Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, June 27, 1924, Image 2

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    Spi mdid Schools
Issued Every Fri lay
12.00 Per Year.
Entered as s-cond-cUss matter August
4, 1S22, at the post office at Ver­
no! ua, Oregon, under the Aft
of March 3. 1X79.
Advertising Rates 25ets per inch,
single column measure, each we?k.
We collect tor advertising the n »t
of every month.
E ditor and O wner .
condition of the Columbia River High proof building built as a modern
way demands it.
bank home and a monument to thrift
and good business ability. This bank
The M. A F. Store in Portland is under the able guidance of it’s presi­
one of the largest in the Northwest, dent fostered home building, eacour-
and in spite of much opposition they raged substantial industrial activities
continue to do all the business they and helped nearly every worthy bus­ I
can attend from people in all parts iness for the city. In this instance the
of Oregon. Why* One reason is ad­ banker’s advice has always been cor­
vertising. Last Tuesday eacji of four rect. Vernonia today can testify to
Portland papers carried 22 pages for that fact. Mr. Galoway is President
this store. One days advertising a- of the Vernonia Chamber of Com­
mour.ted to several thousand dollars. merce and that body is at present ac­
The more they advertise the more complishing more than at any time in
business they de.
it’s history. We believe the paving of
Bridge street this summer will be ac­
■ British Columbia, up in Canada ♦ complished entirely through the ef- |
where the beer is cold and the whis­ forts of Mr. Galoway. He believes a i
key is hot. they held an election last successful city can be built as a sue- i
week to decide whether or not B. C. cessful business can be built along
; should allow the sale of beer by the business lines, and Vernonia is in-1
'glass. The question lost by a I big ma- deed fortunate in the fact that W. O.
jority. Can«* buy a glass of beer in Galoway Is taking a personal interest
'B. C., or rest your foot on a brass in the city’s behalf.
■ rail while you are taking it.
Astoria wants the Northwest to |
One of the most essential things to the full enjoyment of Food is
see what wonders she has accoi.iplish
know that U’hatever you are eating is of the first quality. And
»-d since their big fire. A new con- j
you do know, beyon dall question, if you make this store
<rete city has been built. Hence, As-|
Grocery headquarters. We handle only the best, and our
Portland is the leading wheat ex­
prices are the lowest in the long run.
porting port on the Pacific Coast of
ly with a big. old time Celebratio
the United States.
The whole w.^jld is invited.
The Oregon district for the fiscal
year to end June 30, 1924. accord­
ing to indications, will be first a-
mong the customs districts of the U.
3. in the export of American wheat.
Wheat shipments for the first 5
|A Weekly Panorama of Events in the
months of 1924 amount to 8,179,-
No. Two
National Capital By Peter Keegan
024 bushels, with a value of $8,424,-
Mr. Galoway is for Vernonia. Ver-
The famous "Old Guard” of the
Shipments of wheat for the first
nonia » for Mr. Galoway. The pub- Repub)ican party is relegated to the
11 months of this fiscal year show
25,294,380 bushels, adding the flour lie never hears any loud shouting or rear anil then some in the organiz­
shipments during this same period eldom I- aware of what Mr. Galo-1 ation. They have ail felt the Coolidge
expressed in terms of wheat, the to-' way is striving at until the idea ha « I axe, wielded by the forceful if not
tai amount is shown to be 40,395,- been accomplished. Vernonia has se-1 clever Butler, and they have taken
408 busi^ls.
cured many things through this man ; their medicine. Many of the mare re­
Entrances for the first five monte-‘and many more important moves for, sentful and their resentment will
of 1924 show 612 vesels compared [the city are under way that are real-' flare up time and time again against to set himself right with those who
with 525 vesels for the first five fly seldom realized by a busy populace the Massachusetts manufacturer who opposed his position on that measure
months of 1923. Entrances from fort- ! In 1920 W. O. Galoway located in displaced them in the command of1 by insisting that the government lose
no time in administering the law de­
eign ports show a particularly large Vernonia, but “had an eye on • us” their party.
spite the fact that Congress has
increase—124 vessels this year com- long before that. He is young and en­
Marion Leroy Burton, the Michi­ made no money available for that
pared with 74 vessels for the first ergetic, conservative and progressive
five months in 1923.
sound and reliable. Mr. Galoway gan college president, who nonfinated purpose. Cabinet officials concerned
hales from Nebraska, in those days Mr. Coolidge in the Cleveland con­ with the bonus have ordered to dis­
Rainier looks busy. We stopped wild and wolly—the state controlled vention is destined for a public of­ regard Congress and cut red tape so
there for a few minutes recently by cattle kings, meat packers and so j fice' should the Republican ticket there will be no delay in getting the
and found everybody busy, The ap- ! -videly known as the home of W. L. be successful in November. It is said bonus-insurance certificates to the
parent prosperity was explained whe: Bryan, the “Boy Orator of the here that the President would like to soldiers.
-ee him at the head of the proposed
we visited the office of the Rainier j Platt”.
Review and found Editor Veatch ur.
