA BASKETBALL LEAGUE With the big 40 acre pond fall of Vernonia Banker is President Total of 45 Year tin Pen on Three logs, the camps operating and a Indictments The Lower Columbia Basketball good lumber market—business for The Bankers of Columbia county Vernonia shows some signs of im­ league, comprising the high school met in Rainier last Monday night, proving. The O.-A. Mill which em­ teams of Vernonia, Rainier, St. Hel­ (From Hillsboro Independent) A sentence was imposed in the cir­ and organized the “Columbia County ployes many men every day is now ens, Clatskanie, Scappoose and Hill cuit court Tuesday which is likely to Banker's Association”, which will starting a second shift. This wetk Millitary Academy of Portland open­ cause gentlemen engaged in the var­ work as one unit of the Oregon Bank they put on a good number of extra ed January 9, with Sappoose, at Ver­ ious branches of the liquor business er’s Association. The meeting, rhich men running at night a short side of nonia, Hill Millitary at St. Helens, to sit up and take notice, for it is a was well attended, was the best and the big plant. The shift will gradually and Rainier at Clatskanie. The team having the highest per­ reminder that the profitable pastime most instructive and beneficial ever be enlarged until a full crew Will centage at the end of the season will of making and selling booze may held in the county. Mr. Andrew Mil­ work nigths. meet the winner from the Astoria dis­ have a kick-back as hard as the pro­ ler, Field Secretary of the Otegon Banker’s Association was present to trict on a netural floor, Mach 6, to duct made and peddled. « NEW ORGANIST determine the representative to the Heretofore manufacturers and ped deliver a good talk along contsructive Btate tournament at Salem Marcr 13. dlers ferreted out by the officers lines, and splendid speeches were made by Mr. Ambrose, Cashier cf Miss Agness O ’ Malley, of Portland Following is the official schedule: have suffered no more inconvenience Jan. 16—Vernonia at Rainier, than a fine which could be charged to Federal Reserve Bank of San Fran­ arrived this week to be our Organ­ cisco and Mr. Greenwood, Mgr. of ist at the Majestic Theatre. Miss O ’ ­ Scappoose at Hill Millitary, St. Hel­ overhead or a few montlis retirement Federal Reserve Bank of Portland. Malley has just finished an enjoy ­ ens at Clatskanie. in the county jail where the hours Jan. 23—Vernonia at St. Helens, were whiled away in congenial com­ One of the best numbers of the even­ ment at the largest theatre in Yaki- pany, and sometimes both. But this ing's program was the magnificient ma. The Majestic Concerts are cer- Hill Millitary at Clatskanie, Rainier at Scappoose. week’s proceedings give a hint that banquet served in splendid style by tainly fine. the Domestic Science class of the Jan. 27—Clatskanie at Vernonia, “them days are gone forever.” Rainier at Hill Millitary, St. Helens Poseph Stimac faced four indict­ Rainier High school. Officers elected A COMMUNITY CANNOT at Scappoose. ments alleging various dry law viola­ for the Columbia County Banker’s LIVE WITHIN 1TSELF Jan. 30—Vernonia at Hill Milli­ tions when he appeared in court for Association are: President, W. O. Galaway, presi­ tary, St. Helens at Rainier, Clatsk­ trial. He had previously been ar­ The following timely article is anie at Scappoose. , ranged and pleaded not guilty. This dent of the Bann of Vernonia. Vice-President, H. A. Childs, vice- from the Mississippi Builder, which Feb. 6—Vernonia at Clatskanie, week he experienced a change of is doing a good work for the state Hill Millitary at Rainier, Scappoose heart and expressed a wish to change president of State Bank of Rainier. Secretary, R. W. Seed, cashier of of Mississippi: at St. Helens. his plea o guilty and waive time for “During the 18 years that the Clatskanie State Bank. Feb. 13—Vernonia at Scappoose, sentence. His wish was granted and Treasurer, Mrs. Alice Wood, presi­ writer has been engaged in publicity St. Helena at Hill Millitary, Clats­ this is what he drew: work, we have visited hundreds of kanie at Rainier. Indictment No. 1, 15 years in the dent State Bank of Rainier. cities, towns and communities, a- Feb. 20—Rainier at Vernonia, Hill penitentiary and pay a fine of $1. mong which we have found a few MilliUry at Scappoose, Caltskanie at GOOD LETTER SLIGHTLY Indictment No. 2, ditto. CONDEMNS EAGLE STORY