Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, January 02, 1925, Image 6

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    !.»■ .eat Milt in the W
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Frydendall and
Miss Dorothy Frydendall and Miss
Zelpha Crops spent Christinas with
home folks at Manning.
Mrs. Ethel Ray is reported very
l ocks. best makes, guar- sick.
ullander’s Jewelry Store.
Mrs. Soden slipped on icy steps
ILitcliff, one of the Eagle at their home one day last week and
• < n unable to work for received severe cuts on the forehead.
weeks, on account of
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Emmott spent
Christmas in Hillsboro at the home
- ( Lee has gone to Portland of Mrs. Emmott’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. King.
her home.
J. T. McDonald, who was reported
among the sick last week was taken
lied increase in our popula- to a Portland hospital where he un­
derwent an operation for appendisit-
is, last Saturday.
1'wineham and mother
All make Watches repaired at
; ; .1 visitors Saturday and
Kullander’s Jewelry Store,
Pare is reported quite sick
i renter than usual plea-
• greet our friends at the
this New Year. And it is
ter pleasure to have the
wishing you all a Happy
-i i rotis New Year. With the
■ hind us we can forget and
he mistakes made by all
i> her only the good things
n making this old wor’d
better and happier place in
ive. With new year ahead
in plan to so live that both
nd our community will be
having lived. Again
■ ishes for your great hap-
i asperity during the com
. t old fashioned Jewelry
•V at Kullander’sc Jewel-
\nn and Oliver Smith of
■sited at the home of their
i rother V. D. Smith and
Irene, over Christmas.
Elmer E. Malmsten has enstalled
at his ranch home near town, a mod­
ern water plant. The family now
have all modern conveniences of a
city. Water for lawn, for bath, for
all purposes in the house or bam.
Hot or cold water.
The name “Dumb Bell” for the
Frolic that was to be seemed to come
truer to the facts than was Bat first
intended. We congratulate the party
suggesting the name for the affair—
they knew whereof they spoke.
Putting off the Chamber of Com­
merce Frolic for a couple weeks was
a good move. At this time everybody
is busy. The stores are all invoicing
their stocks; the New Year’s celtbra-
tion and year end business affairs
are demanding thought and atten­
tion. No one was quite prepared for
the Frolic. Attend the Noon Lunch­
eon Monday.
Felts, Soft Finish Leather, with rib­
bons and pompoms, values to $1.25.
Splendid quality and will give lots of
service—to be closed out at once at
60c PAIR
We have
Different Weights, styles and quality of Knit-garmants that will stand your
closest investigation as to being real merchandise values. Reduced to close out
our Winter stock lines.
A Dutch neck garment, elbow sleeves
Cotton-fleece, low neck, no sleeves,
ankle length, a fine jersey rib gar­
ankle length, fleece lined, flat knit, a
splendid garment foi winter wear,
ment, was $2.75, now
was $2.50, now
Part wool, Dutch neck, elbow’ sleeves,
Dutch neck, elbow sleeves, ankle
ankle length, garment that cannot be
length, flat kr’t, a regular $2.00 gar­
surpassed in its place, was $3.25 now
ment, close out at
A Candy
This Week that
will Surprise
you all.
A Pound Box
of Chocolates
.'or 50c
at the
M. & M
Crystal White, Soap
23 bars for..... $1.00
White Wonder Soap
25 bars for
Corner Across from Gilby
Cane Sugar, 100 lbs
for .............
Motor Co
Kelloggs All-Bran
Maytag Features
1 — Washes faster.
2 — Washes cleaner.
3-Largest hourly cap.
acity in the world.
4 — Most compact wash­
er made.
5 — Cast aluminum tub.
» — Easily adjusted to
your height.
7 — Clothes can be put in
or taken out with
the washer running.
8—Tub cleans itself.
9 —Automatic drain­
board. Instant ten­
sion release. All
parts enclosed.
ns for
cast aluminum tub
John Walter Holmstrom died list
Tuesday afternoon of pneumonia at
the Vernonia hospital. Mr. Holms-
strom had long lived near Mist and
had many acquaintances among the
older inhabitanta here. He was 71
years old and leaves a wife and
daughter to mourn his departure.
The funeral services are being held
Cookies, dozen
rhe 2 pound double
loaf of Bread is the
money saver.
2 loaves
Dr. Phillips Grapefruit
Each one guaranteed
3 for ................. 25c
M. J. B. Coffee, lb. 45c
Mrs. E. Kraft is the mothet «I
A dozen members of the Vernon­
ia Harding Lodge K. P. went to St.
Helens on Tuesday night where the
St. Helens team gave degree work
to two Vernonia victims.
Those enjoying Christmas dinner
nt the Chas. White home were Sam
Conklin, Mike Yynch, William Thom­
as, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Coyle and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Wagner of
Portland and Mrs. Barnett and
< I a u gh te rs.
Have You Ever
that bread is your best and cheapest food? From what other food do you get
the same real satisfaction and nourish ment that you do from a ten-cent loaf
of bread— MOTHER’S BREAD.
Only the finest ingredients enter into the making of MOTHER’S BREAD
—the finest hard wheat flours we can buy, pure salt, cane granulated sugar,
etc., all of which ingredients contain those elements which are so essential
to bodily vigor and good health.
Mrs. Thomas Keefe sptnt Christ­
mas with her parents in St. Helens.