And some of the older cow-punch- federal Department of Education
Senator LaFollette is attracting
to his shoulders in papers—just fin­ <rs tell us that many s the calf that and welfare, endorsed in the Repub­
almost as much interest here it
ishing the week’s edition of 12 page < young Galoway has r pped and brand
Washington as the President. Lveij-
full of live advertising news. We no­ ed unaided. In 190" Mr. Galoway lo­ the pending plan for reorganization
one expects the Wisconsin insurgent
ticed a whole page ad for “Bob’ cated in Banks where he helped in
to run for the Presidency. He is only
Bargain Center”, and on investigat­ ; organizing “The Bank of Banks” in
waiting for the Democratic conven­
ing found “Bob” was busy. Then we 1909. In our neighbor town he gain­
All the biting phraseology at the
tion to adopt its platform before he
noticed a double page, two full pages ed the reputation < f a town builder; command of these Democratic lead­
blossoms forth as a full-fledged can­
for “Bitar Co.” a department tore I he was councilman, mayor and gener- ers skilful with the pen will ’ a
Does Zerolene “stand up’? The
didate. Endorsement of LaFollette
that is doing a splendid business. ' al advisor in all the town affairs and brought into play at the New York
for President is looked for by the
of the four cars that won six
Rainier is coming to its own.
-nade a pood job of all the under- convention in drafting the p’atfor.n. Conference for Progressive Political
trophies in the 1924
: ’akings. But, he I. id his eye on Ver-
Action, which meets in national con­
Los Angele C ip Curry (Yosem­
The Inland Highway is before the I nonia and had n far seeing eye. He will be laid before the Doni rat ■
vention at Cleveland, Ore., on July 4
public. It has been before the pub­ I decided to locale in Vernonia in 1920 committee on Resolutions came from
ite) Economy Kun say so.
The Wisconsin senator has been in­
lic for several years. The public Is and through his efforts much of the the hand of Carter Glass, the junior
cited to address this convention. He
Of the five Zerolene-lubricated
getting uneasy and wondering why building of Vernonia has been ac­ -er.ator from Virginia. It was Glass’s
may take this opportunity to sound
cars entered in the race, four carried
something isn’t done about it. The complished. He is at present Presi­
his own keynote.
Inland Highway should be hard ur- dent of the “Bank of Vernonia”. On vention adopted four years ago be­
off prizes, including the sweepstakes
i...ed as soon as possible. Route most October 25, 1920, Mr. Galoway open­ fore nominating McAdoo and the Vir­
won by the Overland, model 92. Six
Mr. Clarence Coyle, Harvey Dem­
forcable advocated is from Portland ed our bank with a capital stock of ginia senator has hopes that he will
of the seven trophies offered went
to Astoria through Forest Grove, $15,000 which has been increased to again be successful. Denunciation of psey and Henry Akin made a trip
to can using Zerolene. And inci­
Ba’-’s, \ monia, Mist and Jewell. $25,000. The first quarters business the platform and a flat claim will to Portland Tuesday. On their way
dentally,the oil consumption record­
Ft. 1 n i , tourists, newspapers all of the Bank of Vernonia showed to-1 be- made for credit fro mthe people they posted bills of the 4th of July
ed by the official checks was re­
ti ■ tor ns enroute, and hundreds of tals of $51,320 while today the to- for effecting substantial tax reduc- celebration which is to be held here
this year.
markably small.
• . jo: ns realize the demand for . tals are $301,290.00. Plans and spec- tion.
1 i 1» land route. The State Grange 'ifications are now out for a new, mod
The sweepFStakcs winner writes:
has endorsed it. It looks good. It will lem bank building on the present
Having vetoed the soldiers bonus
be paved. The dangerous congested site, to be built at once. To be a f e bill. President Coolidge is now trying
“In spit* of the intense heat to which
the motor was subjected, when the ulti­
mate check was made I found greatly
to my surprise that the gauge ahowed
absolutely no use of oil whatsoever. I
attribute my success in winning the
1924 Yosemite Economy Sweepstakes
greatly to the use of Z*-olene in the
motor and Red Crown ga*c,,ne in the
tank.**—Joe Bozzani.
The Central Grocery
J. J. Purney
^Whypay tribute Io a superstition?
It cost $110 to feed a boy of 6
for a year, and |2G0 to feed a 14
ear old, says Mary Schwartz Rose,
professor of nutrition at Colunfbia
university, New York, When there
i • ( ht or ten of them in the fam­
ily, how fares it with father?
If there is one thing above all others that adds to the thorough en­
joyment of a Sundae, it is to know that the flavor is absolutely
pure, especially if it is a fruit flavor. Your sense of taste will quick
ly tell you that our Flavors are made from pure fruit juices. Try
one today.
To make n profit is a necessity.
To help r Users make a profit is
equally ii.i. i.rtant.
Insist on Zerolene —a better oil
even if it does cost less.
Printing is the world’s chief med­
ium of communication.
The Gayosa
L.H. Detrow,Prop
Isn’t it time to dismiss forever the
superstition that there is something
mysteriously ' better” about eastern
ofls, merely because they cost more
and are made in the East? Experi­
enced drivers, out to make economy
records, don’t share that super­
stition— why should you?
Vernonia will ever be pronperoua as
the hum of mills and many logging
'camp* mean big pay roils. Tie to
’ Vernonia.