small and medium, will be machine- made. Saturday Night—Sunday Mat. HALF BREED WANTS and FOR SALK All ads. under thia head »re cash with copy. Ratea, one cent a word; initiaia and figures count as words. Minimum, 25 cents an issue. 4 » . 1 « • 1 Sunday Night and Monday “DO AS YOU’RE TOLD” Get in your order now for mix ed Dalias Bulbs $1.00 Per Dozen Sweet Williams, Snap Draggons 25c Per Dozen Clumps See Mrs Sitts, Res., Rose Ave. The Love Brand Tuesday and Wednesday “TRUMPET ISLAND” FOR SALE BY OWNER—Several close-in lots; also houses. E S. Cleveland. 4t Did you ever see an ariplane, bearing a bride and groom, wrecked in an eleotric storm? See “Trump­ et Island”. For Sal<—One thoroughbred R. I. R. Rooster. Phone 276. Just arrived, car of Horses for sale or hire also harness, harrows and plows. Chas. Steel, Stage Terminal. Thrill of the North, peopled with figures of hate, love, courage, cowardise and strong heart leaping through scenes that make you choke or cheer. MAJESTIC THEATER Vernoiila’s Popular Playhouse Third and Krldtfe Streets. THE LOWLY PRETZEL largest pretzel gas-fired oven in the IS PUTTING ON AIRS world. The Vernonia Drug Co. Satisfying our customers is just as much a part of our business as the selling of merchandise. We carry a representative line of Stationery, Gift Articles. Office Supplies, School Supplies, Picture Frames and Novellies. ‘Steel en­ graved Cards with Envelopes for every occasion. Look for your favoried Magazine here. Coming to Portland Dr. Mellenthin Will be at Benaon Hotel Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Feb. 27, 28 29. and Mareh 1. Office hours* 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. 38 T U YOUR LUMBER NEEDS A Board or a Carload AT HOME--YOUR HOME LUMBER YARD Best Grades; Dry Lumber for All Purposes, at Right Prices. Anything in the Lumber Line at the Tipton Lumber Co. Vernonia, >' — cmim * Or. II $ Try a sack you will like it EXTRACT FROM LETTER RECEIVED BY GRANDMA MILLS FROM HER BROTHER Chico, Calif. Feb. 3. 1924. Dear-Sister: I received your letter some time ago and must answer it. We also received that New Year’s edition of the Vernonia Eagle. That was sure some paper for Vernonia. You have sure got an editor that is good and he is sure boosting for Ver­ nonia. 4 Afik foi* acopy of the booklet “Olympic Surprises99 -It is FREE Mrs. Tipton was a Portland visitor Tbursday^^^ ■I /* ■ ... . Httsbands Wanted And It’s Leap Year Too DOES NOT OPERATE Copeland’s Gift and Art Shop Your Dealer now has Olympic Flour FOR REPRESENTATIVE Seventy-five feet long and nine feet I hereby announce myself a six inches wide are the outside di­ candidate for the office of state mensions of that oven and the com­ representative from the 20th. bustion chamber will be sixty-five feet long and eight feet wde. For .......... a ten-1 Representative District, Colum- ............ hour day. the oven i wiii use 141)00' C0UntVi ore(fon( subject to cubic feet of gas, or 1400 cubic feet I.. • . . » r» of i-as an hour. Fifty barrels of flour, the deC,S,On °f the ^publican a day will be needed for the rawiPri nary to be held D May. material of the baked delicacy and F. C. Holibaugh the output, estimated, will be 1,25O.h<>ukl uae Rat-Snap" Com in cakn. n>< miring. Nounell fromdeidraU rhreeotre. I*rvea.3Sc.6Sc.ll.2S. buld and guaranteed by ; Fawn Indian Runner Ducks; tne laying strain of the duck fam­ ily. For eggs place your orders with F. B. Warfield, $1.50 per dozen. Phone 7-3-53. 2t For the first time in her life the spoiled and petted daughter of the rich found herself faoe to face witn the iron will of a man rhe could not rule. See this this thrilling and picturesque love story. “I Cot Real Mad whan 1 Loot My Setting Hen,” writes Mrs. Hanna, N. J. GOT UO USE F6Ä 1$ TU' FKU-E«- VJHO KWOCKS OUR TOWN T STÄAMGERS '. EF HE POUT MKE rr HERE, WHS oow: HE hMNE OUT, hsx 4 Classified Advertising How civilization can spoil a perfectly good Indiar in pictured n a manner more dramatic than hu­ morous through “The Half Breed,” Oliver Mona­ co's production of his own play. It is a rattling storyjof western life released by Associated First National Pictures Inc. The pretzel, or as they used to call it in prc-Volatcad day*, the “brctzel," i, about to have a renaissance. A York, Pa., bakery ia installing a gas fired pretzel oven which will be the TH' OLE GROUCH c ÔUU, -tu' GUN I AIMT I Four Days Only. No Charjce For Consultation Dr. Melienthin is a regular garduate in medicine and su*gery and is licensed by the state of Oregon. According to his method of treat­ ment he does not operate for chronic appendicitis, gal) stones, ulcers of stomach, tonsils or adenoids. He has to his credit wonderful re­ sults in diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, blood, akin, nerves, heart, kid­ ney, bladder, bed wetting, catarrh, weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcers and rectal ailments. Below are the names of a few of his many satisfied patients in Oregon. Col. Johnson, Weston Ore., appen­ dicitis. Aug. Erickson, Lakeside, Ore*, kid­ ney trouble. Mrs. I-ena Lincoln, Canyon City, Ore heart complaint* J* A. Smith, Ontario, Ore*, ulcer of the stomach * Leona Ford, Washougal, Ore., ade­ noids. W. H. Kellendonk, Eatacads, Ore., high blood pressure. Mrs. Ed. Eberhard, Sciso, Ore., gal! atones. E. C. Nichole, Lebanon, Ora., appen­ dicitis. Remember above date, that consult­ ation on thia trip will be free and that his treatment is different. Married women must heaccompanie i by their husbands. Address*. 211 Bradbury Bldg., Loe Angeles, Calif. Look Before You Leap Attend the “OLD MAID’S CONVENTION” HOME TALENT Friday Night, February 22 MAJESTIC THEATRE Following Picture Play—One Price to Both You Will Laugh or Money Refunded A Romatic Plot Gorgeous Costumes Pretty Girls 20 In the Cast—Funds for W. B. A. Lodge Room—Admission 25c and 50c for Pictures and Great Home Talent Show