'll rtUNIA STEAM LAUNDRY QUALITY WORK GUARANTEED •S Pat- ’'ant, Good me Beautiful. it Be Settled in Full • y 30 Day» editorial A few communities enterprizes to Vernonia would be thrice welcome. Among urgent needs is a hall, a lodge room, etc. Various suggestions on how to secure a hall have been dis­ cussed, but as yet none of the ideas have materialized. The best plan would be for some individual to build one. A two story fireproof building properly located with two store rooms on the first floor and lodge rooms on second floor would pay the own­ er at leats over 12 per cent on the investment. It will be hard sleding to build this building as a community­ plan or by local stock buying or do­ nations. In Vernonia, as elsewhere, the men having the most money, give the least for public progress, A building has been suggesttd for the community to be sponsored by the Boy Scouts and Giri Reserves, the American Legion or the Chamber of Commerce—Good idea, if the monty could be raised. Such a building could be used as a “Gym”, rest room Public Library and lodge rooms a- bove. Yes, we would like to see such a building, but have little faith in the financing success of the venture. We believe the surest plan is for a lodge or a private individual to construct such a building, as a good business proposition. We woull like to hear ideas and are open for convictions. , We need a hall. -ag- j Con­ tâtes, the .dence, the 1 from utttr- ;d patriots, all o a complete and as follofs: uierican’» Creed in the United States of aS a Government of the peo- the people, for the people; ,iose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a de­ mocracy in a republic; a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union, one and inseparable; established upon those principles of fretdom, equality, justice and human ity for which American patriots sac­ rificed their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws; to respect its flag, and to defend it a- gainst all enemies. WISH YOU A 7 merry I CHRISTMAS 1 WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER Quick Service—Watch for Our Car =9 STATE LAUNDRY CO. ALL KINDS OF LAUNDRY WORK Washable rugs Blankets Lace curtains ‘ « Feather pillows Wagon Comes to Vernonia Daily Sox Darned Free Whether it is actually put into practice or not, we can not vouch but a plan of dealing with speeders reported from a California town has much to comemnd it. As a punishment for reckless driv­ ing, the offenders is forced to take a ride in an airplane, piloted by an .Xpert, who shoots through space at terrific speed, with variations in the way of dips, tail spins and a few loops. This treatment is said to be very effective in taking the speed mania out of the culprit and causing him to dread a second "sentence”. Automobile speeders are not, as i rule, particularly courageous. Gen- Tally they are just plain fools, who Jo not realize the danger to which hey subpect themselyes and others. The treatment described above seems luite appropriate. Cold baths prolong life. But pshaw Some young fellows around Ver­ nonia have so much brass it's a won­ that means more cold baths. der the girls they kiss don’t die of . The silent partner usually has the ptomaine poisoning. last word. — It woi^ldn’t be a bad idea for our people generally to remember that a Inmates of a California poor farm town is largely judged by the kind are reported in revolt because suit­ of street« it keeps. able parking space is not provided In order to be on the safe side and for their cars. save repairs bills one Vernonia man Suggested motto for an X-Ray has taken the mirror out of hi* car operator: “Let your light so shine since his wife began driving. through men that you may see their good and bad works.” I thousands of fhvnt pronounefid and cltfintd tn- Mack Lillard, Spokane Sunday school teacher, is also a bixing in­ ebster s ew structor. Wonder*if he teaches them to turn the other cheek? ' N Pharmacy Corner Across from Gilby r Motor Co. THE wme. well edited typo- correct issue of the Rain­ ier Review reached u* 'art Saturday It w;u their Chrirtma