Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, February 29, 1924, Image 1

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entered as second-class matter August 4, 1922, at tke post office M Vernonia, Oregon, nnder the Act of March 3, 1879
Volume 2, Number 30
The following splendid article of
facts is a communication the Eagle
received this week by a representa-
tive citizen. Read it, it's right.
Mr. Samuel Gompers, president of
the American Federation of Labor,
once gave this definition of a good
citizen: "lie is a man who does not
live for himself alone, one who is
concerned in the welfare of his fel­
low. who will if necessary make sac­
rifices to rectify wrongs, to eliminate
evils, and make every effort for the
common uplift; who will endeavor
with every means within his power to
see that these principle* find expres­
sion in the laws and in the adminis­
tration of the affairs of his govern­
ment, of his city, and his state and his
country. This is a good citizen.”
up your sleeves and get in with your
The man that will not lend his fellows, and before long you will won­
brains, his energy and some of his der why you kept apart so long.
money to the efforts of his fellow
Do you know that the Vernonia
citizens in directing the constructive Chamber of Commerce is organized
forces of his community along the to forward these public interests, and
course that is best for the city as a that its sole objects are the public
whole is not a useful citizen. No man good? Do you know that member­
has a right to refuse his support to a ship is open to all without distinction
community movement any more than of any sort? Do you know that free
the community has a right to refuse speech and open-handed dealing arc
its protection to any man. Nature employed on public questions of every
command* pooled effort; hundreds of sort? Do you know that a man in
bees to each comb of honey make a business is more successful when he
comparatively quick and easy opera­ has a more active interest in mu­
tion of what would be an impossible nicipal affairs, civic and commercial?
task for a lone bee, however indus­ Did you every stop to think that a
trious he is. The comb of honey con­ man is small if not mean, who cares
tains the greatest lessons for every only for his own success and neglects
citizen of Vernonia who has the wel­ the welfare of his fellow citizens and
fare of the community which he has posterity. The Chamber of Com­
chosen as his home. On every side merce movement has proven that no
■■attire flaunts this lesson in man's modern city can afford to be without
face: Tne seed in itself is nothing. such an organization. You have no
Sun. soil, moisture must co-operate more right to be indifferent to your
with the latent germ in order to pro­ city’s efforts, hopes and ambitions than
■luce life. The solidest rock ís only to neglect your own family. You, as
the co-operating atoms; The strong- a unit, armorally responsible for
est man is weak alone, ft is only what is done—and what is left un­
with the working with his fellow man done. Then don't you want to have
in a co-operative effort that success a part in the building of the city
and worth-while results can be ob­ which is soon to take its place beside
the leading commercial centers of the
Vernonia and the Nehalem Valley Pacific Northwest? Think it over.
ha* been naturally endowed with great
natural resources that arc now on the
eve of bring transformed into com­
modities useful to man. An embryo
city has taken the place of the coun­
try hamlet of a few short years ago.
and we are about to reap the harvest
Ads don't look good on the first
that nature has bounteously given us. page of a newspaper, so we have been
But have you. as a citizen of Ver­
told. Some papers use them,* many
nonia anil the Nehalem Valley,
stopped to consider that lasting re­ do not. The papers of our county do
sults will not be obtained by simply not. The Eagle has u*ed only two
taking and not giving some of your ads on the first page so far, two con­
efforts toward the conservation of cerns that were without competition,
those resources. Have you thought this so that no other advertiser in
that it will not be many years until the same line could object to his com­
the wooded hills surrounding Ver­ petitor having any choice. Even at
nonia will be transformed into vast that we have heard jealous remarks
stretches of blackened stumps and as to why anyone should be on the
logs, You will say that this will all first page, if not all on the first page.
be beyond my time, But can you The paper has grown, we need more
honestly, as a citizen of Vernonia, spage, we get tip more type, and with
grant a heritage of that kind to your our added equipment we can use all
children when it is within your power of the first page for news matter only,“
to do different. You as a citizen of better than we could in the days now
Vernonia, can help with the combined past. In fact it has become necessary
efforts of your fellow* to make this at this time to follow the style of all
valley a place which will live as one first-class papers that put up a good
of the greatest industrial and home ' appearance, to eliminate all ads froip
cities in Oregon, if you will only roll ¡the first page. After March 1st, we
will endeavor to give you a soli^
first page of good and intcrcst'J^
M hhr and Sermon on the third Sun­ Vernonia reading, and at the *WR.
day of
each month, --------
at 1130
a. m. Week ' ’ time be absolutely
. . * fair to all atl9V-
day communion Mana to be announced. ; Users, by giving no
J oh . P. clanev. Pastor.
