Wl» 0» CM Mtl Hi TIM CoggratutatiMt 1 Jkout fifty members of the Win One Club enjoyed* * splen­ did time in the Hoffman Hall last Thursday night. The even. Ing was spent in games. Five Hundred, social conversation and refreshments. It was early in the morning when the party broke up, and all declare it was the moot enjoyable event the dub has yet experienced. Mr. Messing recleved word from Washington that he has been appointed Postmaster here, his appointment starting Feb. 18, 1928 and continuing untill Feb. 18 1927, Mr Massing it now working out plane wheieby Vernonia will have a new, lar­ ger and modern poatoffice buttl­ ing. OF GEMERALJHTEItEST Prinolpal Events ef the Wtei Th© Poor Doctor Held Doctor Brown to Doctor Blue, “I don't know what we're going to de; For people aren’t aick like they used to be. And I’ll tell you the reaaon, ’twixt you and mo; The people are healthy because they eat The very beat of good fresh meat; And the very beat ihey are sure to get When they go to COYLFS, you can aaf ly bet. Their meat ia alwaya tender and nice, And they sell them, too, at a moderate price. 1 think it a mean and acurvy trick, For now the people sever get aick." £988. various apple-raising north west to the observeas«»«* MtA ▼Mk' bogtnnia* Sunday, rdtoftarfi M. no- cos-ding to doetoton of thrtspooMJ oob - mitteo representing the (agricultural committee of the chamber ^ef com­ merce. for oo- A bill appropriating tabllshment aad mala fruit experiment station to of peats was indorsed by She I the Portland chamber at commore* A | report submitted by berry growers «eV-| mated that between 8888,808 and |400)r , 988 damage waa earned annually b? PBStB. Another salt growing out of the lttb ration over the receivership ef the T. | B. Petter Realty company of Bayoceam- baa been filed in circuit court at Til- 1 lamook. Ida B. Harvey, the plaintiff, j Confectionery, Cold Drinks, Ice Cream, Flash Lights Magazines Cigars and Tobacco Pool Room io Connection The Eagle Phone Number is 192. Call us up - ft ■" w. a. ms*. ®0»<»000«>OO v O< m >0©0000< x >< — ■ — 5 ....» be dedicated during National Apple | Week, February 2 to March 3. As part of the program, growers, siiippert, operators and port authorities will meet to discuss topics of mutual con cern. William Burke and Fred Sheppard, acknowledged members of the I. W W., startled the Marshfield recorder's court by assertions that the organisa­ tion had 2000 members on Coos bay. The men were arrested under an ordinance prohibiting distribution of I. W. W. literature. The annual flooding of the Wiliam- s»w ■ .iin .am ette river at points where it causes tremendous damage may be controlled by mapping out • suitable channel through which the river should flow This is what Dr. E. T. Hodge of the department of geology of the Univer­ sity of Oregon suggests. The Oregon delegation in the senate and house has decided as the next miia , , move for relief of Astoria fire suf­ "T 9 * ferers to introduce a bill in both 13OVM2«, Corner of Alder houses granting a government loan of 21,053,000 to the city of Astoria for the rebuilding of streets, sidewalks, water and sewer systems. Plans for a new 22-mlle transmission line from Algoma to Chiloquin to serve the sawmills of that district and the town of Chiloquin, were announced at Klamath Falls by the California-Ore­ gon Power company. The line will have a capacity of SO,000 volts and the installation will cost 200,000. Value of exports from the Oregon customs district during 1922 totaled 251.008,204. according to the official customs department figures, which are greater by about 2800,000 than the es­ timate made December 11. The figure for the previous year was 207,904,841. The drop is accounted for in the small wheat crop of 1922 aa compared with that of 1921. Thirty-six road projects were adopt­ ed by the Douglas county court for road- the market road program during ths present year. The sum of 2109.180.88 will be divided among the projects, over 840,000 of this smount represent­ ing the sum left unexpended from last year. All unfinished projects started with market road funds last year will be completed and considerable new work will bo undertakes. Chief Justice Thomaa A. McBride of the Oregon supremo court is to ho signally honored by bls follow attor­ neys. Two hundred of the older mem­ bers of the bar have raiaod a total of 81000 to have a lifweised picture of the jurist painted, the picture to he bls property during his lifetime, but upon his death to become the property of the state and hung in the supreme court room at the capital In Salem. Undismayed by the failure of the six months' advertised sale of 890.000.