VERNONM BAGLE here AT LASÌ w i»t: li AFI’î K THE SHOW in Ki E\ Auy Time* DENTRISTY AN1> X HAY Oilier ««v-r Huilón« a ."tore Vernonia, - * Oregon : : tt'iirST Day Or Nielli C hinlse N oodles , T omales , (ÌIH.A. lìtl'SIt OYSTERS. S andwiches , I. i 'N ches . » E\«nil.t« bi Appointment. b^’ 'v 1 K:.; an - V Vt■ T ■ K. I Nf WXPAPKIt ASSin lAl hiX MKMktf.KaHtB THE WHITE LUNCH DR M D. GOL« Stil liooR t is! Of III «* Mil I. Pom. Il O I. •' NO 2U<> 1 ' ' ~ G ravel Veníanle, Oregon. EDWIN ROSS, M. I) Phone 134 St. Helens, Oregon. Delivered any place in town any time. Good screened anti crush­ ed (¡ravel for all purposes. Pit at Al Parkers Place BAY REASONER, VERNONIA ' T —- -’ik-11 ms wicm nmw Population, 2000. High School and SI. .nd.«rd Grade1 Scho«>l. Pay Roll City Logging. i ............. .- —Mills, ................. su«««» Farming, Dairying. Fruit, Vag« i»bl«n P. A. i I*. Ry. Town growing fust. I On Inland loop Highway Between Portland anil Ast* riti. A Large Territory to Draw Fiant. 4!l Miles Fror.i Pol l land, » '« .Udes From Farest Grov««, 27 Milu» Front St. Helena. .Many Opportunitiea in Vei;nonia Best Hunting, Trappin;* and Fishing in the Northwest. An Industria) Center. Vet nimia. Oregon F. & A. AL, meet« at Grange Hall LOCAL HAULING every Second and Fourth Thurstlay idvhl* Any Kind of Team Work FUKNITUKF MOVING T Reaitlrhff Phoue 653. WIRING SUPPLIES AND WANTS and FOR SALE H arkin «: Lotntr, IU>. Vernonia. Or Meet.» every Munday l ight in Granar 114II. A II virnt ing tffothets r«.r«1ially invited. MILLS v emonia • Oregon •I. k Wilker.ou, K. uf 1;. S. ------------------------ - • Oregon. (OMRANV LUNCHEON MEI EX’S ÇTvery First and Third .Monday Noon of Each Man-h rr-“ Beall Electric VUtter * Welcome (. N„ ,. Office Hours 9-12 1-5 Evenings by appointment and GENERAI. ELECTRIC WORK L PRINGLE BUILDING N»• I They are ready to deliver. Express Moving a Speciality Phonograph and few Record« For Sale, .Machine near! new. See H. C. 1 .1 « hum , berth el Cleveland'- hull r —“ Ai iÚRN'r.V-AT I AW GASCO BRIQUETS Pythias. of Enquire at H •tal* hat lack Ser K Knights State License I.ES TER SHEEI.EY or securities. Vernonia. Classified Advertising No. 24ti. «1 Ü.UO oppósi I •• Plans anJ Estimates Luiùialied EUGENE E. MARSH Attorney-at-Law Notary Public Verloni a Oregon SF.F. US FOR FIXTURES and NATIONAL MAZDA LAMPS MONUMENTS I.auk Listan from now on you can purchase M and M.iker. ill bath Marble and Granit FOR TRAUE—A Restaurant and Confectionery to trade for live stock. See Steel at Cafa. Twu office rooms available Jan. I t. Fine location. Hiffman Hdw. Co. I Herb'» gajioline that wiH teH you What bili 'romxl winter perlormante Uf-«* Protect yourself against the un­ certainties uf winter. We can assure you a good position in your own county, that will pay you well. Write u« ai once. Sugar Corporal tun, 301 Couch Bldg., Portland, Oregon. 3t Strayed to my pla«a thire miles east of Vernonia, one Jeraey Heifer, Owner come and pay for thia ail and feed can have same. Jay Burtrwa. 4t fur a great reduiUatt in pries, a sav­ ing to the purWasrr of fruto 1U tu 25 per cent. Come and be convinced. BUY YOUR HOME NOW Cartier 4th and Main »treat«. ON TERMS When they name a baby “Bob” Hillsboro, Oregon Payments aa low as SI00, balance the-e days you don't know whether M. N. LEWIS A CO. like rent at t> per cent. Good modern it’» named for its daddy or for it’s plastered houses, electric light and mother's hair, water. Will consider trade for bonds sluiobt ar large ar our hornea. Would­ n’t that be a terrible place to hold a picnic? WHAT’S THE USE B P — Electricai Work HOUSE 3 B «wmaii «i iSí i Office Phone Physician X Surges» Ider. Surgeen S. P. R K and S Í S. R. R. office. Fure-tc Orme, Oregen office Hour-, 2-4 First. National Bank Bld? Tel. ii22 Pre». ’vrvire TUnl Metin* Sati"hldlioii Of for at Kavau»h land Company G. F. VIA Cilchte-t, IN HALL & MILLS BUILDING Good Goods- Reasonable Prices-Prompt Deliveries All «J». under thi» head Tf cu«h Aiibcupy. Ratea, une cent* •’“gL indues und ligures «'unnt ua wùila MÌRrmu»»«, 25 arnia an lamie. Visitors Welcome SPECIAL CARE WITH Vernonia Mercantile Co I Vcrnoniii I.mlge, No. lit A CURLEY’S TRANSFER COMPANY R , i I A. DUNLAP, M. I) J ► VERNONIA Id NT Si Mueble« Bldg. -- Genuine Ribbon Cane Syrup 5 Pound tins New Pack New Orleans Okra 2 Pound tins Also, We Still Have ■ Black Hved Peas 15c Per Pound IN EVERY WAYA il —the new winter "ked Crown”! (¿tack-etart mg mi al inure, ha-u* mileage! 100 A. power! plenty oi win­ ter "pep” but ikothui^ aacrdKed. Get m taiikiul ot tl»e new winter “Red Crown" today It inn any red white and blue puo.p ut town — at Standard Oil Service Statioiia and al dealers -‘‘in every way a better g UiDt.” STANDARD OÍL company (C a IM mcm ) ----------- Oh, So Sleepy/ iOu (u ~ t-t-K-nu — uP T«kU l'end O'CLOCK. Trill ju »1 HoßiN-r»*.’ veOÖklN äft A CßsibS- inío Z b « P w 21-?-Z l 6