Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, November 24, 1922, Image 1

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    • Wrrnmia
Columbia County
Entered as second-class matter August 4, 1922, at the post office at Vernonia, Oregon, nnder th: Act of March 3, 1S79
Volume 1, Number 17
Paul Robinson, Editor and Owner
■*. < ■
Will Gat Accurate Statement of the
Amount of Standing Timber in
County—Contract Lot to Loo­
ter Clark and Work Starts
at Once.
Advertising Medium of a Big Pay Roll Commnnity
Vernonia High School
Berry vines should not be left to
lie on the ground during the winter
months as an injury known as die-
1 ack occurs frequently where this
has been done. Alt vines should be
trellised un from the ground. Some
times there will be an injury from
freezing where they are trellized up,
but tests have proven that the freez-
ing injury will not be as severe as
the injury from die-back where they
are left on the ground.
To Poultry Men
Are you in the poultry business or
considering on going in, if so, there arc­
certain fundamental facts which must
be observed if your venture is to
prove successful. First: correct hous­
ing facilities. Plans for up-to-date
chicken houses can be secured through
the County Agent’s office. Proper
feeding and care is one of the very
great essentials in the poultry busi­
ness. Ii in doubt get in touch with
your County Agent who can supply
you with right information on this
subject. Are you going to need baby
chicks for next year’s flock. Let us
remember that the production during
next September, October, November
and December will be carried on by
the pullets you start next spring as
your mature hens invariably take a
rest during this period. It is also
well to remember that this represents
the peak of your price period so that
in order that your flock is producing
during these months you should be
growing pullets next season that will
permit production at this time. In
order to do this baby chicks should
be secured that hatch from March
10th to April 20th. Earlier than
March 10th is not advisable and later
than April 20th should not be consid­
ered at all. No doubt there are many
poultry men who will question this
statement, but it has been proven by
extensive experiments conducted
through our Oregon Experiment Sta­
tion along this line, that baby chicks
hatched during this period come into
earlier fall production and produce
through the peak price period.
Hatched earlier than this they are
liable to go into a molt and hatched
later they do not come into produc­
tion until the price of poultry pro­
duction starts on the downward scale
therefore ail poultrymen should in­
sist that their chicks .be hatched dur­
ing this period. In order to secure
these chicks from commercial breed­
ers you should immediately get in
touch with any good hatcheries and
have your orders booked early. The
County Agent's office can supply you
with information and recommenda­
tions along this line.
Runners that have started from old
strawberry vines should be cut and
not allowed to feed from the old
plant as the production of your field
next year will show a considerable
decrease where this is not done.
County Agent’s office has been ad
vised that a herd of 15 dairy cattle of
the Jersey breed whose records are
from 350 to 400 pounds of fat with an
average test of 56 with good udders
and teats, sound in every way and
on the U. S. accredited list, having
passed three T. B. tests without a
reactor, are for sale. Also, five spring
heifer calves from some of these best
cows. The herd can be bought at a
very reasonable price. Anyone in­
terested should get in touch with the
County Agent’s office immediately.
Vernonia High! and several
In order to ascertain the amount of other snappy yells which were
standing timber in Columbia county roared by the «nthusiastic stu-
and make the proper tax assessment,
the county court has ordered a cruise bents during the twenty min-
of the limber. No cruise has been utes yell practice last Friday
made for the past 15 years, it was morning sure did raise the roof.
stated, and the court deemed it neces­
Basket bal' season is at hand
sary to make a recruise.
Thursday afternoon the court en­ and somo practicing has been
tered into a contract with Lester done altho’ the gymn; is not
Clark, well know*, timber cruiser of
quite finished. If the team keeps
Portland, to do the work. His bid
was 18 cents per acre for the timber step with its RooterB it will cer­
lands and 12 cents per acre for the tainly be a bear cat.
burned over lands. He is also to
Men are building our longed
make a contour map of the county.
sidewalks, No wading thru’
According to information secured
from the office of County Assessor the mud this winter. Rah! Rah!
C. W. Blakesley, the standing timber
The rushing business of the
in the county, based on the cruise of
class has sud­
15 years ago, is about five billion feet.
since the initia
The valuation placed by the assessor’s:
office on this timber is $5,990,270 I tion which was held last Friday
There is approximately 120.000 acres I
of timber land and probably twice evening in he high gym. There
that much of burned over land, so if was some trouble getting started
the entire acreage is cruised, the but it went off nicely consider­
county will pay a bill of $25,000 to
ing that there were two fresh­
$30,000 for the work. However, the
cruiser will work as directed by the men to one Sophomore. Games
court and should it be found that the were played and refreshments
original cruise is near correct it will were served afterwards, then
not be necessary to cruise the entire
all the students went home.