- 000 feet of timber, valued at 82.200.- 000, standing to the Bear Valley basin, at the headwaters of Sauvies river, the United Statsa forest service |s pre­ paring again to put the tract on the auction block Although no blds wsrs received within tbs stated time limit, which closed last week, confidence to expressed that th4 deal will be put through after ths legislature adjourns. The names of the nine college ora­ ia th* tors who will compete tn the state oratorical contest at Albany on March 9 have been received at Albany col­ lege. The speakers aad urn cuitegeo which they will represent are Hall Pat» terson of Portland. University of Oregon; Clarence Hickok of Albany, Oregon Agricultural college; Bari Ladd. Eugene Bible university; Harold Proppe of Portland, Linfield college; Cecil Henshaw of Newberg. Pacific college; Roy Skeen of Powell Butte, Willamette university; George Woods —Si Siwash claims home is where of Redmond, Oregon State Normal folks take off their uncomfortable School. William Harrison ef Portland, clothes and good manners. Pacific university, and Mrs. Irene Grigsby of Albany. Albany college. HOTEL T" . PORTLAND^ 4 hr the Wallowa jury 24 -111- Cigarettes Th» New Package 15 Cents The New Price. Pallstaff Beer Popular Beverage 15 Cents AU of Our Drinks on Ice Vernonia Pool Hall A. L. FENNER fust Received Several New Patterns of Congolium and Linolium Also Rockers. Cheap and Medium Priced Dining Chairs. Showing Goods is a Pleasure, Not a Bother. to preduos Brown & Brown Phone 263 ,-n. ■ FOR SALE I Logaa Berry Pleat« x Ona and Two Year old Pianto, 5 - 4tJIO par denen n,vr.t j : I Pfae Jurniture anil Undertaking ’ ^OO^OOOOOOOQQOO«) I Respectable, Dovntm | A...................................... Call Us CHURCH SERVICES Vernonia Church of the Evangel*? I AMociatton. »uaday Serviee.; Press­ ing ll a. m, andgp m. Suiday sah^l 10 a. m Y^ng People ’s A INonoe 7 p.m Prayer Meeting Thursdays- 8 > m. Choir practive Tuoeday 8 p tn. I ____ _ I Tell Us Over the Phone any Anv News Item Got any Company, Been any Place, Any One Sick, Any Ont Married, Any Accidents, Any Parties, * Any Building, Any News Whatever , Orant county. Production of lumber by the 122 mills reporttag to the West Coast Lum­ bermen’s association for the week end­ ing February 10 was 7 per cent above normal and new business was 20 per cent above production. Shipments were 4 per cent above new business. The mill of the Oregon Western Lumber company near Dexter, on Lost creek, 20 miles southwest of Eugene soon will be enlarged and Its capac ity will be Increased from 20.000 to 100,000 feet daily, according to an­ nouncement of officers of the com- No. Md, meets every Tuesday night at drill o’clock, in Sesseman Hall, opposite Depot.-?. O. Mellinger, Noble Grand: J. W. Rous, Secret try. alleges 89998 to duo her from Fraases Ptuter Thomas aa a Ise she earned In , A. L. Jameson of McMinnville was bringing about * settlement among ths re-elected president of the Oregon Re­ property owners involved. tail Hardware and Implement Deal­ Searching pasties who had been . ers' association at the concluding ses­ scouring the hills between Perry and sion of its 17th annual convention, Hllgard, a few mlled from La Grande, held in Portland. Will Baldwin of found rhe froeoa body of J. M. Long­ Klamath Falls was elected vice-presi­ shore, 42, rancher, who had boon miso- dent __ ________ *•*•» tog since February 2. Longshore, who Portland’s new apple storage ware had been hunting, apparently had been house at municipal terminal No. 4 will Vernonia*» Hljfh Cla«s Resort THE yERNONIA pjAZELWOOD -......... past weak led In the forested of Moot Hbod, according to Mark Weygandt, upper Hood Riven valley guide, . Mr. Wey- gandt said M e encountered enow banka M feet deep. The Bea« i er Gold Mining company has been gw anted a license by the fed- oral power! commission for 25 years covering a| constructed transmission line across! > _____ public ______ lands ...... partly with- in the Whitman national forest In highway ft to during