■ t < Wnumia Sagte Entered a* aecond-clau matter August 4, 1822, at the post office at Vernonia, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879 VERNONIA, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY IB, 1924 Volume 2, Number 28 e MOUTHPIECE oi the NEHALEM VALLEY ----- New Furniture Store > « This week we report from the real estate firms of Kavanagh Co and G. B. Richmond the follow- ingchanges in Vernonia proper­ ty: G. C. Sale buys four lots in Park addition’and will build a a home at once; C Corey buys a lot in Park’addition to build on immediately; Mr. Lararnore is another Parkjadditionibuyer who intends building, and Mr. Beals of the Light Co. buys’one to e rect a homejon. Two lots sold to strangers who have their houses partly consttucted. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Hollett, of Portland, have purchased two lots on Weed Ave. joinging Mr. Sessinan’s’property and will at once build a large new laundry we understand. Mrs, Mattie Brown, recently of Idaho bought a Rose avenue lot to erect a home on. The Dale residence was sold to Mrs. J. W. Brown; the Cleveland residence < ccupied by Mr. Culbertson was sold to E. H. Washburn; two lots in Han­ son addition were sold to Mr, Berg; and a Mr. Smith has pur­ chased a lot of Mr. Se sman on which he is building a New and Second hand store. The corner on Maple and Second street sold by Mr. Cleveland is now a busy one with workers building a gar­ age. Mr. Lincoln of Silverton has purchased the small lot joing the White Lunch an'1 will build a con fectionerv store. New buildings are going up in all parts of our city. But it is almost impossible for newcomers to find a place to live. Another Large Fire Proof Structure We just hear of the Hale of the Clevi'laud lot, well of the Blue Bird, to E. Spath who will move here and bulk! nt once a large flreproof building 60 x 100 to be occupied by a modern garMge. Mr. Spath in a big berry grower of the Willamette valley a le of of Work Done By Vernonia Wood­ J. S. HAIE OF VERNONIA working Establishment IS CALLED DY DEATH Edwin North, one of Vernonia** moat prominent and re a pec tod citizen* pain­ ed away at his home Monday evening Feb. 11, 1924 at 10:30 p. m Hi* death wa* due te cerebral hemorrage, follow ing the measles. Mr. North wa* born in K*n*a* in 1881 but hi* family moved to Oregon seven month* after hi* birth and he ha< resided in thi* atote since He was married to Anna Cole in Portland in Deeember of 1905. They immediately moved to Vernonia where their home ha a l>een for 19 years. Mr. North's characted whs irre- proachable and he was a friend to all. He stood for the highest and best in­ terests of his community He was a director on ihe Board of Education of Union High School District No. 1 ar <1 a 3 ember of the school board of the district in which he lived. He was sl- so an active member of the Christian church , was a I Kia rd member of the Telephone Co. and belonged to various fraternal organization*. Funeral waa held from the family reaidence at 2 p. m. Feb. 14, and the body was laid to rest in the family cem etary on the home place The number in attendance and the profusion of flowers indicated the love and *ym- pathy which the entire community ex­ tend* to the bereaved family. Deceased is survived by his wife, a son, Francis, an aged mother, two sis­ ters and one brother, Mr. J. S. Hale, General Fore­ man of Guthrie Construction (Co. passed away Feb. 12 during the night, of apoplexy at O.-A. camp Mr. Hale was the ¡on of Dr, J P. Hale of Philadelphia, born in Roanoke, Va., 1875. At the age of 16 he came west to Southern Oregon wltere he was married to Ordelia Nole in 1907. To this union were born Elds, now a girl of 14, and Dal­ las, a boy o, 12. Mr Hale has spent his married life in the west engaged as Supt of R. R. construction. He is re­ spected and loved by his work­ men and many friends. His immediate friends have noticed his likeness indisposition principals and personality to Abraham Lincoln whom he so much admired and his earthly life closed on the birthday of Lin coin. Deceased is surrived by a wife and two children, one brother, Robt. E. Hale and one sister Ma­ mie Hale both of Salt Lake City. Puneral services have not yet been arranged for. All friends extend their heart folt sympathy to the bereaved family. Evangelical Church Not Crazy About Party Paint tip and clean up. It will pay you. It makes your holdings more valuable. Vernonia needs a brick yard. A “push club” of two members sends such a want ad to Portland papers this week. Some people say wc have the clay here that will make good brick. It should be investigated at once. Here might |je a gohlen oppor­ tunity for some one, anti Vernonia sure needs the brick. • Quite a few from Vernonia attended the Lincoln Day banquet at St. Hel­ ens, last Tuesday. Did you ever drive into a corn­ Plan to attend the “Old Maida Con- pletely dark city after night? il so vention“ the night of Feb. 22. you were bewildered as well as dis­ gusted, and probably made some re­ Parent-Teachers Meeting, to Organ­ mark about it being one heck of a ize, thia Saturday at High School at town. Then when ypu drive into a 2:30. Thia iaimportant and you should city well lighted with street lights on every prominent corner, your opinion lie there sure. of that city is good from first sight. Vernonia needs, at least, street lights The new church building is going ' the full length of Bridge street, at the churches and school ami at the turn -. •» You Are Fortunate it is t >ur privilege and good fortune to live in the fastest growing town in Oregon. What you make of this opportunity depends entirely up on you. Does your pay chech go into the Bank regularly to prepare yourself for the golden op* portunity or is it spent without you knowing where it went? Start omrt your savings account at inc the i>an* Bank OI w ' Vernonia, not tomorrow but TODAY and be ready to grasp the forelock of opportunity. BANK or VERNONIA Vernonia. Oi^n J’* Vernonia Men in Auto Wreck One aerinusly injured, two others Vernonia people and the Ne­ halem Valley generally, are not badly cut and bruised when the auto in which they were riding skidded on the hide bound when it cornea to wet pavement of Terwillinger boule­ county politics. True, this is a vard, a few hundied feet thia side of Republican precinct and w 11 vote the intersection of Slavin road, plunged on state and national officials as over the bank, rolled over four times straight as a string. County oifi and came to a stop bottom side up, 100 feet below in the middle of Slavin load cials, also, will no doubt have O. H. Lyle, 3. P. & 8. locomotive en preference by being republicans, gineer of Bend was taken to St. Vinc­ but it is the man who knows how I ent's hospital with severe internal in­ and who sees the needs of this juries. E. Lyle, and J. E. Repass own­ part of the valley who will get er of the car, both of Vernonia, are at the Oregon hotel under the care of a the vote here. Vernonia territory doctor. needs roads and road v.ork now. They were bound for Vernonia where It is more urgent here now than E. Lyle is ownes of a pool hull and Re­ in any other part of the c unty. pass ia a contractor. Mrs. C. E. Jones of Pori lai d who The Cory hill needs cutting down was driving by saw the capsized ma­ and new gravel; Beaver Creek chine and with her daughter, ran to the road must have attention to the rescue. Unable to assist them she ran couty line; Rock Creek needs im- back to the road and flagged other mu- mediate attention as far as Keas- I tosists who freed them - Wednesday’s ey; Rock Creek Bridge in Ver-1 Or*go,1,“n- Sunday school at 10 a. m., Christian Ende vor at 6:30 p. m. andpreaching services at 11 a ¡m and 7:30 p. m. Subject in morn­ ing, "Exploits of Faith” and will be in keeping with the observ­ ance of Weshington’s birthday. In the evening the subject will be "The Egypt of Life”. Prayer meeting Thursday night in con­ nonia must be straightened and nection with Teachers Training widened. These things we want class. Everyone invited to these and will vote for. services. y ' r $2.00 PER YEAR After March 1st the subscription price of the Eagle will be $2.00 a year. All the weekly papers are $2 00. They can’t exist any lower. Rainier, St. Helens and Clatskanie each charge $2.00 per year, and the Vernonia p.-.per is as good as any of them and Ver­ nonia is as good a city as any of them. Until the first of the monih our subscription will remain $1.50. One can pay for as many years in advance a: that price as they wish, or you can pay whether your time is up or not, the full credit from rhe time of your expiration will be given you. But after March all subscrip- tions sent any place in the U. S. will be $2.00 per year. No use for us to go into details and tell you how high paper is, how high the interest and insurance is on a $10,000 plant, how high rent is, wages, and the many articles connected with a modern printing office. We are trying to keep up, and to boost the Nehalem valley and to give Vernonia as good a paper as possible. The Vernonia E. gle, as other papers, is $2.00 a year in advance. Road district nine, with their com* mittea in charge, are planning for the beat and moBt timely improvement, this early spring, that we have henrd of. They expect to spend about $5000 on the Rergeraon Bluff, or that steep, narrow, ddngerous spot in the Timber road where the passage goes around the hill abovefthe river It ha? king been the dread of all travelers and it is a wonder no one has gone over the bluff. The plan is to shoot the hill d>wn to a road level about 18 feet a- bove the river. FIREMEN’S SMOKELESS SMOKER On Wednesday night, February 20, the Vernonia Fire Department will give a splendid five bout.smoker for the delight of all men and women in Vernonia and the Nehalem Valley. Be there. Each event of the evening promises to be fast and square. Make it a full house, an evening’s carnival. It will be more than interesting, and it is for a good cause—your cause Go. FUNDS FOR I ORLL1 ROA£S AND TRAILS Tuesday the 12th, the birthday of Abraham Lincoln was fittingly celebrat e