Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, June 22, 1923, Image 1

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    * W'
Entered as wcond-claM matter August 4, 1922, at th« post office at Veroonli, Oregon, ander the Act of March 3, 3379
Volume 1, Number 46
Mr. Eeabo of Kelso, visited
Vernonia Sunday and before he
was here an hour purchased the
residence of Mrs. Neveland, on
the West side, that is building
so fast. The Leabo family. will
be a splendid help to the good
people coming to make Vernonia
their home. He tells us that
several ot^er families from the
Washington town are talking of
moving to Vernonia.
New houses in evers direction-
Advertising Medium of a Bi g Pay Roll Commun i t y
Good Dairy Farm
Chautauqua a Success
Vernonia Depot Grounds
The P. A. & P. has lots of
confidence in Vernonia, This is
their town. A favored city in
many ways. The local depot in
their best on the line, and their
valuable improvements
just begun. Rock clppings are
now to be placed all around the
building, and the grounds ad­
jacent will be seeded to b(ue
grass. The building is receiving
new shades, water coolers, and
various items for the good ap­
pear ence and convenience of the
patron. A second operator and
an additional helper has been
added to the force, the increase
in business making it necessary.
And as soon as the town paves
Bridge street the depot or rail­
road people will pave the ap­
proaches on
their property.
These perminent improvments
are a help to the looks of our
city to the strangers as they
daily visit us.
Paul Robinson, Editor and Owner
The Vernonia Chautauqua ia a thing
of the peat, until next year, it waa a
success. Each ae 'lion waa well attend­
ed and much praise waa heard of all
the entertainments. The two lectures
were exceptionally good and the musi­
cal numbers well received. The laat
night waa circus night, the youngstera
of Vernonia taking part.
All did
Charolett £oyie, as the
snake dancer, was exceptionally clever.
Sixteen signers have been secured to
guarentee next year’s Chautauqua.
Did You Ever
And Vernonia keeps on grow­
New $10,000 Church j Investors Watching
Vernonia Advance
Building Planned
L. B. Eastman called on the
Eagle force this week and told
us some of the joys and trials of
the Dairyman. Like this paper
has often maintained, Mr. East­
man says we have here one of
the best dairy countries in the
world. The most important item
concering the industry is to pos­
sess nothidg but thoroughbreds.
Cut out the scab stock. The
climate, the grass, the location
of the Nehalem Valley, for a
d iry county cannot be beat.
And now we have splendid
market conditions that are get­
ting better every year. More
dairymen and more good stock
with creameries and cheese
factory will certainly bo a 100
percent improvement to the en­
tire valley. Mr. Eastman has
a splendid dairy farm, at Mist,
with a heard of 16 full blood
Jersies and a good registered
bull. He sells
butter in Vernonia.
Every day sees many stranger«
Saturday eveni„g at 8 o'ctoek the jn Vernonia.
------------ - The city is som--
Presiding Elder will preach and hold
the first quarterly conference of this ! what of a boom city without the
representative of
year. He will also preach twice on boom.
Sunday. Sunday School will be at the twelve families from Kelso us s
regular hour. Christian Endeavor will looking us over Sunday and re­
meet at seven in the evenfug. Com­
marked to an Etgle reporttr
munion will be observed in connection
several from there wet"
with the morning service. The build­
ing committee met Wednesday night thinking of ocating here. Two
for organisation. The aim is to put up well known finicial men of Port­
a ten thousand collar building and the land were in Vernonia Sunday
raising of funds is to be pushed vig­
thinking very seriously of es­
orously at once. The various depart­
tablishing here a large retail
ments of the church are asked to as­
handling lumhi,
sist in any possible way in this cam­
paign. If there are no delays the new cement, tile, brick, etc. Every
church should be ready before Christ­ train brings in several, and the
H. G. H. population is rapidly growing.
Ever hear of‘a citv of 1200
people, in all the Northwest,
Lloyd Thomas was a Portland that dident have at least its
visitor last week.
main street hard surfaced?
yes, Vernonia, and the only city
Mrs. F. L Davis of Vancouver
of its kind you probablv kr.ow of,
Wash, spent a few days in town
w>lh her husband the last of the
Celebrate in Clatskanie.
Compare appearance of Eagle
Ellen and Mrs. Enstrom left ads with those of any paper in
Monday morning for Monmouth the state.
where Ellen is going to attend
Columbia County Timber re­
Normal School this summer.
cruise is having hard sledding.
