ernonia Baak r* Volume 2, Number 11 ONIA, OREGON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1923 _ A ■ ■ Paul Robinson, Editor and Owner - COLUMBIA COUNTY of the NEHALEM VALLEY ARLIN6 AT THE PRESS - ■ Advertising Medium of a Big Pay Roll Community VERNONIA VISITED BY R. R. OFFICIALS LOVE YOUR CITY- GRUNTLEU OPINIONS GET BETTER RETURNS FOR VERNONIA — Legislatures in numerous Btates have for some years past con­ sidered from time to time bills this censoring the press of country, and we presume that the coming season will see the usual number of them offered. So, it might be well for the news­ papers of this country to join hands in enlightening our law­ makers on a decision recently handed down by the sureme court of Illinois. It came when the fjCity of Chicago brought a foolish suit for libel against the Chicago Tribune, asking >1,000,000 be­ cause the paper had seen fit to critise the city administration for laxness. The supreme court said in these words—and we wish • • every lawmaker in the land could read and remember them:— “They have a Constructive criticism should be appreciated and cities the world over need it. Vernonia probably is no exception, and many are the opinions heard far­ ing a business administration. Action instead of talk. We are advised at this writing that the contract for the engine hasn’t been signed. We hear rumors that our water system is a farce. Everybody should pay their water rent. Run the city as you would a successful business; it is a big business. We hear we are spending more for repairs than the inepme from water rent. Probably the job was accepted too soon. Over $30,000 has been spent. How about a city bud- g t? None has been prepared. Whose business is it? No one seems to be interested. Welcome! Newest Citizen. fundamental right to critize their magistrates, Prof, and Mrs. W. W. Kelty who are servants of the people. are receiving congratulations And the newspapers are assur­ from their friends on the birth of edly representatives of the peo­ a 9-pound son, born October 9, at 2 a. m. He shall bee died Paul, ple.” That ought to stop a let of this the full name being George Paul. -^Clatskanie Chief foolish talk about “censoring the press.”—Milwaukee Review. A Real Nome Complete. We are glad of the many nice homes going up in Vernonia, it is a home town. The big ma­ jority own their own homes. The house is not all there is to home. It is the surroundings, the com- forts,conveniences, pleasuresand attractions of the home that holds the family in contentment and pleasure. Good resding matter snd music are two important I '’«sentiels toward an ideal home. Every well-regulated, home-lov­ ing abode should have a piano; more especially so if the family is blessed with children. We have on exhibition at T he E agle printing office in Vernonia, some of the best makes of guaranteed new pianoe and piano players. We are selling them to Vernonia’s best homes. Call and see them. Price lower than you expect and very easy terms. Stop in and try them. “When the Frost is on the Pumpkin.” Nature has provided in a most lavish manner scenes of The pretty season. 000-0OOOO OOOOOOOOOQ OOOO I LOCAL NEWS. | 0 OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOOUWOOOOO9 HGIH SCHOOL Muriel Connor has returned from a visit to Portland. Myrtle Van Blaricom made a visit to Portland last week. We will soon hsve the honor of saying, “We Have a School Or­ chestra and a School Band. fhe second business meeting of the As ocíate Student Body was held October 12. The first meeting of the band was held Wednesday evening, About 20 members are enrolled. Thor Roberts became very sick when he learned Mrs. Beeman had assigned a geometry test for th! next day. lhis is examination week, be­ ing the end of the first 6 weeks of school. The students have been busy studying for tests. Altho it is the end of our first six weeks and test time, we don’t see any long faces, so that we know school has been successful. We have prospects of a wi vning debate team this year as there are 14 students from the Senior, Junior and Sophomore classes en­ rolled for the tryouts. GeorgeWashir.gtdn said“spenk not in an unknown tongue in company, but in your own lan­ guage.” Some of us observe this not—take