PERSONAL DOINGS IN THE LOCAL FIELD Items Gathered From Here and There Sense and Nonsense. What dees Duncan care wheth­ Lloyd Thoma* was a Portland er a train runs or not? visitor Tueeday. How we now miss the train We probably wont need any when it doesn’t arrive. sidewalks next summer. Also notic.- new homes going Two new homes just finish d up on East Bridge, opposite the joining the Catholic church. school house. The new electric lights in the Let us send the Eagle to you Mellinger and Corey ston s show regular every week. Only $1.50 off like the real business. per year. Take a walk up on Vernonia Heights and around the side streets on the Weet aide of the railroed, if you want to meet a surprise. About forty new dwellings scattered around on desirable lots. Population increa­ sing rapidly. Price $13.50 Mr. and Mrs- J. W. Brown entertained at a New Years Watch Party Sundap evening in theii apartments over the furni­ ture store. Games and music were enjoyed until midnight, when light refreshments were served. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Arnold, Mias Schu­ bert, Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Mr i and Mrs. Fowler, Mr. Folger. Edwin Corder is now eooking A skin disease among some of Clarence Reed has purchased atjthe Lunch Box. He cooked the inhabitants has appeared in lots in the Corey residence ¡on here several months ago. sudden and very contagious Vernonia Heights and i itends form the past week. Some lay Rain, this week, acted as if it moving there next week. to the water, others to a con­ was making up for lost time. It tagion brought in. Six new Mr. C. J. Keiser has his new rained double shift nearly every cases broke out in th< schools residence well under way- Says day. when he gets it finished he will Thursday, of a different form, greatly resembling small pox. The regular meeting of the build another one. 1 he school principal, chairma Missio ery Society met at the and city mayor and city health At the annual County Budget home of Grandma Roger*», Wed­ officer, after consultation, decid­ meeting in St. Helens the ap­ nesday. propriation for a County Timber ed to close the schools Thursday, for safety’s sake, until a more The young men and women Cruise was voted down. thorough investigation was ob­ attending school at other places, tained. It was a very wise move. N. Bangs, of Timber, and a have returded to work, after the Vernonia booster, was in town Christmas vacation. Wednesday, attending the tel­ Win One Club Entertains ephone meeting. Mrs. Lester’s house came near birning Monday night. Afire started upstairs, but by quick action of members of the danc­ ing party, near by, the dimage was little. Bedding was destroy­ ed. Cause unknown. C. G. Wittoroff, who is em­ ployed on the new depot, was a pleasant caller this week. He is a young man just out of O. A. C. and likes Vernonia. ! i ♦, $ Sunrise and Park Additions Both of which are close to the In­ land Highway and the business s- Glinn. 'I he lots .-ire large, 50x100, line view and good soil. Prices from $50 to $150—1-4 cash, balance $10 per i out li. 'fh'-se are fine for home building or for speculation, lor with the ad vent of summer these jots will be in Idg demand. Call at our Office or Write us for full Details • Hou. Judson Weed Hon. Judson Weed, of Ver­ nonia and the Nehalem Valley, who has been one of the County Commissioners for eight years, is one of the best known and best liked men in the County. Mr. Weed is very conscientious, conservative and caters to no click or bunch. His square shooting fair tactics is what has mad* him so generally iiked. The Mist, last week, printed a likeness of Mr. Weed over the following remarks: "He retires from office on Jan- M 4 1 X. G. B. RICHMOND ? The Vernoria Win One Club, recently organized with a char­ ter membership of twenty, gave its first party in Hoffman Hall December 29. Twenty-two cou­ ples were in attendance and a very enjoyable evening was spent with cards and dancing. At a late hour dainty refresh­ ments were served. Out of town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Space of Everett, Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. Farnswort of Col­ fax, Wash. Remember, we meet mail order prices on stoves, size for size and weight for weight. We do not apologize for our prices. We give you service, prompt attention •Q and you will always know where to find us. • "See Hoffman about it.’* HOFFMAN HARDWARE CO. HARDWARE THAT WEARS Our Hardware costs you less becaue it lasts longer. We have a large assortment of • Aluminum Ware Silveyware Fancy Dishes Steel Knives Tools Nails, etc. Quality Counts In workmanship, as well as in material. We use the best of Paints, and fully guarantee all our work. Dale & Enos uary 1st after having served as county commissioner for eight years. Mr. Weed has been county assessor, clerk, school superintendent and also served one term in the legislature. He settled in the Nehalem Valley in the early 70*s. He is is a Columbia county pioneer who has done much for the county and state. *1 have enjoyed be­ ing commissioner.* Mr. Weed said, ’and during the two terms 1 have served I have seen much development in the county. Tnough I am retiring from offic­ ial life, my intereat in county affi irs, as a private citizen, will not be less than when I was serving in an official capacity.*’ ” All Fresh New Goods. 6. C. MELLINGER, Groceries ■■■■■■■RaamsBimmuauMaaHaaM Pianos and Organs We deni in new and General Sales Agent secondlhaiid Musical in­ oooo i 1 Canned Goods of all Kinds at 4 LOWEST PRICES k \V<* ar* uiiu-mn’lv > artimilar as to the qual­ ity of tea-« an.I coffees wt* -lull—both ns regards where it grows bo v it is « (ended, ami h:>w it ia handlei after it retches us. 4 J 4 We c irry a large variety of teas and coffees tosatiidy a I tastes Me el t II us what brand hou have been buying «nd we ll give you some­ thing w«dl wO th try ng. axh oooo .www» xxx> oooooooo oooooooo oooe o “THE MECCA” I ► graph, write us. FOUNTAIN GRILL the Appointment and Service Rendered here. A Delightful place to discuss that Business Deal, or a Social C uversation r ’VIH’ ► Our Lunch the Best ergerson Bros rvmm noni i ne nana. M VO# W 1 OOOO »OOOOOOO'HXWl OOOO OOOO OOOO 0 ► J stillments I AN J) Choice Teas and Coffees I. ■ • If liti«* to 11 » boio uni In- refunded. The Hillsboro Pharmacy Hillsboro, ... — ■ ■ - — — Oregon. ■ -