Columbia County Ucrnmtia I Entered u second-class matter August 4, 1922, at the post otfl:e at Vernonli, Oregon, nnder th j Act of March 3, 1879 VERNONIA, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1922 Volume 1, Number 11 Paul Robinson, Editor and Owner MOUTHPIECE of the NEHALEM VALLEY Advertising Medium of ■ mg Pay Roll Community T VERNONIA, LUMBER AND country press that there were but! three papers represented outside of TIMBER CENTER, NOT Albany, at the famous "non-partisan”: FOR THE PIERCE IDEA banquet- Mr. Fixit may be able to For Walter Piercy to pose before ' put it over on the hicks and the or­ farmer audiences us a sincere cham­ phans in New York, but he didn’t pion of tax reduction presents so make much of an impression on the c niiic a spi ctaclc that his hearers Our bread and butter and plenty of Oregon country press. would boot him from the fair grounds work, and a city of 10,000 people, de­ wire they familiar with his tax rec-, pends uii our immense timber growths old .s State SeuatorY : and on the lumber industry. No TIME TO FIND OURSELVES— Mr. Pierce voted for all the mens-! J wonder, then, that the Nehalem Vai- urcs that contributed most to in-i < ley, all that big territory from Timber REPUBLICANS ARE REPUBLICANS creasing state taxes and introduced j j to Vernonia, from Keasy to Pitts­ more of those same measures than burg, from Astoria clear through the Republicans have remarked, off­ any other member of the legislature. TWO—Vernonia Eagle ... 18617 He also introduced many bills vale of the Nehalem, will oppose hand, many times, concerning “Co­ which failed to pass, but if they had Pierce for Governor, and oppose lumbia is a strong Republican coun­ been enacted, taxes would be far Pierce mainly on his statements to ty." Why not maintain our good old higher than they are today. the effect that he would try to enact reputation? Why listen or entertain Many salary increases given by the a severance tax of $1.00 the thousand any talk of opposition,or take as a legislature to state and county offi­ on all lumber cut within the state. joke the New York slush fund or cers were voted for by Mr. Pierce, It would mean that big mills would pork barrel tactics of the Ashland although he was absent when many move and standing timber remain man, which is proving a distressing boomerang to the Pierce campaign ? such measures yame to a vote and standing. Why talk Pierce at all? Pierce has thus avoided going on record in nu­ proven by his legislative record to merous specific instances, have voted favorably for many of the He voted for nearly every approp­ ONE OF THE PIERCE BACKERS* P’cure of the first passenger train to enter Vernonia, Sept, 9, 1922. Showing part of riation bill passed during all the time PORK BARREL METHODS tax propositions; he voted for the salary increases and advocated freak­ Bridge etreet. that he was in the legislature, thus ish legislation whenever opportunity by his vote helping sanction prac­ I permitted. He is now dodging the tically every necessary and unneces­ One Gentleman Winburn, of Ash­ Compulsary School law, which he was sary expenditure. WM. PRINGLE THE CAMPAIGN PROMISE • 1927 land, has donated $5000 to the Pierce In spite of his contributions to­ campaign fund. Winburn is a "Tam­ recently anxious to endorse to get the wards increasing taxes he constantly many Hall’’ Democrat recently from K. K. K. vote—probably realizing now W, e want to suggest right now that orated about the hardship of the New York. A millionaire and shrewd that the school measure is not a po­ if all I the auto plates must be changed, The ripening time of tjie campaign Nehalem Valley is a very important overburdened taxpayer. His speeches schemer now seeking control of Ore­ litical measure in any sense of the the new i wording be "Oregon 1927” promise is again at hand, and the part of Columbia County. It is the were so frequent and eloquently tear­ gon politics. He was known in New word, and one that the Governor has and not "Portland 1927.” newspaper publisher will again be in­ center; Vernonia is the hub. The ful that in spite of his record he grad­ York among a certain class as "Mr. nothing to do with, as the voters flicted with the same old burden of valley or city hasn’t asked for much ually won the reputation of being the Fixit,” and he always fixed it for Mr. either accept or reject it. Pierce is listening to the great things the can­ politically; we haven’t tried to trade Central Coal & Coke Co., which has taxpayers' friend. Had the devil one- Winburn. He is the same man that posing as a friend to the farmer, didates have in store to swap for or advise, but feel as other sections over the Eccles timber interest^ taken that ’ s his hobby. It has served its half his skill in pathetic oratory he made “Painless Parker" and he, with feel, that this big territory is cer­ newspaper support. could convince the Christian world bis money, fixed vicious legislation day, and all this pre-election talk in Columbia County, recently passed tainly entitled to a say in county af­ Perhaps there is nothing so easily that lie was*the champion of religion. bills aimed at the dentistry profes­ about the “common people,” the its regular