this not too seriously. Professor Nash delivered an teresti-ig talk on magazines to the English 5 elass Friday after­ noon. The students profited much by the talk. The old Oregonian season is Last Thursday the Seniors hid here; the season of rejoicing, a picnic supper tlree miles from when they say “we always feel town. After eatirgall the wenies better when it rains.” and candy they came back as far Anna Rea Webster celebrated as Spencer’s and made cider,and her 13th birthday October 12, arrived home at 7 p. m. with a party. About 50 were present and all report a glorious The business meeting and pro­ time. gram of the Spanish Club, Loa Word has been received here Mas Altos, for Friday, Oct 19. that Uriah Mellinger's home at has evidence of being very inter­ Catholic Servies. La Grande burned. Everything esting for the Spanish students. M hhh and Sermon on the Third Sun­ was a total loss. No insurance. day of each month, at 11:90 a . m . The Mellinger's formerly lived Four new members are to be in­ Week-day Communion Mass to be an­ here. , itiated. wonderful variety and beauty. This is October in the Nehalem nounced. Valley. To the Citizens Who Love Their Community snd Have Faith in the Future of Vernonia: There is lots of work to do on constructive lines. Best wsy is to join the Chamber of (ktrnmerce and make it a paying proposition. We should strive, as a unit, for: The development of Nehalem Valley farms, forests, roads, hydro-electric power, scenery and other natural resources; the ad­ vertising of Vernonia, its indus­ tries. Its people, its wonderful surroundings, its prospects—pub­ licity is the main thing to get re­ sults; for the enlargement of our trade territory and for new in­ dustries; for railroad rates,traffic problems, a band, a park, more eitv ordinances bringing in a revenue. Help the Chamber of Com- merce that it may help ycu. Theodore Roosevelt said: “No City is Greater Than Its Chamber of Commerce.” It helps you, your business, jour property, your community. Vernonia must bid for conventions snd meetings; we must hsve pamphlets, litera­ ture, newspaper advertising snd something to send the hundreds of inquiries received every month This will bring new capital for investment in our midst. We must secure road signs. We must join the State Cnamber of Com­ merce. One man can’t accom- pliah all these and more good stunts. Several men can’t But a united Vernonia can. if we try. We can have a city of 10,000 in three years if we spend a few hundred dollars the first year. It will mean many thousands in re­ turn. Let’s Go. Tuesday was a rainy, blustery, T ime -N ext T uesday E ven ­ bad day for visitors to view the ing , 7:30 P. M. industrial sights of Vernonia,but P lace -H igh S chool . we were honored by a special A Chamber of Commerce meet­ train of the “big fellows.” The ing or a Community Meeting or a construction works of the Ore­ “Get Together” or Revival Meet­ gon-American Lumber Co., were I ing. looked over, our city’s growth Let’s have a solid, united Ver­ noticed and commented on and nonia. the railroad holdings as far as Professor Nash gave us the Keasey were inspected. Among suggestion and we would rejoice the crowd piloted by President to see it a success. W. F. Turner, of the S. P. & S., The -Chamber of Commerce were: meet at the gymnasium room for Howard Elliott, Chairman of a few bounte and athletic stunts the N. P. Board of Directors. put on by the students. Charles Donneliy, President N. A smokeless smoker,as it were. P. Board of Directors. Then school talent music, fol J. M. Hannaford, Past Chair­ lowed by a rousing business man. meeting and the forming of plans J.G. Wood worth, J.M.Rap lje, for a greater Vernonia, to end George T. Reid, of Tacoma, E. D. with light refreshments. Sweeney, of New York and E. Vernonia is great—the busiest A. Gay, of New York, Board of little city in Oregon. She can Directors. and will be many times greater. \y. E. Coman, Western Traffic What Vernonia has and] her Manager. marve ous growth has been ac­ H.E.Stephens, Chief Engineer. orn plished in spite of no organ­ D. C. Blanchard, General Man­ ized or united effort ager at Seattle. With a strong working unit be­ A. V. Brown, of Seattle. hind a regulated plan, wh it