I *’ r I VERNONIA EAGLE!‘±Ä, “ measure, ^"* each airr'l" column world and could have lived in splendid style, and asso- ’ dated with refined educated business men and women.' Bui “Mac” chuc-c uuAa'w»» coinpai.^ u:.d a different mode of living. Some people probably will say that it was his “way” and he is a sgooa as any other man. Not so. He could have been, but wasn’t. He choose the lower lev­ el, and made ihmself detrimental to society by the fact that he tried to drag ambitious young men with him. His example of living is a poor lesson for the younger gener ation. Yes, we feel sorry for “Mac”, but our sarrow will not save him. He must save himself. He was accustomed to harbaring young boys in his room and giving them cigarettes, moonshine and dope. In Judge Weed’s Court Friday, he pled guilty to the charge arrested for and was gjven^jx^o^h^and^GOO^rdosenT^a^^^^^^^ werk, f.r adverting the first PAUL S. ROBINSON, E ditor and O wner . Issued Every Friday. $2.00 Per Year. Entered as second-clans matter August 4, 1922, at the peat office at Ver­ nonia, Oregon, under the Act of March 8. 1M79. FuM Many publications aie commenting favorably on the magnificent edition of the Oregon Journal last week, termed their “Year’s End Number”. Inquiring thousand^ hungry for Oregon information will cherrish it and bene­ fit by its hundreds of columns of truthful Oregon statis­ tics. After patiently awaiting in feverish anticipation for our Annual New Year’s edition of the Oregonian, we feel considerable prouder of our big state and of our big pap­ er’s achievement. It was a “Blue Book” of God’s Country, enthusiastically told in figures, story and illustrations. .We wish every white, English speaking family in Ameri­ ca could receive one. It will aid Oregon’s growth. We are getting acscustomed to writing it 1925, and our confidence is growing stronger for it’s progress and pros­ perity in which we believe all Oregonians can share. Vernonia is starting with a good mark the first week by the announcement that the O.-A. camp opens at once with four sides ; our big O.-A. Mill to put on a night force at once with over a hundred extra men; our new city council that we are assured will work for Vernoina as a better town ; new buildings now starting construction and considerable road work being planned for early spring .work. I criminal fire law convictions. Tn ad- |. dition 33 civil cases were settled and damages collected covering Govern­ ment timber destroyen in the a- mount of 017,616,64; 22 civil cases are still pending, involving damages amounting to 039,006.27, according to the report. Campers’ fires head the list of con- ■ victions under the criminal laws, with 128 convictions, 5 not guilty and 6 pending. Brush burning with­ out permit ranks second, the smokers fires third. We can't understand why some "Much as we dislike to inflict legal people never seem to get in a hurry penalties upin forest visitors” said until they get behind the steering the District Forester, in discussing wehel of an auto. I the report, "the fact remains that folks who violate the fire laws are If Santa Santa Clause had married law breakers, and must be punished the Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe as such. The future economic wel- it would have been tiugh on all the| fare of the Pacific Northwest de­ other kids in the world. mands it. However,” he added, "if everyone would heed the printed A man with a swelled head gets warnings and suggestions, abundant that way either by being stung bg- in the National Forests, we would beee or having them in his bonnet. have fewer fires and fewer law en­ forcement cases.” Thia is an age when a young man leaves the small town to work 20 years in a city so he can get money enough to go back and live in the country. Next to having a tooth pulled, man's greatest test of nerve comes when his wife pulls a porus plaster off his back. 4 THAT SENSE OF SECURITY Which comes with the realization that you have succeeded in saving something spurs you on to redouble your efforts toward making financial progress. Decide to make 1925 a profitable year by open­ ing a Savings Account at this bank. Come in now and get the Book that will record your financial progress. BANK OF VERNONIA Vernonia, Oregon COLLECTIONS KNIGHT ADJUSTMENT CO. McMinnville Hillsboro Tillamook Mac Says In too many instances indifference means ruin. There are narcotic users, poor fellows, needing sympathy anc pity. There are dope inudlgers who pass the habit to oth­ A radio message goes around the ers for no apparent reason other than the mean, low­ world in five seconds, but a rumor down outlandish excuse of “For Company’s Sake”, some can go around town in two. XMAS may be will lead young boys and girls in their teens on this path over but we are to government figures of dope taking; a road that eventually leads to destruc­ the According near-beer trade has dropped 34 I still giving away tion. Officers are often hampered in their work of sav­ per cent. Maybe the people fancied it | MONEY to ing the innocent from crime, by people being indifferent wasn't near enough. our thrifty or failing ot give information they may have. And too, we Vernonia man who neglected customers. have even heard business men condemn an officer for to The vote but continues to holler is Every cash trying to save young girls and inthe cocrse of time the just another back seat driver. Purchase at the girls will be found dead, in a house, or ¿one beyond re