I Colombia County Ucrnonia & VERNONIA, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1922 Volume 1, Number 9 0 Paul Robinson, Editor and Owner MOUTHPIECE o* '»e NEHALEM VALLEY TRUTH REGAR0IH6 POHILAND ASTORIA HIGHWAY VIA. VERHONIA Sherman M. MUes of St. Helens, High­ way Rooster, Writes to the Vernonia Eagle September 26, 1922. Mr. Paul Roblnavn, Editor Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon. Dear Sir: I read with interest the letter from Judge T. S. Cornelius, t. Clatsop Couui/, leiaiivo to tue piupoauu alate lugiiwuy lurougu tnu i.cuaieiii country. It was my pieas- uru io listen tv the juugc a »peeon Vuen 1 u.ieuacd me gieai ceteura- livu aud 1 heartily agreed wltti liltu luou, aud 1 uo uow. such a highway as lie suggests would do rnucn towards tue iuruier development or the Nehalem couu- i>y, which, in my opinion is now on lu, eve ol the greatest development ci auy section in Oregon. I believe, and 1 tiuna you will agree wttu me, that such highway is au absolute necessity, and lor these tew of tue many reasoua which ou­ ter to me. In the Drat place the paved Inguway from Portland to As­ toria auu lhe sea is taking care ot almost aa much trattlo as it can stand. Any motorist who traveled lee highway during the summer sea­ son will agree In tuta. We cannot expect the traffic tv decrease, but ou the other baud It wul increase. At appears to me, therefore, that a p*ved highway through lhe Nehal­ em will islieve the cougastlon. Another reason that occurs to mo Is that the building of such highway would aid in tho development ot the fertile country which Is would tra­ verse because by furnishing the farmer a good road he would be en­ abled to get his produce to market at the smallest possible oust, where- aa In years past, much produce grown In the Nehalem has not been market­ ed because It was not possible to get it to market. A highway will put au end to this waste. Another reason which might be mentioned is that ot a scenic high­ way. Thousands of tourists travel our highways, many ot them looking tor locations or getting a general view of the country with the idea of a permanent location. Many of the tourists or homeseekers who now go from Portland to Astoria and re­ turn via the same route, would take the inland route, either coming er going, If it was made a good all the year around road. I am not sure whether the desig­ nation of such highway as a state highway is a matter for the legisla­ tive body. I am of the opinion with­ out having gone thoroughly Into the matter that the State Highway Com­ mission Is the body which should make such designation, and if 1 am correct In thia supposition It seems to me that It would be proper for delegations from Clatsop. Columbia and Washington counties to wait on the commiaalon and see if we cannot yet state aid on this Important por­ tion of our highway system. I want to congratulate The Eagle and its editor on the constructive work being accomplished for the de­ velopment of the Nehalem section and The Eagle, if it keeps up the yo>d work it has started, and it un­ doubtedly will, should be considered as one of the many asseta of the Ne­ halem country. Wishing you every success and with th« Invitation to call on me for anv public service I am capable ot doing. I am, A Yours very truly, ~ SHERMAN M MILES. Advertising Medium or a Big Pay Roll Community Our Big Mill ■' ■■ I — The *big mill” to go in at Twenty-six buildings now I Tin Mills Garage is being Vernonia means much for under construction and just I enlarged and a fine big ad­ our city and county. Work finished in Vernonia a d as dition being built on the east on the site s prog.essing many more being figured wn. lot to be used for the better rapidly. We would like to In addition to these, 100 new display of cars, as well as see the Central Coal 3 e s e I 1 ! t Carpentery Tools Masonry Tools Drug Store for Well People Nails, Screws Locks, Hinges -3 Hooks Next to the little church and the local and all Other Bank, the little Drug Store on the Main Builders* Hardware Street Is an Outstanding Mark of a COMMUNITY’S CREDIT X Tampa, Cuba Cigars for your Vacation; made for the discriminator—lhe Choices—they are Different. 5 cents and up If you buy It Nervous, Rundown People from us, it’a Need A. D. S. Ironnox, Peptonized. Makes more red blood, More red blood absorbs more oxygen. Worth the More oxygen means better health » Headqarters for School Supplies VERNONIA DRUG CO. price •T^O ca ry everything in the * line of hardware for the builder's needs—that's one of our ideas of service. Whatever you may wish to build—house, barn, shed, chicken coop, shelving or feucing—We can supply the nec­ essary tools and hardware for the Complete job. Quality Counts We sell the weilknown brands, ths best quality obtain Able for the prices you can pay. I I VERNONIA HARDWARE STORE LOUIS SIEGERT, Prop.