quarterly dividend of $1.50 accumulated and so little realized fairs. We don’t believe in "Taxation due on common stock. The preferred Unintentionally, but because of his sion. He recently gave a dinner at "down-trodden farmer,” etc., has been upon as the promises made to the Without Representation.” We have wild and freakish ideas, he has proven Ashland to launch a Pierce campaign the ace card for professional poli- stock dividend of 1%% was declared. average newspaper publisher during a a candidate for cointy commissioner. Officials of the company, commenting ticians ever since we were infants. to be one of the principal causes of with a pork barrel, but editors were Wm. Pringle, who lias lived here for His attack on the lumber men is an­ on the common dividends, say that political campaign. Reciprocity, increasing the tax burden upon scarce. rightly practiced, is a good thing, but 44 years, and he is certainly worthy during the past year these dividends other jolt that will gain him no votes farmers and other owners of prop- This financial angel of the non­ in this community. Pierce is losing were paid out of surplus, but that when a publisher has furnished his and qualified. erty.—Oregon Voter. partisan candidate for Governor is votes daily, and the more he says the this year the company decided to end of the bargain, then witnesses his • said also to be the moving force be­ weaker his race. Pierce will never be build up its cash reserves. The coal more demandful competitors walk hind the eleventh hour candidate for Governor. strike, then the shortage of cars re­ away with all the good fat offerings, WORLD’S FAIR U27 State Treasurer. - Is Uncle Bim Win­ IT WOULD HELP HERE duced materially their profits from cither by favoritism or at a less than burn of N'Yawk trying to get pos­ coal. Eastern reports quote these of­ living cost rate, it is about time for session of the Board of Control of VEATCH FOR REPRESENTATIVE ficials as saying that the lumber busi­ the publisher to dust off his advertis­ "Oregon 1925” as a slogan tacked on Oregon—the board that handles much ness for Central Coal & Coke is good. ing rate card and present it to the We believe Vernonia merchants in of the state funds? This board has auto plates and fence posts, will have enthusiastic office seeker. — Gervais Several local bond houses partici­ particular and our citizens in general to be changed to “Oregon 1927.” The complete control of all state institu­ A. E. Veatch, editor at Rainier, and pated in the sale of the $4,500,000 first Star. could profit by following the example tions, hiring and firing and buying big fair has been postponed two of the town of Yuma, Colo. Recently supplies. There are the eleemosynary a good Columbia County booster, is | mortgage 6% sinking fund gold bonds years, giving more time to adver­ the Republican candidate for the of the Central Coal & Coke Com­ the business men there passed the tise, build and finance it. It the institutions—the soldiers' home, the lower house of the legislature. Mr. pany. They are secured by a first hat and quickly secured enough asylums, etc. The building up of the Nehalem opinion of the committee that the Veatch will receive the majority of mortgage on all the coal and timber Valley is making good towns. Ver­ money to pay for printing seperal 1927 date assures a bigger fair, and Does Mr. Winburn aspire to be the Nehalem Vallej^-otes, as he is a friend properties owned or to be acquired, nonia as the hub and always the dis­ thousand copies of a little "booster” majority stockholder in Pierce, Win­ of this part of the county. He favors and by a pledge of 80% of the stock tributing point, will have good neigh­ plans are now being made for an sheet, which was sent out by citizens burn & Co., should the latter be the highway through Vernonia and ; of the Oregon American Lumber Com­ bors in thriving towns at Sitts and Oregon advertising campaign that we in their letters, wrapped in packages elected? Will he treat Pierce as he he is a loyal Republican. Republicans pany. The company operates exten­ Pittsburg. Sitts is becoming a big hope will put us on par with Cali­ of goods sold to rural residents, and did the poor little Einstein orphans— fornia and Washington. Oregon needs broadcasted in many other ways, none by “freezing him out?" Mr. Winburn have no excuse for scratching their sively in Missouri, Arkansas, Okla­ camp and railroad town and Pitts­ and deserves it. ticket, and we don ’ t think many of homa, Wyoming, Louisiana, Texas burg will be a good mill town of no of which cost any money. The booster is also busying himself in the elec­ and Oregon, controlling in these little importance—both supplied with sheet went on to say that Yuma be- tions in Ashland and the community them will. states 260,000,000 tons of unmined and the best and cheapest and most reli­ iieves in educating its children; be- is wondering what it is all about. Neves in trading at home, and always Does “Mr. Fixit” aspire to make a NEW SAW MILL FOR NEHALEM recoverable coal, 670,725,000 feet of able power and light from the hydro­ southern yellow pine and hardwood, electric plant of the Vernonia Power The water bonds will not have a has a