The Eagle,
_ . some time ago, pub-
lished particulars about an essay
contest, endeavoring to interest lo­
cal student« to enter on the subject
of "Home Electric Lighting" The
scope was Nation wide, which prob­
ably seemed too much territory for
local contestants.. Nevertheless, the
prize of a 115,000.00 home has just
been awarded to a Portland girl 18
years old.
Aunt Jemima Buck-
Wheat Pancake Flour
package ............ 48c
at Mist this Thursday with inter­
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Pool spent
Xmas in Portland with Mrs. Pool’s
ment at Portland tomorrow.
Sister. Mr. Pool is Manager of the
The Eastern Star meets 1st and Skaggs’ Market.
3rd Wednesday of each month. Jan.
7 will be the next meeting night.
Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Hamlin of
All Stars are ask to be present.
Portland ate New Years dinner with
Mr. ami Mrs. C. R. Pool, Mr. Hamlin
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Arps, parents is Manager of the Wholesale Type­
of Mrs. K. A. McNeill, stopped over writer Co.
for Christmas, on their way to their
home in Seattle from a trip back to
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Foster, Mr.
Robert Fraft, of San Francisco, Cal.
Mrs. C. L. Taylor and daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kullander are Kent, Wash., and Mrs. E. Kraft of
spending New Years in Independ­ Portland spent Christmas at the Oat­
ence. Mr. Kullander is assisting in man home. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Foster
invoicing hs Independence store.
arc parents of Mr
Oatman and
Mrs. A. L. Kullander spent Xmas
with Portland relatives, Mr. Kulland­
er going down and returning with her
last Saturday.
Pay water rent at old bank build
Campbells Soup ... 10c
Hew about a “Nehalem Valley
Fair.” Such an association at Ver­
nonia has plenty of territory and an
opportunity to create a splendid year
ly exposition here.
PLEASE call and renew your sub­
scription. Several are back and we
don’t want to discontinue. Won’t you
please renew at once. The' Eagle
needs it. The P. O. Department re­
quires it. Please attend to it.
English Breakfast Tea
Real quality lb. 50c
The Young People’s Association
gave a party at the Evangelical aud­
itorium Monday night. It was a well
planned event greatly enjoyed by a-
bout 50 young people of the com­
munity. Refreshments were served
and interesting games kept the plea­
sure of the evening going until the
click hands both stood straight up.
Bordens, 11 cans $1.00
See Huffman About It
Don’t fail io try i -next washday
'-■ < i or £ocner if y°’’- V :h. Phone im-
—> mediately.
Remember Mens Heavy Red Wrist, Double Duty Gloves
Yakima Spuds. Not
frozen ............ $1.75
Earl Kingsley who has been in a
-. C. R. Coyle and child Portland hospital for several weeks,
E. E. Hayes is back in his office.
mg for a few days with is reported some better and gradu­
ally improving.
Mr. Hayes has been entertaining a
parents at Newberg.
case of tonsillitis for the past week
Mr. Iler and family have all been or so.
Peterson of Tacoma and R. (
of Neverstill spent Xmas kept indoors. Mr. Iler having the flu
of their parents, Mr. and and two members of the family re­
Mrs. J. W. Brown has been on the
ported as having the smallpox. Con­
siderable sickness is reported—blam­ •ick list this week.
and A. W. Petersen were ed to the cold weather and sudden
Mrs. Ben S. Owens has been quite
■ I visitors Sunday.
sick the past week.
of. Wilkerson was in Portland
I Curtis, of Oakville,
Mrs. Lester r.nd family i this week attending the Oregon State
Mrs. J. P. McDonald had a birth­
Chi—tmns week.
1 Teachers* Association meeting.
day last Monday, so a few of her
lady acquaintences found out, and
on short notice, about 15 of the wo­
men planned a little surprise. They
walked in the McDonald
unannounced that evening and kent‘
the night one of continued plea u.e
until the wee-small hours. Many hap­
py returns were expressed by th>‘
lady callers and a midnight lunch I
——«fa— i
B. R. Bgnnett died at the Vernonia
hospital Monday night of pneumonia.
Mr. Bennett was 82 years old and
had been making his home at his
son’s at the Lindsey Mill.
Undisputedly the world’s leading washer—
nu must have heard c.bcut »*. Women every-
i re are talking of it' wonc m: bC ibs. of dry
t hes an hour—a tut "ui' fir
. spick-span in half m time r x/uired by any
•—never bit of
hi xied, even on wrist’ ands or cellars,
Not a dolly, oscilk ¿or, cr .* ~y type you’re
.i riliar with—but an -ntircL, ncuo principle—
n s ahead! Its resu ts will amaze you.
Ladies and Childrens Wet Weather
Shoes, mostly discontinued lines,
values that cannot be excelled —be­
ing closed out at
50c PAIR
And have you considered that with the present high cost of flour and lard
it is cheaper to let us do your baking for you and so much less work, worry
and bother.
Form that good habit and buy MOTHER’S BREAD— ask for it by name at
your grocer or direct from us.
And don’t forget that we carry a full line of dark breads, Whole Wheat.
Graham, etc., which are good for you—have at least one kind on your table al­
SPECIAL—Every Saturday we have Cream Buff» filled with real Cream—
they are delicious.
Brewer and Visnaw, Props.
On 2nd. St. a few doors South of Bridge St