Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, March 21, 1924, Image 6

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    On Inland Highway
; • A. , - j
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The Mailman
<>< w '0‘ w ^ w >^ oovoooooooooq < xxx > nonia.
squirrel at this time will be equal to
poisoning sevtral later os whtn tht
F. E. Martin, if San Francisco, young have bten developed. They
oxxx> -cwsr one* oooowvevooco '
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bequeaith of Vice-Prtsident of the Martin Air will eat the poison grain more readi­
Portland visited SuridaTwith their l><* Company, was a recent visitor ly at this time of the year when they
„ ... r>.
¡to Vernonia. Mr. Martin for a num­ have recently come Trim their winter
Dr. Bequeaith.
ber of years operated large lumber quarters, and feed is not so plesti-
W. J. Chapin from the I.-P. camp manufacturing plants in the south ful. The Farm Bureau has arranged
was in town Monday to have his ' and west while engaged in the work for the distribution of squirrel pois­
finger taken care of. He almost chop- j conceived the idea of a mechanical on at cost. This may be obtained
led his fore finger off while cutting ‘ air-operated device that would hand­ through the county agent’s office, or
le logs on a sawmill carriage in such through your community leadtr, who
a manner as to more efficiently will arrange for its distributiin in
A. B. Counts is on the sick list. manufacture lumber than can be ’ your community,
done by hand “dogging” The Martin
__________________ _
J. J. Jines, his daughter and hus­
tor w*
of the
jewelry nvviv
atore III
in Vernonia
band, Mr. and Mrs. Dell DeHaven, idea and this invention is now being .»VI
HIV jvvtilj
of Amboy, Wash., are visiting at the installed in a large number of mod- hereafter to be known as the “Kul-
hime of Mr. Jines sister, Mrs. Ben >rn sawmills in the west, the Oregon- lander Jewelry Store” has an inter­
American Lumber Co: >any pro­ est in a large jewelry store in Inde­
posed installation being ont of the pendence, Oregon. He wants all the
Born ti Mr. and Mrs. John Glass- latest. Mr. Martin v.r..; very favora- ptople of Vernonia and vicinity to
ner at Brauns a 10 pound boy ibly impressed with t’ ■> growth and call on him at the store in the form­
Possibilities of Vernonia anl expects er Martineau location.
March 14.
o visit Vernonia again shortly.
Miss Holiday spent Sunday in
Mr. and Mrs. Jass Kerr of Cleve­
Ralph Rawson of Portland was a.
land, Ohio, are visiting at the D. W.
zisitor here Friday. Mr. Rawson is a 1
i Keasey home. Mrs. Ktrr is a sister
Prof. Schroeder was in Portland nember of the firm of Goss & Raw-
i to Mr. Keasey. They are on a trip to
(on who are erecting the dry klins
over the week end.
it the big mill plant.
On the evening of St. Patrick’s
Mr. Enos has acctpted a posit:on
Day Mrs. Nash gave a box supper at
Water rents can hereafter be
her schoil, the Pleasant Hill, at is head painter in charge of the pail at the City Transfer office, C.
which over $50 was taken in to ap- minting of the new houses at “Mill­ W. Watt, at the corner of Second
view” the big mill company’s resi­
ply on play ground equipment.
lence section.
Eight new houses are being built
Charles Cawthor, of Conroe?, Texas
on north Rose avenue.
•vho recently drove a Ford from the
Mr. Cleveland realized that the Texas town to Vernonia to accept a
city needed a street light at Bridge >ositiin with the Oregon-American
strtet and Columbia, and in asking is expecting his family in a few days
the Council to establish it, he volun-
Russell Lilley, of Neane, Louisi­
tee red to
pay the fee for thrte
months in advance out of his own ana, is another southerner who de­
cided to take Greeley’s advice and
‘Go West Young Man.” Mr. Lilley
We broke a very lelicate part of' was connected with the Kleth mill in
qoutb before coming to Vernonia
the linotype this week, and were •
scared blue. It is a small hard part
L. A. Hardee, the physological
f >r the mats to go through while
distributing. It would take three ales manager of the Ohio Knife Co.
weeks to get a new part and it would was here from Seattle Tuesday.
have to come from Brooklyn. But
F. W. Reverman, manager of the
Perry Harvey at the Vernonia Braz­
Manufacturing Company, of
ing and Machine Works brazed it and
was a recent business vis­
never got it out of tune a hairs
bredth. It ctrtainly was a pretty job itor to Verninia.
and only delayed us an hour.
W. Glover of the Northwestern
Trust Company of Portland spent
Beavtr and Koster camps have
one day here on business.
closed one side.
and Bridge street; Central location,
handy and convenient. Water rent
is $2 ptr month beginning Anril 1.