welcome hand for the stranger Tammany out of Oregon and sing the also 2,500,000,000 feet of Oregon fir. Co. word or vote in opposition. It is of who cares to make the town his home. old song, “Great is Tammany and Statements made by Charles S. Keith, the most vital importance and light The fact that Yuma residences are Fixit is its Prophet?” Percy Harrison, custodian of the president, affirm that the company and power ranks equally, as an pretty and comfortable, her streets At any rate, Mr. Fixit didn't suc­ emergency move for safety, health improved and always in good condi­ ceed in fixing the Oregon country court house, informs the Mist that lias made average net earnings from COUNCIL SHOULD ACT land convenience. Both are necessary tion, and that taxes are as low as in press. For years Mr. Pierce has wailed in the near future there will be an­ operations during the past twenty to build a city, and save a city, and any other community in the country, that the Oregon press wouldn't give other saw mill in the Nehalem. Beers years equal to six times the interest affairs are such here that if we fail all served to interest those intowhose him a hearing. Of course not. The and Bennett, of Vancouver, Washing­ requirements 4bn the issue of mort­ and The public, the home owners to land one we may fail to land the hands the little circular fell. It has Oregon press is patriotic and has re-; ton, will build a mill n the Nehalem gage bonds. Passing of common stock dividends renters, are asking us so many times other. But the majority are so pro- Ireen a big ad and one that has cre­ peatedly denounced the non-partisan i river about two miles south of Ver­ a day to mention the cow nuisance ated a favorable impression. And a league and all its works. But along nonia, Mr. Harrison said. The mill reflects primarily the difficulties that thje Eagle is compelled to refer '•gressive that there is no chance to few cents from several citizens was comes the little Tammany "fixer” I will have a daily capacity of 25,000 through which Eastern coal operat­ to it. The citizens who prefer dry lose. sufficient to defray the cost of sev­ with his millions of dollars. It would feet and employ 20 to 25 men. It ing companies have passed during the footing and peaceful nights are going eral thousand copies of it. It has be interesting to know just what the will b< located a short distance from past nine months. The determina­ to demand of the council that ordi­ helped Yuma—why wouldn't the same wily Walter told him on that visit to the line of the Portland, Astoria & tion to build up cash resources at the nances be passed to regulate lost Pacific railroad. A portion of the expense of common stockholders be­ thing help here? his Ashland mansion. But, in the timber and the mill site has been se­ speaks the conservative management cows, also a curfew ordinance and The American Legion at Rainier is light of the invitation sent out to the cured from Mr. Harrison.—St. Helens of the company.—Oregon Voter. one to have ordinances published. planning*for a big celebration Armis­ 80 Oregon newspapers to come to Mist. tice day. Answer quickly—When is Call at the Eagle office for a sam­ Albany and cat at the campaign Armistice day? Rainier will double in population in ple copy of the paper, and you can angel's expense, it is easy to imagine. Have you forgotten November 11th, Attorney Wood and wife, of Salim, Mr. Stockwell, the Clatskanie bank ­ a few years, as the result of the large visited Vernonia Saturday. eventually help us boost your fast­ It says wonders, too, for the level­ so soon? * er, and Mr. Ivy, the Clatskanie hotel lumber city building across the river growing community by subscribing. headed intelligence of the Oregon man, called on us last Friday. from them. I Sound Business Counsel g I To Your Health And Comfort Tour own health and comfort require a great many things. We list be- ^^^^JowajBumbMofspecialJtema at prices you cannot beat. Guaranteed I One Year Clients of this Institution (o) Tor are always welcome to advice and judgment of experienced officers regarding any personal busi­ ness matters. I Wafer Bottle or I Fountain Syringe, I of Selected Red I Rubber, this week f only The proper kind of banking A I s connection can be used to protect your judgment a9 well as your money. Even a email sav'ngs account deposited with thia bank is sufficient to establish proper bauking connec'ions. i I $1.00 Vacom Bottle and Lunch Kit Keeps hot 42: hours. Carry a warm lunch wiih you. Supremacy Lawn, a (elect grade of White Linen Paper; gold edge, at 40 cents. Soap! Soap! Jergens Soap Tablets. A large, round cake of good hand soap; 3 for 21 cents. One at 32.75.1 Anoter at 32.95 Builders of V Saw Mill Contractors Equipment Elevating and Screening Machinery East 8th and Taylor Sts TO FIT YOUR PURSK r- VERNONIA DRUG VERNONIA, OREGON Better Servie Machinery, Trans mission Machinery We carry only the best in Standard watches, at prices to Tampa Cuba Cigar lately? A cigar that better aanktra insist upon. Sold here exclvaively. Soap! Wash Rag Castile-wash rag and cake of Castile Soap— Both fon 10 cents I Iron Works! Box Stationery Have You Tried a Safety, I Hesse Ersted Phone East 7900