would W. D. Skinner, A. J. Davidson we soon accomplish? and G- E. Votaw, of Portland. It is necessary. It means a city. It means business, more people, better living. Let’s each and all put our shoulder to the wheel and push. The Chamber of Commerce Be there and come enthused. should have a year’s program. It is the one big opportunity. We must have a boaro of direct High School. next Tuesday ors that is active; a publicity night committee,an information bureau Every interested man in town We need pamphlets or literature, is expected. some newspaper advertising and Who will help? some road signs. In other word: 1 el’s do it we need a “System” and “Busi nesi Energy.” A Program Might as Well Save Big Part Remember ! As the hunting and fishing ■ea^on is open. it is against the law to catch any kind of fish otherwise than with hook and line. The Chinese pheasant sea­ son opens with Bob White quai the second Sunday in October ano closes on the fourth Sunday. Only three females allowed to be killed in any seven days, D ot season closes October 20. Vernonia Eagle $1.50. Here’s a good proposition to be found in an ad in this week’s paper. IJoff & Voges, of Hills­ boro, sell Page and Jewett new ears and they have several used ears. The use<\ cars they guar- iniee to be in first-clast shap'. They rebuild them, new rubber and guarantee their work. The prices ana terms will save you many dollars and the service like a new machine. Investigate. Subscribe for T he E agle . Jos. P. C lancy , Pastor. S ubscribe for T he E agle Ahead of us lies the great task of develop­ ing this new country. It is fortunate for Ver­ nonia that she called her citiscnrv from those who wanted to pioneer, even in this day and age. We have seen a town spring up-now we must stay to see the country develop. THE BANK OF VERNONIA is interested in nothing quite so much as in this plea. We are ready to do our part toward the day when jjfI ive can lay claim to a permanent and lasting prosperity. Last Friday afternoon Mr. 0. G. Weed visited the High School and showed the students some* fhing that looked like an over­ grown hazelnut, but which proved ...__ to beacocoa"iit that had been Lane & Co. are enlarging their and making morejbrought from Huw‘ul bY « friend. floor space l ._2 __ _______ room for their big grocery store. Every home Las something They have disposed of their paint burliness to G C Mellinger, who they don’t reed and some other has a large stock of paints and person wants. Mention it in our supplies. Both stores are im­ Classified Column. If you have proved by the ehange. something to sell, want tn buy No money is saved by a few something, find something, loose month’s delay in the plant to something, want help or a job, purify the city water. Same ap­ want to rent nr to borrow, say so plies to installing the big pump in our Classified. One cent a won! — whene is the pump? One man each week with a 25 cent mini­ says the Mayor has no influence num. with the council. If such is the case, something is wrong. The C. W. Loudon, of Mist.ealied yester­ city interest must be looked day. Mr. Ixjudon has been in the hoe after. Business methods only pital for some time, but we are glad to must be used. Spite won’t go. see him with his old time pep again. We don’t want to dismiss schools and bury the scholars. New Fish Market. Mr and Mrs Ruban Hall are visiting in Kansas City, Kansas, for the winter. They expect to return by the Southern route by Los Angeles. BANK of VERNONIA? W. A. Brown, wife and lS*y«ar-old daughter and J. A. Devereux.left Mon­ day for Satramento. Word juat come* to ua by preaa wire from Portia nd that Devereaux and the girl and one ma­ chine are miaaing. Officers and newe- papera have been notified. The two cars stayed together as far as Boeeburg. Verronia gets n new buaineM in the way of the Vernonia Finh Co. D. A Coffman, the newcomer, ia long exper­ ienced in the buKincR* and h-a located, after a thorough inveatigation of con­ dition«. The market widoprn Munday in the Mater buildii g, next to Roee Theater, on First atreet. Fresh and Salt Fish, Clams, Oysters and all Flab Foods. YOUR School Supplies Are Ready Kodaks, Films, Albums, Powders PHONOGRAPHS m I » ■ Vernonia Drug Co. |*« Wm. Vernonia Oregon 171