Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, August 25, 1922, Image 4

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    Alfalfa at Vernonia
Alfalfa is
grown adjacent to VernoDia.
The first load of loose alfalfa
from the second crop was de­
livered to Mr. McGraw from They Swing Along Highways and
Through Woods in Groups
Mr. Sword’s ranch last week.
of Varying Size.
His third crop for this year
is now over six inches tall.
4 .
New York.—One must walk nowa­
A Reader Says:
Hark, ths Vernonia Eagle
September 9 hold a rally;
At the junction of theatreams
In the famed Neha em
v illey.
The man who is waiting to
subscribe for the Eagle is in
the class with the fellow who
is waiting for the Govern­
ment to enlarge the postage
stamp and reduce tbe i ric
No, neighbor, you can not
boiiow my paper, s I mail
it as soon as 1 read it to pro-
ppectivs rettlers; a*:d we are
getting results.
Several families are expec­
ted to move here from Klam
ath Falls in the n?ar future.
Marion Mitchell of Port­
land, is visiting O. S. Poynter
on Rock Creek.
About all some of our local
realty owners boost is the
price of lot?. Boosting and
knocking, it is all the same.
—A subscriber.
Notice is hereby given tha-
sealed bids will be received
at the office of the Clerk ot
School District No. 14, Col­
umbia County, Oregon, up
till eight o’clock p. m. Sep­
tember 1st, 1922, for digging
a we!) on he school grounds.
The Board reserves the right
to reject any or all bide. By
Older of the Board of Direct-
Bessie Weed,
It '
Let the Banka Herald ig­
nore Vernonia or roast it,
but in his news items last
week we read; “H. Bank:
left for Verr.enia Tuesday.”
“Geo. McGraw made a
buisnera trip to Vsnouia
cue day last week.”
“Mr. W. O. Galaway left
late Friday evening for a
l u nine a trip to Vernonia.’’
“Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Wai-
kt r leit Wed. morning to
visit their daughter and son
in-.'a ■/ of Vernonia” And
we are glad to note tha the
Hearld man has gained
knowledge from the Eagle to
the tbe ixtent that he ac­
tually carried a first page ar­
ticle last week telling the
outsiders of some Banks
i eeda— Good, there is still
Vernonia Celebration Saturday
Sept. 9th. Prepare accordingly.
New 5-rootn house, large lot,
east side, close in; only $950 00.
— G. B. Richmond.
days to be tn the swim
gleaned from the out door departments
of the newspapers, from the Boy Scout
and Campfire Girls* organisations,
from the Y. M. C. A. branches and
kindred bodies, from scores of amateur
athletic clubs and from the leading
deulers In sporting goods. Indicate that
The New Railroad into Vernonia
and the Eastern Lumber Company’s Entering Oregon.
Dow Doll TniAfn
■ «J ■■Oil I UWII
Best Walkers Make Best Citizens,**
Say, Mayor of New York.
today there »re no less than 8.000
hiking clubs In Greater New York.
with a total membership of more than
a quarter of a million men and wom­
en, who are keeping themselves In the
pink of condition and experiencing the
real joy of living by getting regularly
out Into the open country with no oth­
er means of locomotion than their God-
given lege.
The city of New York has taken offi­
cial notice of the movement. On three
occasions recently Mayor Dylan has
congratulated the boys and girls of the
public schools upon their enthusiasm
In taking up the new sport of hiking
In his dedication of the great new pub­
lic playground In the Bronx the other
day Mayor Hylan extolled the athletic
tendencies of the boys and girls and
Impressed upon them that there was
no better or more profitable way In
which they could pass their vacations
and utilize their holidays than by the
excursions into field and forest of their
walking clubs.
He gave the same
message to the Amateur Athletic (Ta­
lon of Brooklyn a few days later, and
when a club of East Side boys and girls
visited him at city hall preparatory to
a hike to the tomb of Roosevelt at
Oyster Bay he assured them that the
i best walkers among them w-ould make
the best citizens.
Walk and Be Well
No less enthusiastic a champion of
the walking game Is Dr. Royal S.
Copeland, city health commissioner.
"The benefit to health and the safe­
guard to morals to be found In long
walks.** said Dr. Copeland in an In­
terview. “are too apparent to speak
of them. If one takes long walks alone
It Is well, for he walks the road of
health, but If he takes long walks In
company It Is better for he adds the
tonic of companionship to his exercise.
Walking is the one form of exercise In
which there Is the minimum risk of
overdoing It.
In short. I consider
walking the most beneficial of all exer­
cises and It Is never out of season."
“Never In my life-time," said Ed­
ward R. Wilbur, manager of a nation­
ally known sporting goods store, “have
I known stKh a demand as now for out­
door garments and shoes and stock 1
Ings and appliances for the tourist's
luncheon box. The rapid spread and
tremendous popularity of the walking­
club Idea has no parallel In our ex-
“The hiker ran make his requisite
just what he feels like spending. Real ,
l.v, there arp only two or three articles i
Indispensable to hiking—thick walking
shoes that allow lots of room, thick
woolen socks and clothing that will
give freedom of limb. He should have
a canvas or leather musette bag, SUCll
as the soldiers used In France.
Vei nonia is in Columbia County
Columbia County Invites You.
10,000 People Invited to Help Us Celebrate
at this, the Most Romantic and Picturesque Spot in all Oregon, on
h i
A Splendid Auto Road from Every Direction.
Come bv Automobile or bv Rail, but Come!
Vernonia is Entering a New Era and the Fastest Growing Town in the State.
Room and an Ooportunity Here for Everj’ Enterprise and Industry.
New High School, New Bank, New Railroad, New Buildings, New Mills
Join Us on Saturday, September 9
Portland Band will Furnish Music. Addresses by Railroad Officials,
State Club Members, Local City and County Officials, Governor
Olcott, Mayor Baker of Portland, and Others.
The Cow In the Knapsack
“To get the real benefit and joy out
of hiking luncheon ahould be carried
and prepared and eaten In the open
Bread and cheese, a few slices» of
bacon, some coffee, a can of condensed
milk, and a cake of chocolate fur­
nish high-powered fuel for the hiker
and are readily and happily assimi­
lated even by those who In their pre­
hiking days were afflicted with di­
gestive apparatus so feeble as to balk
at crackers and milk. Fortunately for
the hiker, he can replenish his simple j
larder at any cross-roads store and
provide himself with the most nutri­
tious and appetizing food In a form
that can be conveniently carried.
“No single development In the prob
lem of food transportation for the
hunter, fisherman, hiker and all lover«
of the out-of-doors can compare with
the gift bestowed by the man who
first found the way to make con
denied milk, thereby putting a dairy
in every man s knapsack Before long
there will he a national association of
hikers, and Gall Borden will be Its pa
t»,»n saint. Such an association could do
much to encourage the apread of the
most beneficial and universal of all
outdoor pastimes, map out Interesting
routes, secure the establishment of
shelters, rest-atatlons, and camp sites
at suitable locations, and Inaure the
rights of pedestrians on country
Excursion Trains Leave Portland at 8:00 A. M.
Grand Street Carnival
Fast Baseball Game, Smoker; Three Swift Bouts by Oregon’s Best.
Walk Over Town
See Our Many New Buildings; Pick Out Your Location and
Saturday, Sept. 9,1922