Supplement To • THE VERNONIA EAGLE VoL 1 Communication Vernonia, Oregon, Friday, August 11, 1922 More Local News Over a dozen new homes are Th* Celumbi:« County Pomona Grange wai entertained by the Beaver Valley under construction. Grange, Saturday, Aug. 5. After the morning bueineaa seaaion all enjoyed a Dr. Cole was in Portland Mon­ delightful dinner served by the ladies day on a business trip. of the Beaver Valley Grange. An op­ en session was held in the afternoon. State Master C. E. Spence gave a very Get water now or die off and interesting talk on the ineom tax. The burn up. good points of the bill were brought out showing why the measure that was Wm. Tipton and Chas. Justice framed under the auspices ot the Grange should take precedenee over made a flying trip to Rainier the the other, which was framed by some first of the week. Portland men. Sherman Miles, our State Representative, gave a talk Mrs. E. R. Treharen spent along the a-me line as State Master Sunday with her parents Mr. Spence. Mr. Miles was strongly in Tatrow and wife. favor of thia bill, and it seemed every one present was. The county agricul­ tural agent, Mr. Holibaugh, gave a The movie show and the dance talk on the works and projects that he Saturday night crowded Bridge intends to carry out this fall and win­ ter. After these speeches the Grange street. entered into the business session, dur­ ing which time a number of very good The new two story meat mar­ bills were introduced and passed by the ket and ice plant is nearly ready Pomona. The subject of inviting the for occupancy. State Grange to Columbia County in 1924 was brought up. Mainler, Clats­ Vernonia is to have a new kanie and St. Helens all felt large enough to undertake this. Vernonia's $5,000 depot, work to start im­ representative, A. L. Parker, made mediately. bold to say that in two years Vernonia would be able to entertain the State Prof. W. Kelty, Principal of Grange as well as any of the other towns. A committee was appointed the New Vernonia High School, to decide this big problem and it is was here Saturday and Sunday. hoper Vernonia will have the honor. Another recess was called and all en- A Cory spent the first of the dulged in a delicious supper. After week in Portland ordering a which Mr. McAllister put on »1 splendid stock of new goods for his moving picture stock show, showing the club work of boys and girls, also Economy store. some of the diseases of cattle such as tuberculosis. Mr. McAllister travels The new Brown building— a over Oregon, Washington and Idaho two story buisness block is putting on these stock shows at far­ mers meetings, and much good is ac­ recieving the finishing touches complished. The lecture hour followed this week. and an excellent program was rendered including selections by the Kern Hill Mr. Sessman has finished his brass band, r< citations, quartets, etc. Then came the 5th degree work; a new building on Main street. A large class was initiated in th s degree. buisness ; building in a goo-4 Another mid-night supper feast and all , location. departed for their homes feeling very glad they were Grangers. The repre­ 0. E. Spenser, of Portland, sentatives of the Vernonia Grange were Albert Parker, Alvin Parker and ' with Mr, Palmer, were in Ver­ Benita Parker. Natel Grange was | nonia last Saturday. Mr. Spencer also represented by Mr. Warren Smith visiting with his parents while and family, Frank Peterson and Wm. here. Rose. RUPTURED I W. M. Tipton tells us they contemplate moving east of the We Cary a Complete Line mountains in a couple weeks, of Trusses including the and of course the Eagle will be Brooks Appltances,Dr. Smiths a weekly visitor to them where­ UBONUT JOHN." ver they may go. Two Portland gentlemen pur­ chased a lot of Mr Sessman this truss rrrriNG is a scixn we»k and have began the build­ TfFfC BUSINESS with Me )l also feature Seamless Stock­ ing of a ne * billiard parlor and ings for Varicose Veins confectionery two lots south of Abdominal Belts, Ankle Braces, Shoul­ the bank. der Braces and Arch Supporters. D. XV. ELROD HIS Selling Bldg., Portland, Oregon- Sixth and Alder Streets. No. 2 Mr. McGown made a flying H. B. Brigg* of Portland business trip to Hillsboro this plumber and gas fitter will lo­ week. cate in Vernonia, having made arrangements to ship tools and Sidney Dean with the Mayo materials this week. engineers visited with W. F. Kelly and wife recently. It’s your paper. Lit ev­ eryone act as reporter or a John McChesney senior mem­ ber of McChesney contractors while , Tell us of some p r- has gone to Toledo forja few days sonal news item Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kessler and Mrs. Hall, of Banks, were in Vernonia last Saturday. I Dr. Will J. Thompson, Borland optometrist and op­ tician, who visited Vernonia last month, will make ?n- Mrs. Poteet and friend Mr. olher visit here Tuesday and Warden of Portland spent Sun­ Wednesday, Aug. 15 and 16. day with her sister Mrs. Olive He 1 equests those in need of Powell. optical attention to call and Mrs Ivan King son Nathan have their eyes examin dand of Sauvies Island, Clyde John­ glasses fitted. Also all hav­ son and Olga Holmstrom of Mist ing work done last visit to were here Wednesday. visit to come in and have Mr. Otto Broae and wife of Hillsboro and her brother Mr. Binga of Seattle visited with their friends Mrs. Olive Powell and Mr. McGown of the Colum­ bia Hotei. Don’t for glasses adjusted. get the date and get in early —Tuesday Aug. 15 and and Wednesday, 16; Nehalem Hotel. Just a Word Why Churches Should Advertise :: ♦ The writer was in Syracuse, N. Y.,one Sunday last August. He was detained because of an accident to his car. He wanted to go to church that night, hut he didn’t know where to go. He picked up the Syracuse Sunday paper and looked through it from the front page to the back, but there wasn’t a word about the church or the church services. As far as the papers were concerned that city might have been churchiess. But it wasn’t so with the movies and other houses of entertainment. Oh, no! Their invitations were spread in large advertisements all over the page. There were a dozen or so invitations to go out on Sunday night for amusement, but not one tq go to the House of God. Possibly the church notices appeared in the Saturday issue. They generally do, but this was Sunday and the Sunday paper was the one available. The amusement places do not overlook the Sunday papers. There may have been many more in the city with the same thoughts and desire as the writer. He happened to remember that sometimes the churches have bulletins in the hotei corridors, so he took the trouble to go downstairs. Being a Methodist, he looked for the Methodist churches. There were two on the board, so he picked out one and took a chance. We suppose that some will say that a man or woman who wants to go to church will find a way. That’s true, but why permit the theatres to have the monopoly? Isn’t the church a business ? If it isn’t, it’s time it was. Think it over. Ï ? « « • ’ Q :: • • ::