« Classified Advertising 4 «owner Maros I ms tareed a co» mission to B. 1. Bragg of La Grande, who recently was appointed stat* Industrial accident commissioner to succeed J. W. Ferguson. Mr. Brace will assume bis new duties June 1. WANTS and FOR SALE A Big Future Assurred ▲II ada. under this head “re cash with copy. Ratea, one cent a word; initials and flgurea count as words. Minimum, 26 cents an issue. Gallon jugs for sale the Hazelwood. Tbe now Crane Prairie reservoir neer Bend now Is storing upwards of 23,000 acre feet of water and tbe level Is but seven feet from the top of the present unit of the dam, which is be­ 25cts at ing tested this season for the first time. The Big Mill is Assured. A BIG PAY ROLL IS SURE. Now for a Big Building Program To house the people who will come. Resources of the 281 state and na­ tional banks operating tn Oregon ag­ gregated >812,31«,530.70 at the clone of business April 3, 1028, according to a financial statement issued by Freak Room Bramwell, state superintendent of banks. Jersay Milk for Sale— deliver­ ed to your house daily. Leave ordeia at Coyle Store. —W. L Smith. 2t. Pd. >f our Big, Choice Lota—only three blocks from the Highway. Improvement work on the Port of Umpqua, particularly the north Jetty, Draught beer on tap, and cold, will be begun just as soon as the port pays in cash >103,000, which with pre­ a’t the Hazelwood. vious oredlt expenditures will match Furnished Room—Nic', large the government’s appropriation of j outside, well furnished sleeping 3276,600. Read the Eagle Every Week 1 Horseshoe Counter Best Place to Eat f / AMERICA GENlLtMEN SHOES What Doos il Mean? 4 « Rundell C Hall easy terms. The Best Place to Eat Near Depot, North aide of street t i ♦ You’ll like the DEPOT CAFE AND RESTAURANT ; •♦♦♦owoeiowaowe.TTTTtttteesees sees sees seesssni | New Popular Apparel Also_____________ ____________ .... ■ Cleaning and Pressing D. ALLMAN Be cure to see me be­ West of Bank Bldg. fore buying. * G. B. RICHMOND TRKE RIPAIR PAYS THE MECCA Liat A for the Bell on the Horse In no part of repair work should climbing spurs be used on a tree. Spur marks cause injuries through which it is possible for disease and Package«, Express. Baggage to decay germs to enter and cause dam-1 and from trains. age, in some cases more severe than' Forniture Moving—Trunks. would have developed from the orig­ i inal simple break. For details of Hsadquartert it Hoffmin Hardwire I treatment of all scars and wounds send for a copy of Fanners’ Bulle­ tin 1178, which can be obtained from tbe division of publications, ------------------------------------------------ 1 | Department of Agriculture, Wash­ The Eagle has a large stock [ ington. of butter wrappers. Let us print' Remember tlud prevention is bet­ you some. L. ter than cure. The open wound of today becomes the decayed spot of next year and the deep, rotten cavity of ten yean from now. It is better to spend a few days or dollars in careful repair work now than hun­ dreds of dollars for extensive tree surgery in 1930. Hauling and City Delivery FOUNTAIN GRILL Refreshing Drinks Cooling Ices Delicious Lunches Coffee Unexcelled C. R. WATTS Quality Service w. SHAH OP PERSIA'S EMERALDS Moat of the Russian crown jewels are reported to be in the possession of the soviet government, which in­ tends to sell the entire collection. According to advices from Moscow, the first installment offered will be the wonderful collection of emer­ alds, said to be, next after those of the shah of Persia, the most beauti­ ful in the world. POOR BOY'S RISE TO FAME Starting in life as a newsboy sell­ ing papers on the steps of Parlia­ ment house, Mr. Stewart has Just been appointed minister of works and railways to the Australian com­ monwealth.—London Answers. AMERICANS EAT MUCH 8UQAR With the per capita consumption of 102 pounds, the American people made a world record as sugar eaten last year. FRANCS’ France lost 10 per cen* of its I population in the war. DR. W. H. HURLEY DENTIST In the New Pringle Bldg. 2nd and Bridge, Vernonia Office Opts m and after June 10 T?EW property owners would believe that 7 gallons of paint are enough for a house like this(26’x42’). KILN DRIED LOMBER Yet that’s all the Certain-teed paint needed, and the cost is less than Flooring, Celling, Finish, Mouldings $28 Wouldn’t you be interested to know how little paint it will take for your house? Tell us the size and we will tell you the co«. You F or inside or out, there's a Certain-teed paint that satisfies your need. You can depend upon Certain-teed qual­ ity. There is nothing better that wr know of. Only 28 miles; good aato road to. WKtOntn Lumber Co Clatskanie, Oregon can’t go wrong in buying Certain-teed paints, enamels, or varnishes. Certain-teed gives you the same good results both inddj nd out at the same low costs. Certa/nteed c. L. TAYLOR, M. D. tes Pfcysiciaa A Surgeon House Paint Interior Enamel Floor Varnish No. 445 Oltre Oreen No. 604 Light Ivory No. 911 85c Office First National Bank Bid«. Forest Grove Phones: .Oregon G. C. MELLINGER, Hardware once. Residence, Vernonia, Oregon. V I : ■ lots ne r the High School for $200; Reports received at the adjutant­ Í general’s office from Bremerton in­ dicate that the work of painting the old battleship Oregon Is well under way and that the craft will be in readiness foe removal to Portland har­ Home Sites—Acre tracts; two bor early in July. Otto Hartwig, president of the Ore­ gon State Federation of Labor, has been reappointed a member of the state board of conciliation. Mrs. Millie R. Trumbull of Portland has been re­ appointed a member of the board of For Sale. 1 Holstein bull, 3 years Inspectors of child labor. old eligible to registration; 2 Holst sir Injunction proceedings designed to cows; 1 Jersey cow; 2 Holstein heifors, reverse tbe legislative enactment pro­ one fresh now; 2 Jersey heifers. Can viding for tbe return to Astoria of its bo seen at Emory Sheeley ranch.