,r.- , VERKCNI.* EA«L£ * Isiued Ivery Friday. 11. 50 Per Year. questions, nun. the women dont j Herd i-ir.;’. ns *hey krow i what it means '.or home conven* lent e, safety and to the children One question involves the othr. Vote ’’yes'* on all three. Vernonia Is destined to become the largest lumber center of the state. Vernonia is located in the grndest, most sublime, moot ro- mantic spot in Oregon. A dimple on the cheek of nature, a most beautiful, healthy valley at the hub of five rock bottom streams, Entered ss second-elsss mstter August 4, 1922, st the post office st Ver­ nonia, Oregon, under the Act of March 8. 1X79. Advertising Rates- 26cts per inch, single column measure, each week. We collect lor advertising the first of every month. Mrs. C, D. White was called PAUL S. ROBINSON. to St Helena Saturday to see her Editor and Owner- i mother who is quite ill, and while there the sad and fatal VERNONIA accident befell her rephew. Leo Population. 960 Lampa, 19 years old, was drown­ High School & Standard Grade school ed in the Columbia, while work­ Pay Roll City —Milla, Logging, woik Farming—dairying, fiult, vegetables ing on a boom at one of the big P. A. & P. Ry. Town growing fast. mi la. The funeral was held in On Inland ixxip Highway between St Helena Monday. > Portland and Astoria. A Large territory to draw from. 4» miles from Portland, 35 miles from Forest Gruye. 27 frov* St Helens. Many opportunities in Vernonia. Best bunting, trapping and fishing in the northwest. Vo e Sa'e For Vernonia I ------------- LES EK ahEELEY ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ■ ■' ' ' y ■. Oregon. Veraoala, DILLARD & DILLARD ATTORNEYS Practice in any Court—State or Federal. Office, Court Plasa, St. Helena, Ore. JOHN L. FOOTE ATTORNEY-AT-LAW « St. Helena, Oregon Brunswick Phonographs, Pianos and Organs EDWIN ROSS. M. D. Mackles Bldg. Phone 134 St. Helens, Oregon. A Kentucky farmer whih dig­ ging a hole in tbeearth last week stuck his pick in a pot containing $48 000 in gold. Let’s all start d ggifg hoes. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Lane were purchasing new goods for the latore, in Portland, this week. DR.'S. H. RUSSELL Just a Word of Warning Moreficld Cabinet Steam Bathe, emw ms im M m iss st. St. Helens, Oregon. Phone ’.:SJ. P. O. Box 574 «• Nice Clean Beds and the Best of IF YOU DR. W. O. PARENT Veterinary Surgeon. Í Vernonia Garage j i I Vernonia Brazing and Machine Works Lbr. .... Advertisements t*>day are right up to the minute. They are as fresh» as the news of the world hr the latest baseball score. Live r erchants cuter to live people and they know they must not alone be up to the miniate, but they must be some distance ahead. They must anticipate the wants of their customers. * I W.T. HATTEN Business men—that is the successful ortts — knoyr advertising j.sys big returns. Ibtwuccessfiil men don't add srtiaa because they are •nmlcceeaful. Thath the nnswet. Look ever yd ur town right now and pick nut the bin hrms. They're the advertiaet a. Advertising is the tonic that ;nita dividends ia the banka. Everybody reads advertisements today ' Mr. Merchant, is your advertisement in this newspaper? t McGown & Anderson HARD TIMES DANCE The Old IS Reliable Blacksmith General Blacksmithing, Horse Shoeing, Machinery Repairing oi all Kinds. One Block South of Bank Vernonia, Ore6on. Regardless of Politics Saturday Night, October 28 Remember the Hard Times Dance. Any gentleman disregarding r lies and arriving on floor with white collar, silk shirt or dress suit will be fined the price of two admissiena. October 28 Vernonia Hall The Stewart Building Service Company Will build your Building, furnishing all plans for st me, for a cost of 5 per cent for plans and 5 per cert of actual cost of construction. Will guarantee all our estimated prices. Will Leip you finance. JOHN STEWART, Phone, Broadway 7983 Portland, Oregoa FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER DOCTORS KAUFFMAN and TAYLOR Physicians and Surgeons Phone 922. DR. H. KAUFFMAN Residence Pr.onc 0283 Postoffice Box L FurSSt GrOVS ’ Ort. DR. C. L. TAYLOR Rwidence Phone 883 Pringle has lived here ovei 4o years; he knows every road in the County; he has the ability, and every city and community realizes that the Nehalem valley is entitled to some represen tation in County affairs. And the, dn. Torn in the idvertivemeutaLin tigs paper HaAt sew. J„«t r*ad what th* me