Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, February 02, 1923, Image 1

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Kntered as second-clans matter
Volume 1, Number 26
Thu Federal Government
Needs it—Portland
Backs It
Paul Robinson, Editor and Owner
Adtvertialn^ Medium of a Big Pay Roll Community
Road Measure
Mr. Davies, from the En­
gineering Department of the
Standard Oil C
was in Vernonia this week
look! ig up suitable location
for the big oil tanks to be
situated here. The Standard
people will put in one of their
large stations here and work
will begin as soon as possible.
Items Gathered From Here and There
Sense and Nonsense.
We just learn that the big
pile driver it* being set to be
woik itnmediately oi
Mrs. Lester was a Portland gin
J. A. McGown has us send the
lhe bridge across Rock ( reek
Eagle to an outside acquaintance visitor this week.
in town, for the new t-pur to
To day is Ground Hog Day.
A good five bar phone for sale
the new mill tile. The rapid
cheap. See O. E. Dent,
2t We will have an early spring,
completion of this spur i.
hog or no hog.
needed in order to ln»ul big
Mrs- B. W. Carlyle of Belling­
timbers for lhe mill, pond
ham Washington is visiting in
tained Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Car­ and many buildings on the
town this week.
lyle for Sunday dinner.
O. A ] roperly.
McLees rance has been leased
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Coyle en­
by who has started a
tertained members of the Glee
dairy route in town.
Ciub Friday night in honor of
Citizens, the School Board and
Patrons; Do you know that our
N. Soden, the opera house Mrs. Nelson’s birthday.
grade school is now more than barber, becomes a new subscri­
Red Hill just returded from
crowed? Do vou krow that now ber to the Eagle this week.
Weston Sheeley and Florian Mills
1Helens where he won in a left Wednesday sh delegates fio-n thé'
two of the teachers are compell­
F. A. Martz has his new house wrestling match with much dif- Vernonia High School to the Stud nt
ed to stand up? Do you know
conference it Eugene, on the 2nd and
and rented.
Houses i ficulty.
Liat fifty pupils being taught by
3rd of February.
one room and one teacher is en­ can be rented faster than they
The Senior class had the misfortune
Mrs. Sitte Mrs- J. W. Rose &
tirely too crowded for both pupil can be buiit.
of losing one of their members, Leroy
and teacher? All teachers have
Malmsten, this semester; but the
Mr. A. Cartwright not only afternoon at the horn } of Mrs. Sophomore class had the honor of
more than they can do justice
gaining one, Elbert Kelley. Leroy,
to. We dont need anotner room reuds his home paper, but he J. P. McDonald.
having completed the number of high
added to the building. We need subscribed for two copies to be
A. E. Wright, has purchased schooi credits, has quit school, but he
at least four or six more rooms sent weekly to friends at a dis­
four lots from O. E. Dei.t and may return in the apring and graduate
right now, or another six room tance.
with his class.
intends to build houses to rent,
building. The new families that
Un account of the freezing wea her
Mrs. C. S. Hoffman and little Mr'Wright is a brothentdaw of
will be here this spring, averag*
down river school iruck was unable
ing three children, will mean daughter, Alic?, were out from Mrs. 1 wineham.
to run Tuesday morning and the atu
more than double the number of Portland this week. As spon as
dents had to walk to school.
Another ntw re«>de> for
children we now have. Another school is out the family intend
Miss Myrtle Brown was absent from
the Eagle that we are glad school Monday and Tuesday on ac­
term will see 600 children want­ moving here.
to get, this week, is Han y count of a severe cold.
ing to go to school. Let’s aim
high enough.
The Delphine Literary Society met
Timber&Vernonia two
’ weed
lakt Friday afternoon ai d officers for
Chains for an Oldsmobile > Car
this semester were elected, as follows:
Vernonia High Rask?t Ball President. Isabel Condit; rice rresi-
Like the man stated who was finder return to Vista Hotel and
Bunch djfea led ,he Ik rk ent eld deut, Wuaton btMMley; secretary, l.uiL
selling onions “Every day, in recieve reward.
players last Friday night to the Heverling; treasurer, Margaret Schu­
every way, they’er growing
tune of 42 to 8. a lair sized bert; sergeant-at arms, Loel Roberts.
