» A Fkahèng and Hunting * MIST NEWS * Intorort! <*r Items from Dairy * and fiui.i tetter, Adjacent J > • •••• •••• To Late For Last Week Municipal Water System months old son of Mr. and Mrs Carl Brooks, who died suddenly early Thursday morning, was held Friday afternoon in the church tlio body be- ■ laid tj re.t in the cemetery at Mist. The family has the sympathy of a host of friends and acquantiances in their sad berevement. “Happy New Year! Every body.” We are glad to see a little warm- The Sunday school gave a Xmas er weather. program in the church Sunday. M.r and Mrs. Will Medows were Walter Turner came down from guests for several days recently of the Burn and* spent several days wth Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jones. hs son, Geo. and famly last week. Mias Agatha Emmons is at home Mrs. Gladys Lane and small daught from Bremerton for the holidays. er came down from Vancouver Mon­ day and s making a visit with her Mrs. Wm. Bridgera has been on mother, Mrs. Ed. Reynolds. the sick list for teh past ten days. 4 Publie employment bureau piare-1 /J1— 1 meats in Oregon during the current biennium numbered 80.235, according to ’ho biennia) report ot (’. ¡1. Grant, I auue tabor commissioner. The contract for completion of cruis­ ing timber In Tillamook county by M. G. Nease was signed by Nease and the county court last week. The contract specifies not less than 100,000 acres to be cruised at 26 cents an acre, the cruise to be completed before March 31, 1926. Figures just released by the forest service showed that In 1923 Oregon was second In lumber production with a total of 3,966,083,000 feet. The only other state ahead was Washington, with 6,677,656,000 feet. Production In Oregon Increased 31 per cent over the previous year. OPPORTUNITY DAY i A Trade Building Event The Oregon supreme court, in an The John Bachmann family are opinion banded down has reversed Geo. Turner and Ernest Lane were quaranteed for acarlet fever. Judge Campbell of the Clackamas Vernonia buyers Tuesday, Ernest purchased a Buick. L. E. McGee and family from the county circuit court in the case In­ Burn were guests Sunday of Austin volving Samuel Director, accused of larceny in connection with the alleged Mrs. Austin Dowling was confin­ Dowling and wife. burning of his store at Oregon City. ed nt home last week with an attack A retrial will be held. of rheumatism. Rymai Johnson returned home the How to dodge automobiles will be last of the week from a Portland hos­ % Austin Dowling went down to As­ pital where he has beon for a few a new course of instruction at the toria Tuesday for a load of freight weeks. Parrish Jr. high school in Salem, ac­ for Mr. Bridgers, James Hill took cording to announcement made by a ride down with him. Miss Hattie Turner came home for school officials. The Parrish school a couple of week’s vacation, she is 1 h located on the route of the Pacific Xmas guests at the J. O. Libel teaching at Koster Camp. highway and has been the scene of several near accidents. home Thursday were: Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Reynolds, Misses Ida and Hat­ The Walter Wagner family left Restaurants, hotels and manufactur tie Turner, James Jones, Francis this week to spend the holidays with Ing concerns of Roseburg dependent Burnham ond Rymai Johnson. relatives. upon gas for conducting their business were sadly crippled when the gas Lawrence Jepson has been on the Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sundland spent plant froze Friday morning. The gas sick list we hear. a dey or two In Portland this week mains were completely filled with ice, shutting off the entire supply to the doing some shopping. 55c Fresh Eggs ..................... H. O. Rolled Oats, pkg..... 18c GROCERY Mrs. Wm. Keaton was a Clatskanie city for several hours. Swifts Bacon ............... .... 28« visitor Monday. Kellogg All-Bran, pkg....... 20c Mrs. G. B. Taylor on the Burn is Any further action that may be DEPARTMENT slowly convalescing after a severe taken by Governor Pierce with rela­ Okra, can ...................... .... 20c Campbells Soup ................. 10c L. Wickstrom, wife and children illness. tion to the ousting of Dr. Thomas Ross Aunt Gemima Grits Bordens 11 cans ............ >1.00 10 lbs. White Beans ...... 81.00 arrived down from Buster Creek last of Portland as a member of the state Fresh goods, pkg. ....... .... 18c Dr. Phillips Grape Fruit, 14 lbs. Macaroni, bluk .... 98c week to spend a while at their home fish commission probably will depend J. W. Holmstrom, a resident for Wesson Oil, Pint ......... .... 30c guaranteed, 3 for ............... 