The court has directed Mr. Clark
The students in the play A
to start work in Townships 4 and 5 Case of Suspension; are prac­
which are in the Nehalem country
and when the work is checked up ticing every spare minute.
with the former cruises they will de­ sure to come,
cide whether or not to do other cruis­
A report has reached us of the
marriage of one of our former
high shoot students. Miss Doris
Wood. We dont know who the
lucky man is, bit we wish that
The big passenger depot is now thev may live long and happy,
Miss Elizabeth Perry our high
under actual construction, and it u a
splendid one. The best on the entire school superintendent was to
line and one of the prettiest that the
visit us last week.
S. I*. Sc S. Co. have. The location
Miss Edith Wilson a ophie,
could not suit our city better and the
railroad company is showing its gdod and Miss Julia Keasy, a freshie
will and confidence in Vernonia,
missed two days of school this
which is evidenced in this commod­
ious and well arranged building. It week. We hope that the initia­
will improve that part of town im­ tion party is not at fault.
Horrors. A high school Stu-
dent has lost his bottle—of ink.
Änclker Way To
Help Build À City
It was a cold frosty morning
like we had a week ago. A little
tot of a girl probably five was
on an errand to the grocery for
Mother. Her list covered sev­
eral articles not too heavy for
her to carry had they been
wapped up but it was to much
for the little tots fingers expo­
sed to the cold and tears began
to trinkle down her pink cheeks
when a gentleman came to her
rescue and carried the parcels,
and the little white cold fingers
went into her little coat pocket
to get warm.
Big Business Deal
An important business deal
this week is t'at of the sale oi
the two lots on Second street by
Mrs. WeLster to Brown&Brown
the new furniture store people.
Mr. Brown tells us tod iy. that
they will build on the corner lot
A large BoxlOO foot building to
be useH by them for an under­
taking parlor, chapel and furni
ture store, in connection with
their present store in the
Brown builbing.
Mrs. Eva Ncvling, of Butte, Mon«
tana, is a new arrival in Vernonia,
visiting with her friend, Mrs. G. M.
Mecklen. Mrs. Nevling is purchas­
ing a lot and will build a new home
The fans who attended the
smoker last Saturday night at
Vernonia Hall received a treat
seldom accorded a town the Bize
of Vernonia. Hanson, knowing
from his first match with Hill,
that he had a tough man to con-
quor, did not rush matters but
tried wearing his man down.
Hill proved to be equal to the oc­
casion and took the first fall in
one t our and eighteen minutes,
with an arm scissors and wrist
Hanson, after twenty-nine
minutes of Herculean wrestling,
gained an arm scissors and held
Hill’s shoulders to the mat
longer than was necessary.
The referee had some difficulty
in making a decision on account
of the position of the meu. At
this period Mrs. Hill, wife of the
wrestler, showed great sports­
manship and knowledge cf the
game by stepping out of the au­
dience and slapping Han so on
tho back, conceding him the fall
before the referee did.
Hanson been compelled to exert
more strength with his hold
Hill’s shoulders would have been
wrenched and the next fall
would have been but a matter of
a few minutes, as happened to
Hanson at the last match when
Hill got a wrist lock in the sec­
ond fall.
The men returned to the mat
with determination to gain the
deciding fall, but after fourteen
minutes of hold after hold, fell
apart, as the two-hour limit was
up. The referee raised Han­
son's arm as winner, which did
not prove popular. The match
should have been a draw in fair­
ness to both men.
It requires considerable knowl­
edge of th? game to make a de­
cision in a case like this. To the
novice the man on top seems to'
have advantage, which is not al­
ways so, as some of the coun­
try’s greatest wrestlers got their
deciding holds from underneath, I
so the writer of this article, who
has covered a good many big
bouts, is of the opinion that this
match s ould have been a draw.
The boys, with the exception
of Erickson, did not show up for
the preliminaries, much to the
regret of Mr. Dow.
Had the match been over in
time to clear the floor there
would have been dancing after
the bouts, The majority were
On Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. H.
wrell satisfied, but you can’t sat­
J. Duncan moved in their new
isfy everybody as was proved home in the Fowler residence.
by the ind vidual who stole the It was their first night at home,
gasoline lantern from the side­ and the many friends in Vernon­
walk to get what he thought ia were determined that the
was a dollar's worth.
couple would long remember it
Some of the boys were of the A large crowd of men, womei
opinion that the match was not and young people gathered that
up to snuff because of the lack night with tin horns and made
of roughnees.
Gredit must be the admosphere resound with
given both men for avoiding this unearthly music until invited in.
Knee butting, biting, The bride and groom welcomed
eye gouging are not a part of the visitors, refreshments were
wrestling, and it is this kind of served and a good time enjoyed.
bouts that has caused commis­
sions- to be formed to govern
same, We want clean sports,
and Vernonia is not going to
tolerate any other kink.
The High School District Tax
Meeting that is called for 2 oc-
Cedar Timber for sale— splen­ lock Saturday will probably be
did site for mill timber enough arranged in a way that a few
for several year’s run, Eight will meet and call a recess un­
miles from Vernonia.--Address til 3.30 oclock. Thia will give
0. Enneberg. Mist Ore. 2t-
an opportunity for parties to a-
ttend the Road Ta« Meeting at
A. W. Huffacre just finished a nice Sidney Malmstcn at 2 and H. S.
new residence on the East Side near Meeting at 3.30. Then this dis*
the Dent property.
meeting at 8 P. M.