Extra water during summer i.u....,
for garden and sprinkling is $2 per
month extra fir all not on a meter.
Grandma Keasey is oui from Port­
land to visit a week.
The Vernonia Mercantile Company
has changed hands this week. Mr.
L. R. Gillchrest has purchased my
interest in the store and will here­
after conluct the business. Business
relations in the stort between the
firm and patrons has been very agree
able and satisfactory, and 1 want to
hereby express my appreciation and
thanks to the many friends and pa-
trims met during my connection with
the store, Thanking all fo r past fa­
virs and your liberal tr: le, I il m
very kindly. I H. Detrow
Babe Ruth—look to your laurels! Jack Dempsey—
watch your step! You have opposition in the arena
of Public Approval. Emoiy Johnson, master show­
man of the cinema, hits the bullseye again! Four
terrific successes in a row Not a solitary lilure!
“In the Name of the Law”: “The Third Alarm”
and “Westbound Limited” crashing . slashing
success ALL and now the greatest of the group—
See the entire Pacific Fleet in action! Seo the
gray destroyers plunging in the trough of he sea!
See, in all their soul-stirring drama,; dozen other
coles'al scenic cataclyffis- in the monumental tri­
bute to U. S. Postal workers!
Coming; to the
Rose Theatre
March 29 and30
Mr. and .Mrs.
land spent Su:
sister, Mr». Alf
!' .. 1
. nd Mr Roy Tucker
Mrs. Ed. Schutocl entertained a
. !n< day, March 19.
few of her friends Tuesday
1, >n r
of her mother. Mrs. Gorden, of Port­
. H. R. Hanes recently spent
i couple week vijiting her daughter
in Portland.
A Few of Vernonia’s F ìik Buildings
• Beta L ; ya
■ “ixt > ’ iJc. tilics its
u*.. ow t as r t* iii”
win t'
It >1 yebolas*
tic lie
> ’.i . university
could give him. Just as
t’w “Red Crown’’ disc •
identifies a product that
has won all inotordonds
approval for its high
Standards of qua I ty, of
pow er and of mileage.
A. J. Stewart, western manager of
The Evangelical Choir served a
the American Woodworking Machine
“dandy” supper at the Grange Hall
Company was here Friday from Port-
Tuesday night and raised $60 to ap-
lanl headquarters.
ply on their piano.
At the recent Corner stone laying
for the large new church. C. L.
Schuster officiating, there were a-
bout 75 present and all had their
pictures taken. In the corner stone
were placed a picture of the corner
stone, oil church and the Sunday
School, the names of officers of the
various organizations, copies of the
Vernonia Eagle, Evangelical Mess-
inger, Christian Endeavor and a
Lincoln Ptnny.
Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland wert in
Portland Tuesday.
W. T. Hatton was a Portland visit­
or this week.
Twenty Portland business men
visited Vernonia Sunday and were
guests of the Oregon-American Lum-
her Company. They took lunch at
the company’s mess hall and were
shown over the big mill plant by
Mrtsrs Frank Schopplin, J. W. At-
kins, W. H. McGregor and E. E.
Hayes, of the Mill Company.
Milton A. Fuegy, traveling freight
and passenger agent of the S. P. &
S. Ry. was here recently from As­
T. F. Rush of Portland was in Ver­
nonia Tuesday on busintss.
R. H. Keith. West Coast manager
for the Black Steel & Wire Comp­
Mr. Buffmair was a Portland vis- any, was here from Portland Tues­
itor the middle of the week.
Miss Meril Conner visited Portland
friends this week.
Frank Schopplin, Vice-President
of the Central Coal & Coke Comp­
any, of Kansas City. Mo., was a re­
cent visitor to Vernonia on a trip of
inspection of the property of this
Forrest Cabb, in charge of West­
ern sales for the Moore Dry Klin
< ompany spent one day in Vernonia
from his Portland Headquarters.
C. W. Gould, who will have charge
of the operation of the dry klin of
the Oregon-American Lumbtr Co.,
was a recent visitor here from Port­
Dr. J. A. Hughes went to Portland
Friday afternoon os professional
Ed Dennis, of Longview, Wash.,
with a port of friends, visited the
Oregon-American plant Friday. Mr.
Dennia is very enthusiastic over the
bright outlook for the town of Ver-
J, A k
The store keepers in a number of
communities are now cooperating in
the distribution of the squirrel pois­
on to the farmers. Tht squirrel pois­
on has been mixed under the direc­
tion of the office of biological sur­
vey, U. S. Department if Agriculture
who are cooperating with the coun­
ties of the state in the rodent con­
trol work. Now is the time to poison
the ground squirrel before he has
had an opportunity to damage tris
year’s crop«. The poisoning of one
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