Bent Weekly Ad Medium VER NONFA ’•ACJ T 000 Population s I iiaa i 7* 1 ; ’ffy i ¿ • I * 4 ’ * This Season’s Newest Merchandise Going at Drastic Cut Prices er ■? ' /V School Tablets 56 inch high grade Coating in Mixtures and Plain Colors, worth to $5.00 yard, now ______________ $2 49 _______lc_______ ____ Ladies Union Suits, Childrens Union Suita for winter wear for 1 69c 54 inch Coating in Khaki and gray colors worth $2.00 for 98c All Wool Dress Serges, plain and fancy, in Blues and Blacks, worth to $2.00 for 98c Ladies Huiproof Silk Hose for 89c :ja 89c Misses Union Suits for winter wear for $1 19 LadiiM Outing Flannel Gownw in different patterns and triminingn for 98c Ladies Outing Flannel Pajamas, plain and cheeks, fancy trimmed and everything for $2.89 fWI .Ws ■ A NEW FALL OVERCOATS NEW FALL COATS AND DRESSES Childrens Coats, all new, pret­ ty designs and colors, worth up to $15.00 for.................. $10.85 c ' \ J f to be before you in and out of season. In fact all the time. Fall Season is here and our store is full o’ u w goods. You got to buy and we want to sell, we war to d > more business, and going after the volum of business. There fore we decided to hold this sale giving you a chanc to b iy your fall and winter garments and wear at remarkab ? red lion. T he entire stock ? goes on sale at costs that will su . ise > m, be here and look H’ us over. .. Ladies fancy Woolen Dresses, pretty trimmed and built and : all different colors, worth $25 for........ ........•................. $19.95 Large sige Oregon Wool Blankets, Heavy weight and pretty light gray color, worth i $9.00 for ........................................... $6.95 Another lot of Wool Blankets, the niqe fluffy kind, in checked designs, worth $10.00 for..................................... .. $7 95 La Mente Package Goods at....... x/2 Price « Rain Capes for ............................. $1.49 Boys and Girls Rubberized Rain Coats different styles and colors now for $3 98 4 r* FREE 1 REE Cash Money and Merchan­ Cash Bnoney and Merchan­ dise Wed. Oct. 1st dise Saturday Sept 27. •e irst t pe;ons entering our store The first 100 persons enterin" or- • ’ Wedn ouay ntorwing, October 1st 9 on opening morning of sale f . a ■a. will revive an envelope conta'n- September 27th will receive m c: v. - c te’.' cash money or a number for lope containing either cash money or . r-1 ; ,o. e. NO BLANKS. They all number for merchandise. NO BLANKS get something. they all get something. $. .00 Traveling rt cnc A m n this $8.00 Wool Blanket one item in this lot. lot. Mens new’ fall Overcoats, Belt­ ed and plain, satin and Raylin Sleeves and regular pockets, worth to $40.00 for $33.85 A new lot of Mens Oregon City Wool Overcoats in dark an%d light mixtures, belted and plain backs, good warm weight. Sale price now $13.85 Mens new fall Dress Hals, d'f- fer< st i • • 1: i t ■ g. d >1 f.2 5 *10.00 Mens Wool Stag Shirts geod and heavy for the woods­ men’s Wvar now for........................ $7.15 Mens Water Repellent Pants, double seat and reinforced, for...................... $3.15 Mens Flannel Shirts, medium weight, in gray, olive drhb and brown for .... $1.98 Mens Mixed W( I Union Suits, medium weight tor..................................... $1.95 Mens two piece Wool Underwear, good weight, now for............................. $1 35 Boys heavy fleece Union Suits, age 8 to 16 regular $1.50 kind for .................. 89c I 13 Days Selling Campaign, No More, No 3 are proud to say so. We give •f Cotton Challies, fine for Com- I WE BELIEVE IN SALES and v\ fortors, 36 inches wide for 1 6c 50c 36 inches wide Curtain Scrim for 33c A lot of 36 inch Percales, as long as they last 19c i you still lower prices than our air iow prices giving you chance to cut down your c< st A avb- j . We are : mud to hold sales becaus we sacrifice our pi a rt u ring these sales for no other reason than to show you our appreciation for past patro­ nage. Reduced prices is our way of thanks. We say profit while you can á V 19c 26c 39c Standard Quality 9 4 Bleached Sheet­ ing for ............................................. 59c 42 inch Piquot Tubing for 49c 42X36 Pillow Cases for 25c Mens Work Shoes, heavy built, solid - leather all through, worth $5 for $3.35 I R Boys High Top Shoes, 12-inches, solid I leather and made to wear right, just the thing for winter. Reg selling for $5.00, now for ................................ $3.65 * 'Ton' i igh Cut Shoes, 12-inch tops, I to 8, we’ • ade and good looking, now foi ........... - ... ........................ $3.95 or.......... .................................. $5.95 Less •i-.-. rt-t A lot of $2 Mens Dress Shirts I for 93c Mens Heavy Work Sox for 10c Mens Heavy Wool Sox for 39c worth $100 for ■V ? Huck Towels, good size for 40c Bath Towels for......... 50c Bath Towels for......... for $2.69 A lot of fancy Wool Dress Goods in fancy and Plain, 36 inches wide, worth to $1.25 Ladies swell Dress Coats, dif­ ferent colors, all new’ materials made in the latest styles. Val­ ues up to $30.00 for..... $17.65 weight Ladies Wool Union Suits fòr 59c Now is the time to get your coat medium 89c 36 inch Checkered Wood Dress Goods and Suiting, worth to $1.00 yard, for 69c A small lot of Growing Girls Shoes, sol­ id leather, as good as any, to close out for $2.98 M •Childrens School Shoes, solid leather, rubber heels, new styles, sizes 8«/2 to 11'/2 for $2 39 HALTOM’S MERCAN ILE CO. •4 DRY GOODS, READY-TO-WEAR. CLOTHING, «HOES, NOTIONS. ETC. VERNONIA OREGON