Mr. Richmond sold the corner
Stronger and STRONGER.”
Don't forget abodt “Bashful Mr
crowd attended the game.
Nyals lot at Bridge and R. R. Saturday
And they surely are.
Bobbs’’ Friday night, February 9.
Bert Abbott is a new name on
Tonic is a great help in building to a Portladd party, who will
The basket ball game in the High
Mr, Abbott School gym scored thirty-two to four­
you up: it overcomes that tired erect an office building. Good our list this week.
feeling and keeps you strong and improvement to that important is a new comer and is doing con­ teen in Vernonia’s favor.
Cecil Urie and Miss Leola Warner
siderable building on his proper­
Vernonia Drug Co. part of the City.
have been abseut from school several
ty ne r the school house.
In Business for Your Health
To Be Considered Soon
A Bill: For an act xtend-
ing the route of the ‘‘Roose­
velt Ccast. Military Highway’
along the rout»of the high­
way now known and disig-
naled uh the Inland High­
Be it enacted by the peo­
ple of lhe alate of Oregon:
Section 1. That lhe route
of the Roosevelt Count Mili­
tary Highway us now disig-
nated by law under the pro­
visions of Sections 4527 to
4535, both inclusive. Oiegou
Lt s, and umendalory acts
thereto, be und the name is
hereby extended so as to in
clune the route of what is
now designated as the Inland
Highway, running from As­
toria through Olney and the
Nehalem Valley in Clatsop
County and thence through
Vernonia in Columbia Cou­
nty to Forest Grove in Wash­
ington County and contin­
uing on to the city of Port­
land along s dd route of the
Inland Highway.
Sec 2. That all of ‘aid
portion of auid highway, bh
described in said Section 1,
and heretofore known as lhe
Inland Highway, shall here­
in after be known and des­
ignated as the ‘Roosevelt
Coast Military Highway.”
days on account of illness.
Light the Old Cows Tail
The Chamber of Commerce
has succeeded in many of the
things it has undertaken. Why
cant it build an Auto Camping
Grouid in Vernonia? The time
is coming when the community
will f-ee the result of the lack of
Enterprising men accomplish
big things, and don’t let tne
little things bother them. It
takes tact, schrewdness, money
and ability to build cities. A
progressive man is a big asset if
he i n’t afraid of petty stories
and untrue iusinuations from
jealious ri vai 8.
You know the
8ayin;of Christ: “A Profit is not
The Eagle’s main ‘policy” Without Honor, Save in His Own
outside of honest boosting for Country,”
Vernonia, has always been on
the Inland Highway.
coming to this splendid city we
have devoted some three years
Three $250 fines and two 50
in talking Highway for this
route that needed it so much day jail sentences were the re-
more than some Mt Hood Scenic mind rs of Justice of the Peace
route up to where no one lives Storia that there was a prohibi­
or raises any turnips. The Ver­ tion law, last week. The jail
nonia Chamber of Commerce sentences were for drunkene-s
finally took it up In earnest, pro­ in a public place.
The High School boys have Iteen
pra rising basket ball with the town
team this week.
Weston Sheeley has been unable to
play basket bsll in the last three games
on account of a sore foot.
-SAFETY max ,
of OUR
The book that will teach yoar boy more than any other book, la
a Bank Book. It will teach him the valne of money-the beat lesson
a boy can learn. It will inspire yonr boy to work and aave and
some day have a business of hla own. Start a bank account for
your boy.
Pvt your moray In our Bank
Bank of Vernonia.
bably a little late for this session
but is now bearing results. The
Club sent two deligates to Salem
recently and their good work is
now showing itself. Mr White
and Mr Sbeeley have been high­
way boosters for a long time.
There has not been a week pass
without the Eagle writing and
recieving letters on this subjects
and if these Legislatures dont
DO SOMETHING now, they
will certainly let a good oppor­
tunity slip to please their many
thouamdaof watchers over the
Too Much Talk
Mrs. Miles Pondexter didn’t
last long as a “Literary Light’
She probably d cided to let well
enough alone, and take no more
chances of making herself ridic­
ulous or loosing for her husband
a soft job.