25c Lettuce, 2 heads .............. ISc heer. upon a recommendation to be solicit­ many years of the valley, passed a- ed from the attorney-general. This was Mr. and Mrs. Aim Wallace and way at the Vernonia hospital early announced by the governor. ALL GROCERY ORDERS DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE Miss Dortohy Wallace went to Port­ Tuesday morning where he had been Fines aggregating »69,266.85 were taken a short time before. He had l*tnd to spend Xmas. Imposed by the courts in Oregon as been in poor health for a long time the result of activities of the state Mr. and Mrs. Florian Mills visited and death was not wholly unexpect- traffic officers during the current ed. We have not been able to learn over Christmas at 1. E. Knowles. biennium, according to the biennial re­ the full particulars at this time. port of T. A. Raffety, chief Inspector Several of the Mist high school tor the state motor vehicle depart­ OWNED BY PEOPLE WHO LIVE IN VERNONIA students were absent from school ment. Arrests numbered 3968. SYMPATHETIC VOTERS last week. The weather being to cold Four boys who escaped from the for the ride to Vernonia in the jit­ state training school were captured by ney. Government can’t be efficient so the police while hiding In a dwelling HERE’E SUCCESS TO THEM fgggj long as we elect men to office be­ on Front street in Salem. The boys The funeral of the little fifteen cause they can’t make a living. involved tn the break were John No section of the city is immuned. Moore, Archie Evans. E. Kline and J. Richter. They spent one night in the From Dock Cole’s new home to J. open and two of them suffered from P. Mac’s corner and from Josh Roses house to G. R. Watts’ neighborhood, frozen feet. One hundred and eleven mills re­ and up Vernonia Heights from "our” porting to West Coast Lumbermen's house to top of Corey’s hill. Yes association for the week ending every neighborhood has been hearing December 20, manufactured 79,154,963 strange noises. Low and mournfull feet of lumber; sold 89,230,993 feet, at times; ghosts-line, shrieking from and shipped 72,226,412 feet. New bust a high squeal to a low base groan. ness was 13 per cent above produc­ It warbles at times, it sighs at times tion. Shipments were 19 per cent be­ and at times one distinctly recognizl es muscal notes like a far-away radio low new business. ON ALL GOODS TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW jet. We have oeen suspecting various The Oregon-California Railroad com houses and enquiring of neighbors pany and the Southern Pacific com­ SPRING GOODS. COME AND INSPECT MATER pany filed suit in the Marton county who own cats, if they can account IAL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF circuit court to reapportion the rail­ for the musical notes os frequently roads’ share of the expense of con­ heard day and night. The mystery, at structing two overhead crossings locat­ last, has been solved, and it is more LEATHER COATS SHOES ed at Wilbur and Sutherlin, Douglas important than at first imagined. It’s county. The total cost of the two over a band we have, thank you, and the Fine Quality $10.50 Officers Dress shoes. 20 some active members are practic­ head crossings was 3103,500. ing long and often. It’s a big, all Sale of approximately 1,300,000 feet 18 inch Top, while they Vernonia Band, organized with new of pine, fir and larch on Tepee creek, instruments, suits and all the fix­ last ...................... $9.75 in the Wallowa national forest, was STAG SHIRTS III>11 6 v 7* » 1 I»» I II » 1 » » tjwSW in’s. And, more important yat, we announced at the district office of the are informed that spring regular con­ $10.00 values at $8.50 forest service In Portland. The tim certs will be given early this sprng. ber was bought by the Oregon Lumber Reserve District No. 12 Charter No. 267 Army Fiel dShoe $3.75 REPORT O> THE CONDITION OF company at Enterprise. The price was SPEAKING OF LOYALTY The Bank of Vernonia, at Vernonia, in the State of Oregon, at the cion» of »3 a thousand feet for the pine and Business, Dec 31, 1924. ARMY SHIRTS 60 rents a thousand for the other If all of the people in a town were tii. t T I Ues. $3.95 RESOURCES All Wool as loyal to the town as the editor of Dress Calf Shoe $5.00 It is reported at Salem that Gov the old home newspaper what a won­ 1. Loans and discounts, including^rediscounts shown in items 29 and 30, if any............................................................................... $173,124,53 ?rnor Pierce has under advisement a derful difference it would make. Mail 2. Overdrafts secured and unsecured..... ..................... -—-v-.......... 394.79 proposal to Include in his message to order houses would be known only in 3. U, S. government securities owned, incl'iding those shown in .he legislature a recommendation that IMPORTED ALL-WOL Cushion Soles, Calf 2»,86»,oo items 30 and 36, if any................................ ........................... history. The editor is always up an the state printing office be operated Other bonds, warrants and securities, including foreign gov­ 4. doing, never ceasing, even .if at ernment, state, municipal, corporation, etc., including SHIRTS in connection with the state peniten $5.95 Shoes times he gets little or no encourage­ 39,738.38 those shown in items 30 and 35, if any ...................... ...... tiary. Under the governor’s plan con­ 21,29144 ment. He leaves unsaid that which «. Banking house, »11,352.69; furniture and fixtures »7,680.81 victs would be instructed In the print 6, USO. IS 7. Real estate owned other than banking house $5.50 to $6.50 at might cast reflections on the town, ing profession, and only such free 9. Cash on hand in vault and due from banks, bankers and trust and emphasises the good things. He companies designated and approved reserve agents of this Santa Rosia Water labor as is necessary would be em 60,582.02 bank......... ....... ............. _.......... .. ...... .. ............................. is a booster for better schools and ployed. churches, civic pride and the best cit­ 11. Checks on banks outside city or town of repot ting bank and Proof Shoes, 16 inch other cash items...................... . ................................................. 422.26 Steve Edwards, a Springfield youth, izenship. He is forever tellng of the Everything in stock ac- Total cash and due from banks, items 8, 9, 16 and 11, »81,664.78_______ who nearly a year ago pleaded guilty $10.50 top live business men; that they carry a Total........................................ »334,486.56 to the charge of larceny in a store larger, better class of goods and sell WMUHB..................... at Springfield and who was sentenced cordingly priced for them cheaper than any other place 1«. Capital stock paid in........................... ............. .......... ................. »25.000.00 to serve two years in the state pent 2,50». »O on earth. He favors good roads so 17. 8urp4na find—- — tentlary aad later paroled by the court, 18. (a) Undivided profits.......... ........................................ A Good Buy in 16 inch this sale. Here is the big that the people may get to town to 8.8518» (b) 1-ess current expenses, interest and taxes paid, received a Christmas gift In the form DEMAND DEPOSITS, other than brinks, subject to reserve- of an order from Judge Skipworth of patronise the home merchants. He is top Shoes........... $8.00 23 Individual deposits suject to check, including deposits due point for Workingmen the circuit court discharging him from in favor of public improvements of the State of Oregon, county, cities or other public funds 235,038.49 whatever nature will help to make 60.64 his sentence and clearing bis record 24. Demand eettiflestos of deposit outstanding ....................... the old home town a more desirable 25. Cashier's checks of this bank outstanding payable on demand 3 900.0» io tar u the court is concerned. (We absolutely Carry 268.51 place in which to live. Is there any 26 Certified cheeks outstanding ........................................... ........... ARMY RAIN COATS A census of game and predatory Total of demand deposits, other than bank deooeita, subject person who tries to be of more bene­ to reserve, items 23. 24. 25. 26, 8239,246.44 animals in the Cascade national forest fit to the town than the newspaper Only the Best There is) $5.50 TIME AND SAVINGS '’EPOSIT8, subject to reserve and has been completed at the request of man? If there is, name him. Kyable on demand or subject to notice: the forest service, and figures have 13,589.« 27. me certificates of deposits outstanding........ ............ ... just been submitted. The report stat 60.298.20 28. Savings deDoeita, payable subject to notice................ Total of time and savings deposits payable on demand or ed that there were 500 Mack or brows MISNAMED subject to notice, items 27 and 28, »63,886.22 bear in the forest, 3000 Mack-tailed Total .................... deer. 10 mule dear and 390 elk. In th« .. A little nonsense may be all right •late of Oregon, County of Columbia, S3. ~ predatory animal class the eetimatt now and then, but why should it l>e I, H. E. McGraw, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly r gava the number of coyotes aa 366. called modern poetry. that the above statement is true to the beet of my knowledge and belief. lynx, bobcats or wildcats 1730, cougars H. E. McGnaw, Cashier. COUECT - Attest: 40. wolves 130. Of the fur-boaring ANNONYMITY Subscribed and sworn to before me W. O. G alaway , animals It was ostimatsd that ther« Discount SATURDAY AND MONDAY 4 Shoes, Rubbers, Hats, Shirts, Slickers, Overcoats, Ladies Shoes, Boots, Mens Wear, Piece Goods Underwear, Hose KINGSLEY’S CASH STORE 4 Regular 10c, Linen Ink Hytone Tablet, Sale Price 8c Prices Cut to About Cost Choice of any 5c Pencil Tablet at 4c I Stationery Supplies Vernonia Variety Store THE WORKINGMEN'S STORE E. W. Holtham—Next Door to Gayosa are 500 beaver along the streams, eight badgers, 30 fox. 900 1334 thia 6th day of Jan. 192& E. M am », Notary Public. expires Aug 19. 1838. G. B. Muxs I