PfìDTI AND rUKILAnU OFFtRS A MARKET FOR YOUR PRODUCE Portland, Oregon VAUDEVILLE PHOTO-PLAYS Complete Change Sun. and Thura. Matinee Dally. Twice Nightly Saturday, Sunday, Holiday», Continuous TX TT C! A will make 81lue, Granaries, Basements, etc., Water­ in VJ ¡3 Aa> proof, Kotproof, Itatproof and Fireproof. . ____ _ _ _ _ < _ j Medusa Waterproofed White Portland Cement la c l z D rOOl ea. Ihe beat for Stucco Plaster on outside for llonga- —_ — __ __ lows—Does not stain and dirt can be hosed off. frt' |\/| M* T* Write for Literature. Bold by *■» Aw »A. MoMILLAN A CO., 120 Union Av«. N, Portland ' E L 6 KILL NUISANCES WITH WAR GASES Deadly Fumes Being Tried to De stroy Noxious Birds, Ani­ mals and Insects. SOME PROMISE TO BE USEFUL f— 'rt&. HEMSTITCHING AND PLEATING, Buttonholing — Button« — Platting — Tucking and Chalnatltchlng All Mall Orders given careful and prompt attention _________ ELITE SHOP, 12»j Tenth near Washington._______ AB'S RESTAURA NT teüäsrz tjzrz st A * 'ORTLAND HIDE & WOOL CO. 104 UHI0H ivtNIH SORTH, MRTUSO, MISS«. 'rite fur Price« end Shipping Tes» HIDES Op|l Nu4* 12DLM lL.Nrtte4.0ra Very Centrally treated Convenient to all Depota, and on« block troni main Fostoffi.» PATENT ATTORNEY W« can show you how to turn your paten tabla ideaa into cash. Oregon Licensed Mac haul cal En«inear. THOMAS MILYEU. 2U2 btevana Building. Portland. Ora. INFORMATION DEPARTMENT. PLEATING SPECIAL Cat «earn, hem and machine pleat skirts ready for band. 81.16. Old skirts machine re pleated. 81.00. Hemstitching. Etc. EASTERN NOVELTY MFC. CO. WH Fifth St Portland. Ore RADIO Send for full Information. CLEANING AND DYEING For reliable Cleaning and Dyeing service send parcel« to Fire Proof «n