that thought they could live without St. Helens. Indictment No. 3, also ditto. the cooperation of the rest of the Feb. 23—Hill MilliUry at Vernon­ Or a matter of 45 years behind the world. These communities have nev­ ia, Scappoose at Clatskanie, St. Hel­ The Eagle, last week, editorially bars and fines of $3. er amounted to much, in fact they ens at Rainier. And for good measure the senten­ spoke of a recent arrest in Vernonia. have grown smaller, until they have In our mention of moonshine, dope Feb. 27—St. Helens at Vernonia, ce on indictment No. 4 was a fine of benn lost in the progress of the Clatskanie at Hill MilliUry, Scap­ and unlawful habits and evils associ ­ $500 and costs. communities that were seeking the poose at Rainier. The hardest jolt always has a soft ates, we mentioned the opinion that cooperation of others and forging a- one young man receiving a jail term side, and this was no exception, al­ head. Yet, sometimes the backward was well educated, a good musician though it was hard to notice, for the IN HULLA HULLA LAND ones wake up to the necessity of and should and could be at the top of penitentiary sentences are to run getting on the band wagon of pro- concurrently, which means that Sti­ the ladder as well as at the bottom. We received, this week, a copy of The letter from him strengthens our mac must serve 15 years instead of “No, a community cannot lite the Honolulu Advertiser, sent us by opinion of him as well as our opinion 45. of the habits and unlawful advacates. within itself, for no matter what the Mr. Cleveland and wife who are vis­ Our sympathies are with “Mac’’, and resources are or the advantages pos­ iting the Islands. The Advertiser is LETS MAKE THE TOWN it would please us to aid him in any sessed, there must be an outlet some­ about the size of any of our Main­ PRESENTABLE AND HEALTHY way. His letter follows: where. A progressive spirit of co-op­ land big daily papers and the read­ eration with others must be instilled ing, ads and pictures the same, in St. Helens, Oregon, As February, the short month, ap- Friday, Jan. 9, 1925 and inoculated into the minds of the fact, going to Honolulu is the same poraches, one is reminded that it is Mr. Paul Robinson, people, so that all progressive move­ as going to Vancouver or Mexico often termed “Wall Paper month”. Vernonia, Oregon. ments may have the right sopport for City as far as American customs are That implies improvements to home Dear Sir:— good. If yoh, as a commhnity, will concerned. Over in Honolulu they —not only new wall paper, but “An account of my arrest and in­ not do anything in co-operation with have the same makes of autos and paint and decorations and work to­ carceration, in your publication of your neighbor, your neighbor will clothes, the same eats, the same Hoot ward the “home beautiful”. Every this date, has come to my attention, not do anything for you. You cannot Gibson and picture shows, the same home is more homelike when it’s ap­ and I beg to corerct one of the state­ go out and invite people to come in, funny sheet in the Sunday papers. pearance is inviting. So with a city. ments contained therein. an dtell them that they must for­ But their climate is milder, their Every nicely painted home is an as­ "The charge preferred against me sake the rest of the world. The mar­ fruit more tropical, the water is set to the entire town. Some of our was the sale of liquor, to which I pled kets of trade are like unto an end­ warmer. Hulu Hulu dances and such business houses and prominent corn­ guilty, and for which I received the less chain covering the whole world, are found in America more than the ers are sadly in need of paint or sentence mentioned. I did not, how­ and if you let it go by without catch­ territory of Hawaii. something to make them inviting, ever, plead guilty to the most out­ ing on, you are side-tracked and soon EXPECT BIG YEAR cheerful and presentable, All over rageous charge of supplying young forgotten. The greatness and upbuild town we find dirty alleys and back boys with narcotics, and although ing of your community are just what Auto manufacturers are now fix- yards, boxes, cans, piles of old lumb­ before the court the arresting officer you, as a citizen, make it.” er. If we can only get the clean-up expatiated most eloquently upon his What the builder says is true, and ing their quota of production for habit once it will always be easier premises concerning my activities in it is also the case with individuals. 