chan»» an- offering. tfetiratbe invitation» for you tn do biioineM with them. Notice hew «tlrartivvly the adver- tiwiiienta are eel up and how inviting they ate. Po yon know that anme firm* think as «rich. of a style of typ« that llx-v huv aerie» of it juxt foe their advertit rm«t? You can never ini«ti>ke R. Altman's ariveethrntent. As noon id^ynu see the open type r n know it in Altman a advertisement without looking for the name. Thia ia true of many firms. WE BUILD ’EM Vernonia, Oregon. You Need the Newspaper Rut that ia changed now. A new order has arrived. People read advertisements. Many find their greatest in­ terest in looking ever the advertising pagns to get news that will save them t oney, and, take it from Jolm D ^Rockefeller, the way hmave your dollars is first to save your pen ies. Agents For Eagle Laabet Co. YELLOW FIR LUMBER Oregon €01 McKay Bldg. r" Oregon. Plans and Estimates Fumlehe The Hillsboro Pharmacy Hillsbyro, - Building Contractors Your fir« to Hillsboro will be refundnJ. I I We Aim to Please. Vat nonla, IF CASH Wm. PRINGLE The newspaper of today is the most powerful medium of advertising on eanh. In the old dare the merchant may have thought he was a benefactor ana that he was contrib­ uting his bit "as a public-spirited citiaen" when he carried a two-inch space in the village paper every week in the year and generally without change of copy. Possibly he was. Treatment. Terms or Cash to Suit Customer. All Columbia County will vote for MR. MERCHANT COLUMBIA HOTEL •lave an O.gan or Piano to trade on a Brunswick Phonogra >li, write us. are in the market for a Piano cr Organ ct us know and we uih cill upon you Stage Meets Trains •OMOOOMMOO LUMBER I ------------------ Try The----------------- - IF YOU CHIROPRCTIC PHYSICIAN At the bo't'-m of your li’.Lt1 The Columbia rotel is being St. Helens Hotel. it is duty to vote ‘ Yes” or "No” Phone 44 e barged to help take care of the on idiDtiig the ntw charier,; St. Helens, Oregon. A matter of form requires this daily overflow of room seekers. We must vote ”Yea”x, on the charter, aa the charter gives water. If the charter vote was* n’t “yes.” the law would there­ by make it impose ble to secure Rriridd» Arrnna * Gambling on an extensive Bridge Street, Fast* East Sl/ta Side, Across water at all. Then there is the s?ale in Vernonia, has got to from Hotels. bond for water, that we mu»t atop. The Eagle takes thia on vote ”y?s”on. All women will good authority, and we are told do this, and the man also, if they and backed by the city marshal, dont forget it. Health demands tne abminiftration and every General Repairs, Tires. Ford it There is also on the ticket Paru, Gas, OU. law abiding citizen in the com­ the vote on the light and power munity. One or more individu­ frnnehiae, We must vote “Yes * als with no viaible means of on this question. The women support have been in Vernonia will do this too, as they know X for months. They live by gam the convicnees to be derived bling. These people will have from electric irons, lights with to go to work, change their hab- no chimneys to clean, or oil to its]or move. No use to live on to buy, etc. Light and power ere herd esrnings of the more ig­ AND AUTO REPAIR SHOP also required for health, safety ( norant or off of those who sre Largeet and best equipped shop in and town building—pretty nice tempted to plsy. Law wiil be the valley. Bring in any kind of dark winter ni hta when its upheld in Vemonis. work; it isn’t muddy. A city can’t grow to Too large or too small for us a city without it. Sippose Per - ------- j———————— land got her light and poser from steamplant burning wood, Corner of Msple St snd Rose Ave. Vsrnoaia, • Oregon lhere wouldent be any Portland Hydro-electric la the cheapest When You Want It. Order from T p issible, the beet in every way and assumes in factories, in* Beaver Co. dustriea, work and prosperty, MUI 2 Mika South of Vernonia it will cost the city absolutely Rough and Dressed. nothing, no taxes, it is privately Quick Delivery. owned, and we dont need tohj$ have our hou^e w red if we dont <3J BEAVER LBR. CO. wish to. Vote ”, yea,” on these • For a Good, Square Meal Wed al in new and second-hand musical instruments A Vote for Why Go To Portland? WM. PRINGLE THE FOREST GROVE GENERAL HOSPITAL No. 33, for Graduate Nurses In Attendance. Surgical and Obstetrical Cases a Specialty County Commissioner. Forest Grove, Oregon *