Let the Eagle print you some
personal bank checks on Ham-
mermill Safety paper, Come
look at It
--- ----------------- ---------------------- ------- —
Talked at Chamber of Co’! -
merce Lunchecn
Vernonia Cham hereof Com­
merce met last Friday at li.e
Columbia Hotel for a noon (uni -
eon and talk-feast. The Colum­
bia was prepared for is a. d
Hrs. Powell surely undersign s
how to cater to hungry m« .
Pres. Keasey was toast m.sLr
and started the ball to rolling by
urging more and action oit wfi t.
is to be done with our main srre c
before dust gets thick. A .< <>m-
mittee was appointed to get i. e
probably cost for grading, cuito-
Lg and rocking it from the rail­
road to a block east of Roik
Creek. The Committee that
went to Salem tn the interest of
the Inland Highway made an e.,-
couraging reoorL A Mr. DeLonz
who was recently here to bid ou
the bonds for our wkter system
was wntured for his.remarks
and insinuations and the Cham­
ber went on record as conden.-
deming him and upholding the
Council in its work and prompt
action of excepting the highest
bld. A commute was named
who will endeavor to get the
noon train to stop here 45 mii»-
utes for lunch.^tbeverai new
members joit.ed the Ciub and
Fennel* ot the'Vernonia
Poo. Roon & ana Coniectnnery
“Set ’eta up” lo the cigais to
the 22 tm h pres-.nt. Thes.-1.. » .
eons are popu<ar in
city of the globe as a means o.
getting together anoaii pre
sent voiced their desire for nwr«
such meetings.
• •• . *
Men are horrible, wkked ani
mals, but when a woman wants
to jot nt he ranks of evil doer*,
she can bnck ..the man off the
earth, <• Eval companions anti
assoc ates among women has a ,
far greater intluence for home­
breaking and l<>r bad than it
does among uie
Drug Sundries
Things You Need—Evefy Day
Alarm. Clocks
We ofler an exellent value in
Tinted Stationery, 4 tints—sheets
and 50 envelopes
Vim Clock, '»..good/ reliable
time keper
75c Box
••J A
A good grade white Linen Bo«
,. .
1 •;
Dragon Lawn
One pound best Linen paper
with 50 envelopes.
Blue Bird, 'a Westclox, guar­
anteed I yea- $1.75
fl ish. with back bell alarm
25c Box
Way St Helens Does It
Vernonia High School
Mrs. J. W. Brown, while in
Portland purchased a stock of
Art Goods & will open a Needle
Craft Shop in the Furniture Store
& invites the ladies doing Needle
Senator Edwards has thrown work to call and see her stock.
a Senate bill in the hopper, mak­
ing a fine of 5 to $50 for any cow
Council held a special meeting
owner permitting stock to run at
at which they authorized the
night over any highways with- publishing of the notice adver­
out a light on their heads and tising for bids for the reservoir
tails. Old Bossy will be all lit
distributing system and well for
Mrs. H. E. McGraw and bab­
the Vernonia Water System.
ies visited in Banks thi s wetk.
If work keeps on going satisfac­
tory we will now have water for
family use and fire protection in
our city by the first of July. It
looks encouraging.
4, 1922, at the post office at Vernonia, O’egon, ntder the Act-of March 1 3» 1879
* .< ■*. ,
Colombia County
Gilbert Reveille« -a big. huskv
fellow that certainly makes a
Special 69c
Lunch Boxes
With Vac im Bottle to carry
hot lunch-
Pint Vacum Bottle, black en­
amel with Aluminum cup and
For Baby
Nothing is too good for baby— (
Nursery Needs.
Ask for our
Baby Book.
Rubber Goods
Water BottWs
Good quality
2 qr., rnbhsr.
Victor Metal Botti?, the best
bed w»rmr
Our Stock of Sick Room
Supplies, always complete
Vernonia Drug Co.
Wm. Folder, Pharmacisl. -