1925 and they are doing so very care­ to clean. V jrnonia can be a beautiful this connection, no mention thereof They cannot live alone, but must co­ fully. Last January they made their home city very easy. It is up to each was made in the charge to which I operate with one another. In fact, figures too high, and had to retrench and every individual. Appearance pled guilty. I feel that your account the man, the community or the na­ before the summer was over, because counts—how shall we be counted. of the matter was grossly misleading, tion which ilves for self alone, will people did not go “auto crasy” like in that my culpability did not extenl never broaden nor flourish, nor they did in 1923. This year prices EVANGELICAL CHURCH as far as "dope”, and I would be grat­ achieve that for which they were in­ will be lower and, makers believe, the country more prosperous. There ified to have the reading public ap­ tended.—Newton (Miss.) Record. will be more spending money, they The Sunday School will meet nt prised of the fact. This should by no declare, and farm produce will bring the usual hour for the study of the means be construed as a supplication Tearing Down Vs. BaildinC lesson. Every child not attending f'- ympathy, my error was my own, Bickering, fault-finding and back better prices. We hope they are right Sunday School elswhere is urged to J I am most willing to concede all biting will retard the growth of any and we also hope that a liberal meas­ attend. Adults are invited to join the ights and claim to sympathy, it is town or city. There can never be any ure of the prosperity they predict will adult Bible class. prompted solely by my disire that the lasting prosperity where those fact­ hit Vernonia. Not that we want our The Christian Endeavor Societ public know the truth, and that my ory are uppermost in the minds of a people to spend their surplus in buy­ meets at 6:30 p. m. and all your.j. guilt be not exaggerated by the zeal considerable portion of the people. ing autos, though that is never a poor people will be received cordially, Consideration and energetic co­ investment. But we want them to of most worthy vice crusaders. At the eleven o’clock service the operation will materially advance have their share of all the good “Allow me to commend you on the pastor will speak on the subject subject in the same issue, and to aug­ the interests in any community. things that aTe going around, and we “Reconstruction” baaed on Nehemiah ment with my personal experience Those form the groundwork of all hope the auto makers are right when they say prosperity is going to be 2:17-20. The theme of the evening your own excellent logic embraced in great municipalities. service will be based upon the quest­ that article.” Natural advantages have much to general throughout the entire eoun- ion “Will the Heathen Who Have do with community achievement, but try. Sincerely, Never Heard the Gospel be Saved? natural advantages alone will not Donald F. Lucas HONOR PUPILS A cordial invitation la extended to suffice. Co-operation is an essential the public. element, but it never marches side by CHRISTIAN CHURCH The following pupils of the Ver- side with fault finding and bickering VERNONIA CITY MARSHAL The latter are destroyers, not build­ nonia High school having earned 90 10:00 a. m.: Sunday School. ers; they tear down instead of build­ per cent, or better, in each subject 11:00 a. m.: Preaching. taken during the first semester and The city council recently appoint­ ing up. 6:30 p. m.: Endeavor. in deportment were excused from all ed Mr. Timmons as city marshal and Possible we are not overburdened 7:30 t>- Preaching. Mr. Timmons declined the poeition. Mr. Swenders of Portland will de­ with the destroying element in this the final examinations: Robert Hoffman, Bufford Wilker­ On Tuesday night the council met liver the sermons. community, but such as we have is son and Lillian Condit, seniors; and appointed W. J. Kelly as city entirely too much. All are cordially invited to attend marshal. Mr. Kelly has been in Ver­ all meetings. Community advancement means Louisa Malmaten and Lola Malmsten, nonia over a year, and has been do­ personal security o the individual and juniors; Louis Schmidlin, Anna Rea SUNDAY SERVICES ing contract work most of the time. this