; In unity there is strength. In Ver­
The Eagle has been troubled more nonia the Chamber of Commerce can
or less each week with our newspaper do much for the city and the town.
press and on a few occasions the In every town there are “kicks” about
paper has been delayed on account of the commercial organization. These
breakdowns or the amount of work objections arc generally unfounded
for our size press. This ,we?k we are and exaggerated. They usually come
busy mstalling a new magnificent [from
^ ^ people that don’t attend the
six-page cylinder power press. A press ■
No city of any importance can
large enough and fast enough io han-* ¡make personal visits and get every
dlr any size paper a city of several mdi’ ¡dual's idea or consent before an
thousand could demand. In fact, the . improvement is contemplated. We
.ame make of press many dady papers know cituen- o( PortUud or any
use. It is built for high speed elec-! other city don’t even know of street
trie power, and for a short time wc improvements, new enterprises or all
will be compelled to use a gas engine city improvements until those im-
until the juice is turned on in Ver­ , provements are completed and seen.
nonia, probably next June. The Eagle Leaders are needed, leaders that have
goes to some twelve hundred to fif­ the city’s interest at heart, leaders
teen hundred dollars extra expense in that have pep and initiative ability
the new press, and between you and to go ahead. The Chamber of Com-
I, we are going in debt for part of it, mcrcc acts as a clearing house for
but we have faith in the community all good suggestions that come up for
and it was an absolute necessity that our welfare. Th<- Chamber of Com-
we purchase
it and
is nui
not stealing
any cash or
. .
, it immediately.
; I merce ii
Our city is growing fast and our read- g!ory
and jf
is not perfectly
ers want their paper to keep up with satisfied, they
attend and help
the procession. The Eagle now has a push as well as sec that their objec­
No. 1 printing office, an office capa­ tions are well founded.
ble of turning out any kind of work
In some towns that struggle for an
and no Job is too large or too diffi­ existence, w e have known parties who
cult Come in and see a real printing have chipped in a dime and yelled for
year over how that dime was spent,
or insinuating that some one got the
Ninety per cent of the property money. In these cases we have
owners in sidewalk districts are more noticed that no one got any money
than willing to pay for the walk along that they were not entitled to, and
their property. The walk along Bridge in every case the ones doing the most
Street, Rose Avenue and one to the work get the least for their wotk.
High School is important. We want The leaders are always entitled to
a walk to the property we live in— more than they get—rest assured of
we are paying for it—and every renter that.
and owner feels the same way. A
In Vernonia ' c don’t bear any
suggestion heard this week, and a serious kicks
do believe, how­
good one, is for the city to at once ever, that here w e need more mem­
build these walks clear through and bers to the Chamber of Commerce—
present the bill to the owners. They men who will help put the city over,
will pay them at once without a word men who realize what a big industrial
of protest and be glad to do it. But city we really have, men awake. Let
you can’t expect Mr. Crockett or Mr. more membership applications be
Smith or any other man to neglect his turned in. It is a good cause. Of
business to come and build 30 feet of course, every more started can't ma­
walk. Let the city build the walks terialize with all speed expected or
CLEAR THROUGH. NOW, and be wished for. Of course we can’t all
done with it. It will be cheaper for be winners every time. The big idea
each if the whole job is done at the is, "If you are a loser, join the win­
same time and they will be absolutely ners.” We can all be winners if we
uniform. Must have walks and have alt pull and endeavor to pull together.
them now.
We are ever striving and we know of
no city ha’ mg better prospects or
Big impiovement ii the large nr” more opportunities. Let us have a
store building going up just off the large membership to the Vernonu
Rock Creek bridge, to be occupied by Chamber of Commerce. The next
the new Haltom-Sniith Co. Dry Goods meeting night is Friday, December 1.
Store. These people will put in a big
stock of new goods and their store
Mr and Mr;. A. Cartwright are nevr
promises to be an up-to-date one in citizens for Vernonia, this week, com­
every respect.
ing here to make their home from
Chinook, Montana. They were among
the eastern Eagle readers who have
St Helens Oregon Nov. 22’22 been reading ef Vernonia every week
The Eagle, Vernonia Ore. through our eoluinns, and Vernonia
First service new Catholic welcomes them.
Church, will be held next Sun-
R. B. Shaw is just finishing a large
da.v morning 9 oclock. All Cat­ new residence in the couth part of
holics are expected to be present town.
to make plans for dedication of
The ne'v E L. Mastin residente ts
building by Arch Bishop Cristie I no«- ready fer (he family to move in
of Portland who, according ten­
Two fine new residences
tative arrangements, will arrive
___ started
I Rose Avenue this week. They are
by special train. The general gOing Up
fast the Eagle reporter
public invited tO attend Sunday, can’t keep track of all of them.
—Rev. Father Jos. P. Clancey.
Build your sidewalks.