M. & M. PHARMACY call—because the officers advice was not heeded or be­ The Prince of Wales was given a Entitles .... cause she was encouraged by ignorant parents. Parents Ford while visiting over here. We to Green you .......... will bet Detroit is one town he never hesitate to believe their children are in bad company forgets. Trading Stamps and too many do not appreciate a word of caution from We give you....... one who sees an dknows more than the parent wants to The auto driver who hesitates at One Dollar Cash believe. If your 16 year old boy or girl was murdered you the railroad crossing says goodbye For Every Book . would probably want to lynch the villian who did the to the caboose instead of howdy-do of Green Stamps killing. Still, it results as fatal in some cases where older ot the undertaker. that you bring .... men will give dope, moonshine and poison to these inno­ Who among us in Vernonia can re­ into our store..... cent, clear brained, bright boys and girls. In Vernonia we member when all wore suspenders probably know little of the dope business, still there is and when they occasionally hung a some of it here. About a c^pzen parents could be mighty man in thia country for murder? shocked to read in their son’s and daughter’s hand writing There are a lot of great men in some letters or “notes” recently discovered by teaehers this country, but few who can keep or officers. Even in Vernonia there are a few mighty ser­ from looking silly when being photo­ ious sights seen at late hours when children under age graphed for the movies. should be at home. Up in Maine a woman captured a Even in Vernonia arrests have recently been made of doer in her front yard. Here in Ver­ people with dope in their possession; even in Vernonia nonia a- few girls capture dean in Corner AcroM from Gilby young boys have sworn to the facts of using it and sworn their front room. to the parties giving them moonshine, cigarettes, etc. ago the “full dinner pall” Motor Co. And on the street any time of day one will hear citizens was Yean a popular slogan in thiacountry condemning the officers. There are several cases needing but the present generation seems to watching and time always proves it. A few more months favor the "full gaa tank”. JML2. with no interruption or looking after, and more sad Go along the street in Vernonia 1 ‘TLeu/Ttkftek homes will wonder how it happened. It sometimes pays and you'll hear a man say confidenti­ ïimdt'vrii tif them spotted, to be cautious and to investigate. proncur c ^.and dofXnod »ev ally: “The fact of the business is—’’ M. & M Pharmacy I i Twenty containers of poison liquor, commonly called “Moon” were destroyed at the city recorder’s office New ¡Year’s Day. That was a good New Year’s Booz Party— the safest way to use it. With the New Year, we are glad to announce that two new fireproof blocks will soon start in Vernonia, as soon as plans are finished and material arrives. More good news is the fact taht the big camps around the city will start up full handed immediately. With four or five camps adjacent working, new buildings going up, a big hotel assured and the putting on of a night shift at the big mill, Vernoina looks better toady than any town in {Oregon thrice our size. m 'R« ä 4- Í t*. IT DOESN’T PAY ,Mr. Lucas, alias McDonald, who has been living in Ver­ nonia several months, has moved to St. Helens and has selected living quarters from the Sheriff, behind iron doors in the basement of the Court House. “Mac”, as known here, is a young man and a good musician. For some time he played the pipe organ at the Majestic thea­ tre and organized and led a good home orchestra. But “Mac”, with his youth and his talents didn’t continue to climb the ladder of fame. He could have been up in the and then he’ll turn right in and dis­ tort the facts. W essier ' s N ew bnowAnoui Ihcnonunr Ve’vs come to the conclusion that —GW the the trouble with the average Ver- Here are nenia man ia that ho considers him- a few »ampli seif above the average. Most Vernonia men who get a cir­ cular from a fake stock-selling con­ cern would give the price of a share of the stock to find out who sent in their name. FIRR LAW VIOLATORS ARE CONVICTED broadcast abreaction I kx pursuit agrimetor S Blue Crass myatcry ship 1 ’ rotogravure junior college ’ Esthcnij aakari Fascista altigraph cyper Rikulag Flag Day sippio Red Star muJ gun sterol paravane Swaraj Ruthen« megabar rolimop taiga plasmon cugamo aokol shoneen soviet psorosis precool duvetyn realtor S. P. boat Czecbo-Slovak camp-fire girl serial cascado Air Council Devil Dog activation Federal Land Bank Campen, amokura, brush burners and loggen all appear in the list of the 197 court convictions for erimin- 81 forest fire law violaton on the ational Forests of Oregon and Waahingtin during the season ef k !• thh S/0r«A««M of Information 1924. The report which has just XL. Sonina Yoof been issued by the District Forester’s office, Portland, shows that 222 were brought to trial. Of these 197 were convicted, 9 were found not guilty and 10 rases are still pending. costs wore assessed in of 00096.26 under the‘n-ec unmum New Company Now Ready to Attend to Your Important Needs The Standard Plumbing Company R. L. Mills D. D. Drorbaugh Known to Most Vernon ia Folks / Ready to attend to.all kinds of PLUMBING— Connecting Sewers, Piping, House Fixtures for Water, and all work in this line. . YOU WILL FIND US BACK OF THE VERNON­ IA HOTEL-PHONE EITHER 282 FOR RAY