' tion*. All of the pape
The days of the old church are rap­ The biggest job that Vernonia h •
idly coming to a close. / A new day is on )ian(| an,j OI1C that needs immedi­
just dawning. The articles of incor­
ate attention is to put on a tangible
poration of the society date hack tC*
August 31, 1889, and two days ls<tei and constructive home building cam­
the location for the present churcl paign. Too many of Vernonia's peo­
was deeded to the trustee*. Nearly ple figure that when the, big mill
thirty-five years the people have worJ starts up there will be flocks of peo­
shipped on this hillside. The history ple coming here with pockets bulging
of the church is almost the hjatofy of with coin ready to buy a home and
the valley. A new location has note pay cash for it, while the fact of the
been secured and the foundation of matter is that most of the employees
a new church and parsonage has been will be workmen who would build a
laid. On Saturday evening of thif home if assisted financially and if
week the last quarterly conference will not required to pay an exorbitant
be held in the old church. About* price for a building lot. An organ­
Monday, March 3, the cornerstone of ization of progressive citizens can do
the new bulding will be laid. About more good for the town than anything
May 11, the new church will be dedi­ else. Outside capital is not going to
cated. Thus we arc at the dawn of he interested in a town that is not
a new day.
interested in itself.
It was a heartfelt wish for some
time to have the new building on the OOOO orvrws voov OOOOO OOOO O OOOO
same ground where the old one
stands. However, the crowding in of
business houses and the general as­ OOOOOtXXH OOOC OOOOwwevOOOOX
pects of the new city made us to
Attorney Gressman was transacting
realize the desirability of a change of business in St. Helens, Saturday.
location. The building of the first
structure meant great sacrifices to the
Kay Jay was a Portland visitor Sat­
early pioneers, as money was very
scarce in the valley. The new build­
ing will cost more, but it will not hurt
us as much because of the larger Lots of people are having a hard
amount of money in circulation, and time finding houses to live in
tl>e greater number of people in Ver­ Build a house, it is cheaper and
nonia. When the pioneers built their
church they knew not what the fu­ better than paying rent.
ture might be. We today with new you b'tild it, paint to preserve it
industries coming into Vernonia and and make it more valuable.
the great influx of population arc
wondering what our future will be.
Born, on Sunday night tv Mr.
So while we are laying the corner­
stone at this dawn of the new day we and Mrs.Mowe, an eight andj a
wish the undertaking Godspeed.
pound girl.
H. G. H.
Sunday School at the regular hour,
10:00 A. M.
Cristian Endeavor at 6:30 P. M.
Preaching services at 11.*00 A. M
and 7:30 P. M
Prayer meeting on Thursday, 7 :(ll
P. M.
On Saturday evening of this week
the fourth quarterly conference will
meet, and communion will he terved
on Sunday morning. The elder will
be with us and preach morning and
evening. A« far as we are able to tell,
the cornerstone of the new church
wjjl be laid on Monday, March 3.
H. G. H.
On Spencer Hill, or Mill Side Addi­
tion, there arc many new residences
going up. They are neat and well
built—no shacks. The mill company
is doing the building, under the plans
of Mr. Dunlap in charge. Twelve of
these buildings are going up; the
company has recently finished sixteen
that are now occupied, and rumor
tells us that a total of eighty houses
will be finished by early summer, in
the addition.
Hack in the Middle West we al­
ways termed March the windy month
Here, where we have no winds, we
call it the spring month. The official
calendar first day of spring is the
21st day of March, Andrew Jackson’s
birthday is the 15th of March. Ash
Wednesday or the first day of Lent is
on March 5. On March 9 the battle
between the Merrimac and Monitor
was fought. On the 17th is St. Pat­
rick's day and Aguinaldo was cap­
tured on March 23, 1901. March is
the month of paint up. clean up, start
lawns and gardens.