is beet achieved through energet­ Webster, Russell Mills, Dudley Spen­ cer, Jessie George, and Amy Hughes, He is a man well liked by his ac­ ic and persistent co-operation. There will be preaching services quaintances and a man who general­ Tearing down or building up— Sophomores; Anna Aamodt, Helen ly keeps busy. Wo see no fault with again this Sunday, at the Rose Thea­ which side are you identified with? Hieber, and Ward Gooding, freeh- mon. the appointment and Mr. Kelly tre, at 3 o’clock p. m. Everybody is Alma Center (Wis.) News. should make a good officer. Messrs. invited, and you will sure be inter­ CATHOLIC CHURCH Smith and Culbertson are the out-go­ ested in what you are going to near. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Van Alateine ing officials—both good men. It left for Portland thia week, to make Maas and Sermon on the third would be hard to find a more alert A. W. Petersen is improving his their home there. Sunday of each month, at 11:80 a. man in Oregon on the moonshine and new i store on the comer of Third m. Week day communion Maaa to dope violators than Mr. Culbertson. and 1 Bridge Streets with new win- Dr. Elia Wight is in Portland to- bo announced. Jo*. P. Clancy, P m - day on a professional visit. He knows them and he gets them. dows. PACIFIC COAST NEWSPAPER MEN IN BIG MEETING Five States and Canada to Be Rep­ resented at Portland Confer- enc«. Portland, Oregon.—Plans are now Uking form for the Pacific Slope Newspaper conference to be held here this summer when newspaper men from all parts of British Co­ lumbia, California, Idaho, MonUna, Oregon and Washington assemble to discuss matters of general inUrest to the profession in the Picific ter­ ritory. RepresenUtives from each of the Pacific sûtes have been asked to at- tenl the annual University of Wash­ ington Newspaper institute in Seattle February 5, 6 and 7, when, it is plan­ ned, deuils of the conference will worked out and presented to the newspaper men. Three days will be Uken for con- sideration of matters to come before next summer’s conference. The first day will be given over to general interests, the second to individual sUtes for their annual meetings and for discussion of issues brought be­ fore general sessions and the third for general legislation by the entire body. Portland has been chosen because it is the most central city in the sUtes involved, capable of caring for such a convention. As a city, Port­ land is worth visiting. It is a city of beautiful (tomes and gardens, splen­ did business sections, manufactur­ ing districts and scenic attractions. George. L. Baker, mayor of the city, has promised that every effort will be made to handle the conven­ tion in the best possible manner and that the editors will find a hearty welcome here. The American Legion has appoint­ ed a committee to set the date for another big Legion dance, mostlikely it will be on Valentine day or George Washington’s birthday. There has been farther discussion on the building of a post club house which is to be built this summer. Seven new buddies have become members of the Vernonia post, they are as follows, Schooley, Timmons, Dyer, McGee, Rose, Theranet, and BloanL Some of the members have receiv­ ed their insurance policies from the U. S. Government. Blanks for appU. cation can be had at Legion head­ quarters and information regarding same. The drum and bugle corps, will be getting into shape for the summer activities, and it may be of interest to some people to know that a large house two miles out in the country has been selected for thir domicile. THE BUSY MAN’S CREED I believe in the suff I am handing out, in the firm I am working for, and in my ability to get resulta. I believe that honest stuff can be pha­ sed out to honest men by honest methods. I believe in working, not weeping; in boosting, not kicking, and in the pleasure of my job. I be­ lieve that a man gets what he goes after, that one deed done today is worth two deeds tomorrow, and that no man is down and out until ho has lost faith in himself. I believe in today and the work I am doing; hi tomorrow and the work I hope to do, and in the sure reward which the future holds. 1 believe in courteey, in kindness, in generosity, in good-cheer, in friendship and in honest competi­ tion. I believe there is something doing, somewhere, for every ready to do it. I believe I’m RIGHT NOW!—Elbert Hui