—B. trees for use in rebuilding streets In L. Williams, owner. 36tf tfc burned area were filed ta Salem Eight foot glass floor case for sale. by a grffiip of taxpayers represented by Cali at Jewelry Store, 86tfn John W. Kaste, Portland attorney. Moro than 180 delegatee, represent­ These want ada. are bringing rapid ing library associations in Oregon, results. Washington, Montana, Idaho, Utah and British Columbia, will attend the Pa­ cific Northwest Library association convention on the Oregon Agricultural I. O. O. F.—Vernonia Ixxlge No. 246, meets every Tuesday night at 8:00 oollege campus at Corvallis, Jane 11-18. Approximately #060 additional re- o’clock, in Sesseman Hall, oppoirte Depot.— P. O. Mel inger, Noble Grand: trigorator cars will bo provided for the fruit growers of the Pacitlo north­ J. W. Rose, Secret try. west this year, aooefdlng to announce­ ment of officials of the Paciflo FTuit LOWER PASSENGER FARE Express, owned jointly by the South­ After last Tuesday the P. A. A P. ern Pacific and the Union Pacific rail­ is now giving us better passenger way systems. rates to and from Portland. The' An unidentified person, believed by round trip fare now is only $3.70. the police to be a religious fanatic, en­ tered the St. Franois Catholic obureh and the First Presbyterian church at Bend, virtually wrecking tbe interior of St. Franois church with aa ax. but lAfllcting no damage of oonbeqnoace in tbe Presbyterian church. Because of a number of protests re­ ceived from Klamath Fails against the Next to Eagle Office contemplated sale to private interact* of the Kene aad Anheoy canals In the Klamath reclamation project, Interior department officials have announced no notion would bo taken until the Chicken Dinner Sunday complaints could bo investigated. The department of maps and sur­ veys of the United States forest serv­ ice’s Portland headquarters will send ^/surveying party in oharge of Lage Wernstedt, forest esamlner. Into Cala- i M or I f at All Hours, pools mountains, northeast of Rose- irtL as soon as this country, known bur Get a Meal Ticket. ns ftp Bohemia dlstriot, is opened. crops of winter wheat, barley Tl G. C. SALE, Prop. | and Tht rye In Oregon arc generally good, according to the summary of weather and crop oendltioas In the state le­ aped by the weather bureau. United States department of agriculture. Burly J. P. HECK potatoes are declared to be growing well and apple trees are in good condi­ CONTRACTOR tion. Painter. Decorator The Klamath Falls Chamber of Com­ PAPER HANGER merce has sent a letter to the Oregon public service commission urging that a part of the interstate commerce oom­ Signs of all Kinds mission hearing with relation to pro­ posed railroad development in central Contracts Estimated Oregon be held In Klamath Falla Thia hearing has been set for August I See me for your Painting Work. in Portland. There were two fatalities in Ore­ gon duo to Industrial acoldrete dur­ ing the week ending May 17, accord­ ing to a report prepared by ths state industrial aooldent commission. Tbe victims were Manuel Camocboe, labor­ Genuine Kangaroo er. Toledo, and WllHam Rubens, desk laborer, Portland. A total of 718 acci­ dents were reported during the week. Money due Oregon Spanish-Ameri­ can war veterans since 1888 will be paid by the government without furth­ er parley, according to a letter receiv­ ed at the offices of the adjutant-gen­ eral from the war department. Ap­ Kangaroo leather has in superior proximately 77 men will be affected degfweZALL tbe qualities necessary by the order, and the amounts of for making better fine shoes Aa to money they will receive ranges from tensile strength, Kanguroo is 17 per cant Letter leather than any shoe list» gif. Bight hearings have been ret by tbe made, and soft as a glove. orogen public service commission aa follows: Banks, June 18. electric aarv- loe oaten sloa; Btodgott. June 18, grade crossing; Independence. June M. Val- AN ALL-SHOE STORE My a fllleta log rate case; Creswell. June >1. nagmaa on Baoific highway; Call in this week. Westport, May 88, grade croMing; Berlin. May 81. crossing; DtvMa, June 22, separation grade crossing; Bi Joo, 1 Vernonin Hotel Bldg. June 11, under and eeosfcend ereoetegs. i : MEN’S FURNISHINGS STORE $50 to $75 on easy terms. Aho some fine room, suitable for two men if Comrade. Centrally located. For rent to steady roomers—Call at Eagle office for particulars. miles north of Vernonia, one mi. from big mill. From $100 to $275 per acre, with terms. See owner J. J. Lindberg, Vernonia. 4t p ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ WE ARE MAKING THE We have Not Advanced the Price For Rent—A nice 2 house $10 per mo.-G. B. Rich­ mond. ■V ■ I : i i i ♦♦♦♦••♦♦♦♦4*444*44s«444« ♦ " I r Z - «