number. It •ntarned 16 handsopie (»ages. Silver Fox Everything indicates that Vernon­ ia will be the “livest” eity in Ore- fin, for its size. early this spring. Wishes You k. A Véry Happy Xmas Chrstmas dancers ace paying the fiddler. Fifty seven death, from drinking poision reported in New York so far—and the holiday just beginning. “What fools we Mortals be." An otptimirt is a man who expdfc to find a clean pair of sock* withoi holes. SIM “n —’ /*->■» rt• - * We appreciate your Christmas Trade and extend our invitation » to visit our modem Drug Store -I whether you buy or not t I ol The way of the transgressor is hard. It has to be to stand up under the traffic. ---- If you love her, make her take your word for it. It’* safer than put-1 ting it In writing. VERNONIA Vernonia, Oregon COLLECTIONS wnnuTioiuL DKnounr An exchange record* the death a valuable dog at the “hands” as automobile. OF VERNONIA CLEANERS COLUMBIA BARBER SHOP Some r I Oatured persons are ihilant istsr; others are jiist pIAin usy ina.ks. K BANK ssw EAGLE FEATHERS ■■ . Pleasure TO ALL ‘‘QUALITY AND SERVICE” W GIRL WORTH WHILE 111 BE ONE OF Vernonia Agents Are: THRILLS FOR SPEEDERS The Inland Highway through Ver­ nonia is receiving more eoment and more endorsements away front Ver­ nonia than it does from our-awn citizens. ’ * T M. <& M. Christinas Day A Vernonia Institution, Modem in Every Respect Miss Anna Menuskin of Chatta- Ort the woga recently WroteSOO letters on _____ Here are mistake. She has also taken as high a few »ample* as fifty words a minute from dicta­ broadcast abreaction tion dii ect to the machine. That’s a agrimotor hot pursuit oretty good record, isn’t it? mystery »hip 1 r Blue Cross But the most interesting part of junior college ' J rotogravure the story is that she is totally blind. Esthonia askari Fasci*« a She was educaed In the Nashville altigraph cyper Rile >da(J School for the Blind, where she fin­ Flag Day tippio Red Star ished the high school course at the mud gun sterol paravane A WORTHY CREED age of 18, and besides her skill as Ruthene Swaraj mega bar typist she is an accomplished pianist. rollmop taiga plasmon After finishing a business course, Although it has been widely pub- rug a mo to Icol shoneen lish, "The American’s Creed”, adopt- -he found difficulty in securing a psorosis •oviet precool >osition, because no one b'-ileved she duvetyn realtor S. P. boat ■ould do the work unde»- the handi­ Crccho-Slovak camp-fire girl Illinois mayor and chief of police cap of blindness. But she would not accuse each other of being in league aerial cascade Air Council ie thwarted in her deter.ii:.. tion to with crooks. We hate to contradict Devil Dog at Ovation ucceed and she ha: row Lee:: for such high authorities. redend Land Bank everal years a publis : teno-rij.her /> thU Storohou— n a elading hot 1, whei; ’.c is l.u’: of Informât ion Some Vernonia auto drivers get Serving Yon? busy. , 10,000 a year out of a set of tires — < Whr ever r-o who ar.'> in full pos-‘ . and other stell the truth. F700 pace» session f ou.- f; ic :!tic are disposed -------- ---- - bOOO i'lurtru*____ hipc «about <. ? ui.' ndness of If gold was as plentiful as tin and <’OT.000word.ApbrMM Bivsr«i-W-,1 ve otight ti. t'.c’i k of whatThis tin as rare as gold we’d be buying, :tle. blind g rl b ; accomplished— sardines in gold boxes and -paying > i » im ' Be a..iian,e-' . f ourselves. fl,r th,m with tin. MERRIAM CO.3pzinufi.w.MM..,uj.> SINCERELY MAY THIS Silver Fox Pharmacy 1 AniwzUÍ*' OREGON - On corner acroM from Bank of Vernonia ** ■ <*-' V r ‘ a •/ KNIGHT ADJUSTMENT CO. McMinnville Hillsboro Tillamook Splendid Meat Specials For Your Sunday. Dinner NOTHING BUT THE BEST MEAT, POULTRY, EGGS, BUTTER, MILK, ETC.—NO.KICK ON OUR PRICES The Nehalem Meat Market New Company Now Ready to Attend to Your Important Needs The Standard Plumbing Company R» L. Mills D. D. Drorbaugh Known to Most Vernon­ ia Folks 4. Ready to attend to al] kinds of PLUMBING— •**» BWnt, House Fixtures for Water, and all work^his line. YOU WILL FIND US BACK OF THE VERNONx LA HOTEL-PHONE OTHER 282 FOR OR 328 FOR DEWEY I