Now comes the Du Bois Timber
Dale McDaniel spent the week
Co. with our injuction as to pay-* Any tourist, visitor, or invest-
with his grandparents Mr and
Mrs C. L. Brown of Manning L-rster Clark, cruiser, for the I (tor coming into Vernonia crosses
work done the past two months . Second street Stand at Corey’s
returning Monday.
------- $926.25.
eAn«.>e The
tl . recruise
--------- _m
__ j look
>—■- down
-»----- Second
corner - and
Mr H, L. Greener spent a few be halted for the present, untill street. Brush, v-ood,
days with his mother near Hills­
graceful sight to anyone
Notiee the “Saturday Specials” jpg an ounce of home pride,
Mr and Mrs Silas Hall have advertised by Coyle & Coyle,
moved from the Hall shingle Worth reading.
Notice to Contractors
mill down near the Johnston
Shingle Mill.
Oregon has 20 enowopped
gt Hetem Orego„. Jun,
h wanna
' $£NDTHI$
A Good Picture
Buildings are in demand as n
houses tv live in. Every
has a good word for Vernon n..
as far as location, prosp-cts ami
business oppornunities are con
cerneo, but new-comers certainty
give us a black eye at the del..»»-
dated looks of our streets, our
beautiful creek, our sidewalks,
etc. These will be reminded t.i
time however, we hope. It takes
-i ne to build a fast gro ing in­
dustrial city, and we should do
it right in the start. Vernonia
is certainly going ahead, pro­
bably faster than any city in
Oregon this size. It is a goou
place to locate, a good place to
build a home.
The new meat market known
as the Nehalem Dressed Meat,Co
is now ready for business in the
Allen building, at the west end
of Bridge street. Their new
fixtures are splendid and strictly
sanitary. The prevailing color
of white denotes the purity of
the market. ' The company will
handle ice and sell in any quan­
Marriage reports from Vancouver,
Wash., note that of Mr. Kirk and Miss
tity which will be handy during
Margaret Hall, of Vernonia, married
the hot days. Albert Childs
laJt Monday. Ages given at 23 and it
and W. R. Hammack are the
Slow In Returning Ball.
mountain peaks and 500 rnoun-
sealed proposals , addressed
proprietors in
Master Ralph Condit is reported tain lakes.
Still waiting for more sidewalks.
The ball game last Sunday wasn’t as
to the County Court of Columbia
Childs moved his family to Ver-
Another winter will so>n be l»e,c
much better after his operation.
1 County, Oregon, at St, Helens, Ore- bad as some games we have heard of.
nonia last week. They are fine
P. J. Murphy, a switchman for the i gon, ur.d endorsed “Propos'd for Do- Kelso played here. They have a good
people and Vernonia’s gain in
Oregon-American Lbr. Co.,
while i ing the Following Work in Columbia bunch and some good players who
Twenty-seven, a happy crowd of
Monmouth to attend summer working in the Vernonia yards yester­ County, to-wit:
•receiving them.
didn't have to exert themselves at this Vernonia's elite, enjoyed to the fullest
day, fell and broke three ribs.
i Conbtruction of Parker Bridge, eon- game. Bayes and Nance wer ■ the extent, a Weiner and Ma'-shrnaller
; sisting of a 120 feet span and its ao-
Mr. Rivers hag purchased two
The new house of W. O. Gal­
What Vernonia needs ia a real live I proaches, crossing the Nehalem River
away’s is nearing completion. lots in the Coiey addition and Commercial Club.
on the Nehalem Highway, in Road
will build a residence.
Dist. No. 9, Section 3, T. 4 N. R. 4 W.
Lloyd Thomas was in Portland Columbia County, Oregon, will be re-
Jack Orchard, met with a bad
Mrs. B. Rose who underwent
caived by said County Court until Two
accident Sunday at the ball game a minor operation last Saturday one day last week to visit a short
o’clock P. M.. Monday, June 25th
While cranking » car of the is improving.
1923, and not thereafter, and at that
Miss Jennie Haggman, of Stan­
Ford variety, the machine back­
time will be publicly opened and read.
field, friends of Lloyd’s.
All proposals must be made upon
fired or done something out of
Mr. Martineau and Mr. Hoff­
blank forms, to be obtained from the
the ordinary, resulting tn a man were Portland visitors over
Mrs. C. D. White was in Port­ Roadniaster, at his office in St. Hel­
badly broken arm for Mr. Orc­ Sunday.
land seeing the Rbse Show last ens, Oregon. Must give prices pro­
hard. The bones at the wrist
posed, lioth in writing and in figures,
Miss. Gladyp Malmstenis home week.
were broken.
and must be signed by the bidder, with
from school for the summer.