Last week we failed to receive
the notice of a new baby girl
born to M. and Mrs. W. Jones.
Several Vernoniates have vis­
ited the dam and power houre up
at the property of the Vernonia
Light & Power Co . this week.
It is a wonderful piece r,f work,
so pronounced by the viailois.
Picnic parties are already being
planned for the coming summer
In a last growing town sueh as Vernonia val*
liable papers are in the possession of many men
Il hire are you keeping them-in your pocket
where it is easy to lose them, or hidden at home
in the bureau or a vase?
Make them sale and convenient by placing
them in a safety deposit box at the Bank of
vention that attracted a crowded
house. Some of the wives of our city
made their husbands stay at home,
while they attended. But every scat
was taken, and many were the bald-
headed bachelors in the front rows.
The various characters, representing
the Old Maids, were acted by Ver­
nonia ladies, members of the W. B. A
Lodge, in whose benefit the play wat
given. It was a laugh from start to
finish, and each and every member of
the program was exceptionally good.
The music and specialties were fine
and no one present had other than a
good word for the whole evening's
Mass Meeting Tuesday Night
let Everyone Attend
Mrs. Redmond Is Burried
Mr and Mrs Lawrence Van Blaricum of
Newberg are visiting at the Judson
Weed home.
You will all want to vote at the May
primaries and at the general election
in November. It is Presidential year,
and many important state matters are
up. The safest way and the sure way
is to register now. -You must rep,
ister if you vote. City Recorder B< n
Owens has the registration books. See
Mr. Owens at the High Schoo! base­
A sewer system cn the main
street of Ternonia will beef little
use unless that street is paved.
The sewer and pavement can be
laid at the same time.
Mr and Mra H. B. Emery of
Portland called Tuesday while nt
Vernonia in attendance at the
funeral of Mrs Emery’s mother.
Alice Rundell, 12 yearn old, is in a
Portland hospital at this writing, she
was operated on for appendicitis.
Wa hear that thd ahoomaking firm af
Dr. l.uzader, eyesight specialist, will Rundell & Clark have devolved partner
be at Martineau's jewelery store, Ver­ ship-
nonia, on Monday and Tuesday,
Born to Mr and Mra I'. B. Holcomb,
March 3 and 4. Have your eyes ex­
a baby girl, Feb. 14.
Vernonia Band and
Home Talent Show
Miss Holliday, Mrs Lebt> and C. S.
Rich were Portland pacsengers Satur­
On Monday night the Evangelical
choir gave a concert in the church.
They were aasiated by various citizens
Mr and MrsW. J. Ward of Prineville who volunteered their service in aong.
are visiting at the J. E. Adams home. readings, and instrumental mesic and
by the “Boy’s Band”’ The building
Mrs S. C. Sale was a Portland visit­ was crowded and every number on the
program was greatly applauded. It was
or t is week.
a treat and a pleaant surprise. Vernon
ia certainly has the talent a ad it was
thoroughly proven Monday night.
Many in the city were not awtre that
we had a 20 piece band that shows up
‘ Lone Pine Acreage," just a half
■ nile south of Vernonia, and level, rplendidly. and their concerts this sum
fertile soil. On th ■ river, on main m^r will be a big boost for our town,
county road, just east of main line of W expect to relate more on -his wor­
lie railroad. See Mr. Troop at Vcr- thy organization from time to lime.
¡••nia I r ulihg Co. Here ybfi will find
■ i t what vt , want, adjoininr» town.
is the belief of many o'd timers and
newcomers that express themselves on
The 12 year old daughter of J. the probabilities of s'ich a formation.
H. Watson broker her arm at the Many would like to see the proprsition
elbow while swing one day this tested with a deep well. At points in
adjacent counties large acerage has
been leased for oil prospecting Try it
DANGER lurks in ev ry wire in the Vernonia vicinity.