Dr. Luzader Here July 2-3
Miss Hazel Mai ma ten
Having leased the Hotel Ver­
teach at the McDonald school
Dr. Luxader, Eyesight Specialist,
nonia to Mrs Paul Weise, I feel
up Rock Creek this year.
will make his next visit to Vernonia
assured that the service will con­
on Monday, July 2 and Tuesday July 3,
tinue to be of high Standard.
till 2:30 p.m
He will be at Martin­
Mr. Hanson is building two
New furniture will be added
eau’s Jewelry Store, where he can he houses on the hill to rent
improvements made. 1
consulted concerning all errors of vis­
See “The Hottentot” at the Majestic would ask in behalf of the new
ion. If possible arrange with Mr.
You will talk
Martineau for appointed time. Have on the 2»th and 27th.
managment a continuance of
about it for months.
your eves examined.
your patronage, believing the
hotel will be operated to your
satisfaction and convenience.
F. E. Malmsten,
Vernonia battery.
Our boys played Roast, about seven miles down the
like they were sleepy, but at sperts beautiful Nehalem.
A camp fire.
came out of their nap long enough to music and one big eventful night is
make some good plays. Arnold made I the report.
This was on Tuesday
our first score.
There were four, night. They say Mr. Briwn proved
scores made by Vernonia during the
game, while the visitors chalked up
eleven. A fair sixed crowd was in at­
tendance, the weather was threatening
and the crowd was orderly. Next
Sunday our boys go to Roy.
Mr. Gooding is building a new resi­
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Cleveland ar dence opposite the Grange Hall.
rived in Vernonia, this week, from
Sandusky, Ohio. These people know
•‘Fighting Blood” thta Friday and
his address.
Vernonia and have lots of faith in the Saturday nights with “In the Name of
Plans and Specifications are on file
We are indeed glad to have the”
at the County Roadmaster’s office and
them come to our fast growing town.
with A D. Hall, Vernonia, and may
Mr. Cartwright has bought a
be examined in the office of the County
A live Club in a live city would have ranch two miles from Newberg
Each bidder shall deposit, with his the main street paved; would have and is moving his family there
bid, a certified check for an amount of some kind of city literature for the
at least five (5) per cent of his bid, | people daily enquiring for it; would be this week. Dislike to see them
payable to the County 'Clerk. which j on the job.
shall be forfeited to the County in
case the award is made to him, and he
shall neglect, fail or refuse, for a
period of five days after such award is
made, to enter into a contract and tile
the required bond.
The right is reserved to reject any
and all bids.
J >hn Philip, County Judge.
W. J. Fullerton, Commissioner.
J. N. Miller, Commissioner,
J. E. Eilertson, Roadmaster.
J. W. Hunt, County Clerk.
It is against the law to buy
blank butter wrapp?rs and write
on them. A certain butter wrap­
per ink is required. The Eagle
furnishes the butter wrappers
and prints on them neatlv, as
A- R. Morton
was injured
required by law for$1.50 per 100
last Wednesday at the Koster
It is the best and proper way,
Products Co. by falling limb
besides businesslike and honest.
and was sent to a Portland Hos-
Let us print your butter wrappers
pital for treatment.
There’» Always Work
for Dollars
HERE'S never any scarcity of work for dollars—
they are in conatant demand. That's why it’s good
policy to keep them on the job drawing good pay.
A *
2 T
When you open a savings account at the Bank of
Vernonia with a dollar he’ll keep right on working—
forever if you'll let him—until you draw him out Then
you’ll have not only your dollar but hie pay as well.
■yi i ÀTTT1Ì
exceptionally adept at the ladies games,
that Mr Flippin is an artful fire build­
er and that the favorite game was
“Hide the Weiner”.
Mr. and Mrs
Ruhl furnished the music.
Mr. Cheney Benefiel of Man­
Mrs. V. Christensen is able
ning was a visitor to ofir city
to be out after a very severe
this week.
attack of Acute Rheumatism.
Mrs. Laura Ross is spending,
a few days in Portland.
Red Hill is suffering from a
sprained shoulder^ caused
Mrs. G. C. Mellinger is visiting
Wrestling ma'ch
friends and relatives in Portland
Wednesday night
and Vancouver this week.
...... T
Mrs. W. G. Gooding is very
Mrs. F. J. Peterson of Mist
was transacting business in town sick with bronchitis.
this week.
Prof. E. A. Wilson had a very
attack of acute indigestion
Mrs. H. Troop was a Portland
Saturday night.
visitor this week.
Bathing and Swim Caps
AU Colors
25c up
Water Wings
rm Vernonia Drug Co. «»«•
Wm. Feiger, Pharmeeiel.
- -
• i