We wish to advise all children
and adults as well, to keep hands
off of electric wires. Don’t touch
them to see if they are hot. it is
too late then, if they prove alive
People are killed every day by
live wires. Never turn on your
light« while standing in a hath
There will bs a maaa meeting at the
Vernoria hall nest Tuesday night at
We at least know how it feels to be
7:30. Bur pose to decice on the sewer
pro|M>sition and talk over paving Bridge "all lit up” This week the juice was
turned on for the first time in Ver­
It is up to the citizens.
nonia from the new hydro-electric
power plant. It will probably take a
few days to get everything regulated
and running smooth, but the elec­
tricity is here. It is indeed a big im­
Mrs. Lena 'i. Redmond, of this city, provement. Like many things in
died last Mondap morning. Tha funer­ every-day use, after we get it w •
al services were he d Tuesday al the don’t see how we got along without
Evangelical church, conducted by the it for so tong. There are very few
Relief Corps, and the sermon.preached houses that are not wired and all soon
by Rev. Herrman. Mrs Redmond was will be. It is safer, cleaner, better and
more convenient than coal oil or gas­
born at Oneida, N‘ Y., March 28, 1840.
oline. Vernonia will soon be a mod­
She came to Oregon in 1884 and settled ern city. The city will no doubt in­
in th- Nehalem valley two years later. stall several street lamps, but not all
She u survived by five children, two over town, at present, as it will have
sister and one brother, Leroy Page, to be done gradually and as the de­
who lives here. Her husband, John J. mand grows. Everybody is glad that
Redmond wi s a Civil War Veteran, the big Vernonia hydro-electric light
and died about 30 year* ago. Thera was and power plant is finished, and we
a large attendance at the funeral and believe much credit is due the pro­
moter, Mr. Geo. Burdick, who cer­
the floral offerings were beautiful.
tainly worked patiently against many
Omar Sheeley and Richard Boeck are hazards, to finish the job. He came
each laid up from the effects of getting here over a year ago, and looked into
the future. He conquered.
a nail in a foot.
Oil, without the scandie, is under
Vernonia should celebrate.
and the land adjacent. This
Strèet lights, home lights, power
The following young folks at­
tended O.A.CJs exhibition tv
gether making quite a reumion:
A. Parker. B. McDonald, H. Mal-
Last Friday night at the Majestic msten, A. Keasey, R. Heverling
Theatre the Old Maids had a con­ and L. Weed.
You flave Valuable Papers
Advertising Medium of a Big Pay Roll Community
Christian Church
' corner stone for
Church Services will
MAKES CITIES be Christian
held next Sunday morning and
evening in the high school audi­
torium. Bible school at 10 a. m.
with interest and attendance in-
sreasing. The sermon subject for
11a. m. being, “Tt.e Things That
Belong to God”.
Evening service at 7:30, sub­
ject, “What It Costs Not to Be a
Ceristian”. If you are not attend
ing elsewhere, you will enjoy all
of these meetings and be profit­
ed if you come.
Speccial music at every service
Everybody invited. W. A. Gress­
man, minister.
Paul Robinson, Editor and Owner
The Brown & Brown Furniture Co.
have tncn busy tearing out all peti­
tions on the lower floor of their place
of business so as to make more room,
and when completed they will have
the largest show room in the city of
Vcynonia, which will take in the en­
tire lower floor of the Louis Brown
building. They have purchased the
undertaking business of Mr. Sessman
and have rented his parlors. This
will give them an up-to-date under­
taking establishment.
The last game for the County Champ
ionship will be played Saturday night
c lminencing at 7:30‘ If our girls beat
the St. Helens girls the championship
stays in Vernonia. The coach say* ‘‘the
girls play one half the game, the aud­
ience the other, and the girls are ready
to do their part.
The only complete concrete sawmill
in the world is at Vernonia, Oregon,
KI miles from Portland. This mill
has a big production and a flourishing
town is arising at that place.—From
the Oregonian, Feb. 23.
Speak well of Vernonia, it helps
your business.
I isave I Saturday | saves
H todav
and then
the end|
X Today is your last day ofg
gthe big; value money sav-2
ing; Rexall Birthday SaleG
Merchan lite of highest qualllty at real bargain
PH om N
Buy new for your entire spring needs
Drug Store
Vernonia Drug Co
Wm. Folgor, Pharmacist.
- -
171 ¡